n :tt Population Greater Kings Mountain City Limits 21,914 8,465 The Gtcoter King* Mountain figure it derived from the Speciai United State* Bureau of the Census report of fonuary, 1966, ond includes the 14,990 population of Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6,124 from Number 5 Township, in Cleveland County ond Crowder* Mountain Township in Cotton County. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 84 No. 16 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April 19, 1973 Eighty-Fourth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Thoroughfare Plan Resolution Will Be Proposed DIXON 4-H LEADERS HONORED — Mrs. Thomas Berry ond Oscar (Bud) Greene received plaques as Cleveland County 4-H Leaders of 1972 at the third annual 4-H Awards Banquet Friday night sponsored by the Greater Sheiby C iiuin'oer of Com merce. Dean Whisnant right representing the agriculture committee of the C o2 C makes the o ward presentations. Both Mrs. Berry and Mr. Greene were cited for leadership in the Dixon Community 4-H club. (Photho by I. G. Alexonder) ' t'. Easter Rites Sunrise B a.m. Shirley To Give Sunday Morning Easter Message A larg<? sediment of Kings Mountain is expoctel to gather at Mountain cemetery Sun day morning lor the annual comm unitywide Eastor Sunriso service, which will begin with a prelude of Easter music at 6 o’clock. County 4-H Club Leader Honors For Dixon Duo Two Dixon Community leaders - Mrs. Tom Berry 4-I.I Schocls Buy Fdtcn Trad For West Plant i Kings Mhenlain ! s..hoo]s have i)urLiias«‘.'l th:* VV' i- I j iirca 1 u.ten iuo; c/ty f,r \\’eit I Mountain str-'ci at o'' S \ t T tie for t'le iir(»prr!y [i in the | ■ han is of .s-hoo! officials . j I Donalii Jonos sai'I when ! ! the house on tlie properly is de-' ’ moli.shr 1 the acrca^M’ will ino-: vide mu'ii iKy'dcd plav area for, ' i:iaden;.' c. \V(?s( scliool. ' 'i-.c I 'ulton house will be de-; moliohed in about two monihs, said Supt. Jone;, \ .a afjrt'omont : with city trew,, who will as'dst in the c-'oaring of the ilOxl.^O foot jarcel. lEulfnf Puzdes SchodOliicials Ey GARY STEWART Kings Mountain school offic ials are still puxzied over recent reports that they are not in com pliance WMth federal desegrega tion guidelines. In Fii ruary a federal court judge issued a court order a- gainst the Department of Health Education and Welfare instruc ting it to proceird with desegre gation of 116 school system in 17 Southern slates among them the Kings Mountain district. At that time, Supt. Don Jones contacted Rep. Jim Broyhill and HEW officials and was told that Kings Mountain had followed had no- y. ! Mayor To Ask Bjand To Urge Impkmeufaticn MMV.-i .T' 'll! Ih ':;y .M) s will rc ,• n.nu a 1 l. I'a' . ity bctinl cJ Coinmi.-.. ' i.<'r M-urlay iiigiil that : a ; , .i i\ ’u;i: n to 'ilie Gore ' ard .-ia e Highway Cl .V urging the US 71 by- I 1) -pi'CirM;' pu.<y. pnj ’c i; 2^ ( :r-lra l:\ ata a r a. jUgi.)! Jiigii - • I r4 and L v\dli i.ie \..n < a • -ruo n ,’r 'll Ihc jM'op :s<xl ii s. ii t lo ]>:. a.a US inlLially to iiuersecl . pj.-x-d hy-pass; BRICKLAYING STUDENT WINNERS — Kings M cuntain high schocl bricklaying students took top honors in the district bricklaying contest recently ond will compete in the state contests in Wilmington April 27. From left to right with their instructors are Terry Thomas, Robert Tate, Rob ert Curry, J. R. Taylor, Thomas Berry, Jr., Paul D. Fulton and Dewey Towery. