; J.' I *niursday, October 5, 1972 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Page 5 e er, 26 WANT ADS FOR SAUB 1961 Falcon. Runs good. $100.00, See at 911 Fir.st Btreet anytime. 9:7tfn FOR SALE - Wooden kitchen cabinet, Armstrong gas heater witrh 40,000 BTU’s and one apartment size electric range. Phone 739*6552. 9:28trn ANTIQUE REFINISHING — Will pick up and deliver. Phone 739- 7156 anytime, Frankie Moore. 9:28lfn SPINET CONSOLE PIANO may he purchu.sed by small monthly payments, it locally, write Cortland Music Co., P. O. Box 173, Clover. S. C. 29710. ] 9:28*10:18pci GENERAL HELP WANTED—Kin der Manufacturing Company, 102 Industrial Road. An equal, opportunity employer, apply in' pt*r.son. 9:14tfn FOR SALE — 19.53 Allis-Chalmers C-Sories Tractor with Bush-Hog. $500. Call 739-7.506 after 5 p.m. 9:7tfn' 2nd INCpME Respcn.sihle Person for Cleve land C^. and surrounding area. Coiwert your capital or sav ings into a lucrative seteond in come. Service and collect from cf>mpany established Idcatioas of vending machines selling postage stamps, cocktail nuts, not beverages, and other fast selling products. Route 1. $1,295. Investment can earn up to $240. or more monthly. Route 2. $1,942.50 Inve.stment <*an earn up to $380. or more monthly. Route 3. $3,237.-50 Investment can earn up to $620 or more monthly. Age or experience not import ant. Must have ser\'ieeable au to and 3 to 8 spare hours weekly. For Details Write AID-U-MATIC CORP. 1721 E. Charleeton Las Vegas, Nevodo 89104 For Professional Treework. Includ- “ ing Cutting Down. Topping, Removing Deadwood. TREEWORK W. T. CLARY Phone 739-7614 9:14lfn EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY City of Kings Modntoin / WATER DEPARTMENT STREET DEPARTMENT WASTE TREATMENT PLANT ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT METER READER POLICE DEPARTMENT SECRETARY (Experienced Only) VIETNAM VETERANS APPLICATIONS WELCOME Fringe Benefits: Paid Vacation, Six Paid Holidays, Retirement Plan, Life Insurance and Hospitaliiation, Funeral Leave, Jury Leave, Sick Leave. Military Leave. APPLY IN PERSON AT CITY HALL 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Mondoy - Friday An Equal Opportunity Employer LEGAL NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE NOTICE or PUlUC HEARING A'‘public hearing will 'be-Tt^ld in Council Chambers at 7:30 pm. on Monday October 9, 1972 to con sider the following changes Tn the zoning ordinance: stake in the edge of .said street, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT' n '’oi Amendments to tlu Lot At>. 3J in the w^stc r of Zoning Ordinance for the City ol NORTH CAROLINA , Cleveland County m Mountain under Section 83 ■T I’uin AA-n Book 3 at I^gc 3, referred tc, NEIGHBORHOOD-BUSINESS .T-LVELAND COUNTY ^ m Tract No 1 above, and DISTRICT, Section 85.1 under the UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the! "^'^stake \nthonvCcor-^^ "Service Stations” is here- Icet to a stake, Anthony * cor , ^ amendetl to read as follows: ner; lhcn;e with. Anthony s Hnc NORTH CAROLINA CLEVELAND COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK Bond Sales Continue High .Sales of U. S. .Serie.-^ E Nationally, total ca.sh. .sales of P’ and H Bnuls for the fir.st eight mo;iths of 1972 amounted to $4,302 million, M perc<*nt above a y( ar earli(*r. August sales wen* and million, 9 j^enamt abovt* Diana C. WohUord. and Karen Cansler, -^'S« North 275 feet to a .stake; thence: / On Lino .six (6) under the title West OH feel to a stake in the "Service - Stations", where the! Ncrthea.st corner ol Lot No. 39 of present zoning ordinanw reads Luther Cansler, and wife, the Plat recorded in Cleveland . . six f6t foot high fence . . Ma'rion Cansler; and County Register of Deed.s Boak 3 substitute the word “solid" for Anthony Cansler, at Page 3; thence South 275 feet I the word “high" and finish the ResiKUKlenl.