^age 2 ,7 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. % TKurstfay. July 27.4972^ EstoblUhed 1889 The Kings Momitain Herald 206 South Piodmont A««. Kings Mountain, N. C. 28088 A Wi»<»kly newsps.per devoted to the promotion of the general welfare and published for thn enlightenment, entertainmnt and benefit of the citizens of Kings Mountain and its vicihlty, published every Thursday by tlie Herald Publishing House. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Kings Mountain, N. C., 28086 under Act of Congress of March 3, 1873. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Martin Harmon Editor-Publisher Miss Elizabeth Stewart Circulation Manager and 5ap<‘r should be considered discourteous fo-r not wciccniing another newspaper to town. Much of the busine.ss of trial awyers ia that of helping one motorist pin the blame on another motorist. And law^’ers perform this .service for fees that often are a fourth of wliat they can persuade juries to award. The .shining afjfventure of liLh Julys Apollo 15 moon flight has come under a cloud. The public's pride in a technically flawless triumph is dimmed by news that the liliree astronauts gave in to the temptation of personal gain. By sneaking aboard 400 stamired and canceled envelopes, ol which 100 were sold for $150,000, the three men took away something from themselve.s and from their fellows. KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VISITING HOURS DoUy 10:30 to 11:30 AM. 3 to 4 PM. and 7 to 8 PM. Mrs. Leonard A. Smith, 99 Mjh ers St., City ' •Mrs. Azariah Jamer.ion, Rt. .3, City ADMITTED SUNDAY m-m Ray came to America with Fi ber Indnstr'es. top r,f p-ir. trel at Earl and eUsewhere^ aitd a jijniuy-ti'yvnf i pt.-ial Chemical Industries, Ltd., of Great Britain, and Celane.se Craporation. oi the United States. Even .so, the academy's argu ment recently before a commis sion studying no-fault auto in surance is an overdrawn as its motives are obvious. Tiie a'cadt- my’s stand is a painted reminder that two lawyer!: ean make a liv ing in a town where one cannot. To their credit, the three astro nauts belatedly recognized tlie impropriey of the deal and refus ed to accept the promised re turns. NASA officials rightly rec ognized this mitigating factor in administering their reprimand. TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE Rut now. O Lord, thou art our fiathpr; ire are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all arc work of thy hand. Isaiah Ui.S. The Garbage Workers Don't Be Coy. Girls Times may change but do people? Last week’s Herald detailed the plight of the Jaycees, only in the beau ty pageant business since 1946, who, in A. D. 1972, just 26 years later, find the same basic problem the initiators face. Kings Mountain’s pretty girls, who think nothing of parading on a beach in the most nebulous bikinis, are shock ed at the prospect of parading across a stage in a swim suit — even the much more modest one-piece models the Jay- cee beauty rules dictate. Back in 1947, the beauty pageant chairman of the time almost literally wore bare several trouser knees, as he knelt to beg the pretty girls to enter Nine did. finally. The chairman of that dav confides he intones a silent prayer of appreciation to the. particular girl or girls on every occasion he meets them todav. No doubt about it, the beauty pag eant is here to stay, and fame and for tune await those luckv lasses the judges tap Hearty congratulations to the Kings Mountain American Legion Auxiliary, honored for its good record in district, division, and state. Tuesday is the final day to purchase 3972-73 privil^e licenses at par. The penalty effective August 2 is five per cent per month. A New Mansion? mm Bill Brc'.vn, at Bclk’-s was talk ing the other ;lay about the in creasing wa.ge .spiral in Europe, He said some European natia,ns are now on par with u.s and that oven rile Orient wage scale is in- ercasing. Bill thinks that within five years virtually ail of Europe will be even with the USA and thinks it possible the Orient wilt the be too within ten. The non-par wage sv.'ales have given loreign n-.itions the upper hand cost-wise —. in tile manufacture of some goods, nOiably textile prj.iucts, steel and shoes. ■ mm While the lawyers reaognize puolic claimcr for no-fault Insar- anct in proposing .uich a plan for claims up to $1,500, their ba.sie position is one of opposition. This is understandaljle. Lass ol a case involving $1,500 hardly would be t-aking bread out of the mouths of barristers, or, more pravtic.ally .'jpeaking, taking yachts outof their marinas. They are after bigger game. The