71 Thursday, February 15, 1973 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C, PAGE SEVEN LEGAL NOTICES of ilii‘ a.'-i'ii’ulUii nl tivlus- J NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I Tlie Board of C'omiTiLs.sion('rs for| j the City of Kins-i Mountain wiili meet to hold a public hearing on Monday February 2t) at 7:30 P.M. INVITATION TO BID The Board of Commissionoi-s! ( mjUj0 H QlUlCiU I for tlie City of Kinis M )untain I will receive bi of the pitr- Future Farmer ol Amei ica will -nd the Imildin.rt of charaeter and I I required for the ec-nsti uetion of'cha.sing aoent during reaiii ir ohsrrvo .National 1-FA V\'eek, ■ dlizenship are the cornerstones | .improvements to the Cily of offi.-e hours. February 17-21. “FF.A Fnites of |-'i-'A, | Reque.st of C. David Jay, .Sr, to i Ivinas .Mountain's elec-tri.'-al dis- The Board (.f C.'.mmi.ssirmers re- ^'oulh Willi Oiiixn linnlies" is ihe .Ncmerons tiwards are aiaila-, rezone from R-20 to GB l.lie foi-j frihution .sy.stcm will he rei.'eived . .serves tile ri"!it to le.jeel any and theme ol till , yeai's oiisei vaiv;-,; !<■ \u FFA niemlieis to motivate: lowinff de.serlbed 'property: ; on or oefore 2:.3() P..M. KST on ftiel all iin»i>os.ils or to aceeiil the hid ac.'ordin,:; to (.'l;.'n Ic. Keels,! and re.-oftni/e llie.n tor ontstan'l j I 22nd d-.iy of February, 1973, at. ..cnsiderr-'l to be in the best in- .State Fl'.\ Advi.^o: tor 111!' State'lieu tiehievenienl In a variety ,d 1 tcre.sl :if the City of Kiii;;s .'Vloun- K-Uicition ,\,i;eney, 1 ;.yi i, ullnial pursuits. .Ncn lh Car-- ' Ofliicrs of tile .'•'l.-i'c FI'.N As- r'i.na I-FA niemners leceUe aj)-i All bi.ds to he marked: "Con- soi'i.'iti n will lake p:'! I i" '-arious jirovimalely $2(l,lt'tl) annually ’ .strutti in Work For IniiinAcmenl.' ac!i\ ilies on liic Stale h\el. Tit.hron.yh lids itieenlivo awartls To Water and Sewer Svsiem". me: 11- Ws I'lvleruo'l I, Auir - inoyrain. -d ihe.se aoari.; John Henry M').s.s, .Mayor \ die. ft es idem and Vic I’lesi 2:13-22 dents, Itandall l.anici Ihe City Hull in Kinqs .Mounltiin, 'BEGI-NNING at a .slake in the North etlqe of the right of "ay | aT'wiriidi’ time for U.S. Highway 74 anil in the | and nlace the pio|K',sals will be Wo.si edge of .side road and rnn- j pupiidy ojiened anti read, ning thenee along U.S. Highway 74 right of way in a We.slerlyj in: Iruelions f ir submitting hids d'ireelion .18(>.7.> feet to a st.ake ini and coniiilete speeifiealioiis may Winston •Salem; J.inies K:iyiioi-, .Mi. (i.i\e, .Steve 1),'ll is, i.e.isbnrj.; .loini Fe- I. edge of .said rlglit of way, thej 1h> obtained from Hie City’s Kn- Seuth East earner of Hial portion ] gineer, Soulhea.slern Consulting EXECUTRIX NOTICE of petitioner’s property whieli is| Engincer.s, In<-., 1’. O. Box l:31.'t-1, u„(]nfsi"ned, having tpiali- doronko. I .urcaw; an I Al:in already zoned GB 'for General • Charlotte, North Carolina, i^S2IO. | „f Kinney. China G' o iBusine.ss: thenee alu.ng the .said' (}B fKirtion of tlie jiroiierty N. 2-0.3, W. 253.10 feel to a stake: Hieiiee 3. 