- lo the BEGINNING, the same bo-1,said sentence on line seven f7) ing- that property conveyed by’ reading in place of ". . . and suit- Under and by virtue of an oi- Nell Grimes, et ai, to Slater able land.scaping shall be jiro- of ihe^ Sup(*rior Court of Bros., Inc. dated May 26, 1953 as vided." add the folkwing: “. . or Cleveland County, made in the will appear on record in the six (6) foot high densly planted enlitUsl .special procec'ding. Office of th(? Register of Deeds of buffer strip". undersigned Commi.ssionei Cleveland County in Book 6-U at. . _ will, on the Glh day of Octoher. Page 42t;. teh Town ol King.s Mountain and being known as the Oriental Ave nue property oi the J. G. Hord Es tate and con.sisling ol about two i2j acre.s beingdivided into two (21 lots described as follov\’s: Lot No. 1 - BEGINNING on the West side ol Oriental Avenue at the Southeast corner of Mrs. W. A. Ridenhour’s lot; and runs v\’ith Mrs. RidiMilicur's, Carl Ramsey’s and Walter Oirmand’s jnost BEGINNING north side of power oi sale contained in a cer- t.iin deed ol trust exe(‘uted by BURGER BARN INVESTMENT COMPANY, INC. dated the 21st day of April, 1967, and recorded in. Book 735 at Page 20 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County, North Caro lina, deiault having been made In the payment of the indebted- nes.s thereby secured,' and said deed of trust being by' the terms thereo: subject of foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for ea.sh, at the Courthouse dour, in Shelby, North Carolina, on the 31st day of pc-to- ber, 1972, at 11:00 A.M., the pro perty conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Number Four Township, Cleve land County, North Carolina, and more part/cularly de.scribiHi as fellows: TRACT NO. 1: Being situate and located in the Eastern .section of the Town of King.«: Mountain, North Carolina, and being LcR.-- Nas. 20. 21. 22, 23, 24, 2.5, 26. 2^, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. 34, 3.5, 36, 37, 38, 39, a.s shown hy a plat oi blueprint of the said property, the same being of record in the Cleve land County Rcgi.d(‘r of Deeds Slater Street, South 89-0 East 320 Office in Book ol Plats 3 at Page a,,..,,..,.. th^n/>ol 3 to which reftTcnco is hereby! made and tlie record thereef for! East 275 feet to the BEGINNING, full identification and descrip-1 containing 88,000 square feet,! In Section 88.1, page 38, and tion. The foregoing being the.same i SAVING AND EXCEPTING a cer- under the title ‘"Building Mater- property conv'ey(*d in tw ' deerlsj lain portion that must be taken! jal and Lumber Yards on line from Slater Bros., Inc. to Slater* ofi ol the most Southern side tc' three (3) where ordinance rgiids Mill.s. Inc. in Deed Book 9-H at permit the e.