THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. USE THE HERALD CIASSinED PAGE Thursday, July 19, 1973 Sole 1 )USE Acim. loom iibina* I# fin- itnace. 7104 Istate e UK of erty lie at 203 sbestos loom - room o bed* utiUty poichea ; home. Road, wo iuU n, den. lie eelf* h wash- 1 loig* caipet- ind air ble ya- zoom. [ROME SO West- } room, igroom. gaiage uilding. renient* sdiately a. im • kit- Two nent In OHS* iim land ie city 116. 7:19tfn ise for sale eet. Phone I, 416 S. 6:14tfn Three bed- ?n, living . Call 739- ; 5:17tCn MOBILE HOMES Of A Kind 73 MODELS *$3995.00 1-12 X 44 2 BEDROOMS 1 BATH *$5995.00 *$6295.00 12x64 12x68 DEN - 2 BEDROOMS 4 BEDROOMS 1 BATH V/2 BATHS ABOVE INCLUDES • SALES TAX, FURNITURE, TIED DOWN & DELIVERED TO YOUR SITE. DRAPES, SET-UP, MAXIMUM nNANCING AVAILABLE Wheel Estate Brokers, Inc. YORK RD. AT 1-85 KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. OPEN DAILY 9 - 6 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY PHONE 739-7571 7.12 Miles Boyce. 33 Is Sentenced A .New' Yorker formerly of King.s .Moiintnln, ehargryl with The* armed lohhery of l.iliert'y Loan compony in King.s .Moiin LEGAL I NOTICE or ADMINISTRATION I Having (jualified a.« Executor i of the Estate of Irma W. Thom- I-- son, flecea,sed, late of Cleveland i’; County, North Carolina, this Lsi to notify all persons, firm.s and HOSPITAL LOG Etheridge Wins Degree County Request Is Denied tain on March S, received' a 12 Hi year sentence in Cleveland! C. T. Carpenter, Jr. FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS OF ALL KINDS! CONTACT HIM AT . . . Home Phone 73S-4487 Or Call Our Office in Shelby, 482-3861 “For Friendly Professional Service" We're Growing To Better Serve You PEELER Insurance & Realty, Inc. 821 West Warren Street Shelby, N. C. Phone 482 3861 PLONK’S JULY * t 7^ . « I Clearance All Ladic.s Dresses Reduced '/a to Vz OFF All Ladie.s Sportswear Reduced ‘/4 to'A OFF All Ladie.s Swim Suits Vi Price All Ladies *IX. Dress Shoes and Sandals REDUCED BOYS Sport Coats Vi Price All Little Girls Sportswear & Dresses Vz OFF One Group Mens Polyester Knit Dress Pants Values To .$18.00 $10.99 All Mens SUMMER SUITS Vz OFF All Mens Dress Shirts Reduced Up To 33*73% All Mens SUMMER Sport Coats Vzm All Mens Pullovevr Knit Shirts Reduced 20% All Mens Hubbard & Berio Dress Panb 20% OFF All Mens Swim Tmnhs Vi Price MENS Walkshorts Reduced Up To 25% BOYS Sport & Dress Shirts Reduced Up To 25% BOYS Pullover Knit Shirts Reduced Up To 25% BOYS Swim Trunks Vi Price Many Other Rig Reductions on All Summer Clothing Throughout The Store. PLONK Ernest Wade A.yer.-!. Mrs., E.VIranco.s 11. Biddi.v. .Mr.s. '.Martha I.. Blaekmcr. .Vlr.s. I.,f>i.s Leo Camp. John A. Cheshire. BriiT E. Childora. Hubert (i. (.'lemmon.s. .Mis. H. K. Hixon. William Jake EnglamI Lawrence (luj, (jastonia, .Mrs. .Mary F. Harlow. Daisy Houslon. .Mr.s. P. Ij’dford. Waller .VI. .Moorhead. Manuel A. .Mo.s.s. .Mr.s. Julia B. .McDaniel.. JuiK Peterson. • -Mrs. Charles Price. ' Robert T. Riiff. .Mr.s. (luy Schofied. Ruby P. White. .Mrs. Emma 1. Wright. . .Mrs. Willie Faust, iJnti V\'. C'ar- olina ,\ve,, B, C. ' Rulli L. Herman, 30(i t're.