89-20 E. 171.5 feel to a stake I , The Cily of King.s .Mountain re serves the right to reject any or all propo.sal.s. in the We.stern edge of tin* .side road: I'lience along tlie West (sigo (rf .said side road S. (i-tK) E. 2,38.0 feet to the iBEflfNNING. ! City of King.s Mountain Kings .Moun'lain, North Carolina 'By: .Mayor J. H. Moss j 2:15-22 Request of Chailes E. Wilson to 'rezone from R-20 to NB -Hie foi- INVITATION TO BID lowing described pro|x»rty: ' Tlie Board of Commissioners A rectangular shaped lot lo-1 for the Cily of Kings .Mountain c.afi'd on U..S. Highway 74 W. wiith 75 feel fronting on Highway 74 \V. and ai>proximately 192 feel at its deepest part of the rectan gle. Located on the .Norlli side .of Eliiloek’s Drive Inn. Located at Postal Service llOli Shel.by ltd. Jolin Henry Moss, Mayor 2:13-22 C&B FLOOR SERVICE Finest, quality 100 percent nylon carpet. FI IA approved. Arm strong floor covering. Ceramic tile. Free e.stimates. Phone Grady Costner (739-26.33) or Larrv Boss (937-7400). 2;l)fn area aenn-s from P.elk’s, lie- ward. Pliene 739-2413. 2:1.3t;!i will receive bids until 7:30 |).m. | on February 12, 1973 for certain repairs to an e.xi.sHng M-G r-'- inforced concrete pitable w.'iter .storage tiink and icerlain eon- struelion tlierevvilli. Inst.rtr-lion.s, for siramitting bids, quantities and specifications reciuired may be (.btaine.i at the office of tin" I purchasing agent during regular I office liours. Tile Boarrl of C-omnii-ssioners re- ' serves tlie right lo rejei t any oiid : all propo.sals or to'accept the hid | eon.sid(*red to be in Hie iiesl in terest of Hie City of King.s .Moun tain. All bills lo iie niarlasl: Itepairs to an e.xi.sting MG Risinforeedi Concrete Potable Water .Storage j WANTED — Experienet'rl man to Tank and Certain ' Con-slruelion ] in.slali residential lie.-diiig an i Therewitli. air conditioning .system. Call •lolin Henry .Moss, M.ivor i 739-r)l()6. tfit AVON REPRESENTATIVE turn spare time into nioiiej’. .Many earn williout upsetting Ihe family routine. ''IPs ea.sy to start, it’s fun to do! Call for delaiis; 482-2711. 'Hulii .S.i.tf- fci'd, 11-8 Box 311. .Siieloy, N. C. 2S 1.3(1. atc.^ in (O ided liy agricullm al bii.s- liie.'.s .111(1 organi/ation-s in lli;‘ I,Sale. In addilion to its basic .-(etiiil- ie.s. ill'' .Noilli Carolina FF.\ As- j s(j( :a;ioii owns and oiierales three Th(^nna.s Frank B.illard. deee.'i.se-l, Gl'•■.ei iioi' liol.-dious.-r. oi ri( ia;-: FF.V , amp-.s oi gani/.cl i-cct ea.i ni, late of Cleveland County. Hiis ;,s ly procl:(,min;- tlie .N -Mli Caro- lea le-sli.'p dcxclopment anq lo notify all' persons luiving Ibia ovsciv.nice said, "lliC FI-A 1 ia led .-Klivii ;cs ai-e conducted dnr claims agnin.st said e.slate lo pte- lia.-; perf.-n med ;h(> i .ilna ;I;' .ser-dug ih" siniimer months. 'i'he .sent them to the undersigned vice of deieloiiing leadeisliip, eii-'( an.