\tonsion oi Slatei . . a .solid fence not less tiian Street, which is to be 50 feet eight <8) feet . . substitute the wide, the same being Lots Ncs.. number six <61 for the numix'r 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the L. .X eight t8>. Mann Subdivision. Lot No. 2 - BE GINNING on Fred Byers' North ernmost corner 275 feet from Gold Oriental Avenue, and running ' with Byers’ Metcalf and C. A. I Oates’ line, South 89-0 East ^.50 feet with Oates’ corner, iron pTpe; thence North 0-15 East 275 feet with Oates’ line to said Oates’ ec-rner on Slater Street; thence with Slater Street, North ’89-0 1 West 2.50 feet to the old city property line; thence with the! old city property line South,' I .S-15 W’r.st 275 feet to the BEGIN-j t ■ NING, containing ^,750 square' Under Section 89 li-I HEAVY t ^ o foot SAVING iND EXCEPTING a: INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, page 40, lars for Tract 2. certain portion that must be tak-1 tlie (cltoving change i-s reoom- en oil the most Northern side to! trended; permit the extension ot Slater | section 89.1 under the.title Street which L-; 50 feet wi*. This, -Automobile Junk Yards and , tract being LoL? Nos. 21, 22. and Pages .578 and .581 re.spcctively. For further reference see 'Bo.:k 0-H at Page .585 and -Bock 7-H at Pago 219. TRAGT NO. 2: Situated on the North side of Slater Street, aLso known a.< Mountain Street, in the City of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, and BEGINNING at a Under Article VIII of the Zon- 1972, at 12 o’clock m>on at the ing Ordinansce on Page 36 under Court House door in Shelhy, Norm . -T. n r» • 1 ♦ 1 - ! $ct'tion 87 G-B GENERAL EUSl- Carolina, offer for .sale to the TILUT NO. 3: Being Iwated in | .^eSS DLSTRICT the following highest bidder for cash that cer- 4hange.-{ are recommended: tain tract of land lying and be ing in Numbe-r Four Township In On lino three (31 under thoitiie Tewn of King.s Mountain, title “Building Materials and *«(oi-ih Carolina, and being more Lumber Yards" where ordinance particularly described as follows: reads “. . . a solid fence not less than eight (8» feet . . substi- Tract I: Located at .50S Moun tute the number six (6* for the tain Street, Kings Mountain, number eight (8). North Carolina, a.s shown by de('d in 3-J, page 31.3, of the Cleveland On line four (4i. page 38, un- County RegUtry', N. (\. and being der the title "Customary Accos-j (described by motes and bound-s Southern line.s, North 89-0 West' 5ory U.sek and Structures” where, follows: 320 feet to the C. A. Dilling heirs, ordinance reads . . a' set . . substitute the numbi^r , • fee, to Slater Street; thence alon^ -six 6) for the number e.;tht | Under Section 88 L-I LIGHT IN-1 g 35212 feet to a post, Bridges”' ith his line S. a stak(». a neA corner; thence a mw lint* S. 6’- W. .3.51 feet to a .stake on north side of Mountain Street: iheivc ivith said .street N. 88'- VV. 9i) feet to the BPXHNNING. Tract II: Being Iwated at 103 King Street in the Town of King.s Mountain, N. C., as describ(*d in A-v -ift tv,., ♦sn.a'recorded in Book 3-N, page On page 39 under the title,,.« # *u r.i 1 1 . V, v-'ii -» (j3 Cleveland Countv Reg- Serie.< H Savings Bonds in Cleve land County for August were $20,185. January-August sales to- (aled $517,951. This reju'e^ents 61.7 pereiuit ol (Te\{>lanfl Countys goal of .$8h).0l)0, a^-c ir ling to George Blanton. .Ir.. County Vol- Petitioners unteer (’hairm.iii. .Sales of S(*rie.s E and H .Sav ings Bond.-: for Januaiy-August iji N irth ('arolina came t(j S50,9.57,- -10(5—the best since 1915. and 13.;i pc'rcenr nb' ve the samt perio.l la.st ye;jr. This repre.sent.s 79.4 pcrteiu o! the* state',- 1972 d jH.w gwal of STl.TOO.OfM,. August sales oi E anfl H Band.s came to .1 n a- ord ST,3.Tf)..3()l—llj.T ianeent .ibove last August. Series E Bond .sales '-u if al )ne amt.unte I to .S7.2ls.sfil. loi>- jj, ping all August s de- sin -e DM' liiTl .sihv ol $.510 million 'and e.\:-ecd redemptions, at cast price, ^ir.7 million. Tin. cash vtilu • ol Serie.*- and H Saving.s Bond.-; .'inrl Freedom .Share.