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Tate are instructors. (Photo for the Herald by I. G. Alexander) Church Rites To'Celebrate "Christ Is Risen" Funeral O II SPEAKER — Rev. Frank Shirley will deliver the sermon at community-wide Easter Sunrise services Sunday at 6 o.m. in Memorial Park of Mountain Rest cemetery. Maunday Thursday Communion Set Maunday Thursday Commun ion service will be observed Thursday evening at 8 p.m. at First Presbyterian erurch. Choirs of the church, under the direction of Mrs. Darrell Austin, will render special music. HRE ALARM Kings Mountain firemen an swered a call Wo(inesday night at 9 ip.m. to 711 Floyd street where they extinguished a stove fire. RetaPhilei In Choial Croup Reta Phit*er, Kings Mountain stmlent at Columbia University in 'New York, sang in the Choir Workshop Concert Sunday at First ARP church, 'Gastonia. ■Miss Phifer is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Phifer of Kings Mou ntain. The choir was under the di rection of Dr. J. Marion .Mc Gill. professor of music educa tion at Columbia University. The traditional service is dor sponsor.vhip of the Kings Mountain Ministerial Assacia- tion. Rev. Frank Sliirlo}’, pastor of Temple iHaptist church, will de liver the Easter sermon, and other ministers of the community will participate on the program. iRev. Boyd Kisller will read tlio scripture and Rev. Archie Chapman will pray the morning praiyer befoi'o two anthems by the Kings Mountain high school chorus, “Early In the Morn ing" by McCoJ'mick and “But Now Is Christ Risen" by Peter son. Rev. Edwin Chriscoe wall pronounce the benediction and Rev. Waugh, pi'csident of the sponsoring group, will pi'oside. A high school brass ensemble will be under the direction of Donald D<'al and Allen Jolley will direct the congregational singing of “Ohrist Arose." Mrs. J. N. McClure will direct the an thems. Boy Scouts of the community will distribute programs and as sist city police in traffic diix>c- tions. In event of rain the service will he cancelled. Rev. Mr. Waugh said the community is invited to partici pate in the sunrise service. Broyhill Here April 27 For Visit U. S. Congressman Jim iBroy- hiil will visit Kings Mountain Friday, April 27th. The Congressman will gireat citizens at the office of Mayor Jr.hn Henry Mo.<s from 2:30 until 3:30 p.m. at City Hall. Traditional Holy Week giddelines’and had no-'culminate here Oscar (Budt Greene were worry about. ; U'aditional Easter bunn*e lorcd as Cleveland County’s 4*H Tuesday, wire reports stated!''^"®®- 1 Leaders of the Year by the| had been ordered | !Greater Shelby Chamber of Coni-i speed up desegregation pro- | j merce Friday night. | (.(,(Uires and th.it the HEW had ; I The surprise presentations:'o<>cn ordered to inform the llGi ■were made during the thir:l an- schools that they might lose fed-, nual county 4-H leader banquet at cral fun is fcx'cause they had not' the county office building. | met desegregation guidelines, ; Engra\ ed plaques were pix*-' ‘-We have never recived any-1 sented by Dean Whisnant, on be-: thing in written form,’* said, half of the C of C agricultural! <upi. Jones Wotlnosday after committee which sponsors the af-! hearing the news. “I gathered fair. I from 'ne\»‘spaper ix'ports that Janies Taylor, guest speaker we’re not in any kin.l of pre fer the dinner, termed county 4-H dicament tliat woukl cause us leaders “real 14 carat volunteers,“ to lose fedei al funds." pointing out that Cleveland coun-! Asked if he had tried to con- ty is fortunate to have their fair'tact any HEW officials. Jones share of volunteers. Volunteers J sai4, “There really isn’t any use ^'^';\vho help young people do more! to. They don’t know' what the " for the community than all problem is. We'll pr(*babi'/ have others, ho added, noting, “you - an on the sgiot investigation and all this will filler down event ually." IvM sc'hool officials say they wpi'c told in 19dS that they had folIowiKl federal guidelines and were totally desegregated. The system currently has an enrollment of 1,1S7 students, of which 970, or 23 percent, are ser- wilh ser- Edwin Dixon's Rites Conducted Funeral services for Edwin (pill I Dixon, 56, of 211 Dilling street, wore conducted Saturday morning at 11 o’clock from the Chapel of Harris Funeral Home, Masonic burial rites following in Mountain Rest cemetery . Mr. Dixon died Wednesday night at 11 p. m. at his home of an apparent heart attack. He was a native of Cleveland county, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Claivnee T. Dixon. He was an employee of Groves Thread company and a member of Fair- view Lodge 339 AF&AM of Kings Mountain. