24, 1972 neiits' c. Phillip.^, announce Lipsday. Aii- Jn hospiiaJ. rt Loe Mc- Sho!l)y, birth of a Tuosday, ital. s S. Burris. , announce* T, Tuesday. inlHin hos- ert Arthur lounce ilif .Vodnesday, intain hos- :y J. ?mor ('iiy, i son. Wed in^^s Moun- [■hard G. ofKi Road, le birth of August l(j, tal. md Brown, p tiie hirlti' August 17. tal. C Norris. Park an- daughtf‘1', 17 , Kin!;9 ' TKurscIay, August 24, 1972 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. PAGE THREE Most Coaches Predict Wide-Open Race Allen, Curtis Tab Lincolnton As Team To Beat ssie Wad 149. an- daught(*r. V. Kings n n. Pei-- Ave., (Ins- lirth of a Uigust IT. tal. ond Allen, ounce the Saturday, main hos- r Aldrich, ounce the inday, Au- :iin hos- lian Kills, ounce the inday, Au- n hospital, stonia, an» II. Dean, son. Mon- Mountain 40 Che.s- 0. inn K, onia. € By GARY STEWART Herald Sports Editor Improvement is the word at most Southwestern Conference schools as another football sea son rounds the corner. In conversations with all 10 SWC mentors, only one, South Point’s Jim Biggerstaff, ruled out any possibility cf improving on last year’s mark. And that would be a hard task for Biggerstaff, whose club went und&feated. Eight of the 10 coaches would not predict which team would win the SWC title but predicted a wide open chase involving at least three teams. Two coaches, Shelby’^ Gerald Allen and Steve Curtis of Burns, tabbed Lincoln ton as the team to beat. One by one, here’s the outlook at the grid camps as coaching staffs hurriedly prepare their clubs for the 10 weeks ahead: SHELBY Although most coaches expect the Lions to be much improved K er last year, head coach Gerald len says his club Is "about the *dme.** The Lions finished 6-3-1 a year ago. "We have an unusual large number of seniors," says Allen, “but we have only a few hoys back that started for us last year." Pne bread-winner for the Lions is expected to 'oe halfback Tommy London, an All-wontercnco stand out for the past two years. Lon don started on both offense and defense last season. The only other returning of fensive starter is guard iHarvey Ramsey. Other defensive return ees are end Virgil Petty, tackle Mike 'Dover and linebacker Steve I iscr. 4> S I Allen has Chris Horne, Bryan Stain and Mike 'Baity sharing the signal-calling duties and he’s expecting a pair of jayveo grads, tackle Jeff Peefler arid end Mike Mode, to help. As for the pre-season favorite, Allen says its Lincolnton, hands down. “South Point should be strong again, as everybody knows," he said, "and I think Crest will have a good team. They’ll be the darkhorse." Allen’s charges will get a strong test Sept. 1 when they take on 4-A Hunter Huss on the road. SOUTH POINT Coach Jim Biggerstaff, whose club finished 12-0-1 and sh-ared the WNCHSAA title last fall, says "we’re definitely rebuilding. There’s no question about that." Biggerstaff lost 10 of 11 start ers on offense, including All- American running back Scott Crawford. He has five returnees on defense and says that phase of the game will be the Raiders’ strongpoint. The on'ly offensive returnee i.s guard Jim Forbes, and he also started last fall at linebacker. Other defensive returnees are enu William Clark, linebacker Wil liam Bowens, linebacker Jim Sti-we and safety Robert Adams. •Mark Coley, last year’.s junior varsity quartenoack, and Doug Davis, a sephomore up from the junior high ranks, arc . har'ng the signal-calling post. Junior lettermen Dennis Grier and Bob by Mann will be at the halfbacks with junior Wayne Fewell at lullaack. "We’ll b(» allrighl defensively," said Biggerstaff. 