-Keni : Dr., B. C. ■ William H. .lacTi.son, 2')IKI Piirk- .dale CiH-le, K. .M. jn Jaek M. Croucli, 111 Wells .St., ! Ext., K. M. ■ .Mrs. Rives Hayes. Ki. 3, K. -M. p-our .students from Kings! .Mrs. LeRoy C. Whiling, .10.') \\ . .Mountain are enrolled in West-1 Maryland Ave., B. C. ern Carolina University’s 1973 July 12, 1973, Admitted Thursday summer program for superiorj Frank E. .MmonRd, 2, Eri.gew'Kxi gifted children and vouths. I Rd.. B. C. l.l William P. Detier, 91H .\. Ran- , gainst .said estate to present 1 them, duly verified to the under- it j „ signed at 1410 Northwestern i’ Miles Kdwarrt Boyce, plead- Building. Charlotte, North I: <sl guilty to a charge of armeci Carolina 28202, or Loui.s A. Bled- M in Jr.. Attorney, 601 Home Fed-L which $210.9.) was reporl.slly,(.,a, Building, Cliarlotte, North C. taken at gunpoint. , Carolina 28202, on or before the j! &)yce was airested on the| January, 1971 or this f •^1^1-1'^!-? notice will be pleaded in bar of . front of the C harlotte bus sta-, _ , „ tion after Chailollc poliee had! . , , . b<ien notified by Chief Tom .Mc-i persons indebted to .saidJ- Devitt of Kings .Mountain to b<» ‘'’**‘**‘’ make immc-i, , on the lookout for a person l)ear- -wHlement with the under-'). ing Boee’s description. I signed. This the 6th d<ay of July, I' Police recovered $126 of the''!^Y3. ... [ monov*. ^ Dciv’id \1. Noillj j Judye J. W. Jiickson hxocutor in Superior ourt Monduy. j 7:12-8:21 Four Students In Gifted Group I Hichard Carlton L'lheiiilge, son ! of .Mrs. Dorothy I'alter.son Kthe- ' ridge of Kings Mountain, has receivisl his Baclielor of .Science' degns' in clii'inistiy from the [tniieisity of Pe.xa.s. » The Uniwrsily of Texas nam- I I'd approximately .)0l) .slu h-nis a." 1 candidates for harhclor's dc- grei'.,; from Ihc Collegi' of .\alur- lal Sdeno's ai Ihc ('lid of llic . S|)ring scnK'stcr. I .Mrs. (,'liarlc.s .Ionc.s, Rt. 2, B>.x I 30S, ritj'. I .Mrs. Roy C. Riifl. 2118 K. Ledisi- i ana .ViciuK'. B. C, .Mrs. Carl T. Truelocc, .TVS \Iay- I fl'iwi'r .Si., (Tanu'rton, .N. ('. J Mrs, l.lo.Ml .S. Wood.s, nil W. i (fa. .\\ennc. B. ('. Mrs. l!oi)crl L. WarhiMUgli. HI. j 2, Bix 11. i-itv. ADMITTED TUESDAY ' William l!.ili)li .Muuncc. Clric- ' land .\\cmic. city. ' Ccrald Dean .vic.sscr, Jr., Rt. 1. j i 'lover, S. C. •I'lhn .M. Broome. 711 A. Siree;. ' B. C. I June Clyde Clary, 710 E. Ridge ! ct. city. •Mrs, Edward J. rkiforth, lo.V N. Pifsinioni .-Vveniie. eitv. 1' 'Itind county ha.s , j(‘4*n d«‘- (U i\ fV,i. •signatioM a.' ' a ffisa.stcr •n.K wiu) Iftsi home.*'" ran .'U)ply t o ih<* Knnnc IS Ail mini.<ir at,on an i ui ill ix* .gi\(‘n prioi-ity • 4'on.siflcfalit )n in ohtan ing n 1 oan fuf .1 ti' I'W (•I'cfl flamagi* ill our disaster can apple lo Ihe Faimers 1 Ionic Administi alioii for emergency loans. l.oans are .nailablf' from lor whicli were de- Siiiall Hu.siness Adm.nislialion .sir'»o ■<!. “VVe are lold, ' said ('oor linatpr Don .Shk'hls of IIk' Office of Eini'rgeruy .Si'ieice Ihe la.-k ot extensive' is thi' reason for nol desigiiiiting CleeelamI i-ounty as a disasti'f area, Jmw -■err. Ihe eouiily commissioners, eouniy nianagi'i', olher agencies .