i E bdvJi ..n early :1 cuvoiGi ;'t .nrjiai» J. C< 11 j- nu-'uia ..j % of * I silts n.^s Un.:; 1 J.tn. ,ry. n JinuM-v a* ove last K an ' 11 ion in Ja v an ol Sav- I from s »'^* al savlni? it to rroaso caV ' Popnlation ^Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8.465 The Gr«oter Kings Mountain figure U derived from the Special United States Bureou of the Census report of January. 1066, ond includes the 14.990 population of Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6,124 from Number $ Township, in Cleveland County and Crowders Mountoln Township in Gaston County. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages Today Pius One 8-Page Tabloid Supplement i^OL. 84 No. 11 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 15, 1973 Eighty-Fourth Year PRICE TEN CENTS u last pproval Of $556,675 Sewer Grant Is Announced lean- Up Drive Begins On April 1 City Vs. Clines Re-Opens Monday CHAIRMAN — Ward IV Com- mUsioner Norman King will serve os choirman of the city wide beoutilication program beginning April 1. Woman Charged Alter Shooting Kings Mountain police have charged Peggy Sullens with as sault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill following a shooting Monday at the Royal Villa Mo tor Inn on 1-85. According to police, Mrs. Sul lens’ husband, P'rank Sullens, of 600 Sultle Street, Shelby, was shot in the stomach in room 104 with a .38 cali(:re pistol at 3:30 a.m. Mondab'. ‘Mrs. Sullens is free on bond and awaits trial in Cleveland District Court. ^ City-Wide J Beautification Project Set ^ Ward IV Commissioner Nor- :.i man King will dhair the city’s I montli-long Clean-Up«Paint Up- ■ \ Kix Up promotion April 1-May 1. ^ 'Ihe board of commissioners Monday night approved recom- I mendation of the mayor for the a oeautification project and tapped i King as chairman. Tlie city will share in one- third of the cost of tearing down aid residential and out buildings i ^ not of commercial nature. I ^; Comm. Kings said other mem- ^ hers of his committee will be an nounced next week and that Scouts and other civic groups will be asked to aid the promo-, ^ ^ tion. ! “In the spring our thoughts turn to working outside and % beautifying our homes and we !•<. invite everyone in the city to help make this project a success”, said King. Pre-Schoolers V Register Now Vjjj^i'eschool registration is now ler waiy in the five elemcntai-y schools of the Kings Mountain district system. •Parents who have children who will enter first grade in Au gust 1973 are asked to obtain foiims from the principal's of fices at either Bethware, Crover, K^st, North and West schools in orter to complete their “shot” records 'before school opens. , Howard Bryant, school offi cial, says it isn’t necessary for immunization to be started im mediately. HELMS OrnCE Senator Jesse Helms has Openixl an office at Hickory to serve the people in Western North Carolina w+ilch will in clude Cleveland County. Mr. Keith Weatherly, Staff Assist ant, lis in charge of the office and can be contacted in room 205, Federal Building (Post Office) 28601. The telephone •number is (704) 322-5170. 1973 Tennis Courts Open Saturday The city is in process of in stalling lights at the five tennis jeourts at the high school and work is exipected to be comipleted hirday. When completed, eight lighted liennis courts for retcreational use iH be available to citizens, ere are three courts at the 1 Street and Davidson Parks. The project Is jointly sponsor ed by Kings Mountain District Schools and the City of Kings Mountain with the oity furnish ing the electric power and man power for in.staillation. The eight tennis courts will be Open to the publi'c at ail times. EVENING SERVICE Mike Remy, from Haiti, a stu dent at Gardner-Webb 0>llege wHl be the evening ^aker at (Bethlehem Bajptist cJhurch Sun day at 7;(X). Methodists Set Third Study Sunday A third discussion panel on In dia will feature the mission stu dy course at Central United Methodist church Sunday night at 7:15 p.m. The program is third in a ser ies of mission studies and will follow a covered dish supper at 6:30 p-m.7 in the church fellow ship hall. The interested community is invited to participate. Dixon Choir Benefit Set The Dixon Presbyterian Church choir will sponsor a hot dog and hamburger supper Saturday