5. 1973 of polyester jwned 62 12 corpoia- enl ly Ini- j.strios, I,til., le prt.sl tU'i lesident of at the liivi OSS and foi- s vice prc.'ci lor. Durin;; as-sociution the British rs and plas ties. shire, Kn ;- received an in, rldoe iiiii- uluate work the ilniver Hirmin.yhain fTVi < louiir.' •dfij fliursday, January 25, ^^73 OAKS 39-8476 1:18-25 Is 5- - , THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. TUESDAY, JANUARY 2ND THRU FRIDAY, FEB 2ND. LIST IN YOUR TOWNSHIP TUESDAY, JANUARY 2ND THRU FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND. .\11 per-on.s are notified that we will be at the followinf; plaee.s on the date.s given for the purpo.se of ii.Mling taxe.s. All taxpayers are W’arned that a penalty will be added if they fuil to list tiixe.s during the ILsting period. In addition to ail other iK?nalties prescribed by law, any person, firm or eorir'.'"jtion who.se duly il shall he to list any poll or prop erty, real or personal, who willfully fails or refu.ses to list the .sani<> within the time allowed by law, or w ho removes or conceals prop erty for the pur;)os<- of evading taxation, shall be guilty of a mis demeanor punishable by a fine not to exceisl five hundred dolluis l$5tXI.OO) or imprj.sonment not to exceed sixty days: and any person, firm or corporation aiding or abetting the removal or concealment of property for the purpose of evadin.g taxation shall oe guilty of a misdemeanor iruni.shable by a fine not to exceed five hundrrxi dol lars <$.*3(10.01)) or imprisonment not to exicecd sixty d.iys. Tlie failute to list shall be priina fade evidence thiit such failure was willful, (ia*57c.848) FARM CEN.SUS REPORT — SjK'cial lainilated forms to use for youi tax returns have been mailed from the Tax Office in the C^url House Annex. .Additional cojiies of the worksheet may bi? obtained from the Tax Listing Office or from the office of the County Agent. IJSTINO BY MAIL — All persons who were listixl for taxes la.st year (1972) have been mailed forms for the purpose of listing by mail, if they should .desire. Li.stlng by mail is optional and is provided a.s a convenient n-.eth<jd of listing. However, any ipor.son wlio dix^s not wish to list by mail may apja-ar in peison and list in person, as in prior years. iNKW LISTERS — All per.sons listing, or due to list for the first lime, are required to list in ])er.son at the regular listing place desig-, nat(?d in each township. - ! RE SUPJi TO SEE YOUR LIST T.AKER ON THE D.ATE ANT) PLACE Of ; H3TIN(J, OR KILL OUT, SION A.ND MAIL YOUR RETURN IN THE StW -SpORflSSED ENVELOPE .SUPPLIED “ TOWNSHIP NO. 4 LISTERS: Mr. 1. Edwin Moore \frs. Betty Ballard .Airs. Sadie Patterson IXICATION: dan. l.S & 27 Grover Re.scue Bldg.; 8:,2n until 1 o’clock Jan. 6 & 20, Kings .Mountain City Hall, S:.30 until 1 o’clock .All other llstin.g days at Kings Mount.aln City IlaU, 8:.30 until a o’clock. TOWNSHIP NO. S, LISTER: Mr. George Murray, ' Will be listing at his home in Waco, N. C. all listing na,y.s^ Saturdays 9 until 12 o’clock, Monday - Friday 9 until H o'clock. ( 4LL TOW7YSHIP LIST TAKEPdi HAVE INDICATED BY P0STEP.3 WHERfl THEY WILL BE AV.AIUABLE. All real estate and irersonal property owners are rc<|uired to list. AH Changes in real estate, such as new oon.strucfion or other im- * provements, mu.st be reported to your li.st taker. -All buildings un- I dpr dons-truction which have not been completed a.s of Jan. 1, 197-3 \Vill be appraised and charged in accordance with the percentage of completion. Crop reports -are required of farmers. Dogs mu-st be listed USr EARLY TO AVOID LAST MINUTE RUSHI ROBERT S. GIDNEY, County Tax Supervisor Broyhill On Committee ('(.ii.gressman James T. Hroy- hill, .senior Hepiililican memlKS' of tlie North Carolina congies- sional deiegalion, Kxl.iy announc ed his election as the Heglon IV repre.sentative to the lloii.se Ho- piihlican policy committee. The [Kilicy commit lee, one of tlie five standing comrnittee.s of the IIoo.se Ks'piiblican csinfer- once, .serves a.s an advi.sory com- mille<‘ to the He|)nblican mem- liors of I ho Ilou.se. Tlie commit- lee, conipo.sed ol 26 me.nhprs elcvte I ,y tlieir eolleagiKss, meets weekly to study iiending legisla tion and recommend appropriate action to the entire Republican meint.f rship in llic Hous.