PAGE TWO THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Thursday, November 22, 1973 Established 1889 , The Kings Monntain Herald **' ' *■! 4)6 South Plodmeal Ave. Kings Mountain, N. C. 28088 A we<*kly newsp8,per devoted to the promotion of the general welfare and published for ths enlig'itenment. entertainmnt and benefit of the citizens of Kings Mountain ind Its vicinity, published every Thursday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Kings Mountain, N. C.. 28086 under Act of Congress ot March 3. 1873. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Mar»ir Harmon^ Editor Publisher Min Elizabeth Stewart Circulation Manager and Society Editor Tony Tompkins Sports Editor Mtss Detxiie Thornourg Clerk. JSookkeeper Toeky Martin MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Alien Myer* Roger Brown Peul Jackson MAIL SUBSCRIPITON RATES PAY.\BLE IN ADVANCE In North Carolina and South Carolina One year J4; six months $2,g; three months $1D0: sehool year $3. (bubacrlptlon in North Ca/olma subject to three percent sales tax.) In A>' ^(Her States One year $5; six month- ^3; three months ri.75; school year $3.75. PLUS NORTTi CAROLINA S.ALES TAX TELEPHONE NUMBER — 739-5441 And ive knou- thwspaper added: "Our streets It was going to be a bit pain-cannot be counted on aiv -ccoming arsolutely un.'afe ful before, but the Arab oil bar- I pinch, so the argument goes, and it is high time that we had ons made it worse. Govoinmenl ' tmjst have its own broad moie patro’men on the streets.” oliicials .say the imports oiv Imilitary pow-, Commissioner di Grazia added: ly nine percent of its oil frolm l‘’“’ rtvfvnd them under its own. "What this proves Ls that viol the Middle East, That means, iif j control. I ence in our urban centers is an it were po-s-sible to divide equal- I chapter four in a gener-'old problem, but it also indicates I ly among our 21)0 million souls, 'between Israel and that not much been done its Arab neighbors proves any- about it in all of these years.” thing at all it prove.- that thi.s e.\-| Ilow to help malco our streets isting Israeli formula is a recipe safer from crime is the subject for endless war. The Arabs will of a Monitor series this week, iiiaoit- - settle for all of Israel’s The rtroblcm may be an old one, percent less of the otTmr'" netrm Iconquests, let alone tor any-, but there is no reason why it , ’ 1^ i tltinSZ hevnr.H Ihnt Vet cn tenor chntilH V-e allee.eH te Hfift en Qc lum oriented products, of whicti I there are many. ■Lne nation could count on driv ing the famiily jalopy nine pe;-- ; ’ cent less, could count on being warm this winter nine oercent less, and have available nine , ’S Mr.s. Kenneth E. •Dowlrt Cobb Rtchelle Lee Conner Mrs. Robert Curry William Jake Engtaiid Mrs. Vivian Fulton , Grover V\. Grc-ene Williaf M. Gregoiy Mrs. -Vlary R. Hill Daisy Houston Rulty Mae Marti n Manuel A. Mass Mrs. Lillie E. Reynolds M.".i Ronnie D. Rybertson Mr.s. Clara P. Rowland Freddie A. Smilli Mrs. Essie A. Wilson Donald E. Berryhill Thomas K. Green Robert T. Ruff Gary L. .Mlran .Mrs. Oliarii>s L. Grant Mrs. Hany A. Poteat tje.>igt \\. Seller.-: KoiiJiy I!:i.v St.-kes LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF SURPLUS JaOPEHTY Tile following real and iXMSO ■ nal pro|)erty cf tlic City of Kings Vfountain at Public Auction on .Saturday. December 22nd, 1973 at 11:01) A..M. at the City Garage 01 cas’h monev. Any offer or bi ‘ must be accepted and comfiranej by the City Commissioners be fore tile sale will be tffecUve. In at't'ordnnce willi GS 16DA-270. IREAL PROPERTY) Being a 1.14 acre trad fc-rmer- ly .sold to tile City of Kings .Moun- lain for a .sew.ige disixtsal plant and described ns foiknmi , , as there is no American guaranty a I'Cimanent, fcar-producing phe- I Israel’s hawks aiie bound to seek nomenon in our midst, m-m j ever broader frontiers. In some cities constructive ■ The theory that America can- steps have already been taken j . . ■'‘’I