' f Established 1889 The Kings Moimtain Herald 206 South Piedmont Ave. Kings Mountain, N. C. 28086 A newspa.per devoted to the promotion of the general welfare and published for the enlightenment, entertainmnt and benefit of the citizens of Kings Mountain and its vicinity, published every Thursday by tire Herald Publishing House. Entered as second class matter at the post office ut Kings Mountain, N. C., 28086 under Act of Congress of March 3, 1873. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Martin Hannon Editor-Publisher Miiss Elizabeth Stewart Circulation Manager and Society Editor Sports Editor, Ne^’s Miss Dobbie Thornburg Clerk, Bookkeeper Rocky Martin MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Allen Myera Roger Brown Paul Jackson Herbert M. Hunter MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE In North Carolino and South Carolina One jigar $4; six months $2 25; throe months $1.50; school year $3. (Subscription In North Carolina subject to three percent saics tax.l In AU Other States One year $5; six months $3; three months $1.73; school year $3.75. PLUS NORTH CAROLINA SALES TAX TELEPHONE NUMBER — 739-5441 WEDICINE By MARTIN HARMON It' is a bitter irony for Edvvard The fact that Senator Eagle- Heath that thelegislatlon h-e in- ton had a medical record should troduced to improve industrial not be an issue in tills .American The Office of Defense Ti’ans- relations is backfiring to the e.\ poliCical campaign, but the fa.t poi'talion has thrown out some tent of raising the possloility of that he did not disclose that re- salety .suggestions scrutiny, among them a reiiuire- ment that motorists fasten Iheir seat bt'lts. public a general strike. cord in full to pre.sidential candi date rjeorge McGovern is another The massive labor walkout matter. It raises a (luestion a.aout which started in Britiiin last his candor and judgment, weekend was caused by Uie im- “ piisonmeni for contempt of court It reminded of a convensation of five dockers who de;iberat<-iy . . nr more years I had last week with Chin of flouted an oi-der of the Industrial dosed occui rod st.\ oi mme yea . Police* I'om .Mc'Devitl concerning Rolations Court. This court, whitn ^ ”” retard of re- 1 u r. u i-0Mc.imn„ a hitrh ,.nnrt cuncnce.CVlany 0 presidential and .seat belts and the key question, has the status of a high court, ^ndidate has - was set up under the industrial 'ice-pi'esiaentiai canaiaate nas run for and obtained high of- The medical record itself should be forgotten. The events now di.s- "Aie .seat belts good or bad?’ m-m Tom, who’s investigattHi his sliare of wrecks in hi.s 19 years of duty, says, "Sometimes yes, sometimes no.” He has sc'en acoi- Retations Act to see that the act was correetl.v enforced. It is i”.- tended to piotec the interests ol both labor and management. The five militant dockers were fice with medical or emotional liabilities. Any liability can he overcome. .Senator Eaglelon says he hits bandied and overcome hi.s his personal problem. dents in which fastened seat belts accused of iliegally picketing an saved live.s and others in which inland container depot. They bas- •fastened seal lioiLs cost lives, But it was la .grave political ed their picketing on the gcouiid mistake Lor liiiii to fall to disclo.se that the work of unloading the x..o pL-i- cent on September 1, which will bo the fifth consecutive raise of five percent per annum. The' appropriation for capital im provements is $230,801, while debt serv ice for capital purchases previously made totals $372,6(X). Amortization of bonds will claim $170,000, while the bond interest bill drops to $193,500, com pared to $202,600 for the year ended in June. One cannot analyze a city budget without saying a silent prayer of appre ciation to the earlier city fathers who put the city in the power distribution business and the more recent adminis trations w’hich added natural gas sales to the city’s utility stable. Some cities, Charlotte, for instance, is not as fortunate, and, as Charlotte grows, ad valorem taxes remains the chief source of revenue, keeping Char lotte administrations under constant services and tax bill pressure. Kings Mountain sells its utilities at favorable rates. Which means the utili ties user gets a double ibonefit — low utilities cost and a more friendly tax bill. The city will spend $187,229 for police protection, up from $133,250, due to the addition of seven officers (six have thus far been added) to provide Iwo-man night patrols. The citizens supported this action. The budget appears realistic