from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. in the church fellow'ship hall. There will no charge for the supper but donations will be ac cepted for the choir’s piano fund. Rev. Robert Wilson, pastor oS the church, will show slides of his recent to the Holy Liand at 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend both the supper and the showing. LBIsWUlow Sends Card Mrs. Madge H. Arrowood of Kings Mountain! long active in the Democratic party, received this week a thank you note fiom the widow of former President Lyndon B. Johnson. The engraved card was mailed by Mrs. Johnson from the LBJ ranch in Stonewall. Texas. It read: ‘1908 - 1973 Lyndon Baines Johnson — All our fam ily deeply appreciate your pray ers and sympathy during our greatest sorrow.” It was signed Lady Bird Johnson, Luci Johnson Nugent and Lynda Johnson Fobbs. Mrs. Arrowood said she had conveyed her sympathy to Mrs. Johnson at the death of her hus band. MAN OF YEAR — W. Seimore Biddix hos been honored for the fourth year os ”Man of the Year" by Sturdivant Life Insur ance Compony which he joined five years ogo. City Board Calls Public Hearing On Dog Ordinance For Itfarch 27 A public hearing on the city’s proposed dog law will he con ducted March 27th by the city board of commissioners. The citly commission discussed adaption of a dog fencing and leach law at Monday night’s ix?- gular meeting with Comm. Jonas Bridges, committee chairman, outlining recommendations of his committee. •Mr. Bridges said his committee recommends that: 1) adoption of a fence and leash ordinance requiring dogs either to be behind a fence or on a leash at all times; Cleveland County dog pound with owners to be fined court costs and other necessary fees to retrieve the! dog. 3) that (he new ordinance be come effective one mo'nth after its adoption. Comm. Bridges said it was the feeling of his committee that "the only way to control the sit uation is with an ordinance such as this.” Other members of the city’s dog ordinance committee are •Mrs. O. O. Walker. Larry Bry ant, (?hief Toon McDevitt, Mrs. ‘2f employment of a dog war- Otis Falls, Joel Marable, Gerald den to catch any or all dogs jThomasson and Mrs. Thelma loose and to tajte thorn to the i Monroe. Biddix Again Man Of Year Ward n City commissioner W. Siemore Biddix has won Sturdi vant's Insurance Company's ‘^an of the Year” honor for the fourth year, a company record. The Kings Mountain man join ed the insurance firm five years ago and served as president of its key Producers club for four years. He serves this year as vice-president. Comm. Biddix is superinten dent of the Sunday School of East Gold Wesleyan church and a Mason. He and his wife are parents of five daughters and there are five granddaughters. Presbyterians Set Study Course A Bible Study C?ourse on the 'Book of Exodus is being conduct ed on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian church. Dr. Paul Ausley, pastor, is leading the study which is under sponsorship of Women of the church. ^ The interested community is invited to attend. MISSION STUDY Mrs. Cal Fisher is leading a mission study on Romajns Sun day evening from 6:30 until 7:45 p.m. at Grace United Meth- odist church. The mission study will continue on Sunday, March 25th, and Sunday, April Stih. 2 Tracts Remain Among 72 Project Requires City of Kings Mountain vs. John Cline, et al and City of Kings Mountain vs. A. B. Cline, et al, are on 'the agenda of the two week term of Cleveland j County Civil Superior Court open ing Monday in Shelby. The city is .seeking via condem ' nation two Buffalo Creek iproper- ties: a 104-acrc pared owncfi by John D. Cnine and a 106 aere par cel owned by Ambrose Cline. 