counted on in a pinch toi through enlarging the police the hc-m* v-n’I installing better sti-eet' the djvwon wil, be equal. ' lieve, a fallacy. .Secretary Kissen- lighting, tackling juvenile delin- m-m I t^orreetly noted in his latest quency, an l drug addiclion pro- : comments on the subject that: grams . Cone.''pondcnt Guy Hal-1 Mrs. George J, "It has been a constant Amer- verson reports: “There is much; Clay St., City Mrs. Bonnie M. Summers James A. Trammell ADMITTED FRIDAY Mrs. Marv'rh Wright, 606 Gold St., City , . Mr.s. Mattie T. Hill, 510 aiero , kce St., City E. Peterson, 609 Withal, the President has ex- ican polio/, supported in every j the individual, community, and | ADMI’TTED SATURDAY , ' E. Stewart, Mrs. Charles Baker St., City Mrs. Parthenia McMullen, 4, Box 299, City For the uninitrated to who don’t remember because they were too young or not even here (after all, gas rationing ended with the end of tlie war in 1945, meaning that the husbands, wlives, bachelors and unmarried maids cf today bom that year have attained the age cf 28. ADMITTED SUNDAY Henderson, Ruby Goode, PJ. f. Gntvcr coriatcd rationing as a means of : administration and carrying wide' government can do though ex division, particularly in the di- bipartisan support, that the e.xis- perts v\arn that there are no ra tion automobile gasoline, tence of Israel wll be supported simple, e.asy solutions. Measures He recalls World War II day.s and by the United .States.’’ ; .'■uch as improved police work and declares that rationing was an This, it seems to us, is a basic better lighting must e coml ined evil, mls-used means .sharing fad about tlio Middle East. It has, with constant efforts to alieviate the vvealtii tw lack of itl. | been a basic fact from the begin-: the basic of crime itself i ning. ft ;vill continue to be a basic poverty, ransm, unemoloymont, ; fart. No pre.sirtent is ^ drug addiction, fear.” Tlie proli- ‘ going allow Israel to lie overrun i feealion of handgiin.s and drug and e.xtinguished. 1 addiclion arc two areas where ■ Henry L.^ The corollary to this is that a'the antiorime drive must concen-' Ehuroh St., City contractual American guaranty to tr:ite its strongest thrust. Israel would not change anything! Crime bret'ds on fear, anl the fundamentally. It would not he a biggest contrihiilion the imlivi- matter of taking on any new dual car. make to combating ovcr.seas commitments. It would crimp is to ovei'.-ome his own ‘merely be formalizing a factual fear of it. While wise .scciuhy I condition long in existence. ‘measures are in erir'r we riiould m-m ' .Sucli a contractual guaranty guard against .shutting ourselves _. . should dbpel both false hopes up in what N'cvvsvvct k termed j;'*’ , vi^Att'SV, some truth among the more intransigent some months ago ”;i ’.'oiircss to .Mr, .\ixon ,s cliarge. 1 Arabs, and false fe.ars among the mentality.” Israelis. It should substitute cer- Good neighborliness and Iho Maine Avenue, Bessemer City tainty for a false uncertainty ‘ cuitivatioi. ot a he.slthy commun- which has for too long been culti- it,.- sririt will help not only to vated by the radicals on both counter fear for the individual but sides for selfish ro.'isnns. This is will t-iii'd up confidence why we have long felt that such living around him. essential to a long • BEGINNING on a 6 inch nul oak wlii, h is Iwalcd S. dJ iKI W, 133 feel from the .second coi ner from the beginning corner in the ao.A’e liatt and running 29-1.5 W’. 1.32 feel to a 6 incli maple on the North bank of I’ott.s ('reek, a little above tlie disposal plant; thence with the .\orlli bank of the cri-ek S. 7211 W. l.M fiH't to a large pitplar on the .N'or.h bank ol the creek; ihenei- 67() W. 148 feel to i lorked sweet gum on ttie Nt>iTh aiink of tlie creek; Hience errv-w- mg llie (Tcck .S. 15 4,5 E. 233 feel to a Inge sweet gum; Ihen.e N 49-.’10 E. 237 feel to tlie BEGIN- NING, coiilaining 1.14 aere.s. (Being a pari of tlie 37 acre tract coiweyed by W. A. W'illiam.s and wife, to Maude W’illiam.s .Me- I Gill by dcc-d dated tlic lirh day 44 I cl January, 1952 and luiw on I rc.crd I'n the Office of the Regis ter ci Deeds for Cleveland Coun- Rt. ty ill B;)t,k 6-M at Page .382. 