■iiul our deoiiri ■'■'-■nl ar-* still making every effort to help tho c.UZ-*n.- ee iio loss. The announcement w-as rnadej fjf , Gastonia, by Dr. Roy L. Cox, progra.m fo-l ■ Ralph E. Parker, j ordinalor and head of Ihe VVeu department of currii-ulum and instruction. He saki they are among 2.)3 .youths from see on slates altcndin week session endini 1110 wood Lane, Gastonia. , 1 Mr.s. Eunice I, Ray, Box l.Tl. J.'herryviUe. , Joseph R. Wolfe. 12tli St., Ihe five-; T|„,rn.s Trailer Pk., B. C. i July 27. , admitted FRIDAY ' nominated hv' ’ ‘’"''y™' HutcMns, Rt. 1, Box ,139. Grover. .Mr.s. Ida K. Rollins, P, D. Box ^attend classes in the Camp Lab oratory school here. students: The students. their .school principals and srieenixl by the unieer.sity, haeei , IQs ranging from 1.30 upevards, —''Y- ito genius levels. Tluv n-side in) university residence hall and R" - ^^-nTD SATURDAY Mr.s. Crjuly (k>f<>rih. Ki. 1, ’Orov<‘r. Techeis workin;; with “Th<* . Mrs. Annie B. J<Llly, 222 Walker CiilIowhe<* Experience" we re'"St., City, specially selocte<l from school Otis J. Tomes, 102 Tra'y St., systems across the slate. ; city* Mr.s. Leon J. W<*bb, llB V’^ir- Ltinia Avenue, B. C. / ADMITTED SUNDAY Pamela Woodall, dauj*hter of * ^V*^*^* f*lendH D. Allen. 210 \or- Air. and Mrs. Harold Woodall, City. joOl Hawthorne Road, in the .sev-Deana O. Barnes, Rt. 1, B.).\ ^ l-cmth jjrade; Kevin Wendell Alii- '^on, sjon of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Benjamin 1*. (ausby. Rt. .3. city. j-AIlison, Rt. 4, eighth grade; ; Donna L. Sutherland, 30(i F-^iir- ■ Kimberly Lynn Harmon, da ugh- J iew. city. i f ter f Mr. and Mrs. William ‘I Freddie^ .Smith, Rt. I, Brunson Harmon. Rt. 2, ninth 178. Cirover. , andji Mrs. Charles Adams, Jr., Rt. 1, and 437, citj*. i 302 ^ ADMITTED MONDAY Mrs. Fn‘d N. ArmwfMKi, ,‘102 W. TEMPORARY RELIEF OF MINOR PAINS For Goaranleed Relief wilfa PRUVO Tabs or Your Money Back On Sole at. ^ KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO, ^•arthr uu uu. ^ The Kings .Mountain are: (and tenth grade class; 'Mark Alan Kidd, son of Mr. ttMrS;^ James Kenneth Kidd, jFicofland Dr., math. ICrowson Joins Shelby Finn •S. T. .Smith, district manager , of th<' Gastonia .Social Security j Offitx', lia.s announied Ihe ap-, i pointment of Bill Chowson as 'Brandi manager of the ni'wly- openi'd .Social Security offee nj Shelby. .Mr. Crowson comes to' Shelby from Florence, Alabama, when' lie held Ihe position of a.s- sistant district manager. I’rior to that, he worked in .Social Se-j Clirily offires at Tullahoma, Ten- nessi'e; Huntsville, Ala ha m a; and .Memphis, Tennessee.! He is married and ha.s two , children. Before coming to Shel- hty, h<' was active in tlie Flor-! enc«' I.on.s club and Edgemont I7nit('<l .MetluKlist church of Flor- cnn'. lie attended Memphis .Stale Univer.-'il.v. Tile .Slielliy .Socia.v Security of. fid'. 'Which oiH'ned in early Ap- rt of ilisc year, .services Gleve- Ignd county. The office is pres-! chtlj’ loealdi in temporary space oji Lineherger street, jiending the construction of a new build-1 ihg as permanent quarter. if nJA^a.shinglon .