'Both cases will be heard by Judge W. K. McLean in Superior Court next week. The two Cline properties are the only remaining tracts of 72 required by the oity for comple tion of the Kings Mountain Water 'Project on Buffalo Creek. Jurotrs for the first week of Su perior Ourt are Alice C. Raper, Edward Andrew Self, Charlie Grier, (^rald-ine Harris Greene, Claffence Marion Walker, Joel D. Mode, R. E. Barnett, Suzanne Gibbs, Norman L. Lowery, Lula Ruth Allen, Clara R. Home, Mae G. Love, Effie M. Murphy, Oaro- be-l Lever, John Stanley MoNeiily, Mis. J. Charles Cabaniss, Rayvon W. White, Ruth Henderson John son, Matilda Ann Dixon, Mary Lou Glenn, Mrs. Cecil Jones, Glenn W. Ballard, Dzdie Brooks, Charles Ernest Anderson, Jessie Pearl Carpenter, Vance Lee Good man, (3eorge Lemuel Cochran, Eugene Webber, Jr., Earnest E. Luckadoo, Cleat Costner, Calvin C. Lingerfclt, Clem Wright, Don ald Sellers, Sr., William Dwight Ledbetter, Robert White Abrams, Dcdia Faye Chapman, Elaine H. Stone, Mattie Hipps Edward.s, James F. Graham, Hugh Lowery Kendri)ck, Thomas Lee Wilson, Raymond Champion, Andy Huff- Ktetler, Elizabeth Greenway, Le- tha Tarlton, Florence Hoyle, John fConthiucd On Page Six) City Updating Zoning Maps The city commission Monday night contracted with Depart ment of Natural and Economic Resources, Division of Commun ity Services, for a study updat ing the city’s zoning ordinances and zoning ordinances and zon ing base maps under a HUD grant. The state share for the pro ject is $6,400 while the city will pay $4,160 for the study which begins May 15th. 5.- *4^4^ - * ^ f FARM FAMILY OF YEAR — The Jack Hughes family of the Dixen community, above, has been hon ored CCS the area's Farm Family of the Yssr. Mr. Hughes and son, Mark, stand behind Mrs. Hughes, left, and daughter, Beth, as they admire the plaque emblematic of the honor. (Herald Photo by Gary Stewart) Ab Yaibro s Condition Worsens Hughes Family Is Bid-Letting Target Date Late April The city will let bid-s in late April for a major Soil, 100 sewage prcject f r v.i .h .^cth federal and state g .u j liave been ap- prov-ed. The Dt partment of Natural & Economic iies>ur;r.5 ha.s approv ed a 75 licrct: t P. L. 660 Federal Grant to the city in tlie amount of $477,150 ani f.ato grant in the am'cunt of SV9,.525.0:) u:.Vr E.^A Project N i. ('37(0.53 to aid in c:nstruction cl inteneptor sewer and additiens to the city’s existing vv'astcwater 'treatment ‘lacilities. The city’.<'.<haro of the $641,100 project will b<‘ S81,4.'10. E. C. Hubbard, a.ssistant din-'ct* or of th<* offk'C of Water and Air Rescurves, informed Mayor John M )ss cl graiu approvals this Ac; Ic. T’le pr rio.'t: 1) calls for diverting one half million gallons of vva.'^te per day fram the y.'jG Jl Treatment Plant to the Pilot plant; 2) calls for doubling the capa city at liie Fih/. idaiU frem two to four miiP'n gaPu-ns; and 3) caU.s far cc.i.s .“uciion of col- I''^tor lines in the n 'itlu'a.-t and rr>rtli'vve?t .sections of t!io city which will serve 6(X) acro.s, not now served, incluvling nerthwest cf C')opcrt;nvn to N(‘bo Cia'ck, crossing Can.^iler street, Waco road and behind Countr>' Club COM’ll^UEl) OS tOiili: o’ u Alvin ( Ab) Yarbro, Kings i Mountain farmer and business-! man who was shot six times and robbed several weeks ago as he ’ went to his biirn to feed cattle,! was listed in poor condition VV'ed-^ nesday at (Cleveland Memorial Hospital. I Gamble Gulf 0 £ Y ! Rased Mcpdav J[ ^ Kings Mountain R(vle- e!c'm Bell Announces New Agency Here I Southern Bell announced to- j day that effertive Monday, Yaicro. 6,5. had boon listed in | Mareh 19, it will have a new good condition for several weeks ! coUecticn agency in Kings after undergoing surgoiy the day , Ai.^i,ntain. R. B. Moore, l(Kal of the shooting. However, a j manager, stated he was pleased spokesman for the hospital said | his condition changed suddenlv Wednesday morning. No official reason for t'lie change was given by the hospital but a ix'liablo source told the Herald Wednesday afternoon that Yai)n-o had developed a blood clot after falling out of bed. .Meanwhile, the search g(X's on for his assailant but a spokes man for the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Di'p-aUment said W(vk nesday that his department has no now leads since last week. to anncunce that all Southern Boll cu.'itomers in the area may pay their bills at (Bryant's In- surnce Agency located at 146 West King SOreot in tlie bus station. Friday, March 16, will be the last day Kings Mountain Sav ings and Loan will be takirtg telephone payments. mienf Commis.'vion Monday b<‘gan raz ing feur downlo'.vn buildings. D. H. Griffin Ce.’Tipany of Green .-"bo-ro, which Iiolds the demolition contracts, ra/ed the ■‘Id Gam-ble Gulf StaM.-n at the «Trne^ of FattlcTrnip.I anri M. ‘’n- t.ain and lia-* three otlior build- 'ng-' In flemoli.'