. ■ r- ; J - ^ \ Sepiwibef*'27,‘»‘l 9‘7 J’■ ~-TT- “ Mit. fHE KfNSS.MOWfliTAtN UPRA-lT) HrJKt?S M’-‘-" W;%vA-^ . ; V - It • PHONE 239-5411 Fov Sale A A For Sole SPORTING GOODS — All kinds of sports equipment, baseball, softball, basket ball. football, tennis, and for the hunter, fisherman, and golfer loo. Western Auto Associate Store. 5:18tfn TERFECT GIFT POH THE HOME Every house needs a pencil •jliarpener. Get yours for only $3.00 at Herald Puolishing House. Phone 739-5441, ll:30tfn JSED APPLIANCES — Stoves, refrigerators, washers. Real val- » ues. Western Auto Associate Store. 5:18tfn : , POSTED SIGNS - On white card* m board. No Tresf>as.«?ing. no hunt- “ no fishin". Plain. Herald Publishing Company. TELE- PHONK T39-r>441. ll:2lfn FOR SALE 1970 Volkswagen in goo<.l condition, (’all Von Hoi- cN>mbe at 739*1098. 9:13tln FOR SALE — One o\vn(*r 19701 Volkswagen, 30,000 actual ' miles — excellent condition j new tires — a complete brake j Job jast installed, ('all 739-8100 and ask to speak to Larry Dunn | 9:13tln! REDUCE SAFE & fa.st with Go- Bese Tablets & E-Vap “walcr pills” Griffin Dmg. S:23-10;4‘t)d FOR SALE One Used Thermo fax copy machini*. $5.5. ('aiP 739*2221. 9:Ttfn C Employment C HELP NEEDED MEN OR WOME’N ' Service station. Starting pay $2.00 per hour & $.'Lly in person, American C^il 'truck i Kings .MouiilaiJi. 2;‘>J2un I WILL BABYSIT in m\ litanc any shift', any a^jc. I 'Aill ai.so j)ick- up llie children and deliver Jfiem back home. Phone 739- 820.3 Mr.s. Fannv .Mae Smitii, Box 9.53. " 9;13lfn I Services A. LINDBERGH DIXON Builder - Remodeling Phone 739-2739 £ Notice I • ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS and . H Realty For Sale Realty For Sale R '|l Realty For Sale £ Frc(‘ estimates. Phone itone. 739-T19J. j 3:ltfn i after 6 P.M. 3:8lin Services Ej DESK BLOTTERS — 20o—Green or brown. Brighten your desk fit h»>mo and office. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. TELE* t PHONE 739 M4L ll;2tfn FOR S.jLE • Onc' Ph. 73r;-.5969. Motorcycle*. [ 9:20tin t i FOR SALE — Early American ; Settee. Covered in blue* crush- ) ed velvet. $U)ll PHONE 739-* 3820 after 2 p.m., Robert Ivc'y. j 9:20tfn, PIANO LESSONS, »*.\pcri(*m‘(*d i qualified teacher. Specializing • in college i)repnatory. Also programmed for t>eginners and intermediates. Call (’harJes | Sheppard. IH’ Delmar Ruad, j Shelby, Idione -1S2-7I2(;. j ;i:2T10:]S j AUTO PARTS Till 8 MONDAY j thru SATURDAY. N(*w hours 8 a.m till S o.m. Machine Shoaj •S.-rvice. BlilDGEs Al'TO PARTS, j .50) K. King St, - llwy. 74 King.ij Mountain, N. C. Phone 7.39-54.'^5. 9:28Mnl TIGNOR BODY SHOP D<*alor No. 4810 One 1972 VW automatic $1395. 1369 Buick Skylark $1195. 1970 Plymouth Fury 11 - air > powder disc brakes - automatic S1295. 1970 Chevy Tov/nsman Wagon automatic, a r, power steering and pow er bzokeSi radio SI350. PHONE 739-7567 Bethlehem Road ^$URPLUS school chairs FOR i SALE. See Paul Ware at Com munity Groc*er>' on Wac*o Road. Suitable for nurseries, Sunday School cla.sse.s, club-s, also kid die chairs. Teleplnmo 739*4411. 9:20*10:25 FOR SALE — 1973 Ma\(*rj<*k. Au-i lomatic. Air Coiiditit)nod. $2.50; and assume loan. See ai Route j 1, Wai’O Road, first house on right past (’ommunity Grm*ery. | 9:27pd: PIANO TUNING and repairs. Call I ('harles She|ij»ar.i at 482-7420.! 8:30 -9:27* i TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT. All (*If "Irnic jH'cfeiTcd. PilOXK 739 0229. Billie Smith. 