\venu<', B. C. WANTED NARROW FABRIC WEAVERS Experienced or Will Train GOOD STARTING PAY. FRINGE BENEFITS GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS See Or Call Mr, Miller, Supt. LAMBETH CORPORATION Phiier Road TELEPHONE 739-4766 fv.7-2S Polyester Double Knit Fabric Sale Open to Public Saturday, July 21 to 11 a.m. Mr. Sweet Division of Sweetiee Mills, Waco Rd., Kings Mountain 7-2S O.N DEAN’S LI.ST Mary Anne Bennett, daughter of Mr and Mrs. D. L. rk'nnelti 6nd a rising junior at Lenoir- Rhyn.' eollcge n Hekory, s l.sted on the dean’s 1st for the reet'nt semester at Lenoir-Rliyne i-ol- lege. RADIO BROADCAST ^ Sunday morning worship .serv-, iOfts during the month of July are being broadeast via Radio I Station WI-TMT from First Pres byterian eliureh. Thursday Rites For Mrs. Ivey F'lincral riles of .Mrs. Lucille Crawford Ivey, 71. of Ark strd't, will be conducted Thursday aft ernoon at 3 o’clock from .Mid view Baptist church, interment fcllowing i n Mountain Rest aemetcry. Rev. Jbhn F-ra/ier will offi- eiate at Ihe final rites. Mrs. Ivey, refin'd textile work er, died at 9:30 p m. Tuesday in the Kings Mountain hospital. She was a native of Buncomhe cjounly, daughter of the late John and Lula Heafherlev Craw- fbrtt. Surviving ai-e one brother, Dennis Crawfot'd of Bessemer fijt.v: and two sisters, .Mrs. rjaor.'fe Leigh and Mrs. Jess Watch Your FAT-GO Lot# ugly pxc.^%% weight with th« tAnsibIft NEW FAT-GO diet plan. Nothing sensational just steady weight loss for those that really want to lose. A full 12 day supply only $2.50. The price of two cups of coffee. drug store about the FAT-GO reducing plan and start losing weight this week. Money back in full if not complete ly satisfied with weight loss from the very first package. DOIM'T DELAY FAT-GO t^oday. Only $2.50 at Kings Mountain Drug Co. WANTED WEAVERS For Double-Shuttle Looms Second Shift EXPERIENCED OR TRAINEES Neisco Industries, Inc. PAULINE PLANT WALKER STREET PHONE 739-3608 OR 739-5421 An equal oiiportunity omployer 7;o-26 Subscribe To The HERALD Dtrver, both of Kin/s Mountain. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES % IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN PRODUCTION NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY We provide on-the-job trainin,g leading to respon.'tible positions in flotation and grinding plant operations. CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES: EXCELLENT STARTING RATES: • $2.45/hr. with no experience to $3.50/hr. depending on lob Classification & Experience. T SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL PAY - 6c Second Shift. 9c Thud Shift PAID VACAnONS 7 PAID HOLIDAYS GROUP INSURANCE ~ PENSION PLAN OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT ‘ Now Interviewing 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. ~ United States Gypsum Company Kings Mountain Plant (An Equal Oppoi’tunit.v Emplo.ver) M F Located 4 miles South ol Kings Mountain on 216 (Grover Rd.) Look for U.S.G. sign with arrow

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