/ vy' K' ‘ r JOHN HENRY MOSS Moyot . l.;w; JL^ RAY CLINE Ward 1 Commissioner LLOYD DAVIS DON McABEE JAMES AMOS MURRAY PRUETTE T. J. ELLISON Word 2 Commissioner Ward Commissioner Word 5 Commissioner Ward 6 Commlssionar i Has Run-Off Call CORBET NICHOLSON Ward 3 Leader Population Cvrcd.^r Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8,465 The Greater Rings Motmtain figure Is derived from the Special United S ates Buieou of the Census report of January* 1986, and Includes the 14.990 poputotion of Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6.124 from Number 5 Township. In Cleveland County and Crowders Mountain Township in Gaston County. ^ Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages I % Today Plus 17 Page Tabloid Supplement VOL. 84 No. 41 Established 1889 Kinqs Mountain, N. C., Thursday, October I I, 1973 PRICE TEN CENTS Eighty-Fourth Year Four Challengers UnseatIncumbentsForBoardPosts Fain Hambright Is Postmaster of Year National Awaid For Postmaster 01 Grover Office Fail! Hambright, Postmaster at 'Grover, was named “Postmas-1 tor of the Year” at the 70lh an-1 nual convention of the National Lcaj^ue of Poyimaslers held in Dallas, Texas Sept. 2d-2S. Postmaster General E. T. K!as- soii, piosoiUed Hambright with the National Award at the Grand Ban(;uet in behalf of the National League of Postmasters. j Award Reads: To Fain Ilam- . bright, in recognition and aonre* elation of his outstanding servic- es in hks p'ost office, his commun ity and tills organi/atiun, mere- by reflecting credit upon himself, the entire postal service and ho noring the National League of which he is a loyal member. Hambright has served as Depu ty Director of the National Lea gue of I^oslmastors for the Sou thern Region, representing Post masters in those 11 states for the past two years. Jerome Cash Youth Director Jerome Cash, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cash of Kings Moun tain and a freshman ministerial student ait Gardner Webb college, has oined Grace United Mothodi:>t church as youth direjctor. Mr. Ca.sh is a 1973 graduate of Kings Moun-tain high school where he was SIX) president, a Beys State delegate, a Pep Band leader and president of tlie Sen ior Band, lie is listed in the 17th annual edrikm of Who’s Who A- mong High School Students, 1972- 73. 'V; ■’•/i HONORED — Grover Postmas ter Fa n Hambright has been honored as National Postmos- ter of the Yeor. Scholarship To McAnlay Bill McAulay, grandson of Mrs. Sue Arrowood Pritchard, son of Mrs. Susanne Arrowood McAulay and 1973 graduate of Bessemer City high school, was awarded five qurtiT hours of math and six quarter hours of English on the basis of scholastic aptitude entrance tests at Appalachian State University and was one 0(f the few freshmen who qualified fer tile ASU marching band. McAulay is a member of the FTrst Prefcibyterian church here. Debt Merging. And Bond Issue Are Approved Kings Mountain voters joined their neighbors throughout the county in approving by 2-1 the issuance of $4,050,000 in bonds and tile consolidation of all school debt. A light turnout (af voters in No. 4 Township Saturday voted 325 to 237. ajpproving the vote in the Kings Mountain school dis trict. Shelby district veters approved the request by 1,530 to 569 while the county district vote was 2,10G for to 1,554 against. It marked the first time since 1964 that the county school dis trict voters had approved any school f.^ancial req.uest, an-d each of the three school dislxicts aipproved both questions. Unofficially, the vote was 4,048 for the bond issue and 2,366 a- I gainst, while the veto cji debt , consolidation was 3,973 in favor and 2,414 against. Percentage wise, it was 63 ijcrcent for and 37 percent against. Elated school officials hailed the vote iis a new era in public school education in CleveJUviid County. LODGE MEETING An emergent communtcatum of Fairview Lodge 339 AF&AiM will be held Monday night at 7:30 at Masonic Hafll for work in the first degree, Secretary T. D. Tindall announces. Contracts Are Awarded For Four School System Building Projects The board of education Monday at a luncheon imeeting awarded ccnlracts totaling over $2.3 mil