'Our problem will be scoring points." The key to our defense is linebackers and we have a lot of experience there." 'Biggerstaff tags Lincolnton and Shelby as the teams to beat. "Lincolnton has some fine run ning backs," he said, "and Shel by’s always tough." LINCOLNTON Coach Von Ray Harris says, witli a few breaks, his Wolves can d.j better than in 71, when they finished second to South Point with an overall 7-4 record. "I couldn’t classify this as a re:uilding year, even though we last about 50 percent of our Icum," .'Jays Harris. "With a few brealcs here and there, we could do better. ’ The Wolves’ key loss was All- State quarterback John La wing, now the propeity of Cal Stoll and the University of Minnesota. Har ris has last year’s backup quar- tei'oack still around, 5-10 David Eaker, and he’ll probably draw tht starting assignment against R-S Central when the Wolves epen on Sept. 1. Linrolnton will have two of the league’s tap running backs in returnees Fred Dalrj'.Tiple, a 185- pcundei, and Billy Mujphy, a 205- poundc., ether returning starters on o..er.5c are tackle Dennis Ca- nipe and guard Craig Kiser. "We’ll liave no shining stars," says Harris, ‘ but we do have ade quate pej-ple at every positicn." Han is says ho ha.-Jii’t given any thought a.s to the teem to beat ■bul e.\pc;ct^ S-uth Pcint, Shelby an i Kings M unain to be among the contenders. Wnd," he added, ‘ 1 always sorretly a id Lincoln- t:n t : that lid." CHERRYVILLE Seyrnd year mentor Jerrv Car penter has only six returning let termen but feels that his '72 edi tion of the Ironmen will be im proved over last year, when they finished 3-7. Returning in the backfield are halfback Rick Hudson and 195- pound fullback Tommy Summer and up front offensively are tackles Rick Owens and Terry Jones and guard Chuck Dellin- g(... Cai'penier's big returnee de fensively is 6-5, 245-pound tackle Willie Bush, who should rank a* mong the top performers in the conference. Carpenter lost quarterback Den nis Tate but has 6-2 Terry Put nam whom he feels will do a good job. "Terry played very little last year," said Carpenter, "but I’m sure he will do us a good job.” The Ironmen are young, with only six .seniors on the squad. Carpenter has 10 sophs and 16 juniors but the juniors didn’t see a lot of action last .scaron. "We’M definitelv be impr>”e't." says Carpenter, "but everybody else migiU be too. Vv^e .sliii na»e anethei year to work." Carpenter says the Ironmen’s t.ugiie.st games will Cfme early in the .sea.son. "Four of our first five games are against real tough teams," ho said, referring to Sruth Paint, North Gaston, Shel by ani Kings .Mountain. Carpfnter eyes South Point, I. ncointon, Shelby and Kings Mountain as the teams to beat, but wouldn't go out on the limb and predi'L't a clear-cut favorite. KINGS MOUNTAIN Bobby Jones is beginning his .seventh year as a high school football coach and has never had a losing season. He doesn’t ex pect this to be his first. "We don’t have the personnel we had lost year," said Jone.s, but we should have a better rec ord. The hoys this year have more enthasiasm and want to piay." Last year, Jones’ first at King.