-oi Rep- nssentativps. Congressman Bieyhill has sciAed on this and olli<>r leader ship committees .since his elec tion to Hie House of Repre.senta- tivos in 1962. Broyhill inl catc.l thal IIm‘ lommittee will again be called upon to furnish guidance and leadership to Republicans in the Hou.so on a numoei- of com plex issues. Congres.sman Hioyhill .stalcsl, “1 am plea.scd to again be elect ed to .sc'vve on the policy com mittee. I con.-iidei' it to be a vital instrument furnishing direction an.’i information to the Republi can membeivship of the House. During the 92n(l congress the committee held 2.3 meetings and issued 19 policy statements. 1 anticipate that action in (he 9,3i<l congress will require e\ c»n great- c'r cummuhicaation between the Republican ieirleship and the House members.” Region IV included Republican members from the following ■state delegations; Alabama, Ark- an.-ias, Florida, Georgia. Louis iana, .Mi.s.s:ssippi, .Noith Caro lina. .South Carolina a ad Ten- nes.see. Vctoi-ans and servicemen are caulione I to invcstig.ate A'.A eli gibility of correspondence schools -efoixi enrollment. A recent law enacted by Congress gov erns cor respondence schools under the GI bill. TAXPAYERS ASK IR S This column of ciueslions and dcniial clc'ction Camiiaign fund? answers on federal tax m.alteis Tar Heel Spotlight is provided by the loc.il office of the U. .S. Inlernal Revenue Serv ice and is j)ul)lislu‘d a.s a public .service to laxpayers. 'I'he col umn answers <|U<‘.siiens mosi fre-- (piently asked Ijy taxiia.veis, Q. How can I tell if I’m eligi ble to use the .short form lOlO.A? A. Basically, the short foim lOlOA may l,e u.sed if .all vour in come was Irom wage.s, salaiit-s, tips and not more than .32!l(i in dividends an.l .Sd'th in inlerest and you do not plan to ilemi/e ' dcfluc'tions. I If you receive the .short fmin in the mail, il w.as sent t i ,vou| ba.sed on the i el urn ,vam f led last year. If you did not leceive a KUOA in the mail and want to J u.se it, a eoi)y may he ol)taincd j at any Intel n,at Revenue office I and most iianks and post offices.- or you may use Ihe or ler dank | in the form 11)10 i>a(ka.ge to ob-1 tain a copy. i Q. Is every taxpayers who i.s - eligitdc to u.se Ihe short form' lOlO.A required In do so? i A. No. (Ise of the .sliorl form is optional. If you had .sizeable expense's lor sui h items a.s medi-: cal and cl<>ntal care, interest, tax-' es. contributions, alimony, child' care, etc., ii may be to your ad vantage to ilemi/e deduction.s.j 3’hi.s can only be done on .Sche dule A of your Foim l!)lo and not on the .short form, A lormula lor rielermining whether or not you should item ize deductions found in your tax form msliaictions. Q- I should receive a refund when 1 Hie my fe leral income tax return. Can I Hill de.signate 'J c'f my lax towards the Prosi- A. A’es. Every individual I other than a nonrc'si.lent alien i may parliciiiate in the Presiden tial Elertion Campaign fund if li<‘ has a tax liability of $1 or more iS2 or more lor .ioint return fil ers!. In addition, eoniph'lion oi Form I,s7.3 pi your lax forms package to designate' the elieck- off will not clian.ge any of Ihe figures on your Form 1010 or lOlOA. Q. Have Hie filing require- mi'iils lor ol'li'i taxpayer.s lieen changed? A. A’es. If you art' unmarried and 6,3 or oldc'i', you do not iiave to file a return unless you have a gross income of from .