/ 17 Population Hreater Kings ^1,914 City Limits 8.465 .»•* Otaaier luayn Mvuatcda /ur« ta from tiM 6pdwiW Uni tad dtatM Buiaou of tba Canaut lapoft o ionvary 196^. Includaa *ka 14.990 population o Momnar 4 Townabtp. oad ta# ramolnlog 9*124 Crot n~'m:.ar 5 Townahlp, In ClaTeload County and Crowdar Townahip In Qaaton ConntT* |Cings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 83 No. 36 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C„ Thursday, September 7, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TEN CENTS Clerk Rules With City In Cline Condemnation Action piss Local News Bulletins BROWNIES Brownie Girl Scout Troop 32 will meet at the First Pi’osbyter- ian church on SepLeinbLM’ 1-1 ac t m. Parents of interested sec- and third grade girls are ?d to call Mrs, Jenny Manor at 739-23G2. SERMON TOPIC “What About Christ?" will be the sermon topic of Dr. Paul Aus- ley at Sunday morning worship hour at 11 o’clock at First Pres byterian church. TO WYOMING Two local members of the O" (Radio duo leave today (Thurs day) for bear hunting in Wy oming. DISCHARGED Former Chief of Police Hugh A. Logan, Jr. was discharged Wednesday from Kings Moun tain hospital where he has been a patient for several days. METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the week ending Wednesday totaled $72.10, including $5S.7{) from on street meters and $3.40 ■from off-streat meters, the city clerk’s office reported. NEWCOMERS The Kings Mountain New comers club will gather Tues day night at 7:30 for a regular meeting at the Woman’e club. ^Cembership is open to any lady has recently become a comer to the city. ^ BETA CHI CHAPTER ^roa members of Beta Chi Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa \fli: meet onday night at 1:30 ii the Conference Room of Kings Mountain Savings & l^an Association. DIXON SERVICE Rev. Robert Wilson will re turn to his pulpit on Sunday at Dixon and Shiloh Presbyter ian churches. He will preach at the Dixon church at 9:15 and at the Shiloh church in Grover at 11. SQUAD BUSY Grover Rescue Squad answer ed seven calls last week and were on standby duty for a funeral and softball tourna ment, a spokesman reported. BAKE SALE A bake sale Saturday begin ning at 9 a.m. in front of Belk’s will benefit Bynum Chai>el AME Zion church. FBI Agent I Rotary Speaker ^^har!es S. Richards, special «jFnt of the FBI, will be guest Ispcaker at the Kings Mountain ■ Rotary club’s noon meeting on I September 7th. Mr. Richards attended West I Point, graduating in Syracuse, |x. Y., in 1965. lie was college I All American in basketl)all and I also ai hicved the status of Aca- I domic AH American. He played I pro nasketball with the St. Louis I Hawks in 19(i5 and the Baltimore ( Bullets in 1967. , He embarked upon a career with the FtHleral Bureau of in vestigation in July 196S. Ilis first a.‘;.signment was in Indianapolis. Iml.r w'here he was domiciled in an i 1969. Mr. Richards was assignecl to the Charlotte offict* of the Fed eral Bureau of Investigation in 1959. , ^ , Mr. Ric hards will be nrcsen.od by Rotarian Cliarles Alexander who is in charge of the program. Legion Installs New lights New lights have hem installed in the parking area r»f the Amer ican Legion Post 1.55 at cost of ^The new outdoor lighting sys- fatn include four Mercury vapor at the front of the building Jm 12 lights at the back of the building. Hendrick Rehired In County Post Me Was County's ' ^ Fiiist Manager Pr9miS64-68 } SIGN OFF or "BOOTS" — The photograph above is the final scene of "Boots'’, formerly called '’Sign-Off', the Kings Mountain movie the product of four area disc jockeys. The motion picture is being produced by "Four Fellows". The last "shooting took place at Royal Villa Saturday. From left to r'ght, Tcm Brooks, manager of the Royal Villa; Radio Station WKMT Manager Jo nas Bridges; Nashville artist Cecil (Wildwood Angel) Null; Jim Arp and Reb Wiesener, right, pro ducer and writer. Setting for the picture is a radio station