lion for construction of a new junior high school, a new senior high sch«)ol auditorium, and ad ditions to East and West ele mentary schools. The low bids were approved, brings the total cost of the iprcjects to $2,382,125., including land, grading, arch Meets, steel and a contingency fund. Grading is nearly complete at the site of the new junior high and Wi.irk on all project.s is sche duled to begin in 30. days. The projects will be finance<l via $2.5 million in bonds approv- e l la‘''t year, pins $1(X),000 pro- jc'-l interc^X on the bonds, and $203,871 in local fund.s. General o^nstruction contracts j were awardtvl to Laxton Con- ! struction ('ormpany at $iK)7,2(X), for the new junior high school; | Beam Co-n.struction Company at' $100,000 for the senior high au- ditcrium; and Beam Construction Cemipany at $330,420. for Un ad- ( MT=‘ vT Fast and West schools.! The pl'jmbiTig ccntract for all . I ajcjls was awarded to McKin- i ney Sheet Metal ett $333,500. The electrical contracts were awarded to Caldwell Electric Company at $148,996 for the new junior high st'hool; Austm Elec tiric Company at $49,169 for the senior high auditorium; and Lail Electric Company at $27,840 fo? the ad^li'tions to East and West schools. Conimct was awarded to H'ood Hotel Siijiply Comi)any for new fowl equipment for the junbjr h'igh school at a copt of $47,000, and the board aipprovod a con* tingoncy fund of ^5,000. Already awarded were bids for steel, $147,581 to Owen Steel Co.; $30,118 for grading to Neal Hawk ins Co. $113,368.62 for apchitoots and $75,318.51 for four parcels of property. The board aI.‘<o approved con tract for brick with Bennett Brick & Tile Co. In other actions Monday, the board: 1) granted maternfity leave to Mrs. Connie Dixon Bell; 2) employed Mrs. Marguerite Johnson in the guidance depart ment at the high school VICA To Sponsor Supper, Car Wash iMeinoors of the VTCA club of Kings Mountain high school will sponsor a spaghetti supp<?r Fri lay from 5 until 7 p.m. in the cafeter ia of the high school. The VTCA will also sponsor a car wash all day .Saturday at the rear of the high school. Proceeds will benefit school projects. T. A. Hambright s Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Thomas Al fred Hambright, Sr., 89, retir ed farmer of Route 1. Grover, were conducted Monday after noon at 4 p.m. from Antioch riajdist church of which he was a member. His pastor, Rev. Wayne Tuttle, officiated at the final rites, and interment was in the church cem etery. Mr. Hambright’s grand sons were pallbearers. A native of Cherokee Countr/. S. C. he \% as son of the late An- cil C. and Sally Dickson fla.m- bright and a direct des ’endanl of Colonel Frederick Hambright. j iSurvivIng are his wife, to whom j he was married more than 59 years, Mrs. Mabel Weir Ham I bright: three sons, Anderson I Hambright. Lawrence Ham* right land Tom Hami rlght, all of Gro ver; five daughters. Mr>. Eugene Ri'berts an 1 M?\s. M. D. Phifer, both of Kings Mountain, Mrr. A r>. Cantrell of r)^\ddson. and Mrs. Herman Kinard and Mrs. fRalph Drver. both of Charlotte; and one sister. Miss Ancle Ham bright of King<; Mountain. Also surviving are 22 crandcliildrcn and 11 great-grandchildren. Mofyo**! N'* LaHav Fmm Police Chief “I have received letter,” Mayor John Henry Moss said Wednesday afternoon. He referred to a rumor that Chief of Police Tom McOevi'tt had tendered a letter of resig nation. Chief McDevitt said. **1 have no comment at this tdroe.** Thg Chief came to Kings Mcjnlain from Asheville. 70th Floral Fair Set For Wednesday Community Showcase Event Theme RESIGNS — Rev. Alfred Wr'ght has resigned as pastor of Gas tonia's Unity Baptist church to begin full-time evangelistic work. Wright Resips To Be Evangelist Rev. Alfi'cd R. Wright nai; rc t signed as pastor of Uni't. 'Haptist iliui h li> hiHomt* a full time cvatigelist. He has been an evan gelist since the age of 17. Ri'v. Wi ight is fill d willi- .sp(?aking engagemenla thn)ugh' the month of November. His first stadium ciusale was in Pilot 'Mountain. j He has been a jiastor for 26! years. 