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. I Ruby Lingcrfelt Dixon; one I daughter, Mrs. John Hardin of Kings Mountain; one brother, C. Kings'Mountain Redevelopment | In a .special session, the board Dixon Jr. of Kings Mountain;. Commission api>roved resoUitiion ; amended the total federal share three sisters, Mrs, David McDan- Tuesday accepting an additicnal i to include the addition. i<?l of Hendersonville, Mrs. Ol- $125,000 -grant from the Depart-1 Already approved 'is a $2.8 land Horn and Mrs. Wesley Kis- ment otf Housing and Urban De-. million grant for the projeet. iPt, both of Kings Mountain; and velcmment for the Cansh^r Area! Mayor Moss and Director Whiite three grandchildren. projtJCt, it was announced by M. stated appreciation to U. S. Con-; Rev. Robert Allen and Rev. j:.ugene White, director, and May- j gressman Jim Broyhill for his as- jGIen Boland officiated at the fin- Cf John Henry Moss. ; sistance, . , , al rites. $125,000 Additicnal HUD Grant For Cansler Area Renewal Project It! can’t hire a good volunteer, has to come from the heart. j The Leader of the Year hon-1 ors a man and women chosen' each year by a special commit tee as a result of their 4-H lead ership. and leadership in church, com'munity and homelife. Also receiving 1972 leader cer- ficates from the Dixon Commun ity 4-H club, in addition to the honored pair, were Mrs. Oscar Greene, who won the top award two years gao; and Mrs. Mar vin Caveny. Rev. R. D. Lucas gave the in vocation and Carrie Davis pre sented a piano solo. David Lucas, accompan ed by Mrs. J. N. Mc Clure, rendered a vocal solo. Mrs. Berry, the former Annie Mao Childers, is the wife of Tom Berry and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Teal Childers of the Dixon community. Tw'o of the Berry sons, Tommy and Charlie, are j 'Continued On Page Six) Maunday Thursday commnn- icn services will be held b/ First ri'es:!)ylerian churth, Shi- Ich Pri'S'bytorian church of Gro ver, Central Unitivi Methodist cluirch, Resurrection Lutheran churi'h. First Biip'-tist church, and Boyv'e .Memorial ARP chure.h. Kings Mountain’s two Luther an churches plan Goex! Friday rites and Resurrection Lutheran plans a Sunrise sorvic'o at 6 a.m. Sunday at the churc'h in Cies- cent Hill with breakfast follow ing at 7. The reading of the history of the Passion Will feature the sol emn Good Friday service at 7:30 p.m. at ResurreclioJi church. Special music by the choiii, will loaiure all the Holy Week ser vices at the t"hurcli. At St. Matthew’s Lutheran church the Good Friday service w’ill feature the Serviev of Sha dows at 7:30 with siM?icial music by the choir. Shiloh Presbyterian church at Grover has schedukxl Holy SUCCUMBS J. Roan Davis succumbed Thursday after a long illness ot the age of 85. McGill Student The system employs 196 Week services on ^ School Trustee black. teachers, including 32, or 20 per cent, black. In February, Jones noted that which might not mwt federal (Continued On Page Six) Superior Ratings For KMHS Bands Kings Mountain high school’s Senior Band recei\'ed a rating of “Superior" at the state band night and Friday night with the service of communion on Thurs- daiy. David Baptist church will stage an Ea.ster drama on the chinvli lawn on U. S. 74 west in the Bothw’are community Easter morning beginning