907 Til is pro'perty constitutes tlie old a.taiidoiied sewage tank at the edge ot Edgemonl R^a.i and East of the Kings .Mountain Country Club Golf Course. PERSONAL PROPERTY I ADMITTED MONDAY Roy E. Knight, o09 Drive, Lowell, N. C. Mrs. Daisy P. Ledford, Grover Road, City Mrs. Benton J, Neal, 110 E. I 19(i8 Ply'mouth, .serial IflJt Oakland ! PK4IK803tJ3524, Beige and 7an. General amdition; Laside Is fair; Outside vehicle is good — no dents, paint Is good. No brokim windows, motor docs not have unti-ireeze. lion ticet Kar bly may and ball Sail ally and mar garr the mat will dou will 1307 m-m to f bot For younger folk’s infor mation, tJiere were three ration categories. A car owner W'as qua lified for an "A” card, a “B” card, and a "C” card. Everybody ^ guarant,,- i was qualified for the “.-5” which al'lewed a particulr minimal a A .strong and resilient family. among Martha .\nn Me.s,sick, 803 .3rd , , - - Street, City- term settlement. where discipline and civic respon-j ^ „ "^be idea was not greeted with sibility are nurlured forms a Mrs, Alice F. Henschel, Pino mount of gas to each To take ' "''bd joy in Israel. There is a sec- rampart against cri.minal tendon- Manor Apts., No. 501, City- much of a trip the "A” card side to an American gunr-: cie.s. , -03 o holder must park the car ma- which is well under.stood in 1 Surely every citizen has the ’ ” jority- of the time then go om a ™ Aviv. Wa.shington will guar- right to expect to live and move -^'wet, v-uy .-intviv rc,.o«i !_ J u... Clyde E. Conner, 703 King 1968 PJy'mOuth, serial No. 0-1. n am™ da 1 n, : PK41K8D220884, White and Blue. Billy Gene Aliem Rt. 1, Grover , ^.ond'ition: Inside vehicle James A. Bolt, 4ih Manor Rd., ^ I dents, paint good, no broken win dows; general condliltlon is good. .Mi.-ltr do<-s not have aati-iiree/.e. nigi lina stai gas-burning spree, use it all, then tst'sel itself, not just any In safety around his city or town, walk again. The'"B” card man f'‘""be’.’s chosen by the more nc- (Crime in the streets is not some- got his "A” plus more. These ‘i'’’“biv-e of the Israeli generals, thing to adjust ourselves to and extra ration tickets went to those 1968 Chevrolet, serial No. 1.53697Y1.53383. Inside vehiide is fair; outside vehicle — bent left lender. Overall condition: fair. John Henry Mos.s, Mayor who used their car In their work, u.ased on the normal amount oJ ills ’-work” driving. The "C" card man was virtually unlimited. He was Issued an am-ount of tickets, but merely had to go get more when the first batch was ex hausted. Doctors met this re quirement, as did traveling sales men and Lndustriaiists on war work—and few industrialists were not on war work. The "C” man was the guy wlio could go to Myrtle Beach, even Florid‘i. legitimately. An Israel which Washington can‘to put up with. It must he grap- guaranty must be an Israel with- pled with and rought under con- in firmly and permanently lim- trol through enlightened govern- iled fronticr.s. .Vlurh of the 1967 ment. community, and citizen ar- conquest- not all must go back tion. The Christian .Science .Mon- Streot, City ADMI’TTED TUESDAY 11:22 to All of the recent furth er conquests will have to be giv en up. Dr. Kissinger is m^'t willing yet to start talking in detail about Israel’s permanent futui-e itor. Mrs. Delton Postel, 716 York Road, Cit‘y Calvin S. Falls, 162 S. 13lh M., Bessemer C ity ENEHGY POLITICS As Congress works feverishly on a variety of energy-telated ills, it ha.s become increasingly Biith Aimoimcemeiits ted later on. Why Iniild more deep water -- — .. • A VA> > A. A I t A I 4 X. lAlO, 11 JlXt.