'The churches he has scrvi cd w\ re in Linoolnlon. Concord, I Charlotte, Marshville, Gnm.sboro ! and Gastonia. j A P.55 graduate of KMII.S, he ‘ attended Gardner- Webb an<l CoutiniK’d On P<nj<’ hjtfjht W. man'.s club members were readying cxhibit.s this week and stockimg tlio club pantry with good focxl for the 70th annual ^ flcral fair and (‘oinmuirity festi- val to bo held W’ednesday. “Cemmunity Fhcwcase” will be tin* theme of the fair and formal of the ono-<lay event will follow •that of fi>rmer fairs with boh lunch and the evening m(?al t) be served in the club dining n om. Thi show ami bazaar will r’}*<*n to the public at 11:36 a.ni. Wed:ie.*idav. Exhibits nvty be en- ti'red lui'vflay from 1 until 9 p. m. and on Wednesday from 8 un til 10 a.m. A rc'i'ord number of exhibitons art' expejilivl to enter tlie show. General eo-<‘haimnen of the 1973 fe>itival are Mrs. Ilaywoo^l E. Lyneli, club jwesident, and Mr.s. Charle.*; F. Maumy, and ac- Cl rding to the <‘hairmen, the show will he a 'Vhowcast'” of tihe cjl>, displaying ilie city’s busl- ne.ss, religious, social and uidu-s- trial life. 'lurkey atui all the trimmings and hum a-nd acce.ssorics are featured in the noon and evening mealj. TC MEETING Mayor John Hcmit.v Moss and City ('lork Joe Mi'liiniel, Jr., will roprt'sent tlie city at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Lauigue of Municipali ties at Pinehurst Friday and Sciturday, Nicholson Fails To Win Majority By Three Votes By MARTIN HARMON Four challengers for city com- mi.ssion seats wen victory in Tue.sday's biennial city election and a fifth failed to attain a ma jority by three vote.s, according -to unofficial returns. riiallengrr; elected were: Lb yd E. Davis 630, over Ward 2 CemmLssiuner VV. Soimore E'.'d di': 541. Den McAbec 6f)2, over Ward 4 C nmissioner W. Norman King 59 J James K. Amos 782, over Ward 5 Cunumissioner Jonas Bridges 421. Murray C. Pruotte, Jr., 709 ovei Ward 6 Comimisisionor James J. Dickey 491’. In Ward 3. Challenger Corbet Ni:holsrn 661, led Commissioner T. J. (Tommy) EllLstm 427 and Jame.s A. (Jim) Bril 178. Nichol- si n iiecded three m mo votes to atlaio a cb*ar majority. C\.mim. Elli.son has until Mon day to decide whether he will 'all for a run-off on November 6. Mayor John Henry Moss, un- ()pprs<'d for a fifth term, was ac- rded 830 votes. A tufal of 47 write-in votes were nnxyrdod a- ga-insl him, with 23 of them giv en to fired J. Wright, Jr. (For full list sec box on unofficial re- sult.s.) Ward 1 Commissioner Ray W. Cline, officially unopiKXsed for lii.-; omsecutive term, was ac- (■(rrded 6(>6 vM^tes. Hugh A. Logan, Jr., an announced write in can didate, tallied 334. Highest vote total was for Ward 3 Ccmbiissionor — 1206 while 1205 voters were cast in the Ward i; Commissioner rai’e. Voting was considored light, about two-thirds the number cast two ycar.s ago. Thi're were no uiiitoward inci dents but stweral displays of lemiier. virtually all ocvasioned by would-be voters who found Tlieir namet? missing in the poll- b( .)k.s of tlieir Wand of resideirco. This was a r<'su!t of Uie new Cimlhuit'd On Puffc Piufit Funeral Tuesday For Paul Sanders Unofficial Returns - October 9,1973 City Election John Henrv Moss 44 90 142 119 357 84 836 For Commissioner Ward 1 666 Ray W. Cline? 31 80 119 78 289 69 For Commissioner Ward 2 630 Lloyd E. JDavis ,53 (59 128 101 223 56 W. Srimore Biddix 25, 7G 79 72 247 45 544 For Commissioner Ward 3 Corbet Nicholson 44 70 102 104 229 52 601 James A. (Jim) Belt 13 22 24 21 81 17 178 T. J. b^lli.son 22 58 84 48 177 38 427 For Commissioner Ward 4 Don McAbce 48 73 111 104 220 46 602 \V. Norman Kinr^ 31 77 98 70 259 57 592 For Commissioner Ward 5 1 Jonas RrhlRes 28 r>7 00 02 100 41 424 James E, Amos F*or Commissioner 1 Ward 6 | 52 81 139 no 333 67 782 Mtirrav C. Pnietle 1 50 SO 130 i 124 200 59 709 James J. Dickey | 31 1 70 (59 1 48 230 48 496 Wri'tf'-’in votes were cast a.s fcHcws: Hugh A. Logan. Jr., for Ward 1 Com- 'mis.sinner, VV^ird.s 1 tliru ytix cr nsdciittively, 41. 51. 41. 68, 109, 29 —Total 334; For Mayor, Fro<l Wright, Jr., 23; Glee E. iBridge.s 6; Ollio Harris 3; Garl Dovonde 2; Tham.