with disc Jockeys in the major roles. (Herald Photo by I. G. Alexander) First Baptistts To Welcome New Pastor Rev. Paul 'Riggs, new pastor of First Baptist Church of Kings Mountain, will preach Sunday morning as he begins his pastor ate hero. Rev. Riggs comes from the Bethany Baptist church in Wins ton Salem, leading the church there for a period of eight year.s. He is a graduate of Gardner- Webb college. Limestone college, and Southeastern Baptist Theolo gical Seminary. A “dinner-on-tho-iground’’ is bt*- ing given Sunday by the congre gation of p'irst Baptist Church in honor of Rev. Riggs and his family, which includes Mrs. Riggs (Loudeno), Cindy, Nancy, Billy, and Luanne. The Riggs family are purcha.'?- ing a home in Kings iMountain, but at the present are occupying the missionary house of First •Baptist church. It’s Fair Time; 25th Event Opens Coker Returned For Trial Police Chief Thomas McDe\ilt Monday picked up Elford Coker to fact* a pivliminary hearing on a charge of raping a five-year- old Kings Mountain girl. Coker was being held by Gaff ney authorities after he was de clared an outUw and arrested by two citizens on the York-Chero- kee County line in Soutli Caro lina. Coker was serving a term in a ??outh Carolina prison for armed robbery when he e^capetl and allegedly raped the girl while a fugitive. MilVvilt s:iid I' Coker’s h'Uin'l over to Superior Court he will Icj returmxl to Gaffney until hist trial date. Cdnslei Resale ! Resale auction of the Mrs. Geor/e Consler Fst 'te pr()j)crl/ Is scheduled for September 21n'l at thi‘ Clevcdand County Courthouse in Shelby. The property is l-eing sojd un der order of the Superior Couit to settle the Canslor Ksiate in an action brought hy Dkana C:in- s!er Wdhiford and Aliss Karen Cansler. against Mr. and Mrs. Luth(*r C.'m.s’ei’. In initial bidding for the prop- ^•rty C. M. Sheffield raised hid by the Kings Mountain City Schools f<»r the property fronting on We.st Mountain and We.^^t King streets. His bid was $2.1.50. The bid by second-bidder Billy Joe Sipe for Tract II. seven lots on West King, total fronting 196 feet, was $1,110. J. A. West of Horn & West is commissioner. Bethware Fair Gates Open Wednesday At 4 The 25th annual Hethware Community Fair optms next Wed nesday for a lour-day run. John O. Patterson, president of tlie fair, said it would again fea ture R. C. Lee rides, family en tertainment and numerous exhi bits. As in the past, several local businesses will offer registration for free i)nzcs in the exliiat hall, located inside the gymnasi um. The Oak Grove and liethle- hem Volunteer fire (iej)artments will again be in charge of the dunking machine and concession stands ami the netiilehem Fire Department will be in charge of parking. Roxanne Bell will serve as Queen ot the Fair. The fair gates will swing open at 1 p.m. Wedne.^day and the days acti\ itics will include games and contests for cliikiren a^id a drawing for prizes at 9:30 p.m. Children's Day will be ohserv- etl on Thursday from 1 p m. un til 6 p.m. Judging in all exlilhits and cicpartrnents will be held that day, also, and more draw ings for 1'1‘izcs will 5e held at 10 p.m. Continr.cd On P(tgv E'ione. 'IVn graduate and undergrad uate degreiN w<*r(‘ eunforred on 679 A{)pala:chian Stale University students. Uni\ersily of Norlli Carolina Preoident Dr. William Friday was the graduation .sjK'aker. Ap palachian chancellor Dr. Herherl VVev conferred the d(‘gr(M‘s. Royster Oil Agrees To Sell GfmLJe Property I I I Negotiations hy the Kings I Mount.iin Redevelopment Com- ! mission for the Ro>ster Oil Com-j pany properly at the corner of! ; Mountain and Battleground are e.xpetted to hf finalized Monday. | Gene While, director of the' commission, told members of the commissiem Tuesday that owners j cf tile prf>pprty have agreed on I a purGiase price for the 4,0!iori!y thereafter, he COUNTY MANAGER—Joe Hen drick has been rehired os Cleve land County manager, a posi- t on he held for four years be fore moving to Lumberton in November. 