-X l.X-l.l/llH; I 1 1S. 1 C Q vO i 1 I tT, i JT . ' t I I A. I frontiers. He knows liow contro-' amarent that the imoiementation *’! bie, versi-al any withdrawals from to- of many “f ProviiHont vivrvn-c ptesidcnl has said he wants total of President .Nixon's day’s front lines wil he in Israel, energy nrcposals is fraught with I it will take time for Israel tO; difficulty, and, in .seme cases, I get accustomed to the idea that controversy. U i.s not enough to it might ' e ‘-etter off with fron-, say that the consum- tion belt I tiers W'hich Wa.'hlr.gton could ao must be ti.ghtcned while oil and j copt than v\-ith movable frontiers gas f-ompnnies- work t'l increase Well, the "A ” and "B” man de"endent on the outcome of the .supplies. The manner in which could go, too, but illigetimately. next battle - which does not those ends are achieved in cru- Cne fellow reminiscing aoout it necessarily and alwa.ys end in an rially important to the nation’s said he qualLfit d only for an Israeli victoi-y-. lutnre energy pictuie. American selKsufficiency in the energy market by 19.S0? Why risk the environmental damage of surfacemined coal when beller quality deep inir.e coal is avail able, although at a higher cost? And why push forward helter- skelter with the costly Alaskan .\i.-. and .Mrs. Riikcy E. Put nam, 1440 2nd Street, announce Uic bir'ih of a daughter, Wedne.s- day, .November 14, Kings .Moun tain h‘).spital. Mr. and Mr.s. Carlton R. Oliver, 20 Dixie Tiailcr Pari;, annouiiv-c tlie birlli ol a dtiugider, Friday, ‘November 16. King.- Mountain hospital. and Sea als{ the and her Mr. and Mi-s. Gerak' F, Broome, "A”. Cf, lie .said, I could go to a seivice .slaticn near Blaek^urg and get all I want- Cvl—at all cents per gallon. But it is time to get people be-. Take the matter of gasoline ginning to think in such terms —| consumption. Merc and more, which Dr. Kissinger has now/White an:l congre.'.-sional I done. — The Christian Science lenders are agreed that measures -Monitor. m-m W’ill liave to he taken ‘this win- Ci,ga reties were at heme. Tliere not rationed ^ jast weren’t I .she pipelines when lliat flow- of oil i 707 Davis Street, Bes-semer City, vton’t lie available until 1980 at announce the birth of a da;/gh- tlie earliest and will only consti- ter, Friday, November l.S, Kings tide a small percentage of the/Mountain hospital, total American demand’! ; Mr. and .Mrs. David Wayne Left- 'Ihe painl i.s not to toss cold; w-ioh. Route 3, BelT Road, an- watci- on thcs<‘ proposals, but to; n.';u'nce the birtli iff a daughU'r, ter to conserve the nations gaso-, suggest that they be considered! Sunday N.avembor 18 Kings lino supplies. But how? I from every angle ; cfore proceed - -yirunia’in hosoita'l Ore pcss'i ilifv is to rni.'e the ing. That means considering not ‘ ‘ ■'.asn'ine, or to allow- the price ; only the cost to the energy indus- ■ Mr. and .Mns. Rchert 'D. Parker, to increase as gas hec-emes try, hut to the consumer. It 904 1st Street, announce the scai-.e. That would help t-elieve moans considering not only how birth of a daughter, Sunday, the gas shortage, but it wouldn’t the energy Is to bt- best c, itained, Nc-.'omjer 18, Kings -Mountain relieve it in the right places, but how it should best be con- WATCHING THE WEDDING , - I The girl had sail, y-os, enougli. Servicemen were buying wanted to be waked up early, tiiem at pett exchanges, at sea xevv she tottered act-oss the hall and overseas at fifty cents per and snuggled with her mother I under the electric blanket (and jjj.jjj I could anyone say how long such Hio^h gas rrires w-niild be a niiis- sumed. These are decisions Con- luxuries would surv ive Amer- an'-'' in wn.atthv •’ri'ers, hut thev, gress and the pivsident should One Kings Mountain man, then energy unpleasantness?) could affoixl it; for the poor, high vveigh very carefully. Their con- too young for the service was Their eyes anl noses were visible prices could well become an in-. seqquences are likely to be felt a helping hit father. The cigarette os the panoply of Britain’s royal tolerable burden. (long way down the energy road shipments arrived on Saturday’, wedding unfolded on the sci-een at More important, a gas tax from now.