$2,S'M) or moie. For mai iic'd pc'rs-ons filing ic'quiieiTient i.s S.3..330 if eilher husliancl or wife is 6.3 or ol,der, and Sl,.3()0 if botli are 63 or old er. IPiwever, if you are self-em- plo.ved, you must file a return if you had net earnings from self- t'mploymc'nt of .VKK) or more^ re- gai'lless of your age. Q. I'm retired and eligible to receive Hie retirement income crc'dit. Will ihe IILS compute it for me? A. A'es. If you elect to have the IRS compute' your lax and you have a retirement income credit, the IR.S will also compute this for you. Just follow the di rections in your tax form in- .stiuctions. Q. How clo 1 go about ordi'r- ing frc'e IRS tax publications, A. Just fill in the order clank on the 'back of your tax forms pacakage, choosing the form or free publication that you want from tlie list shown, and send it to the IR-S oHict' shown on the NOW LEASING PINE MANOR Kings Mountain's Newest Apartments — IQO Beautiful Units Pine Manor is a Quiet Subsidy Project. Your Rent is Based Strictly on Your Income. AN EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUN ITY. Pine Manor is the Newest and Finest Apartments in Kings Mountain VUith One, Two, Three and Four Bedroom Town House Apartments to Choose From. Pine Manor is Located just Outside of Kings Mountoin on a Beautiful Wooded Tract of Land. Just Minutes from Downtown or 1-85. Discover these Time-Saving and En joyable Features of Pine Manor! • INDIVIDUALLY CONTROLLED HEATING SYSTEM. • BATHROOM WITH MODERN ONE-PIECE FIBERGLASS BATH <S SHOWER. • DISTINCTIVE CEDAR SHAKE TRIMMING. • • PLENTY OF IN-FRONT PARKING. • METICULOUS LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE. • DISTINCTIVE LIGHTING FIXTURES. ' • SPECIAL SOUND CONDITIONING. ■ ' . • APPLIANCES BY HOTPOINT. " ' Visit the Resident Manager at Pine Manor for Further Details and See For Yourself the Beauty and Design of Pine Manor. An Equal Housing Opportunity By Phillips Development Corp. 161 FLOYD STBEET SENNETT ST PINE MANOR NORTH- Your Happy Shopping Store Clean Sweep Sale ONE GROUP LADIES HAND BAGS - GLOVES SOCKS - HOSE REDUCED 75% ■ PIECE GOODS- SHORT ENDS OF MATERIALS LINING REDUCED 65% QUANTITIES LLMITED LADIES DRESSES JUNIOR MISSES A.ND HALF SIZES ONLY 30 TO SELL - VALUES TO iilSO.OO REDUCED 75% ONE GROUP CHILDREN'S DRESSES ONLY 42 DRESSES TO SELL REDUCED 70% MEN'S DRESS PANTS BROKEN SIZES ONLY 36 PR. TO SELL REDUCED 70% MEN’S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS ONLY 28 TO SELL REDUCED 75% SELECT GROUP BOYS'JEANS-PANTS BROKEN SIZES - 75 PAIRS TO SELL REDUCED 65% BOYS' TIES 28 TO SELL REG. $1.00 Only 25c 67 PAIRS CHILDREN'S SHOES BOYS’ & GIRLS’ - BROKEN SIZES 8V-'. 'PO 3 REDUCED 75% ' Dv'partmi'ut uf AH, Cuiluri' And Hi.st'iry GRACE J. KOHlfKIt' .Si'cretaiy Modorn liavi'lcivs spi'ciling an- ! cniss ih(' iifw Green River lirlilge ^on 1-26 ill Heiider.siin ('Duiily are Iprolalily unaware nl the eni.s. ! sing's lung lii.dary. ; 'I'iie first hridgi' on Hie .she ; was built in the early Ison's le. I Peter Guire, a western .\orlh 'Carolina iiiuneer. lie was born I in I7HS to a family owning large I tracts of lan i on liolli sides of the Green river ai Polk and ' Henderson rmintles. I I'hrough his family's land ran .the olil Howaixl Gap road. Though on a trail, il was then a ■main route through the in'mii tains. When travelers rea li:''! the river, the only way to ei'is- was to risk life an l limli fording its swill ciirri'nt. As a joimg man, I’et-'i- hiire recognized the [loleiilial for jirol- il in a loll ■bridge and ri'st sloji at the crossing. Calcriiig to ah travelers and p.irlieularly to ‘‘drovers” moving animals from Tennes.see and Western .Xi’illi Carolina to marki'ts in tlie easl. package. Q. .Are llio'e any limit.s on how much you ran deduel as a C'haritahie eontrihution? A. Yes. In general, eontriiiu tion to most eharities. .such as ehurcher, eduiational organiza tions, hospitals, etc., may lie de ducted up to .31) tier cent of your adjusted gro.Ss income. However, contributions to certain non-oii- crating foundations, veierans or ganizations, fraternal .socieities, and cemetery organizations are limited to 20 per ceiil of adjust ed gross incoiTK'. Tlie organiza tion it.self can lell you vv h Ch uf the two categories il falls into. There are also ei'itain limita tions on contributions of proper ty, such a.s stock. For di'tails, see JRS I^ubliralion 326. ‘‘Income 'Tax rk'duction for Contribu- Itions,’* available fri'c from your 'IRS district office. he iiiiih a tavern offering too I anil I'idging l.ir the jieople and feed lots lor their livi'stork. Ac- ronling to a family lii.hory. Ihe crossing an<l lioariiin.g eliarges VM'ie olien paiil with an animal lather Ilian wii Ir-ash. Pell r Giiic:; died in F T.'t, llioiigli I’.ill I’liillips, e lilnr of '‘Ibi.'td- ways" iti.'c.'