at 6 a.m. Members of the congregation will portray five scenes: Pilate’s throne, leading Christ awviy from Pilate’s throne, The Crucifixion, contests Thursday in Saliscury. Jesus is taken from the Cross and It is the second consecutive! laid in a tomb and the Resurrec- yoar that both the Freshmen and' tion. Senior Bands of the high scfiool I Rev. Marvin Whisnant is direct- have won “Superior" ratings in spring band contests. ihg the ])agc*ant and wdll serve as narrator. Mrs. Betty Hoyle will The hands are under direction direct the choir in Easter anth- of Donald E>oal. j ems and Mrs. Linda Seism is in — 1 charge of props for the setting. ADOPTED MAMA — "Nanny”, a pet goat belonging to Nelson Sellers of route three, has adopted two little piggies, "Porky” and "Haywood”. When Mama Pig became ill the pigs, then a week old, found a substitute Mom. The pigs are now four weeks old ond getting totter everyday on goat's milk. "Porky” or is it "Haywood” is pictured with Nanny. 4 j John Knox McGill, King^^' Mountain High .School junioi',: i>ccame the first student member ; of the board of education Mon-i day night at the board’s rc»gu- , iar monthly meeting. | McGill, son of Dr. and Mrs. John C. Mc'Gill, was sworn in by magistrate J. Lee UoU'rls. i I Ac*Ci)r:iing to Supt. Don Jones. McGill will ho encouraged to en ter into d.s'cussion but will have no legal vote. He will, however, i be entitled to particii)ale in vot- ! ing except on p<‘rsonnel and, technical matters. McGill is cunvntly vice pre sident of the Student Particiita- lioii Organization (SPO> ami is; ia former vice pivsidenl of the! sophomore class. lie has servtxl ' as freshman cla.ss represcnlai- ive, is a memlx'r of the Nation al Honor Society. Kiw Uliib. ; Science CUkMath Clu '. a mem- , her of the annual staff, is a ' junior marshal ami a nu'mU*!- C0NTlNUJ;:O OX PACP <! Putnam Property Rought For CRD : The Kings Mountain Kediwelaj) ' mcni Cemmi.-'sion has acquired ' the Putnam Building on Wc'st I Mountain street, anothi'r of the I properties it will raz(*. Julin Hall, ! a.*^sisiant dinx’tor of rhe omimis- f sicn, .said vi'sierday. i The let, fronting 17 ftx't on Mountain and 100 feet dt'ep. and building were purchas<'(i fr<nn Mrs. Mae Fulton Putnam for $8275. The redevelopment plan <'alls feV razing of the Sculman build ing now occupied by Dellingt'r’s Jewel Shop, the Putnam Build ing, a brancli office of Warlick Davis lawyer. Veteran, Ex-ledslator Ituccumbs at 85 Funeral riles for Jtsleth Rcan Da\ is, 85, former city ailornc*y. stale legislator and ])rc:ninent clunchman, were c'oiKlucied Sun day afteriKKm at 3 p.m. from Ce:i«.al United Melh^xlist churcli, of which he was a member. Hi.s final rlte.s vvtTo onducti-d by his pastor. Rtw. Paschal Wau.gh, a.'-si.'<te.i by a former iki.-'- tcr, Rev. Garland Winkler, and interment was in Mountain Kci ccmct<'ry. Active })allb(^arer.s were Glot' Edwin B-ridg(‘s, George Ware, H. S. ih eliM’, Jr., Charl(‘s Alexander. Clarence Plonk, and Fred Wriglit. Honoraiy jKillbearcrs were law- yt'rs of the Cleveland-Gaston Bai .Vsso.'iatiiui, m<‘mhers of the Da vis Bi;)lc Cla.ss of Central .Metho dist church and officer.-^ and di rectors of Kings Mountain Sav ings Loan association. Mr. Davis succuml)ed to a long illness Tliursday aftern>o:i al 1:45 p.m. in the Kings M(;untai;i liospital and foIkAving severe’ .veal's deedining liealth. He vveis a native of Cleveland County, sen of the late Gt*orge W. and Jane MeSwain Davis. A gnul- uate of Trinity college (now Duke University), Class of 1914, he was graduated from the School cf Law of tile University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An En sign in the U. S. Navy during World War I. he served as atta che’ to the Governor of Santo Damingi Partner in Davis & ,White law fitni, he wa.s Kings Mi>untain city attorney for a numbtr of years and was President-Emeritus ol Kings Mountain Savings & Loan (Ciintiiiiud On Page SiXJ 3) j(..ning cf Ea t G jM .'treet Aiili vvc.il . iolvl via an under- p-a. v\ Ic] ing cf East G:fld to L..en.a! avenui', and extending East Guld Ji! c.i iti i)rc.