for a growing community. Tax Discount Change In its efforts to aid financially hard- pressed cities, the 1971 General A.ssem- bly eliminated ad valorem ta.x discounts, except on special permission from the Local Government commission, and then a maximum of two percent during the month of August. Also upped was the late-paymcnt penalty rate which applies January 1, rather than February 2. Kings Mountain was oneof the cities which asked for the two percent August discount. The city was wise in this action. As one city official remarked, “Without the discount, I su.spect wo wouldn’t be collecting much in the wav of taxes until the end of December, and we have bond payments due in Octo ber.” Harold Dean George Another event which saddened the community last week was the death of Harold Doan George. The popular service station ownr>r was a man of friendliest disposition and a hard-working man from the time he was eight years old. Barber Coleman .Stroupe recalls that Mr. George was one of three brothers who, as boys, worked for Mr. Stroupe as a bootblack. Recalling Harold- George, Mr. Stroupe said he came to work at eight years of age, found ho wasn’t quite tall enough to reach his customers shoes. On his own volition, young George sugr gosted to Mr. Stroupe that “he might better quit until he got a little taller.” A year later, he had gained stature and returned to Mr. Stroupe’s employ. “He was a good workman,’’ Mr. Stroupe recalled. “There was no sitting about when something needed to be done, whether it was shining shoes or sweeping the floor.’’ Some years affo I was involved in a wieek and was thrown out of the car, with the result five ibroken ribs and a punctured lung, not to mention a painful “burn” after my slide on the pavement, Pat it this vv^ay: The future of the docking trade is one matter. Defiance of the law is something else. ADMITTED ’THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Steve E. John- son, 202 Faysour Street. Gaslmii.i, announce the birth of a son, Sat iirday, July 29, Kings .Mminlain hospital. Such political mistakes can a; so be overcome. Richard Ni.xon made a similar mistake in 1932 when he failed do disclose his pri- of the Industrial Relations Court, expense fund in advance of not it this U.-OV. "The -J >'1= nomination to Dwight D, Sir John Donaldson, president "The Lssue is My vintage car had no seat belts, whether these men aie to lie til- tm ”^tiess^ Somebody asked if I thought I lowed to opt out of the rule ox would have been better off had law. Can they pick and choose, "Lf hI vS^eX demld^J^ I had them. Like Tom McDevitt, relying upon it for protection ol Nixon’s^mmediate resicna 1 couldn’t answer that. .My in- their home and families but re- tton. H^wis ?WadJ^ gWo juries were certainly less severe jecting it when, even temporarily, ^ chance to ta’k his than they might have hei-n. it dbstructs their Industrial ob- ^ nroblem A Nfon^c^ed^gln dSso^^n Tom theorizes that seat belts J^e°a(.repfanre^^of‘mTrule'^of ''^'’eckei-s was the name oPke are usually more advantageous the acceptance oi me ruie oi when a car is struck from the side or even head-on. He feels they’re a detriment if one is Jailing of the five dockers in- struck from the rear. If the belts evitably has the efiiect of making are properly tight, says Tom, martyi"S of tliem in the eyes ol there’s no "give” which can work many British workers. This is a real hardship on a person’s where reasoning and mature v.a „,c Wh,p,„,. e„.c,. tn ™ dockers’ ledgtimate claims are Some weeks ago one bright Pnshed into the background. A Mrs. Robert F. Davis, -lOG Pine- view Dr., City Mrs. Samuel .M. Head, 620 Pho- nix St., City Mrs. E. B. Merck, SOS Second St., City Clark J. Rushing, Rt. 2, City Mrs. Marie S. Withers, 41S S. Gaston .Street, 'Dallas Mr. and Airs. Mart T. Walker, Route 1, Smyrna, S. C., annouiu-c the birth of a daughter, .Saliiiil.iy, July 29, Kings Mountain h let ful ne lV( gu Be St; ha en Ih tO] the pylon, so to speak, while I riamoring for repeal of the m Amencan political history, it . . . _ . - . _ I HP'iattOTis Art ctv at Ka braked aiid veered right. I am Industrial Relations Act or at can be done. The iDemocratdc happy for near misses rather lunendment. Mr. Heath National Committee is legally tlian hits but the near misses is hard on the blood pressure. and his ministers reply that the competent to make a new nomi- act must be given a fair trial and nation in the event of a resig- that in the meantime they can- nation. A report from the National Safety Council reads that there were more