affair .should be a remind er that the hucksters are ever with us, all too willing to set up billboards on he very stars, giv en tialf a chance. It i^ NASA’s re- .sponsioiUty to make doubly sure tirat such exploitation of space flights and a.stronauts is totally disallowed. Chiistian Science Monitoi Mrs. Jena G. Biddix Mr. James Clyde Brown Mrs. John E. Childers Mrs. Jack Edward Davis Mrs. Jesse A. Dean Mrs. Vernon E. Fralick Mj'S. Mamie H. Gibbons Mrs. Samuel J. QingUs Mrs. Essie P. Goforth Mrs. Albert V. Hagans Mrs. Marlon E. Houston Miss Nannie Mae Jimimerson Mrs! Annie H. Kale Mrs. MyrrleAI,. Mack Mrs. Ora D. Mauney Mrs. Ctornelia May Mary D. Moncrief George Moore, Jr. Mrs. Minnie Ix'e McClain Mrs. Grace T. Philbeck Mrs. Missouri Price Mrs. Qora L. Rhyne Mrs. Bernice R. Ras(!boro Mrs. Mattie C. Stowe !V|js. Lehman D. Stroup Mrs. J. H. Tli'omson ArOiurT). White Miss Ruby P. White Mary Lee Williams Mrs. Jack R. Millwood Judy Dianne Bingham Bryant De:in Creighton, 51i? Phenix St., City Mrs. D. C. Gregg, 5()S Mills .SI., City Ivey B. Payne, 200 Thornburg D. ., City Mrs. 'lorry Midi a el Towery, 207 E. Elm St., Shelby < Mrs. Wiley A. We.st, Rt. 1, City Mrs. Pauline Almond, t. .3, Gas tonia I IBo.ssie Lee Hannali, Box 451, Bivssemer City I) ADMITTED MONDAY ADMITTED THURSDAY There are perhaps more angles than meets the eye in the walkout last Thurs day of a large segment of the city’s gar bage-trash collection employees. At any rate, the average citizen is appreciative of the job the men in this division of the sanitation department do. The w'ork is hard and its dirty. Con versely, this is not the only area in w liich city employees work hard and get dirty. The city commission took the posi tion that a five percent rai.se will be effective for all city employees, includ ing the sanitation men, effective Sep tember 1, and the commission apparent ly felt that one department should not be singled out for favored treatment over another. The commission further took the position that since the men had walked off the job and, the Mayor and Commis sioners say, without prior warning or complaint, that these men were no long er in the employ of the city. It has been lupther noted that a new “teacher” in the person of Public Works Foreman Roscoe Wooten and that it is human nature for the pupils to test a new teacher. The city commission said, in effect, proceed with services with the people you have (seven never walked out, two returned after a day) and employ re- entits to man the other jobs. 'Ihis, apparently, has been done, the Mayor reporting Monday that “the trucks are rolling” and Mr. Wooten re porting Wednesday that full complement %\as manning the trucks. There was still some catching up being done Wednesday. The pile-up of garbage and other debris is just one day, when several thousand people are involved, is voluminous. The catch-up was being done too, apparently, as one workman reported in at noon to say, “We'Ve cleaned up (Cres cent Hill.” The Sunday re.solution of the com mission; “Sanitation Department employees of the City of Kings Mountain walked off their jobs on Thursday A.M., July 20, 1972. These men were performing a sanitary service for the City of Kings Mountain; therefore, when they walked off, they in effect quit their jobs. It is up to the City officials to replace these men in order that the necessary services of garbage pick-up for the taxpaying citizens be continued. This is the posi- ■ ion of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Kings Mountain.” Lieutenant - Governor Jarvis suc ceeded to the GovernorsTiip of Nort'h Carolina at the death of Governor Z; b- ulon B. Vance, served two years of the Vance term, like Luther Hodges in a more modern day, was elected to a full term in his own right. His term of service was 1879-83. Among his accomplishments while Governor was building of a home for North Carolina governors. It was the massive structure of Vic torian architecture on Blount Street in Raleigh, a residence still occupied by the North Carolina governor and un doubtedly to be—at least until the Blount Street “gingerbread house” has rounded out a century of service. Which—critics say— is much too long service in this day of structural modernity. Somewhere along the way, central heating vv^as added, but it is too central, one thermostat being the sole eotitrol for heating 32 rooms. This is but one of many problems of age and construction dictating that North Carolina do better by future North Carolina governors and. perhaps more important, Tiis many and frequent honored guests. The General Assembly, after func tioning