■^ Mountain, the Mountaineers fin ished 4-4-2. Jones will have a new face at every backfield position but he’ll have a veteran line which should rank as good as any in the con ference. Veteran.s returning up front in clude ends Harlee Davis and Jer ry Valentine, tackles John Brid ges, Jake Bridges, Alfred Ash and Tommy Shirley, guard Dennis Hogue an<7 center Mark George. "Our defense should be strong," says Jones. "We Have a lot of .speed on defease, especially in the backfiold." Jone.s will start either senior Chris Johnson or sophomore Tony Falls at quarterback, Myron George and Johnny Byers at half backs and Javon Smith at full back. Johnson, Smith and Falls will also start in the defeasive backfield. Jones figures the SWC will have several strong teams but lag.s Lin'jolnton an'd Shelby as the team.; to boat. EAST RUTHERFORD Depth and inexperience could be a projlem i.ar Coach Grady Pepe at East, bul the first-year htad mentor liapo.s his Cavaliers can better la.‘t year’s 4-6 record. "We have only 28 player.s on the varsity and five cf them are hurt," he noted. "We lost most o our starters." Pope’s counting on most of his starters to go both way.s. He said quarterback Brad Huggins, a re turnee, tailback.s David Smith and William Baxter, fullbacks Chuck and Tony Summey, slotback Alan Carlton, end.s Kelly Burgin an^ Murlon Matheney, tackles Ricky Jones and Randy Harrill, guard.s Randy ocro.d and Mark Hodge and center Mitch Bumgardner will be .scKiing double duty. "We hope to improve," s.iys Pope, "but if we do a lot of young players will have to come around." Pope hoj)es his club can j)i('k up where it left off la.st year. After losing it.s first five games, East won four of it.s last five, in cluding a win over Shelby in the sea.son's finale which knocked the Li(>n.s out cf *ri(‘ playoffs. As for a favorite, he’s jiredict ing Lincolnton and Shelby t) fight it out and is li.sling '^onth Point ds a possible conteride . R-S CENTRAL Coach Worth John.son has ’ I lettermen back and edprn-t.- . Hilltoppers to better last year’-j 4-6 record. "I know we’ll play beit(‘r loot- ball,” he .says. "We miglii lo.se some g.ime.s but well lo.-;e them tough.’’ J^x>hnsan expect' a wide-'^pen dijise be.woon several clubs, in cluding Linr^lntan, Shelb>, Soutli Point, King.-J Mountain and pos- sioly Chor.yvillc and C.e.sl. ‘■'liii.-'; cenferenee U getting morr-.ialanced every year. Every te.im ha.s a good coach. We’ve •beo:i dc.vn for a few years but W(‘ h .pe to ho better this year ani make the league even more balanced,” hr said. Amang returnee.^ at R-S are tailback Lt'onard Patterson. fuH- baek Alan Carpenter, haLHaack Kenny Hamilton, tackles Grog R»>b< rts and Mik(* Yelton, ends Charles Huskey and Thomas Bur nette* and (iuart(‘rback Bill Jolin- san. CREST Veteran Crest eoach Mox Seam .say.s he’s rebuilding but adds that the Chargers could impro\'c on la.st year’s 5-4-1 record if they're not hit Iw) hard by in- juri(*.s. "We’re having to build a com plete offensive line," he says. "W(‘ lost 14 .seniors." Beam says Lincolnton, South Point and Shelby will be the top dogs. "V.'Hi can pul tltem in a liai and draA one out ond Dial’s Die lavcritc," lu: .said. "As for us," he added, "we’re stdl .siiilling ])eu;ji(‘ around. We have •l.'i 1k)>.s and m of them will b(‘ playing ^l lot ol foitfiall. Tint's Iiow even vve are in tal ent. .Mr».st teams lia\e tw.) or three real outstanding b »ys to huili! around .>ul w<' don't h.ivi- them.’’ CHASE Ni'W lioail conjli Jrdm Keete*'. h rmei ment ir at NeA i’.n-C .mver and -St. Stcp'hens, will ha.e a (leptii pro )lem hut he stiU ex po. Is t!i(* 1. Jans to imaroVv* • n ia.