9:13 tin MAPLE SPRINGS AUCTION—Fie. Market. L-t alecl across fr< m } B(*lh .vai'o .-iciujo) — .Claris e\ciy Saturday morning at P) oV]:m'.':. If 3'ou 'A.-iJit lo iniy. sell or trad(% 5’a’H C'omi*. 9:13i:n , G Realty For Rent G ! FOR RENT — Trailer .sjiai-es. (Vin- ; vojiienll.'.' l(K'at(‘ i fr cn King.s Mountain of; 10!. \\ ali-r-.^cw .'igi*. garha.'*- aiik-Uit lurnished, ’ 3 minutes from Oxfori. 5 min utes from downto.^n Kiius Mountain. Nice. (jui('t au.i Wuorli'd on 15 acres, onlv 9 spa; e.s. three alrf‘aflv rcn’r l. Phono 80! t')t3. ' 9:20hn iT carpet?.! WATER WEiSRT PROBLEM? use lE-Li 8^ For All your Realty Needs Call or See Stinnett Realty Company ?hone 623 3201 I FOP RENT — Cozy total f mobile home. 12 wide two nrs] room. Ca-stlewood IJ mn Ferk. Pljone 739-2217 - ^ p.m. 2;n:'r .ENNOE HEAXrNQ and a-r con ditioning. DU.LJNG HEATING XMPANY. Pnor.e 739 3446. Just pick up the phone j and shop at home Excess water in the body can be un j comfortable. E-LtM . 11 ic.lp iou lose ' excess water w"''-* ‘ ' ‘ , | KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. I recommend it - Only $1.50 GUTTERING, blow pipe FOR RENT — I have house trail ers for rent when t.bey come empty. 1^2 block.s from Harris Tr'orei Super Marker.s. H R. PARTON. Teleohone 739 211.3. 3'7lfn j work, I au tvpes of sheet metal work. | Childers Roofing & Heating Co.,! liic. Ftione 739*5166. ! 12:l3tfr ' WHY WAn* FOR SEPTIC TANKi TROUBLES? Millions of pr^opk- usc ROEDIC. K:17 and K-,“7 each year. (No gimmicks. It reaily works.) K-77 kills rooK * Money bacK guarantee. WEST*! ERN AUTO ASSOnATC STORE.' .S. SatUeground Ave. 5:]8Mn| FOB RENT — I have apartmertc elo.ce. Furni.-lied or unfurni.ched. For rent when thi^y come emp* tv. Ccnitact H. R. Partun, Tele phone 739 2413 3:?lfn 1 BACKHOE. Lands>*aj»ing. and , dump truck work, ('all Hurst; Coastruction Co., 1211 S. Carri*' age'HouM‘-Lane,-.C4as:t’. 74. See Earl Harmon or call after 3 p.m. 739-5308. FOR SALE — Used Refrigerators $40 up. Southern Railway De pot. Phone 739-3.379. 9:27itfn FOR SALE — Large oxtonsion dining table with vinyl eover- ed chairs. Call Saturday morn- :3 7 21793 5y9g.l n-57 o ing 739-5.37.5. 9:27 FOR SALE — Frigidairc Washer and Dryer, three air condition ing units. 2 1-ton and 1 112 ton. Dinette Table and chairs, also a five piece fire .set. Moving. iMust Sell. Phone 739*321^ FOR SALE —''Bb metal clarinet • Call 739-6208 after 3 p.m. 8:30tfn FOR RENT — 3-room apartment i upstairs. Unfurnished. (»ray j Street near CiafUpun Mill. $65 per month. Call 487-8097. | 8:30(in ! {'HRISTMAS ISN'T THAT FAR A-! way: U*t AVON help you make holiday money. As an ^ AVON Representative, you e-an j earn extra cash—and its easy; and fun! Call Ruth Swoff.ird, | Rt. 8 Box 341, Shelby. N, C. i 28156. 482-2711. t BOOTHS TO RENT to beauticians i in new beauty shop now open. I Telephone 739-7648 after 5:.30 j p.m. 9;27tfn ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE | Havt-.g qualified as admini.s* tratrix for the Estate of Otis .T, ■ Tomes, deceased, this is to noli - | fy all p<*rsons having claims a-1 gainst this estate to file same ; with the undersigned on or be- '• fore the llth day of March, 1974, * or this notice will -be pleaded in bar of any ^ecove^>^ All persons indebted to the es tate are asked to pay same to the undersigned. Mr.s. John Ida Tomes 102 South Tracy Street Administratrix of Estate 9:13-10:4 heating oil ♦ burnt HOr ' burnt CLSAN PATTERSON 09 Company | FOR SEPTIC TANK installation,' lepalx, pumped, all servicing, Bee Leonard MeSwain Septic^ Tank Co. at 909 Earl Road in* Shelby or Telephone 482 1380 j or 482-5548. 