for many years in the cramped quarters of the Capitol (built 1833-41), finally did something for itself by ap propriating funds to build the state leg islative building. Initially drawing criticism as the Tar Heel “Teahouse of the August Moon”, a I’eference to famed Architect Edward Durell Stone’s sometimes Ori ental bent (Mr. Stone was architect for the American Embassy in New Delhi, In dia), the legislative building has contri buted to governmental efficiency, as well as to the comfort and well-being of Tar Heel legislators, and is a state landmark eliciting plaudits both at home and abroad. It sems high time 'the North Caro lina General Assembly plan to relegate the “’Old Lady of Blount Street”, as the Mansion is affectionately known, to the museum status she richly deserves. Eagleton Matter A truism is that a man who has the temerity to put his name on a ballot .should have no personal secrets and, if he doe.s, will not have them long. Senator Tom Eagleton. of Missouri, he has acknowledged, has three times lieen a patient in a hospital for nervous exhaustion and wound up under the menage of a psychiatrist. At a “truth session” press confer ence, Senator Eagleton confirmed what some Knight newspaper reporters had found out. “It’s true,” said the Senator. He offered to withdraw as a can didate for vice-president on the Demo cratic ticket, but Presidential Candidate George McGovern has said, “No, at least not now.” Senator Eagleton said he'd had no trouble since 1%6. At least one story angle was com parison of then-Senator Nixon’s cam paign slush funds revelation in 1932 when the President, was seeking the Number 2 spot) with the current travail of Senator Eagleton. which may or may not obtain. One immediately conjectures the question; Enemy hatchet politics or good reporting? Candidate McGovern was wise to defer immediate acceptance of his run ning mate’s offer to step aside. United States citizens are essential ly fair-minded. In this instance, they -want more facts. Their decision, and Candidate McGovern’s will be based thereupon. But the .spokesman for the academy wa.s misleading in his warning that adoption of no-fault in loss of punitive action against recklc.-s arivers. VOLUNTEER ARMY NeiwU E. Hardin, 2716 Mary .\ve., Gastonia Ray Holmes’ cemment.s on to- d;iy’.-: prices in England indicate tluit thi-s nation is already there, price-w’Ue. "We thcuglir we’d load up on those fine Scot sweaters,” he said, ‘ but we found the prices too hig.h—no kin to those ol sev en years ago.” Other items he mentioned which had e.seaiatcHl are .shirty and other te.xtile pro ducts. Public service transit re mains impeccable, he continued, though the five-cent ride of .sev en years ago L now sixty cents. England’s gasoline price, at $1.25 per gallon, made Kay’s fellow Lions gasp. The small cars Eng- landt-r.q ust', ho’wcvei, privide the motorist 25 to 3S miles per gal lon, whereas the pcwerlul, heavi ly - electrified, air - conditioned United States cars give 13-1-i MPG. mm Diunkon drivers art responsi ble lor their actions undtr crimi nal law, and insurance carried by tlieir victims has no bearing on their obligation to socieTy. .-vn arsonist is no less guiliy if his victim has fire in.sur.mce. Gen, William C. Westmoreland, .4rmy chief of staff, said ”w’c are cautiously optimistic that we will achieve ol an oil-volunteer Army by July 1, 1973. Mrs. Irene G. Melton, 212 Me Gilt Court, City Mrs. . T. McGinnis, 202 S. Sim.s St„ City Under the civil no-fault ap proach to auto insurance, which is compulsory in the interest of equal protection, a motorist would collect directly Item Jil-i insurance company, just as he wcuJd in any ether form cl acci dent insurance. Granted, the mo torist would loee the right To sue for such damages as "mental an guish,” but the reduction in his Insurance costs, and the elimi nation of Ills exiiensive claims champion under the pre.sent sys tem would bring peace of mind that would more than compen sate for his loss. He reported that prcgre.ss in enlistments ha-s been encourag ing and said "we are not eem- promising on quality as we work toward our zero draft.” Mrs. Frances B. Wilson, 7(19 W. King St., City Mrs, Dion H. Brown, 906 Henry St., City Hubert N. Childers,. Rt. 2. Bes- .semer City Mrs. Eva II. Jones, 206 Valley ■Ave., Clover, S. C. Mrs. Donald 11. Lovette, 20.5 Cranford I>r., City Ml’S. Eli'zabeth M. .\hea, 611 W. Mountain St, City Mrs. Hunter WeRs Rt. 2, City Mrs. John A. Ro.s.s, 12.3 -Ark St., City Raleigh George Smith, 91(; Grover Rtl., City Mrs. Eddie Jerry Ruff, 406 York Road, Ga.sl'oniah Carolyn White. 