1968. He is a graduate of Shelby high school and attended Lenoir- i Rhyne college. Mrs. Ilendriek, the was i>romote^l to iGeneral Super- Mary Anne Toele, is also intrndent in th(» Kxton Ihant Pro-| former Shelbian. They have one duction Operation. In 1937, he as- son. Joe Jr., age 15. sumel a similar position at the | Tho Shelby Star’s Lou Noal, re- .Suii ri;;l)t Operation in Diiffiekl, I p^irter covering the County Com- Virginia until Heptemb(‘r of 1970 mission meeting Tue.sday, wrote: xyiK'n ho was i>rom(>yed to Opera-1 o>mmis.sioner J. D. (Doc) Tur tions Manager. In 1971. additional I made the motion to re- i‘rsponsihiIilit*s for the Kim;>all-• jm Hendrick, .s-aid, “I know Ion. Virginia Operalit'n wore as-j we’ve been Iiurting a long time, signed to him. j have ixMm working anrl Inint- .dr. and .Mrs. 'Walker and their t myself a long time. About tlie two (hildron have bualed in.fji^^^j wo would find .someb')dy Kings ..Mountain anod job ... I figure he’ll do some of the things (he did before) again . . . I think tlio board would ha.o done well to call in a now mhn." M(>rehea •V ir% I / AREA GRADUATES OF CLEVELAND TECH — The seven Kings Mountain area adults pictured a- bovo gioduated recently in Adult Graduotion Classes at Cleveland Technical Institute in Shelby. From left to right, front row. Barbara Jennings. Eula M, Frazier and Willie Moe Goode, Back row, from left. Doris Pruitt, Lucille Eaker. Guynetha Falls and Janice Hoyle. (Herald Photo by I. G. Alexander) Legion's Fiist (kili Touinament Will Also Featnie Dinner-Dance Fifty-two Legionnaires will te^ off at 8 a.m. Saturday morning on the Country Club golf roursc for post I5.5’s first annual golf tournament. 'Die l.'^-ht'h' event is n first for the local Po.st and the day’s <’vcnts will be culminated at 7 l>.m. with an awairds bantiuet fol- iewed at 9 hy a dance at the American I..ogi()n Building. Adjutant Joe 'McDaniel raid prizes will he presentel to hold ers of Unv gross and low net at the a-war! \ banquet. ‘The Blue Velvets" will play for the dan^’c from 9 p.m. until 12 p.m. for Le- gi' nnairos and vheir guests. The ('vent will also include pro- s^^ntatlon of dour prizes, said Mr. McDaniel. The team captains and tourney mem'' ers include: Team I: Dick McGinnis, cap tain; Lin I’lergh Dixon, Jim Bla- lot'k and Robert Wright. q'eam H: Brian Bickley, cap tain; Dick Shaney, Curtis Gaff ney and Jim Long. Team ITI: Charles Dixon, cap tain; Bob Cox, Kcneth Hamrick anc* Robert Walli Tearp IV: Joe McDaniel, cap tain; Bruce McDaniel, Bob Dav ies and Junior Clary. Team V: Stonewall Jackson, captain: Charles Hampton, Fur man Wilson and Boyce Wells. Ti'am VI: Jim Ah'xander, cap tain; Cecil Bailey, Sewall Laugh- ridge, and Lawrence Adems. Team VIT: Snntths McDaniel, captain; Carl DoVane, Wliitey Bowen an 1 Rhea Pab er. Team VTIJ: IPeh Smith, cap tain; Gene Timms. George E. Bowen and IlaroM Ramsey. Team IX: Walt Harmon, cap tain: Ben T. Goforth, Carl F. Wil anwers. 59. designer with Neisco, Inc. for 34 years, were conducted Tuesday after noon at 4 o’clock from Harris I^unoral Home Chapel. Rev. Perry Huffstetler offici ated at the final rites and inter men* was in Mountain Rest Ceme- lery. Mr. Flowers died IMonday morning in Cleveland .Memorial hospital at Shelby after illness of two weeks. He was a native of Gaston Countv, son of the late Mr. and Mr.s. William R Plmvers. I^e was 'a veteran of World VV'ar H, .sor- j ving as a staff sergeant in ord inance in Ita’y and Africa for 'thiw years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. NeU Baltv Flowers; one sister, Mrs. Cecil Biddy of Dallas; and three brothers, Le«inard Flowers of Loui.sville, Ky., Durwood p'low- ers of Belmont and Coyt Flowers of Stanley. Active pall'be'U'rrs were Fred Finger, Jim Dickey. Charlie Moss, Kelly Patterson, Walter Harmon and Ralph Arrowood. Honorary pallbearers were Henry Neislor, Jack Hullender, pH"'. Mauney, R. H. Wo 'h. F. A. McDaniel and Tom RoberUi