^h. . Gene Wli.ite, commis.sion dime- f'r, sai.l all the bu'1d:i:'g.s shenld Thp Jack Hughes lamily (l<'mcH-hed wilhin a month. Rcute 2 has bet'n named Dis-! f'l li-'t in- ifict Faraici-s Home A<lministra-' •'^-'’uney huJd- )inn Family of the Vctir an.1 is re'-onlly occupied by Gray- Bistrict FHA Honcr Awarded Area Family Ey GARY STEWART Mayo? Tc Raleigh For Forum Today 'Mayer John Henry .Moss will go to Raleigh today to atunv.l :\ forum en si'eci il rev enue s’lar Although the incident took ! on invitation uf Grove:nor place on ^Tarbro’s farm outride , , the city limits. Kings Mauntain ; , The forum is spen.s-rM by ihe iPolic<‘ Chief Thomas McDeviil :NorM t inmn i .-n has worked long and hard on the ^ new in competition for slate hoiv ois. The Hughes family received its fcrnli ate last Friday from John I'M I)n\'s, recently retired PTIA suix.*rvisor. ...a iiOghescs operate a 409- ' t'-* t-nkey ami cattle farm in the Dixen School Communit liio 2'9-acre faim owned by the family was oiuc oiH*rated by Jaik son’s Jeweliv' and T'-nev’-; Dis- Sb're. the former .MiG'in- n'^ birlflin-g occupied by M'^Tur- dv ricaiK'r-:. the vacant buildiing '■-'-me*-lv cA’Upiefl by McGinnis DepartmcMt Store annex and iho fermor Ware & Sops Roller mill, A h''h the cr'm'mi.s.sicn acquired fmm Mauney .Mills. The iBatMegrc'Und Avenue p(*rtics will be offered for resale Hughos- faCiL'r, Ihe Ial,> Conrad f*'!' dovelppment but the Roller llaglies. Hugjies rents an ad<li- tional 12b acres giving him a ca- ji.u ity ft'r 75,030 turkeys and IbO beef cattle. In rr.ommtmding tl'.o IIugh<'s family for statewide ccmjx'tilicin. Davis said: “.Mr. IIughe.s is one 1 of v]ip me.-u culJtanding f’rmers •• -ia! d('\vn 1 case and has several good leads.' cini''mn In fact, McDoyitt could he dose ‘■I’;'fha un to obtaining enough evidence for “f certain feder.il pr.igv;in-3 an. a warrant. new legislative proposal i and Will begin at 1:^0 pm. .n (ho ai'- Yarbro was reportedly robbed ditorium of Highwciy artmenj of over So.OOf). ' Vuilding in Raleigh. Four Jailed Ifollowing Robbery 'Anmed Tobberies at Liberty i Loiin and McGill’s Esso, a 'break- we have ha.l on the farm owner- <\\] program in Cleveland Coun ty since the iirvfdion of the pro gram. Ilis operation is a model for other farmers. Even though iie had very little e<iucation of a : technical or scientific nature, he is recognized as one of the most knowledgeable men in his field in either North or South Caro- j lina.” ' Hughes nole.i that it’s “an ho- I nor to lie selected as Di.'-tri.^t Farm Familv of the 5h‘ar an i ately and that aheut 15 minutes t Ee*t Mnnday after .^topping a 19G tickled* that we re compet ing for stale honors. One man Mill proiK'Tty cn West Street W'ill ho retnino'I. ;?endir:t the preicete.d irb-T^cali-n of West Gold and an underjxass under Scutheni Railway. The commission previously raz- /--i the ‘‘omor offices of Dr. J. E. '••'Ivrv acquired from George T,i’hin»n»- ki and the former Kings M'untain He’^ald build'n-g, ai*- quhcci frem FX.-'t Baptist Cliua’h. men were reportedly shot at. The suspect ix'^portodly ran ! later, i^iolico found a car in Ailiich Plymouth on Oriental .\vcnue. in and larceny at Kings Mountain { from a house and was (picked up i the men left MicGill’s at a loi.-al Acm.-ding to p'lice, (lie driver hard for Farm Center and a ras'h of manor' t>y a motorist on Watterson' drive in re.staurant. A person at . of the car was an escape frem Cline Tinned. Bv EPIC Ward I ‘Commi.sdoner I'av C’hio has boon designerl a.s the rity’s reprosen‘tati\'e on tlie tx>ar.l of Electp’c Power In Carolina, I* Ccmlm. (Tine was appointed by the city ermmission cn reem- mendation (T Mayor John Mo^s. To provide lew co t rh'*'^(c vandalism kept city pol'ice on Che Street. It was reported that fhe' the restaurant reported swing the Mt. Plrns-int Dept, of Cju rec- ^ us to win b<'c:uiJ0 peo; Ic from p-nve.