traffic fatalities in 1971 - something over 58,090 - not interfere with the process of the law. So the deadlock seems total. but had the slightly encouraging for Mr. Heath. He has trouble news that the ratio of fatalities enough on other fronts: the de- per 1000 miles driven was Jess terioraUon of the situation in While waiting for the McGov ern decision iand thereafter if ticket) the Republicans would be pi-udent to avoid any attempt It IS a crittica. trial df strength . t'n-ntrnVtw /-n tho ..ffair. dwm,. than the year before. to capitalize on the affair. Pres ident Nixon has issued orders that all persons 'associated with him “govemmentally and politi- Northern Ireland, the continuing caliy” should refrata from any high rate of inflation anl of un- mm '“sa laicui ■ comemnt on Senator Eagleton’s c-a- c , u V. weakening Chief McDevitt also has a the- of the pound, the recent resigna- , .RepubUcans will most ory about percentage There are tion from his government of one . honoring it. siu-e to be more wrecks, he says, of his ablest ministers, Regmald i j & ■because elf the increase in the Alaudling. There is no denyin.g . , auto population. He adds, "When that legislation to govern Indus Chrustuin Sruncr Monitor T was a boy, a group of us would trial relations was sorely needed load up on Saturday night to go in Britain where the trade un- to the nearest movie at High- ions have wielded virtually un- iands. There wasn’t any reason limited power and where wildcat Many responsible men in the for US' to have a wreck. Often- strikes have caused untold dam- Uabour Party and the unions times we wouldn’t meet a single age to production. But if there recognize that as long as the car going, nor a single car com- are flaws in the pi-esent act and act remains on the statute books ing home. It’s not tliat way now.” lif any of its prolusions seem un- jt should be obeyed not defied. workable, Mr. Heath vvould be (he same time they will con- wise earnestly to consider a- tinue to fight for its repeal or mending it. a( least its revision. This is the parliamentaiy way and the way The lesson may well be that to which the British people as a legislation involving sanctions a- w^hole are dedicated. 'gainst labor n/eds at least a ChriuiOcen Scienre Monitor measure of consensus from labor. .WJTYOUR FOOT DOWN ON ATHLETE’S FOOT DISCOMFORTS - With TtsaLU FUNGI-REX Dont suffer another day of painful Itchingl. And don’t chance spreading it around. Visit .'s mm today and ask the Pharmacist for the FUNGI-REX product best-suited to your needs! Many convenient forms ALL fight fungus infection * ... relieve itching and help prevent recurrence! Step up your summer foot care today with Rexall FUNGI-REX • Aeroso! Spray 51,01 • Grease!ess Ointment • Liquid or Lotion JV One of the best traffic stories I’ve heard recently appeared in the National Observer. The inci dent occurred in Alississippi. A patrolman noticed a car ahead weaving a bit in the road, follow ed it until the car stopped at a residence. In spite of the officer’s suspicions, he found the driver of the car quite sober. His passen ger was not. But the driver was biind. “Wei!,” the driver ex- plainerl, ”my friend here felt he •was too drunk to drive. I drove and he was my navigator.” The officer gave both stern warnings but didn’t charge them. The offi cer was quoted, "After all, they were already home” ho to at Ci wl a IM pa be lo St 0 St Bi IBi bf E, it si M ti M h m mzs nOUNTAlNl m-m It reminded of a promotion the merchants here put on when I was a boy. A man drove a car through the streets of the Kings Aiountain business district. He was blindfolded. His wife fol lowed in a ear behind, all the while giving hadn signals—the supposed mental telepathy med ium. Nebody really believed that. ■Lui the man navigated the stre >ts 10 which other traffic was 'ep.rr e i without a bobble. How did he d.) it? That’s one of the m.,'.ste:y.s or mv young life which wa.s nev- e" bien revealed. Ani ther recommendation the Offtee of Transportation is mak ing is to, permit right turns on red siE™ls except where expres ;- ly prohibited. There’s no ques tion but that this change would speed traffic flow. Want To BOY? SELL? RENT? HIRE? THEY GET BESULTS! Phone 739-5441 Tiy HERALD WANT ADS J" f) y 3 y ^ y I '.iTYS tv OOfRNI STORE 99S-25?| Keep Your Raidio Dial Set At 1220 WKMT Ic to t\ ir rt B R< a a KINGS tvlOUNTAIN, N. C. News & Weather every hour on the hour. Weather every hour on the half hour. Rne entertainment in between g.If ¥ THE KINGS .MOUNTAIN HERALD.. K1NS5_MQUNTAJN. N. C.