-Jl years t-O r(*cor 1. ■ vVe have >n!y 2' hoys out f i: th(-vnrsdsIn* -ai.l, out Du y'ri* been looking real good." Kifh' n »)i too 26 art* k*nermen. liio Tr jaii.s. who t.jjen aga n i Fi.st in a n ai-leregue gann- .\u r. 2.5. (oul I a(‘ a sl(*cptv. They 11 ha.t* ale cl Die I<*a Tue'-; qe- teioack.s in Tcny Fowler but Kc( ter likes to think running will be tile team's sirm^" point. "We want t » t* tahlish a g aid running game first, then c>m- plemenl it with good pa.ssmg,’ he said. Ket ter js counting on fullback Hiuct- Watkins and halfbacks 'lo.nmv Hen.-^oTi, Kandy Wall and ( ha. He Blant:.n li. carry muf h of the ioad.Up front, he'll have Tony Har. ill and Brooks lurnei at (lids, .s:evt* Padgett and Kevin Hill at ta-kleJ, Martin Harris and B.ily M ivse at guards and Kudy Gwen- at cenl(:. Kn, ShePoy and South Puiiit as tht.* Icain.s to beat. BURNS New ht.*a d eoaidi Stt'Ve Curti.? has only Diree lettermen back from last \‘t‘ai'.s team which tin- ished n-lo’so heV looking to the future. •The majouty of our team will be st..pli«.ai-les,” says Curiis. far mer ctyacii at K-tsi Uullierfcrd and Wt.sieni Caroiina. ‘VW-’rt* learn ing out .-Dll ha\f a long way to g,.. Time i> the big la.iar with us." .urtis stnl .-evenD players are Iirogre.ssing. including Tackle Tim Hendrick-. Lente:- Aiidv Elmoi-c, quartcrbaclos '2.;yd I’arkii and H..1 Po'dv a:id lial.ba c.s I-ri d H .per and Hirvt*y Ilirne. •A\t started fr » n ro. k nott'm," not< s v'uriiS. ‘’V-’e ha\ :* a lot of b y.s that liave never played f ;c>- oall nelM-e but they'rf* Ica.ning. It'll I'-kc i:nv* to: u.- t > gel our pr igraim ; n: . ' Tile lormei .-^liel 1! b .grid -sandcut til.'.- I.h: ']:i! '. a.-= the team 1'. beat, ilc iiope-; h.s charg- c- (HU ni (’ s mie cyi ircw-. start- ing .-\u':ust 25 vsiien iluw .cicn t!ii ir .-ca- n .li h. In ’ 'i'. Foa:d. against r ountaineers Scrimmage Tonigi 1 i COACHES READY FOR OPENER — KMHS Football Coaches, pictured, ready for the Mountaineers' opener ogainst Bessemer City here Septemoer 1. From left to right, Steve Baker, Tommy Pruitt, Bo Goforth, Bill Coshion and Heod Footboll Coach Bob Jones. (Herold Photo by Isaac Alexander) Pressley Wins 100-Lap Event At Hickory Oval HICKORY. — Bob Press loy came off the winner of the 100- lab Sportsman feature at Hick ory Speedway Saturday night in a contest that was two hours in the running and had al! the ear marks of a demolition derHiy. Ned Setzer, Harry Gant and Benny Kerley were th^ class of the field and running hi this or der until the 62nd lap. Boi:'bie ardue spun through the third pirn al ter blowing a radiator r\ose setting up a thundering four car crash. AN'hough their wr ^ smashed, all lour drivers walked away without a scratch. Dus put Junior Crouch into the lead but he was unalble to hold off the determoned Pressley, who notched his seventh victory of the season. Crouch was second. The feature n?quired two hours to run because of the crashes. Only six of the 18 starters were around for the finish. Rain also held the action up for about 20 minutes. Setzer had built a one second lead just moments before the crash and appeared on his way to a second straight trip to the winner’s circle, tlthough he was getting plenty of pressure ifrom Gant. Morgan Shepherd was third, followed by Glenn Hoke and Junior Calloway. Bobby Waddell and Ken Church were 'both vic tims o-f blown engines. Pressley hadn’t expected to win. He stop ped during one caution flag for i tire change and had to restart n