.i/ine. mhi'.s 1 h a t Gairr’s son, .loe. eonliiuu'd tlie popular “'.va.v slalioii. tiad.ii;.: post' uil.i Hie early PiPOs. 'I'he .voon.ger (diiice aisfi ri'jdared his lather'.-^ Iiiid '.:' with a ni'w one I'll Ihe .-.inie .^ile. 'I'lie ailveiil of Ihe aiilomoliil'’ ill Ihi.' (l•lllur,. aeiivated con Nil iieliiiii id many new roa ls and '••rid c, i:ul ihe Hevvard Gap Rcia I w a.- Hill one of Hio.si' ilioseii lor developmeiil. A new load, wliicii eveiilually lierami' pari 111 r. .d. 176. rros-sed Ihe riv er a rii-o miles lo Ihe smilli. 'I'he | III 1 1 iiad aiKl Ihe Giiice liridge | werii v .i III.illy aiiaadone. j In Ihe e.'ii ly Ispis. liowevcr. en-| ■uicEs well' .i-i'ek ii'g a roule for I'J'l III no.'is llie livei'. and ihe old 'liiire biiilge loralioii seemed III oiler an idi-al .••pot. By Hliis a new, foul-lane hri'lgi- .'panned Howard Gap 223 leel aliovc Ihe 'river. II i.: ihiiu.’,!il lo e Ihe liigh- <‘,'1 in Ihe easlerii Fniled Slalc.'' and ,s .-aid pi he in Hie exr i spill vliere Ihe young i’eler ' Giiiei' first Imill his mole modesi liridge aiiiiroximaleli| 1.30 years ago. Difliruli r o a i eoiislruclion through Hie muunlains dela.ved PAGE FIVE Flight To Top laycee Week Promotion rtie .Xiortli Carolina .laycecs will I'ulminale national .laycfe week .January 21 - 27i with ;a "Spirit 111 .Service’' flight arourid tlie slate on Satiiria.v, .January 27, witli stops in eacli .layoe reg ion. .Slate President Fred .Mot- rison vvili mei't with .la.vcoes, civic anil ciimmunity kiailers anil nows media repre.sentatives at airport} in Asheville, Charlotte, Winslony Salem, Fayelleville, Wilmington, Gix'envillo and Raleigli to hel^ focus pulilie atiention and avvariJ ness on Hie prolilems and neeilil of our state. J Till' week of January 21 ■ 2'? has hc'cn offirially proclaimed li.V. Govi'cmu' James Holshou.'Cr ai .laycei' wc'Ok in North Carolina in lenigiiilion of tli<' .great .serv ile rendered to lli«' stale by thq. .Ja.viees. 1 i’resident .Morrison will be pre*; sentiiig awards and ecrlificate.'t of aiiiireiiation to tho.se deserv ing citizens present and receiving; new memiiersiiip applieationiL trom .voung men across the staitt who lioiii've in iirogress througlC serv.ce. ; Hie Ois'iiiiig of tliai section oft 126 until .August of 1972. IiC I lei eiiiher a Iribult' was paid tiv one of the many interesting, but; lilllekiiovMi, epi.-odcs in local; .North Carolina history, when thaJ slate offieially named the newC bridge ill honor of Norih Carolina; pioiK'er. I’eter Guiet'. i TEMPORARY RELIEF OF MINOR PAINS ^ For Guaranteed Relief with PRUVO Tabs or Your Money Back On Sole at_ KINGS MOUNTAIN DBUG CO. » B-inca Consolidation Loans See the Money People at the MONEY PLACE For the Cash to Pay Off All Your Bills. TRIANGLE FINANCE CORP., 123 W. Mountain Street Telephone 739-2576. FREE Twe '"enrici HAu Personal lincome Tax Guidebook C!ear step-by-step explanation and directions; with worked-out tax form illustrations, showing you how to legitimately reduce your tax bill. Prepared for you by the lax ex perts of Prentice-Had, America’s leading tax information publisher for more than 50 years. Visit Our Office for a Free Copy of the Prentice-Hall PERSONAL INCOME TAX GUIDEBOOK. HOME SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 106 E. MOUNTAIN ST. FREE PARKING DRIVE-IN WIINDOW

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