—The Charlotte News. It was the store’s policy to limit j‘he toot of the bed. | wouldn’t discriminate according! — sales to (wo packages per person! ' The whole scene - with the; to vehicle usage. There would he as long as the weekly supply possible exception of the dog no distinction between a gas- la.sted.‘‘Daddy handled the mv>n- had joined them must guz-zling Sunday drive to nowhere ey (thirty cents for two packs,” have been repealed often among anl an essential drive to and he recalls, “and I p.-issed out the billion who were e.x-, from work, A gasoline rationing cigarettes. ' These customers t'’ w.itch the "solemniza- program, while admittedly a hit- formed tvvo-bloi-k lines. jti'-n of matririnv” at West- reaucratic nightmare, would oth .'minister Ah:ey. Not that everv'- cut consumption and insure the nv-m i one around the world had to get of gasoline tor important , . I up as early as Americans to see purposes first. At the moment, Aiwher stori's cigarette ra- ppinpejj Anne and Capt. Mark that seems the better alternative, non mg was a little diflerent. He pf,|]]ips ggy their vows. Ancther controversial asoect of sold his in p.-ur.s, too, but two "jjp didn’t say, T do’,” said the the energy crisis is the matter of cigarel'tes, not two ^packs, and smaller watcher in sympathy profit. While no one wants to the price was 2 for 5, or 50 cents w-ith Captain Phillips if he had dampen the oil and gas compan- per pack, a ratiicr profitable made a mistake at a time like ies’ incentiv’e to explore for more black market item on cigarette ‘ that. But she was simply speak- domestic reserves, careful con- I ing for all those in the provinces sideration should be given to var- I across the water who were un ac-' ious energy-saving plans to make ’™ I customed to the ‘T will” of the .sure them don’t create unneces- Sugar rationing made a federal ancient British ceremony. sary, profit windfalls for the judge, John.ion J. Hayts, pfetty j ■('nd, '-eyond all the regalia enei-o'y indusiry. Simply allnvv- tough on illicit liquor maker.s. |aad the music "knd the commer- ing market gasoline price to rise Sen’vencing one. the Judee inton- |rial exolnifition of the event, a is one .>.-uch plan; the total dereg- ed, “'And my wife doesn’t have i parent would have bt'en satisfied ulation of the well head price of enough su^ar to make me ThfK-A H a touch of the lieauty of the natural gas couid easily bt'cnmc '^v-rycart’M “ad stuck with a another. jchl'd along w'lth the more ob-’ Simil"r qiies'ions revolve m-m j vious splendor. around the president’s requests to , A.,. Why marrv? There it rll was speed up construction of the Alas- , vviH tonmng gas sales on the .jj, j^ose ageless words. “It was kan pipeline, to increase the I 'ordained for the mutual society, strip-mining of coal and to en- Mother said this week, ‘Yw, the and comfort, that the one courage the building of deep-wat- pro-blem is not my husband and |puprht to have the other, both in er ports, among other pm-insals. me. it’s my daughter. She'll put -prosperit ■ and adversity ...” A While each of them doubtless a hundred miles on the car on .-trength for princesses as well as seems attraetive in the face of a a Sunday afternewn — not go- the rest of us.—The Christian winter-long fuel shortage, each iiTg anywhere, just driving a- ' Monitor. c.arries with it some long-range round.” I consequences that could be regret-' hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Delton Pastell, 716 Y'ork Road, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, November 20, Kings Mountain hospital Keep Your Radio Dial Set At 1220 moj cou WKMT KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. News & Weafher every hour on the hour. Weather every hour on the helf Kour. Fine entertainment in between wot I'll Gre offs -.Sot ■befi i-out ing