<tML dead end to Cajitciju:> read and to innT.'Cjl Aitn pri.seiit US 74 Ka.st; an 1 4) vviclening of in:er.sei-ticns at Raldegr anKi aver.iu'^and Parker street, front Parker to Ridge, and at Du'ker.son roa l, from DiJversoii to Margrave road. Mayor Moss said all of the proposals are in the city's mas ter thoroughfare i)lan and are designed to speed traffic flow. The c'omini.ssion aUo will con duct public hearings on street improvement assessments for Williams siireet and Princeton drive. Commenting on iiis proposed resolution on street and road pro jects, Mayor Moss said, “It is time for ilte city gjveniinent to take a leadership role to attain these needesl 'hnpruvements." He abided he hoix*vl to enlist _ Liu* cooix.*ration of the city’s civic ^ J clubs, servi^-e organizations ani ' Olliers, ami exjXvtcd tu cojil^x .vidi aiea iUgjnvay ConimL-.si«'ner Walter LenluKir concerning riie iiailicuhir parts of the Uiorough- fare plan. City Receives £evenne-Share The city received its revenue sliaring ciuvx in the amount ol $3t),7.-)9.i.»(J this week, v iiy Clerk Jue AKDaniel, Jr. reix>rled. Tlic cii> aiUi.'ipaies receiving $123,(>Uo-plus lor the year, Uiifrom last ytar if the first quarter is iiuiicatiu:! of andcii-^ateU receipts. THEATRE SHOWS Kitigs Mntntain Little Thea tre p.esenlcd “Dial M for Mur- d(‘r’’ l" U; preciative audien;.*es Mi.nulay and Tuesday evening, n'Sv'lu duling the fx^rfonnances earlier because of Holy Week (.)uii\h services this weekend, s;xjkesman said. Mis. Myers, 67 Dies In Salem .vlis. Eva Ml^eis, 67. of Salem, .Missouri, former resident of Kings Mountain, died Sunday in Sak'in. Funeral riles are incomplete ut will pri' ably lx* held Friday with burial in Hollywood ceme tery in Gastonia. .Mrs. Myeis’ husband was he laic Clarence G. flyers, also for merly of Kings Mo'unluin. Surviving are one son. Clar ence M. Myors Jr. of Wayne- wfight. Alaska, and two d:iugh- ers, Mrs. Floyd Styers of Salem, .Mo. and Mrs. Thomas Drane of Savannah, Ga. Also surviving are 16 grandt.hildrcn and five great grandchildren. City Keating To Build Building Shopping Center Permits $240,676 Kings Mountain .'hoping v'"cn- ter bought a city building permit this w(»t'k to cm.'itruct three ma- -itnirv' and -^teel 43.180 stjuaro foct buildings at <'sHmatr.i C'jst \ S2P-.676. Buildcn= J. Wilson i'rawferd a.'id Robi'rt Neill, said .onlractors arc Gwaltnov, Inc. of M:: re^villc. Tlie lU’W shopping center will be 1 Uei on U. 8. the Armor)'. Fixture Company of Norwood holds ilu* eoniiract. Other ;x*rmits were issued to 'cnstriution & Apartment Rent als to repair and remodel a milling at 9U Grace street at estimated <x>st of $2850; Mrs. iioyce Gains, 803 First street, a ■arpoft estimated to (^xst Kenneth Clminger, 805 Monroe 71 west near j avenue, close in carport and con- l-drucv new can;;crt, $19d0: and Another major piece of o>n- Jmah .M.'.VnInir, 402 Belvedere struct.ion will be the now lu'nte i Circle, for a utility building esti mated to t'ost SI75. of City Heating Cojnpany on Pla ter street. Corbet NichoN'an bought pcM-mit to buili a mclal ccmmereial building on the pro perty at estimated v\>st of S21,.5tXl. Belk Department S:arc was .s-5ued a {xu'mit to renodel witii Cliarlie E'lters of Bridges strei't eljtatned trailer plat'onient per mit and pcrimetiT zoning■pe.'miis were obtained by Jcuncs L. il<un- . , .. UiO i, ic .Uv IU4..1 ad ill i T ay \/ilIi-\ a i; .pirated co&t at SiaOQ. 5tai»loy i a Uv^xi.y bgj

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