- to it? 77 municipality run during the past week. Police have made several charges as a result of the cTlmes but some of the lesser crimes are still unsolved. (Miles E. Boyce of Ki'ngs Moun tain was charged with armed robbery falilowing a Thursday stickup at Liberty Loan. C. B. Green, manager oif the firm, re ported that the 'Loan company was reflieved of $2(K). man drove hilm to Shelby, wthere i five pcr.sons get into another car tiofis. Police said tlie man ;ul- he hailed a taxi to Gastonia and that had driven up behind the mi’ted stoaVing tlie car from caught a bus to Charlotte. i restaurant with the lights out. Falls Fsed Gar Lot !nit the own- He was appiehended at a bus; An all-channels alert to area or cf the ('omixinv rcfu.?ed to terminal ,in Charlotte and had on his possession a bus ticket to New York City. Two persons were arrested in Ga.stonia Sunday morning and Charged with tihe Saturday night armed robbery of McGill's E.ssk). Charged were Sidney Boi>"d Eaves, police was broadcast and Gaston pre.ss charges. Value of llie car County police reported having! was listed at $2,090. the .suspects at 5 a.m. the next T’lree persi>ns were chargi'd morninig. i Thursday night with stealing a A break-in at Kings Mountain: roll of clrth from K Mills. Farm Center last Friday night Charfred were Bonny J. Byer.?. netted thieve.? $2,.500 worth of 16, cf Blackslnirg. Arthur Suroiise. chain saws and go-cart motors. 60, of Kings Mountahi and L(nvU our (listrirt liave wen for throe yenr.s in a row. 'rut another man tol i me that we’ll .stand a g(»o;i chance of winning the stale ho nors.” FlIA iK'rsonnel s:ty titat the menibc'rs in the slate is a m of EPIC. Mayor John M-vs is a ‘rnemiber cf t'lie lx>ard and ha.s .served on the b viJici f<T several years. Tlie 'nia\T>r and Comm. Cline Hughes farm,is as automated as win attend (lie n\giona4 mec'ting an oiK'ration its t.v]>e can bo. COSTISUED CN PAGE 6 of EPIC at Shelby’s Holiday Inn Monday. Kings Mountain Clinmber of Aocordinig 'to -reports from Che; 47, of Bessemer City and Paul. Alccording to police, a woman Byers, 17, of Blacksburg. war- )loan company and police, a black I James Minrey, 24, of Ranlo. i caime to the police station at 5^30 rant has been drawn against a male came into the company at Norman F. 'MJcGiH, owner of a.m. and reported the break-in. third Bilcksburg youth but lias .not 1:30 p.m. Thursday to talk to, the service station, reported that: Entry, police .said, was gained by yet been ser\'ed Green about a loan. When he was refused the loan, he report- inside the station with the lights j to enter Plonk Brothers Depart- " . out when t\^'0 males came to! ment Store the week before. ! u^'day that s memo t>n)ke into a p ni. at Kings Mountain Country Ted Ledford, pwner of the new hrme in the Norihwoods dub. store, reported that missing were su^a-divilsion and .‘ftidc a Hotp)!!!! 11 ne^'^^ McCulloch chain saus, range. A witness reportt'd seeing Tlie Chamber C Oi C Will Elect New Officers At Annual Dinner Meeting MondaY edly tiHilled a small oalibro pistol and fired it toward the floor sev eral times, but the guin did n'otj the door wanting cigarettes, fire. He then shut employees of j McGill said that when he the company in a restroom and j opened the door one of the men helped himself to the $260. may b<' obtained from C of C see he had just locked up Saturday! prj'ing open the front door, the Value o-f the cloth was listed Ommeree wiillj.*Uvt offavrs and retarj' Lucille Williams, night about 9:50 p.m. and was same method AhiCh thien'es used at $1.35. direi’tors for 1973-71 at a dinner A program of entertainment ' - . - T. 3. Huti.dierson reported .Sat- meeting .Monday night at 7:30 will he presented but ‘plans svere m>t eomipleto Is reinstituting Police combed an area near Watterson Street where the sus pect was reixjrted’iy holed up in j pulled a shotgun and demanded , three used McCulloch chain saws, a tru'ek in the area which left it.? policy of holding annual ■money. The men took $35 which | one used Sears chain saw and going toward Be*-'semer City. meeting.? and anticipates a hirgo wa.s in McGiir.s wallet. j three go-cart motors. ' Value cf the range was not to- <T0^vd of members and their udve.s City police chief Tom McDevdtt | Police reported the laneny of , parted. Police reparied thaj. Tio, attend. a relativ^e’s home. Several police- said police were alerted immedi- an auto from Ed Falls Used Cax one lived in the home. Tickets are $3 per person and bide. at pros.stime W’etl- nesday. Joseph R. Smith, pro gram chainnian. said a speaker from the Ga.?tonia area is being invited to make the ucKiress. Larr\’ Hamrick is chairman of the nominating committee. President J. C. i.nuge.s uxll pro- V - ^ \

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