940 Overliiil D,’., Ga.stonia Willie Bowle.s, 208 Walker St., City Charles Lei' Head, Rt. 1, Ga.s- tonia Mrs. Nolln J. King, Rt. 1, Clo ver, S. C. I (ieorge Elmer Ballew, 114^ Spruce St., City Larry Junior Knox, I. 1, Bo\ 266, City Mr. Clifford Allen Lively, 823 C St., Bessemer City > ADMITTED FRIDAY iBut in a siieech before an Army Association meeting, Westmore land .said “we are still falling short of our monthly needs in the cembat arms by approxim.i.tely 25 to 30 per cent,” George R. Petty. 830 Church St., aty NEW MEMBERS I Tlirce new members were Tc.’ently inducted by the Kings Mountain Rotary club. They in clude Charies Hamilton, Don Jones and Boo Kerstead. Beaumont (Tex.) Enterprise Robert Woods, Rt. 1, City 'Mirs. Lloyd E. Davis, 411 Ben nett St., City Mrs. Flr-yd R. Latham, P. O. Box 302, Shelby ADMITTED SATURDAY Letter To The Editoi Be.ssie Lee Bumgardner. Rt. 1, York Rd., City Still considered reasonable by Ray is “board and breakfast". Ray e.xplained that the English custom of hotels, inns and priv ate h'mes accommodating tour ists is to include breakfast with the price of a night’s lodging — about $9 per person in good ho tels, a'oout $4.50 per person in what we’d call good tourist homes. Chapel HiU Weekly EAGLETON WONT HELP TICKET FOR DEMOCRATS Kings Mountain HeraTS Kings Mountain, N. C. mm Britain is crowded and there fore largely urban, some fifty- million souls inhabitng an area appaiximately that of North Caro lina. Ray calls York home while his wife -Sylvia is from the tex tile center of Leeds, abcut twen ty miles distant. It’.s about 400 miles from London tc Edinburgh, he said, ‘and we lived about hali-wav between”. By ills record, Thomas Eagle ton, the vice presidential nomi nee of the Democrats who was hand-picked by presidential nom inee George Met^vern, is a pale ‘shadow of Mr. McGovern himself. As such, if the record speaks for the spirit of the candidate, then Sen. Eagle ton adds little or no thing to the appeal ol the McGov ern ticket. Dear Sir; Subject: “Life Lsn’t A Joke! It';i Reality in Action!” James Andrew Padgett, Rt. 1. Box 380, Bes-semer City Mrs. Harry .4. Poteat. 207 W. Maine Ave., Beasemcr City Bert Van Yandle, P. O. Box 223, Bessemer City Lawrence Guy, 408 N. Davis, Dalian Mrs. Troy Buchanan. 204 Thorn burg Dr., City SAFE A5 AMi hlLA U.S SAVINGS BONDS m-m Speaking of the .small autos, one cl which Ray rented for his stay, he found the small trunk would accemmodate only one bag—.“a bit brief for a touring family c; four which likes to change into clean clothes frequently.” The prcbkm was solvixl by Ray’s swapping cars temporarily with his fuiher. m-m Mr. Eagleon is a liberal by al most any standard, and while he and Sen. McGovern diverged slightly on several key votes in Congress, the Mi-isouri senator is virtually George McGovern’s al- ter-egc a .senator. Comparison of 21 key votes in the Senate on ly three differences in votes, al though McGovern was absent for stvlral ci the votes. The differ ences, then, which count in on election are the differences in gecgiaphy (MfJovorn from Mis- simri) and in religion (VfoGovern a Methodist, Eagleton a Roman Cathclic). Having read in the ideal news media in which also was shown bj' WKTV in which the City Sani tation Department had gone on strike within our city. The thought has occurred t,j many within cut city, the request within the past several weeks that the Police Department should be given con sideration for an increase in wage to meet the cost of living. So therefore: why not give the Sanitation Department the same consideration. It’s a jcb which has to be done. Or else we wiU have to live un der adverse conditions. The whole country i^ loaded with castles and beautiful chur ches, some dating to the Roman conquest in 200 A.D., many more from the lOODllOO period. .Ack nowledging they visited many, he laughingly noted, “The kids got t(j saying. ‘N-ot ANOTHER castle’.” It reminded of Friend Rush Ham rick’s comment after his and Grace’s trip to Greece and Rome. Said Rush, “i’ve seen all the ruins I want to see.” m-m Several slides pictured markets selling fruits and vegetables, none packaged as found here. One market was offering gooseberries, to Ray’s delight, “Don’t have ’em here,’ he commented and said it was the first time he’d enjoyed his favorite gooseberry pie. One of his fellow Lions suggested he try Georgia for gooseberrie.s.' m-m I was especially interested in the photographs of the Firth of Clyde where’d I’ve been and Edinburgh which Td missed, due to the fact I had the officer of the deck duty one Sunday I could have gone there. The luckier fel lows did. m-m