- out.standin top]K*fl the $.57 billion mark for the first time in Augu.st. ACCENT ON AGRICULTURE Tile C. .s. larmcT ha.s b(‘en wiiikiii- on an im reasingiy .small maigin (j1 pKdit which, he has been tiy in.: li. of.stu with effici- in l;i.. I and ])rodiictj.>n. KXKCCTIMX NOTICE Having (pialifiefl as e.xeeulidx of the eslati* of CTatence \-\ I-Tou ors, deceased, ial(» of (.'lev<‘land county, North Carolina, this is eo notify all ]jersons ha\ing claims against the estate* r>f said decedent to tn’c.senl them to th(‘ undersigiKKl on or IwTore Mari*h 2.\ 1973, or this'nf)lit‘e will . e pleaded in bar of any recovc-ry. All persons indf'bteri to saul estate will pU'ase make imme diate payment to the undtu’sign- wl. •c'eoi liis mo.--! \ ili|:ible tools )i.i ve been »ommei.iril terlilizer.'-- 1-. iiurea.se the yields. p(»sticides t j ire.-t hi- , r‘>ps, . and .slimu hint- t. in.-rea.-^i' the (‘fficiency' o: hi^ animals. All lta\e neen under heavy at- t.u'k by -Mime outside the agri cultural ( )rnmunity. Although it i.s \ejy true that lhe.se tools mu.st ■>( In'.di/'l i-aretully, it is ahvO li-LU that their danger.- and a- bu.se.- hav(‘ n»*oii exaggeratcfl. it ha.'- been reported thtit without pe-ti.-idc.s iur annual harve.st gitCns and fruits and \-egeTables w uld reduced on an estimai- at a stake on the Mountain Stro(*t. This the 2sth day of Septem-led 2i)-.3<; j.er.ent. Commercial fer- leel to Oriental Avenue; thence the follow- Lt'^rner; ‘ thence w ! Changes are recommcn;Ied: 3^1,, e. DO feet to b(*r. 3 972. MRS. NELL BAITT FLOW EHS, Executri.v P5siat<‘ -n Ca fence F. Flowei.v. 9:28-10:19. till/, r. ad 1 an estimated 20L in- irea.-e in . r i], ;)roduction. Low- 1( vcl a lit; )io1 ic.s use. I as gr rwtii jii mu.ter.-' make liog.s, chickens, -ind bi (‘1 cattle grow .oiout .seven (*nl iasU 1. SHOWS WED. THUR. - 3:16-5:06-6:56 8:46 FRI. SHOWS - 3:00-4:43-6:23 8:19 Ccntractartf’ Offices and Storage | street and 410 leet Igm ! Vards" lino three f3) where jdi 1 nance reads . . by' a fence ati Ueast ei-ht (8. feeU substL I tlite the ‘IX (6l for the number eight toL ‘ istry, N. C.. Lots Nos. 45, 46, 47, 49, 50 and 51, a.s will aj>pear en a map or plat made by A. P. and GREATEST BREAKTHROUGH SINCE THE AUTOMOBILE * ITSELF No mor* flats or balancing problems to worry about or shake your brain. We have a breakthrough product you simply insert into tube or tubeless tires which puncture-proofs and bol- ances for life of tire. Our product hos been tested on the moon and earth. Would you like o groundfloor oppor tunity exclusive distributorship for your area? We will invest three dollars to your one if you qualify in your area. All trucks, tires, auto ports, service stations, auto dealers, gorages. and farm implements ore big users. To qualify, you need $3600 to $10,000 in vestment depending on size of terri* tory. This is a guaranteed sale secured by inventory, and is not a franchise fee. For complete detoils phene (904) 396-5856. Mr. F. William Jones, or write: SUN CHEMICAL AND REFINING 754 GULF LIFE TOWER JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32207 This may never repeat itself agoin. Territory is going fast! 9:ll-10;r» pd In said station under the title “Customary Acce.«4sory Use.s and ijiruefures”, page 40, where ordi nance read.s . . at least eight (8i feet .. substitute the nupi- iii the Regwter of Deeds Office for Cleveland County, in Book of Plats No. 1 at page 48, reference to winch i.s hereby made fur a fuller description. six (6) for the number eight | (8). Bidding will begin at Hundred Two Fifty IS2.150.00i Mlor.s for Tract I, and Bleven Hundred i$1100.00i Dd- This the 15th dav of September, 1972. being LOTS ana Dealer^’where ordi- the L. T. Mann SubdiMst^w.