-p.s aic li. J. Ik'eler Camp, within li montiis from date of eouraging eo'iper.ition. promoi- VVliite l.ak'.*; S. H. .Siniinon' Hie publication of this not Tee 01 ing good citi/.. ii.-hip, icathing rno- Camp, .Swanslioro, and Toni same will be pleaded in bar 'it 'tern agi..-allural infoniiaiion. Hiownc Camp. Harnard.svilk'. their recovery. All persons indcbl- an t in.s])ir;ng isitraiHsm an.ong ed to .said estfOto jilea.se make its ineiTibcr.s; an(i tile FF.\ niott'j immediate payment. 'Le.iniing to do, doing to leaiii; This the 2n’fl day of February, e irnin'g to live, livin.g to .s'ci 197'j, estahli.shes a direction (d pnipo.ss ■leanclre H. Ballard ' for tlie fiiinre li-.sdf !-. of our pn. .30<> Lynn St. (iiit-lion agriciilline and a.gii-l)U.s John Fisher s Sites Conducted Executrix of the Estate yf ine.ss”. .lohn Alcxandi-r I'isln'r, 73, ot Thomas Fra.nk Ballard, The princijde aclKiiy planne I' Gnn er K'l.id, died Thur.-day in Decea.sed 2;l-23 i>.V Hie .ktale Fl-'.T ''ffiicris is a j Cicarwaler, Fla. — Goodwill l.uii.heon on February i , LOST — Ladie.s yellow gold 19 in Raleigh. li is de.signed to| wri.stwalch lost in d ;.vnlown rei'i.giii/e ilio.se who are eontri- sinvivin > i -e hi • buthi-g lo l-'FA v.'.rk. both ini ■ Annie .Seagle Fisher; one .s(,n, LOST AnH<|ue gold p.iekel watoli with inscription: to Vir ginia and dale December 2.3. 1972. L'jst l)etwee:i Edgemonl Drii'e and-Mountain Rc.st ceme tery. Heaard. (.’ail 7.'!9-.3(i77. .NoiHi Ciiolina and in t.he .\a- tion:il Olgaiiizali'di, and lo ae- , ,, ,, . quant them with current and pro-, ‘ 'V'-"' ''‘TI’, iecteri FFA aciivilie.s. ' Kmgs .woini am and .Mr.s Liliian ' There are .'t3(l lo,-.-,] FFA elm-!' "';ar«(del'. Ma; two .M)>. Ifla Lrudrm' ol Lin Jt^ncs (i!" St!,dents of a,ion:,I agrieult- «ve grinidciiiidren; an.l li\(' great-g:and(hildren. Snow Results: Three Wrecks SaJur.'l.iv s snow appan^nlly w;i.< tht* (.•au7:<‘ of traffic acci ‘i(‘nls in .M«)uniain but iiojio i'(‘suU<*t (’.\.) dii\ (■IS, Ila . h;u;;f'l navai Il.-afi of ]0'- ^lorris Sir(*(‘t uitii dii\in^ too fAst lf»r .’vndilion.- aficr Head’s ' Mr hit an i* \- spot anri hit a jxifla'I (a,‘ 'luno l 'i\ lloifo.' WiDai'l ni‘<\\'n of tJro\(v> A'.aauie. 'I'ito accid'in o't in i t'd ‘JH Souili Pi<*fhnoni A\(‘niH‘. D.aina fc to IIokI's car was listed at ,tn;i dam.i^'c to T^rown’s \eliicle was esiirn.atcd at $150. ila\t‘s ch.'irtci (Piar!:e Wig.- tar llamas of loo IPiad with f dlowin'r too aiovo atiai his .•;(]• hit an ic> s))oi .and struck a car diiran hy .laiiK's Junior Harrcd.son oj (iiKt (May Slrixd Ipr.as asiiinat* I (iain.-iLia to Ilar- raJsoti’s -ar at )S2tM) and d;inia'-»a to IJnrnas' cair at $].")(>. in another aecidcntl l)lanied on ih<‘ .'•now. Haya.- rcpojicri that a c.-tr <{r:\cn b> lia/el (Mtilda/s llil>p of Kasi Col i Slieel hit .an icy sj)oi .ajKl slid into a mail hox owned by the I', .s;. ]^)st ()ffii(‘. Ha.’.es esiiinair I datnaLje to Hipp’s ( O' a .’