1972 sTOur ereal; let <10- X lhi> 10 or main- moi(‘ rod lie - Tman- s. Fad ?mpor- i and )r nou- , Fod people A'isely. s thal spple- ; dab- reput- dioti- r thal ibund- vege- low in y true a lit- ?. Cal- aures, (c. are and urned a wail. o TO Scott, 5 spo- 3 Unl- TKursday, August 24, 1972, . -TT-M i THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. : f i • -’’4 X mis. i « •re e*to«tive § throuph ‘5«. '' 1 Aug. 26 nt 'ilAf WEO in i King* llbMiMiw' : i :| • tor sole ore not available to other retail dealer* or wholesalers ORIGINATES r.H' Jona Porker Sandwich and ReUa i|oo J4ne Porker Freshly Baked 10-Ox. B-Ct. Pkgs. m S!IST5«iB5^5wtamiwl»'Q“!g!!! VkoiBlt Rooat’cuTu 49< Chuck Roast 7gc siiouider Roast Swiss Steak89c Chuck Steak Cubed Chuck Steak u, $1.29 Ground Chuck FRESH PRODUCE VALUES j HwcuiiewMdnu 79t "Super-Right" U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Fryers Eucket-O-Ghicken ‘"-wi-"’’' 49c ■flS-P D®!i '2r.r 's“-69^ Cofk JotiiuFukSfieLi 'c 75^ '°^'49^ SiiHoiui, Meat Pies vs 19^ [El Detodit Confeeil & PtdeA thiuMf79^l .N».1 Thiii Mo/ifeet Sliced BaeMi >*68^^ Ciniu(DM|t Wiener In A Blanket 79« CALIFORNIA .lUMBO 4 SIZE Ecch CRISP Fresh Celery \ CRISP ^ Fresh Carrots ^ DELICIOUS BAKED OR FRIED ^ Sweet Poiotoes ^ FRESH 7 Bartlett Pears CRISP Fresh Cuetrrs'vbers l ( Juicy Whife Sec 19c Unoble *o Purehfl Item, Advertised . ^ Please Request '.SsinCheck^ "Super-Right" Quality Smoked Picnics 49i ^napm 58 I if/ 16»CH.T« 1 O’CLOCK I COf,f.0j I i: French Fried IgrAwJteinUi Cream Pies» or. Pk,. A&P 6-Oz. Can Orange Juice •Whip Topping 16c ^ Milk loiter Me Not Biscuits 2 35c Rise Biscuits * bX^ui, 6 49c A|i^ Char Plastic Wrap A&IP Sandwich Bags pk*. 10 Qt. Envelope Pkg. $|29 “ SAVE 20c g Evaporated OH 6-OZ. JAR ^ UWb MAXWELj. HOUSERS INSTANT COFFEE iS Limit One C#«e' P»r ramily jOOOC tSi ■|%‘k gyu.: |2|f_ 2»'4A&1 18c7Me^.: Si m NuMdhtSi^; 'if’;» 27c JANE 7>Ah&EK ‘iWilt i achj J' POTATO CHIPS 39c YOUKON CLuB ii» 6i’, YOUKON CLUB 12 Oa. Bottles COLA 5 95c’ COLA 12 $LOB A&P LIQUID LAUNDRY BLEACH 37c I i)U «£ !i iii, jOc MAYONNAISE 49c !“{!' 39c ^ 45c ^ liS^$kai4 baby food SUNNYFIELD PLAIN OR SEU-RISING , P§ FLOUB 77c PILLSBURY 18»/2 O*. Pkgs. SOPEB-BITE 12 Of. Co* i/tii% DEL MONTE VALUE LAND 9k ¥km>M Qnaker or Begnlar CriH lut Green Beans 'sSS Fmit Cocktail Early Garden Peas ’sJ* S9^z i SiJB its “ ^ 22c 4 vr n 0*. Com* DELTA BATHROOM 4 2Zc % TISSUE Bou 29c > PINTO BEANS 2 47c v^g. hptrs »0»*. ' u. . - U-Ufc-AjIUi-—-