the rear. The 30'lap Hobby feature was whisked off without a miscue. Ronald Fox of Taylorsville won the pole and held off John Set- tlemyre for two laps before find ing enough breathing room to win his sixth feature of the sea- * nn. Settlemyre was second and ,x>ger Starnes third. This next week A number of CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 \ Last Time To Vote For All-Time Squads This is your last chance to vote for the alLtixne Kings Mountain football, basketball and baseball teams. The deadline is Monday, So hurry. Fill out the ballot listed below and ma'l it to the Herald, P. O. Box 752, Kings Mountain, 28086. The all- time teams will be announced in next week's paper. r Cast your vote for the all-time Kings Mountain football, basketball and baseball teams. Ballots must be returned to the Kings Mountin Herald, P. O. Box 752, on or before August 28. The teams will be announced in the August 31 edition of the Herald. ALL TIME FOOTBALL TEAM Ends (2) Tackles 12) Guards (2) Center (1) Quarterback (1) Halfbacks (2) _ Fullback (1) - ALLTIME BASKETBALL TEAM Forwards (2) Center (1) — Guards (2) ALL-TIME BASEBALL TEAM First Base (1) Second Base (1> —i Shortstop (1) Third Ba.se (1) Utility Inf. (1) Outfield (3) Catcher (1) Lefthand Pitcher (1) Righthand Pitcher (1) Olympic Here For 8 p.m. Grid Showing The 1972 edition of the Kings ^louniain High Mountaineers will be unveiled tonight when Coach 'Bc’oby Jones sends his charges through a controlled scrimmage w.ih Olympic High School of Charlotte. Action begins at S o’c ock at John Gamble stadium. The Mountaineers have been hard at work the past two weeks preparing for the coming sea son, which opens for them Fri day, Sept. 1, against non-league foe Bessemer City. Coach Jones said today that the players’ performers tonight wdll go a long way in determin ing the starting lineup for the season opener. "We’re planning on giving everybody a chance tonight," said Jones, "and what the/ do plus their showing in practice next week will determine the starting lineup for the tBessemcr City game.” Coach Jones will probably have the fol’owing starting line up. :ut said he plans to experi ment a lot: Ends, Jerry Valentine ani Ilarlcp Davis; tackles Jake Bridges and A'- red Ash; guards. Tommy Shir’ey and Dennis Iloguo or Ray Putnam; center, Mark George; Ha^Tbaeks, Johnny By ers and Byron George or Marcus Floyd; fulfback, Javon .'^mith; nuarle i ack, Tony Falls or Chris John.son. Jones said the defen.sive team would look similar. There, he’ll have Davis and Floyd at ends, John Bridges, Jake Bridges or Ash at tackle. Falls and Smith at halfbacks and Johnson at saf ety. Jones noted that tonight’.s sMm- mage will he the last before the opening of the season. "Wo held a team scrimmage in the rain last Friday,’’ Jones said, "and we had several hoys that looked pretty good. Byers, at halfback, looked good. He has good size and real good speed. lie runs a 10 flat hundred. If he runs haixl he’ll be one of our better hacks." Jones and his assistants arc presently drilling .32 candidates. The second-year mentor said that Wayne BelD a sophomore who sustained iniuries in an auto ac- ci dent this summer, i.s to join the team in a few days. The on’y mainr iniurv thus far w%as to Dennis Hogue, who suffered a nose cut and has five stitches to sho^\' for it. "He’s been going the last thre^ or four davs without contact." saH J'^nes, "but he’ll be ready for Olympic." Jones reoortod that the Char iot tc .srhoo!. which tied KMITS 42-12 in last year’s scrimmage, hed over 100 prospects to come n»K for football. Coa'^’h Joe White had to cut his squad to 44 players. Jones said his n’ayers have shown improvement over the past week.