8*27tfn LOSE WEIGHf I OR MONEY BACK | Odrluex can help you become the trim I slim person you wan^ to be. Odrinex Is. a- tiny tablet and Easily swallowed. ’ Contains no dangerous drugs. Ifo starving. No special exercise. Get rid, of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex t has been used successfully by thous* { ands oil over the country for 1 years. Odrinex Plan costs S3.25 and the large economy size $5.25. You must lose ugly fat or your money will ■ be refunded. No questions asked. Sold with this guarantee by: < MEDICAL PHARMACY & KING3 MOUNTAIN DRUG STORE - 209 S. BATTLEGROUND AVE. MAIL ORDERS FILLED 9:6 20i>d WHAT? 25 PERCENT? IJk l„. Vith rising building co.<:ts it .vill ca';t 25% more than it did 1 years ago to replace your ju'ilding. Have your property nsurance checlfcd at C. E. A'arlick las. .\gtMKy. to be cer- ain it owers to Full roplace- nent value. C. E. WARLICK INSURANCE AGENCY 110 West Mountain Street Kings Mountain. N. C. PHONE 739 3611 f A YL OR'S UPHOLSTERING SHOP TAYLOKS Upholstering Shop COMPLETE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING —All Work Guaranteed— Hundreds of Samples To Choose From. FREE Pick-Up and De livery and FREE Estimates Within 50 Miles. Will StiU Cov er If You Furnish Your Own Material. Will Fliwmce Within Kiuga Mountain Area With Good Reference PHONE 739-6661 504 EAST KING STREET KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. f PLACE FOR RENT - P.'ione 7?^ j 4252. odT'fi; J BOOTHS FOR RENT — Knox Kut > j ’N Kurl. Ph'ine 7.39-3i.i46 for in- ^ 1 formation. 8:16iln ’ BEAITY FOR SALE Contact: Larry Hamrick, Fieal Estate Broker at Warlick Insurance Agency or Phene 739-361*. ACREAGE: I/eautilul wooded 101,2 acres located off Phifer Hoad near H gh School, suita ble for estate or for .subdivi sion. Contact Larry Hamrick, Realtor. This is not farmland, but le.sidential priced. 739-3611 LAKE LOTS FOR SALE Beautii4ij lake lots for solo on new Kings Mountain Lake. Ro itricted for homes only. Qua lity neighborhood Bo early be fore the rush and take your choice. On paved road. See map at my oftice. Larry Ham- tick Real Estate B:oke:: Phone 733 3611: Warlick Insurance .Agency. COUNTRY CLUB SECTION RES IDENTIAL LOT: 147' x 190' at S4,500. Call 733 3611. NEW HOUSES NEAR HIGH SCHOOL: Call to see new. modern, air conditioned homes near High School. Call Ham rick, 739-3611. Realtor. INVESTOR: Three tenant : houses close to town with steady tenants. Call Hamrick, Realtor 739 3811. EXECUTIVE HOME: Tradition- ol Brick Veneer 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths plus separate apart ment, air cerditioned, fire places, basement playroom, 2 carpc»'L extra largo lot locat ed al 602 H llsicle: Only by appointment.?, call Larry Ham rick. Realtor 739-3811. EXECUTIVES: PLEASE NOIE; I have three fine executive hcme.i in excellent city loca- ■ tiens, starting in the upper " thirtie--. AU have air, spacious areas, and excellent lots. 11 you are shopping for a home, call me anytime for delail.s and on appointment to look at on of these fine homes. Larry 3 Ha:nr:ck, REALTOR 739 3611. BEAUTIFUL RANCH in best neighborhood, air conditioned 3 bedrooms 2-2 bath.s, carpel, fircplace.s double carport, large cerner lot. 414 Hawthorne. AP POINTMENT cnly. Call Larry Hamrick, REALTOR 73S-36I1. W'K BUY .