.'id dan:a'.M» to the mail l>o\ at Sa'i. Xo ehai'i^es won* tile). Ariftt ;er Saturday in- \' I’t], M. S. Criswell, t asulied in .S2.1ttd in M imaua':. (.f;sw<‘ll charp'd \VilnT^^?444)n Pea:>on of 2dT Faii\iew Stree’ with a sto]) '.ioiation a^tei fier car iaportedl\ ran the stop lij^lit at the inter>e. tinn of Pied mont and Itidu^e sUasd and siriiek a ear h\ Pamela Jan( Air wood of Route 2. Pama;^<* to the P<‘arson ear was listed at J>1 ‘Hill and dan:a;;c t i Ihe Ari o wood ear \v;i> list(*d <'J! .SVMr A thtax'-car \\i(‘t k Krid.jy r<*- sulted in J^l d:nna::e, a -‘’ord inji To pil, Crisweir.s lepoil. ili-; ie!}oil inama;4e to the twai ],<•(• Moioi C’o. lars was li.stod at Sl.dd') and llejo. . All Cleveland County {)er.-'ons will altendei WCP have Ihtmi in\'ii(’d l'> the ory^anizational met*'in/, .a.’cordiny: to Hale Br>- s-n. .assiaani superintendent ef S!iel'w ity Seliool.s, -a’lio is aet- jti/ as lemporaiA’ (diairman. ! 'File meidin:' is h(dn2 h
]3. ] :2,3tfn'-Mountain Itesl Cemoteiy. , FOR .SALE — 2 Panasonic Siieak-! ers (3B-2(KH, 2 way - 2 spearior .sysetm ’.villi 8" woofer and 3’-'’ tweeter 40 watt power liandi- ing (Mpacilv teach'. Coiila t Mrs. D. 11.'Brown, 7.39 2110 - 7.39.4901. 1:2.31 fii EARN THE HIGHEST RATE ON F.S.L.I.C. INSURED ' SAVINGS 5 Ways To Save Now All Savings Earn From Date Of Investment. 6% .$10,000 Min. 2 T'r. Term 67o Dividend Quarterly 5%% $3,000 .Min. 1 3'r. Term 5®/4 7o Quarterly Dividend 5%% 5% 5% Bonus Saviiig.s Certificate $1,000 Min. G Mils. Term RIX5ULAR PASSBOOK IbVTE Anticipated Full Pay Certificate Anticipated Withdrawals At Any Time Paid Quarterly KINGS MOUNTAIN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 300 West Mountain Phone 739-4781 If You Are __ Disatisfied with your job and would like to make a change, eonie by or ea’ll ns bntTiy. A.s yivu .see be low w»Have a large variety of jobs. plu.s joh.s that are not listed. Need Experienced Hosiery ma- chine operator. .Salary $114.0 ' wk. Custodion Help wanted. Stilary $347.00 mo. Wanted Experienced lellf'r in (-leveland County. Salarv (tpen. Cost Accountant — must have degree. .Salary in 5 ligure (v>l. Card and Spinning room liclp net di’d. Saliiry S8(UX) wk. Wanted good clorieal Help. .\nniial income $4,080.(X). Need Store manager. Annual income $1,080.00. Need store manager, .‘\nnual $7,280.00. Mu.st Have a.ssi.stant manager in credit company. Salary Open. We Need one adjuster trainee. s.il iry Open. Large company needs two col- lect.ars. Salary open. Need Two men willin.g to work driving and loading truck.s. Annual income $4,100.00. One Seamstress needed. Salary oiien. Lady Needed to work in dry oleanens. Salary $76.(X) wk. Wanted Shipping and roceiv- ing m.an. Salary S90.(K) wk. Needed experienced knitters. 1st, 2nd, 3rd shifts. Salary $412.00 mo. Need a large variety of labor ers. Salary $4,160.00 and up annually. AAA PERSONNEL INC. V 314 S. Washington St. Shelby, N. C. 482-5361 SERVICE STATTON EMPLOyEE wanted. Fulltime. High .selinol gra