* ro,'fi>ia ** rsof L^he two (2) above lots are ar>ait of the property allotted to Mar garet Hord Anthony by the re port of Commissioners as record ed in Book 5-H at Page 497 in the Office of the Regi.ster of Deeds of Cleveland County, North Caro lina. BARGAINS IN FABRICS Lou's Mill Ends & Fabrics 3 miles West of Kings Moun tain on left side of U.S. 74 or one mile East of Bethware school on right side of U.S. 74 Polyester $1.49 yd. & up Lace 10 cents yd. Sleepwear 50c yd. Elastic 5 yd.s $1.00 Open Mondoy thru Saturday Each Week 9:30 - 6 p.m. Mrs. Lucille Luckadoo« Operator Route 3 PHONE 739-6514 ot me 1. Mann au.-xiivisi^ii.c ?:}ian ten tlO* feet. . ." substitute the number six (61 for the num ber ten GOi. J Under Article IX of said Zon ing Ordinance on Page 44 as 3. A. West, , Cormnls§;ipner " ^ • HoJn, West-Jr Horn. AftoTrrevs 9:28-10:5 .. VINCENT PRICE fit A' A^.'£P.ICA^ '.NTERNATIONA; SHOWS SAT. 1:10-3:56 4:42-6:28-8:14 SUN. 1:30 3:30 9:00 MON. TUES. - 3:15-5:08-7:01 8:54 BOB HOPE - E. MARIE SAINT IN "CANCEL MY RESERVATION" RATEE (G) IN COLOR LATE FLICK FRI. SAT. 10:30 P.M. ‘KAMA SUTRA" RATED (X) ALL SEATS S1.25 49-217b • DOWNTOWN KINGS MOUNTAIN COMING NEXT WEEK "FOUR FUES ON GREY VELVET' 4hwn on said ordinance under j Aecti'on E the'following- change | rs recomm^deri: fi '-■* *c.* .. Under line two ^2i of Section ' where .said ordinance reads . .^hrre shall be an eight (^) 5o«»t high, densely planted buffer .'$trip.’’ .substitute the number six ; *6^ for the number eight (8) and ^ ^ter the word “strip” eliminate the comma and add the follow- ; jng: . .or six (6i foot high ; TRACT NO. 4: Lying and being in the City of .Kings Mountain, North Carolina and BEGINNING at an iron stake, which iron stake is South 160 feet from the corner of Lot No. 2 as shown in tlie Cleveland County Register of Deeds Office in Plat Book 3 at Page 3, and runs thence along Fred Plonk’s former lines South | jioj'id fence.’' 112 feet, more or less to a stake in the Slater Mills, Inc. line; thence along Slater MiUs, Inc. line West 125 feet to a stake; thence North 112 feet, more or; loss to a stake a new comer; , "’‘'"C M i (8) feet in height. . to the BEGl?vM.\^, the . change the number eight (8) to property being conveyed by Elmer ^ six ■ (6 •. T. Hardin and wife, Lula L. /lar-1 ■ 9'28-10*5 din to Slater Mills, Inc. on the; 7th day of April, 1961 and re-1 * corded in the Office of the Reg- Under Article X on page 47 un der Section 104.5, the follo\ving change is ret'ommended: On line four (4) where ordi- .strip at least BE READY! NOTICE: ALL NATURAL GAS HEATING CUSTOMERS As a public service and to avoid a last minute rush, the city has agreed to give Free Cut-On Service to existing customers who call us before September 30. Call 739-2351 Today and Avoid the Usual $3.00 Cut-On Charge. Your gas will be turned on the day that you call or as soon as possible F^e of Charge. The usual $3.00 Cut-On Charge will be made if you notify us after September 30. CALL NOW!!! AVOID THE FALL RUSH AND SAVE. City of Kings Monntain UmiTIES DEPABTMENT MicUtA By WILSON GBTFFIN Troubled with insomnia-sleep lessness? You might ovoid drinking tea, coffee, cocoa, and other caffein drinks before bedtime. The answer lies in relaxing your tensions. A warm both before bedt'me can relax you ond induce sleep. Avoid mentally stimulating TV pro grams or reading. Don't pon der your problems - rather blank out oil thought from your mind to allow sleep. One may be mentally or emotional ly tired, but not physically tir ed enough to sleep. Sufficient exercise during the day may be the answer to reloxation and sleep. After you see your doctor bring your prescriptloD to ister of Deeds of Cleveland Coun ty in Deed "Book 9-C at Page 586. TACT NO. 5; Lying and being in the City of Kings Mountain. N.