-i.s A. Tato 2 WIl'Mam Orr 2; [toly Brown, Tilman Pearson, John Hancock, James A. Bell, Tom Trott, Oran'grc'l Jolly, B. D. King, W'illiam Henry Hager and Bob Manor, all 1 each. RITES HELD «— Funeral rites for Paul Richard Sanders# for mer Kings Mountain Chief of Police# were conducted Tuesday. Mu Alpha Theta Taps 20 Students NORMAN, Okla.-—Twenty Stu- donts at Kings Mountain high s. hool weio honored this week y eUction to 'Mu Alpha Theta, iiiiiU’uallunal high scliool ani junior college niathematics club. ‘1 Iv announcement was made i by Dr. Ilaroltl V. Ilunekc, na tional secret Jiry-trcasurer, who is pnifessor of mathmotics at the Ihiivcrsity of Oklahoma where the national office of Mu Alpha Theta is locatec'.. To he eligible for member ship a student must have a “B” average in at least four semester of college preparatory mathe.ma- tics and be enrolled in the fifth semester. He must also have an overall grade average of at least ••B” in all courses taken to date. Mu Alpha Theta, founded in 1957, lias now grown to more than 1,('')0 clubs in 46 slates and in ('anada, Japan, the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, Iceland, Turkey, Brazil, Okinawa and Guantana mo Ray, Cuba. Thp club is co sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and has attracted (he attentitm of top mathematics scholars in this country and abroad. Continued On P(t<i^' Eight Former Chief Died On Sunday At Age of 64 Funeral riles for Paul Ricli* and Sanders, 64, former Kings Mountain Chief of Police, were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. from the Chapel of Har ris Funeral Home, interment following in Mountain Rest ce metery. Rev. L. D. Scruggs and Rev. Can Sparks ofliciaied at the fi nal rites, and active paJl).earers were' Ray Cline, Junior Roarer, J. D. Barrett, Marion S. Beam, David Corn and Bob Hayes. Mr. Sanders died Sunday night at 7 p.m. in N. C. Baptist hospital at Winston Salem after several month’s illness. He was a native of Cherokee County, S. C., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur Sanders. Surviving are two sons, Ar thur Sanders of Kings Moun tain and Donald Eugene San ders of Florence, Ala; two step sons, Arnold Byars of Shelby and Edward Byars of Kings Mountain: one daughter, Mrs. Earl Stroupe of Miami, Fla.; two brothers Floyd Sanders ^nd Howard Sanders, both of Kings Mountain; and three sisters, Mrs. 0!a Royster, Mrs. Bertha Clinton and Mrs. Vera Black, a6 of Kings Mountain. Also sr'-vi'dng are 12 grand'^hildren and two great-grandchildren. Moss To Represent City At Hearing Mayer John Henry .Moss will gvT to Washington Thursday where he, other representa/tivea of natural gas distributing ci ties and private systems will seek revocation of the Federal Power Commission’s order for paring of natural gas alloca tions. The FPC has ordered cuts tn assure sufficient heating in northern states during the coming winter. SERMON TOPIC "Have you heard from God lately?” will be the sermon topic of Rev. N. C. Busb^ja^ Sunday morning worship hou7 a<t 11 at Grace United Metho dist church. Ml. Zion Baptist Breaks Ground For New $225,000 Chnrch Edifice I Ml. Zion Baptist church broke ground at ceremonies Sunday for . its new church plant to he built ( at the corner of VVatterson and : Parker sln'^’is. I The church tx>ught the two- plus acre trad — site of the for- J me Davidson st'ho<>l — at public auction several years ago. ; I Tlip pn^ent Mt. Zion chiinch I : plant has been sold to the Kings Mountain Redevelopment Com- mi‘j'<icin. In turn, the church will continue to oc<*upy the pre.scnt i plant under a dollar-pcr-year | lease agreement until the nt^v j edifice is o::.-upi(*<i. Building hats been pur- ! chased indicating the cost will be $225,000. John R. MoClurd is the architect and the tx>ntracftor is T. C. Strictland, of Shelby. The church will face Watterson Street. Rev. J. S. Norris is pastor of the church. Other building permits i| by the city during the Mrs. Lallage Falls, estimated $5000 remodeling of the rfaidence at6 07 West Moiintain street, Jim Connor, contraotor. W. Roy Duncan, 608 Hillside Drive, estimated $1000 remodel ing of residence, J. A. Strictland, Contractor. Jon L. M;cGill, construction of $225 utllitv building at 208 West Gold street* _

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