\X1) SELL Af,L TVPK.S P.KAL KSTATK foe Ann's Realty Don Crawford foe Ann Crawford RENTAL MANAGEMENT SELLING . BUYING Phone 739-3368 20b N. Piedmont FOR SALE 1972 12x65 “Riviora'* .\I ^hi!(• ilonu*. 2 Bc(lr>K»rn.s, ('on- , II I] Air-<'oiiditioning. Wa.sIuM- I‘ay KfjUilX' nn.l a.s.in kc.-Jau liMi!. <>:ik fJroNu road boUuMMi King.- Muiinlain and Shelby. I near new Buffalo Lake.' Doing j *ini inenl. 9:26ifn NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE For Sale In Spring Acres, Grover U-2 baths, living room kitchen - den combina tion, laundry room, sin gle corport, oil furnoce, payed driveway. HERNDONS HAMBRIGHT Phones 937 7731 or 937-7104 For Your R(?a] E.state Noods In The Buying or Selling of Houses or Property Call KENNETH E. CASH REALTY CO. Phone 739-3982 Real Estate For Sale FOUR NEW Beautiful Brick homes on Scotland and Somerset Drives near high school. Living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen-den combination, storage or- ea and carport. Air Con ditioned. FIVE ROOM house at 203 South Deal St. - asbestos siding • living room - kitchen dining room combination - two bed rooms • detached utility building - two porches and carport. _ o— 27 ACn^S, good residen- tiol property on N. Cans- ler St a— Call HAL S. PLONK Realtor 739-2491 NOTICE — Cipprr. bra.ss and ra diators are lcK>king. Highest prices paid to all. See me before you sell. Phone 739-.5628, 710 E. Ridge Stjeet. J. C. Tlary. 3:0ifn BULLDOZING -- (Tearing <1- Grad ing. For Sale: R(h1 Dirt, Top Soil, Sand. Grass Seeding & Yarel Work. Phono 739-2332 or 739-4459 anytime. Dale Randle. 1 8:23t.tn j GET PREPARED for Christma.s | now. Earn toys and Christmas dcooration.s. And liou.sehokl items. Free. Far information | call 739-2841. 9:20tfn SPANGLER Concrete PHONE 739-7471 FOR TOUR CONCRETE NEEDS. CALL USI wa Deliver Any Amount COMPLETE JOBS noort. basemenU- walks, eurbs. tio, No Job Too Largo Ox Voo Small ^BEE ESTIMATES I By WILSON GRTEFTN If you were to compare a dol lars worth of oatmeal, corn, flakes, bacon, lamb, ice cre^m. milk, eggs and sirloin, how do you think they would compare in quantity of essential nu trients? If you guessed cat- meal you are right, according to research reported in the book Diet and Disease. Oat meal was far ahead in pro tein, carbohydrates, phosphor us. iron, thiamin, riboflavin and strong in calcium and ni cotinic acid. However, it lack ed vitamins A, C and D. Corn meal, a close second, is rich in vitamin A. Whilem ilk was behind the cereals in quanti ty of nutrients, it did have some of ALL the 14 essential nutrients, including vitamins A. C and D. This research shows that old fashioned oat meal and cornraeal deserve a After you see your doctor bring your prescription to D'uwjStirtc REMODELED liouse for sab* or H. PL«eo,,- ell ne«el mut ceviti**. One *>ard>ee«e* tablet givft vp ta t heun retief froa pain end pr**<.'re of conge^tioM. AUevi yr« to breaHie eeiily—sfopt wotery .>♦» anti nmny nc<«. Yec coe bey SYNA-ClFA# o, ell ftrito Sfwe*. e'Wb ei'( fni a prn(ctipf;<«n. Satijtaction Bworonttfd by maher. Tfy it teday^ Introductory offnf worth $1.50. Cut oiit tht, od -Toll, to one of th« .teres listed below. Purchase one peck of Syno-Cleor 1 ?'« end receive on* rnore Syno-Cleor 12 pock free. Kings Mountain Drug Co.