^rth Carolina, and BI^XIINNING at an iron slake in the South margin of East King Street, El mer Hardin’s corntT and luns thence South 275 feet to a stake in the Slater Mills, Inc. line.s; thence along Slater Mills, Inc. line, East 116 feet to a .stake; thence along Tessoneer’.s line North 275 feet to a .stake in llie South margin of East King Street; thence along East King Street West 116 feet to the BEGINNlNfi, containing 31,900 square feet, Be ing that property conveyed by Fred Plonk and wife, Verga-if)n R. Plonk by de<'d recorded in the Office of the Cleveland County Register of Deeds in Book 9-C at Page 584 and dated February 7. 1961. SAVING AND EXCEPTING tliiit (portion of the property con veyed by Slater Mills, Inc. to El mer Hardin in Deed recorded In Book 9-C at Page 588. Thi.s sale will bo made subject to all prior liens and encum brances, and unpaid taxes and assessments for paving, if any. This 5th day of October, 1972. GEORGE B. THOM.VSSON Trustee GEORGE B. THOMASSON Attorney At Law 102 West Mountain Street Kings Mountain, North CaTolina < 10:^26' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEADING A public hearing will be liblB fn Council Chambers at^rSO p.m. on Monday October 9, 1972 to consider the folloudng requests for rewning: 1) Request of Mrs. Pearl D. peeler to resBone from residential to neighborhood businesa^ a lot located at 104 North ’billing Street measuring 68 x 150 ft. 2) Reque.'it of Mrs. Edna Louise Putnam to rezone from R-20 to General Business a parcel of proiperty located on Highway 74E. Approximately one-half mile East of city limits on North side of 74E. Plat available at City Hall. 3) Request of Mrs. Mary Ellen Ross to rezone from R-20 to Gen eral Business a pareqj of property located on Highway 74E approxi mately one-half mile East of city limits containing 1 acre. Plat available at city hall. 4> Request of Carroll G. Ellis to rezone from R-20 to General Busi • ness a parcel of- pfciperty located on Highway 74E appniximately one-half mile East of city limiU tontaining 100 feet frontage by 150 feet deep. Plat availaMe at eity hail. ' 5> Request of John O. Ross, Jr. to rezone from R-20 to General Business a parcel of land located m Highway T4E rf City LiTnits approximately one • half mile, flat avaikhlc at dlty hill. 4 1 John Hemy Moas, Mayor * Great American Dream Machine. America is the place that is made out of dreams. And, U.S. Savings Bonds have been helping to make happy dreams come true for years. Now, Bonds mature in less th.in six years. That means your dreams can come true faster than ever befoj o. You can buy shares in your iiarti- cular dream by joining the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or the Bond-a-Montli plan where you bank. Before you know it, youi* American i^-.am will be a reality. . .^DRIKSh > -A T;‘v'-.i'is p;i; intun sl wh« n tu lil t A-«>»■ 6 yoar,i. l'» nvnih.s - T. liu' ni- ^ A ^ . .. . tV-ii.U arc n-pl.ux-it if liM. stolen. < r '-A nc-.-lro; I II. Wiicn jKn-fic^l tlu-y can Iv ia.'i'.->l ♦ * .u • I'.iiik. liitciv^l i-J iv>l sul»j«''‘t to sta: y or la^^•^^. aii-i foUiai l.u-v Vi. .-•J.* Ih' dc> ricd until ix-dcmiHiun. '•L’fi U'- Take stock in America Now Bonds mature in les - n six ytar^.