* "VVp’rc doing a bettor ioh Of knowing who to block but Champion’s Winner Iq State Tournament THREE YEAR STARTER — Alfred Ash, senior member of the Kings Mountain High football team, will be starting for tha third straight yeas when the Mountaineers open 72 play. Ash played at guord his sophomore and junior yeors but has been switched to tackle this season. Lenoir Rhyne Grid Practic3 •A • CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 HICKORY. — The crash of shoulder pads, the resounding thump o: a good kick, and the groans of getting back into shape will be heard by Lenoir Rhyne college grid fans as practice l>e- gan Monday. The Bears will bo returning just one week before school be gins and three weeks before the op<*nor with Wofford. Bears Mead Coach Hanely Painter, looking at this season’s prospects, commented that "you need to look for a moment at the history of L. R. football to un derstand the position wc are in. VVe were champions in 1951 and 1952 and then went through a re building period in the next two campaigns. After that thciv was a long stretch of winnings sea sons, foUowed by two more re building years in and 1961. Continuing along the same lines, he added, "Since 1961, we have -een hWhIy succeso'ul until last year. That certainly has to be classed as a rebuilding year. The pattern has been one of at least two years of rebuilding we’ll fee trying to speed up the process a little in hopes of al least having a winning season." The home opener is against Davidson, a newcomer to the L. CONTINUED ON PAGE k Cliampicn’s L.Tn.l'ivaping of King.-' M.juntain is the new state »pc:' .sIoui)it(h softball champion. Coadi Artie Shoemaker’s (earn l)Gunci d cut >1 the iaser.'j brackel h'onday in Reiclsvilh' to win thro * sii.iight conte.-Us and detlirone dc*- leiidin j (’lamp Higgin’.'< C’\..'le.'< a. Green.*- Cliampi.»n’.< ic.. ped Higgin'.s 9-S in Du* ciuunpionship game after earli<*i knc:‘king the formei champs inlo the loser’.- hraeket, lD-4. liampion’s only lo.v-; in ilie d:.u..le-(*Hmillation evi'iil wa.s a S-.3 deeisi^m to Higgin's. Sixteen teams took part in the evenl. Champicn'.< opened t>>urne\ play with Dirt*e straight wins, bouncing Curt’s Barber Shop oi A.‘^lu‘viile IS-l, lir.wksidc' o! Ueid.svillo, Du* h.;sl it am. 10-!) and Pciiulcxter Lum .er of Wins ton SaU.n 9-3. Ch.impion dropped its onlv ganu* Salu. lay night to Higgin'.-:. th(*n came oa k Sunday to etige* Playc;.'’ Relieal of Raleigh S-T be- tore winning the Ivvinbill ovei Higgin’.-’ vycle.>. First )a.sem.ui V’iiua* Helton, lormci Belmont High athlete, led Cliampion's hitting atiack witli a .607 average* Ml foi 21 ♦ and won Du tourney',- most valii.d)le play er award, lit sma.shed five liome runs. Four Ollier C'hampion's j)layi*rs joim*d Helton on tiu* all-state team. They wer(*. pildiei .\1 t'ul- ber.son, .scioiul ba.semin Dann.\ Lenten, shortstop John Riuiisill and tuitfielder Mukey .Morrison. ('ull)er.son, who j)la\ed lii.-;! base last year. ])itrhed eve.> gair.f tor ham))ioii's. •‘UuKu'rs m’s tione a fine jo'o ioi u,- in hi.- first year ol j)iiel-- ing," r< markevl Sh K*maker. "He mov(*.