Tlie Holmes family made a fo ray across the Straits of Dover to Calais, France, by hydroplanev— not the small model I’d read a- bout doing ferry duty around New York harbor, but a real sea going job named HydroLloyd which accomodates 250 passen gers and 75 autemobi'les. m-m English weather? Says Ray, ‘The winters are miserable, the springs a little better, the sum mers a little better than spring. Then it’s winter again.” m-m Ray gave his wife thd credit line for majority of the photos. The differences in votes in the Senate came when Eagleton vot ed to continue the seniority sys tem oi Senate committee assign ments and positions, while .Mc Govern voted on the losing side against seniority. Eagleton, in the one .substantial vote that could make him accepable to farmers, voted against limiting the farm subsidy; McGovern vot ed for the limitations. An appar- rent major dl-vcrepancy in the vcF- ing records of the Democratic Duo show^ Eagleton voting against a reduction in penalty for mari juana possession and sa'le, while McGovern voted for the reduction. That alone will not endear Eagle- ton to the youthfui McGoveitl team. Kings Mountain has grown; a much broader area to cover. 'The garbage and other wa.ste dispos al has increased. I was just won dering how many within the office of the city hall would be willing to work under such con ditions os handling garlxage, many times having to smell and inhale rotten garbage; in the city? Dead cats, dogs, what have you. Adverse' working conditions; oacl weatlier; Improper clothing. Surely other towns of smallei populations which are paying much higher. ,_PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN ON ATHLETE’S FOOT DISCOMFORTS * With FUNGI-REX Don’t suffer another day of painful itching!. And cjon't chance spreading it around. Visit. today and ask the Pharmacist for the FUNGI-REX product best-suited to your needs! n Many convenient forms ALL fight fungus Infection ’... relieve itching and help prevent recurrence! Step up your summer foot care today with Rexall FUNGI-REX • Aerosol Spray $i,4g| • Greaseless Ointment • Liquid or Lotion • Powder |si>rj(Y^ J I wonder If the Mayor or the City Clerk, who sits in air condi tioned offices would accept these men’s jobs. Of course not! So let’s by all means, give the ones who are doing the dirty work consider ation; They are human beings al so. KSNGEMOURWnI I3ei>2571 I M L '’ITV'S K-'Li.r S. Respectfully. E. H. Pearson ■We say Eagleton is a pale shadow ol McGovern, however, because of tJie other 18 votes on Which tliey either voted alike or ont wa.s absent. Those included voles ag.iinst the AB.M and S3T, tor busing, agains Harrold Cars well as Supreme Court justice, for the Philadelphia Plan requir ing minority hiring in construc tion, for cutting the military bud get, against use of defoliants in Vienam, for the 18-year-ald vote, against funding for Pentagon public relations, for the Ctoaper- Church amendment to pull out of Southea:!t Asia, for cutting the oil depletion allowance and for consumer protection. Budi AiuiouncemeRts Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor, Route 1, Clover, S. C., announce the birth of a son, Friday. July 21, Kings Mountain ho.qiital. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Buchanan, 204 Thornburg Drive, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, July 23, Kings MountainTIbspltal. Mr. and Mrs. ThOTnas C. Loiw- eiy, Clover, S. C., announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, July 23, Kings Mountain hospital. Indeed, with the exlceptlon that McCJovern is a second-term senator and a Methodist and Eia- gleliton a firs-termer and a Ro man Catholic, there seems veiy little to choose between the two men on the basis of heir record in (Congress. What Sen. McGovern apparently chose as a running mate was a rubber sta’rop, albeit one a stamp with the hndle just a wee bit more to the center than to the left. Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Cbv- ette, 205 Cranford Drive, an nounce the birth of a son, Mon day, July 24, Kings Mountain hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie J. Ruff, 406 York Road, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday^uly 24, Kings Mountain hospilfc Tha Sbalby Daily Star Mr. and Mis. Terry Michael Towery, 207 E. ESm Street, Sihel- by, announce tiie birth at a daughter, Tuesday, July 25, Kings Mountain hospital. Keep Your Radio Dial Set At 1220 WKMT KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. News & Weather every hour on the hour. Weather every hour on the half hour. Fine entertainment in between ni 5C (C es