-’ tlu* h.ill around a 1)1 and h<* eomes u,' with .some fiiu* de fensive plays. "And Vin.'e Hell )n came throu.;h tinu and again foi us." lu* ad i- (d. "It Foemefl (*vt*r> lime h<‘’(J conu* up to bat. there would be St mt* ne o: them in. • Dt ien.'^e wa win^. ' r miinu' didn’t .score a.*- \vt*’re capa.)l(* •. base and he'd bring ■ tile key to oui i .'h )enia:a*r. "We mtn>' inns as i .M- )ring but our de.en.se held Die other teams down " Ni;w, it’s (jii I Eden. C.. this we. At 11.1 it,: t-u* reg:t»iial.-». i JU're, C'liam.ji tn’ will ht tompeiing wjtli ei^.D ctiu . state .vinr.e:.' l.ji a spo: in Dk naLltmal open t eai- aaiiit n:. lunioiHigh Coaches Greet 43 ftopefiils Cenii.tl Jan'.tji' High’s coaching sl.ill greeted l.'l ijrosijecis Mon- la\' as pre-sea.-'i:!! lt'ci> t'» jDiii tlu* l.am alter the o;jenin ; • ! -srlioo’ Friday. t'aa, 1 Grig n- a.’t 1 his as.-ist- ants. Harry Gib.siin and Jim.my O.vons. will e driliin'; their char ges at .3:."0 each aftetnoon in prej)aration for Die 1!)72 .-^ason. 'Du* Patriots linish' d .5-2 last year and liav(* had oiiis oiu* losiiv, sea son .since Gi.;! !> i): gani/e. ! thv* lirst Ceniial te.im years ago. liu-’udi’d in the li.si ol i:i p ’rs- pcits vui ienll\ wt-rk.i'■ \;ut ere la'/s M,.a' I; evn-iDiner i.an";i t-. r. Kenny /-• ee f D.av'd liar ison ani 1. n-’ean ,’iac»'ne Lovcla e Mike Hvcis, Mark PlunVe . Hu* ‘ ‘ Va’e!i:inW’i - liam 'rhompson peter •< \\ n and .Iat’(jue dTCk-on, Gr! . - sai l a pair ol en is t'lat weie i'eing counted on. Jack P'ati en 1 .''^i-ott Waddell, will net he* i'li ih* team diH* to iniurie> Piatt sall-r.'i a hi'.'ken leg ani Waddell was -in- junnl in a rar wr<*ek during .summer vacath)n. Recreation Department News Carolina Throwing, third place finishers in the regular season standings, went undefeatcMi to win the city men’s sinvvpiteh soft- ball tournament at l)<*al Street Park. Carolina Throwing topjM'd Du plex in the eh-’impionship game ll-C, after Duplex eliminated reg ular .s{*ason ehampion Dhampion’.s Landscaping Nu.mbcr Two, 9-7. A .seven-run sixDi inning was the differente in Du* title gairu* Duph'x outhit the winners 1.5 to 14 but couldn’t recover from Die U;-l deficit. Tommy Barrett, Dtvid Bulloc'ks and Steve Parker ha^i two hits oa.'h tap ace the winner. Jerry Rikard and Charles Rh »dc*.« had three hits eaMi and Danny Me Charlie Jones an«l added two each for Bill Du- DoW( 11. W’atson plex. Duplex scored two runs in tlu* sovi*ntIi inning in thes emi-finals game with Cliampion's to break a 7- D1 deadIo( k. Charlie Rhodes' double drove home Charles Jones, who had single 1, with the win ning run. Uiu».U*s lali*r .scoicmI an in.suranee tally on a .sacrifice* fl\ hy .liTiv Rikard. v'harles Biiiies, Danny MiD w cll Cluule.s Joiu's. ('harlu* Rho li*.- and Larry Jaek.sem luul tw\) hits ea:h T lead the winners. Harold Dean hid Dine* singles and Hill Ware slajiprd a paii of triple*.: to lead Champi )n'.>. Carolina ’rhrt»w ing h.i I Iinoek ed Champion’s into the loser'^: br.uki’t in an eaiPei game. 13-0. .\n (*iglit-run DIDi .miing turned tile game- inte> a rout. .'st iK'.y .laMvson ..nd'Fim:ny Oli* .s))arke i the winne*;.-^ with threv h.t: .op (■ e* and Gary Oliv- e:. 1 'mnu p.it e*fi and Ji*itv Til na ■ - i h* I :.\i . !ueh i up eiil . and Ken i :r{»le^ Dn;-: h- .-a. ,;.i tw e.K a. rimmy .lilier. giving Gciu' C’onnor M i. .1 ! • tIU' semi- Mdspun. Du* ■ in ;i‘guLii e*.;sii;i p:.;... K.'le.: .ind Rlio.les had Dire. Iiil.- ca b an \ P.iriu*s, j •no- and .\n i:ew Hr \ n had a pair t'aMi t ;r Die victors. Leo Gi'i.cs : .. 's, 1 up Du Viv’tbr^ with a Ine-Iiiiu*;.