First Black Lawyer bi County Mickey Corry Sworn In As Attorney Wednesday Ihuraday, September •, l*76-MIRROR-IIERAU>—P»ge SA Police Car Collides With Truck ;e md 5.00 8 )rand ICE kand :e 19 )0 ICE ch CSayward C. Carry Jr. of King! Mountain la the flnt black to enter Into Oie pri vate practice of law la Cleveland County. The eon of Mr. and Mra. '> (.1 C. C. Ooriy 8r., "Mickey" Corry wae Ucenaed In Auguat to practice law In North Carolina and wai ■worn In aa a member of the Bar Wedneaday In Oaatonla. Attorney Corry will be iuMOClated with the law firm of Harrla, Bum- gardnar and Randall In Klnga Mountain. The firm office! are located on B. King St. currently, but will move Into new facllltlee at 8. Battleground and W. Mountain In the near _ future. ■I Prior to acceptance to BaOKBTOORRT ..RM attorney the N. C. Bar Aaaoclatlon, Corry aervod aa law clerk In Attorney Jack H. White'! office In Klnga Motmtaln. Aa a member of Harrla, Bumgardner and Randall, AttoriMy Corry eotera a general private practice, but In the future will work toward the practice of criminal law. A1067 graduate of Klnga Moimtaln High, Attorney Corry received a BA degree from North Carolina Central Uhlveralty In 1071 and a JD degree from the NOCU Sdiool of Law In 1074. Carry la married to the former Bettye Aohworth of High Point and la the father of aeon, C. C. Corry, III. The Corry a are realdenta of Klnga Moimtabi. Youth Encounter For Christ Drawing Very Large Crowds 14 Klnga Mountain’! Oreater Youth Encounter For Chrlat la drawing crowda to John Oamble Memorial Stadium and ■ervlcea continue through Sunday night under q^onaorahlp of the Oreater Klnga Mountain Mlnla- / tarlaU Aaaoclatton. Mlaa Myrtle Hall, talented, young black aoprano with the Billy Graham Team, will ap pear again tonight (Thuraday) In a concert of ■acred mualc beginning at 7:10 p. m. followed by the cruaade meaaage by Rev. Alfred Wright at 7:80 p. m. and apeclal mualc by a large cruaade choir niade up of choir membera from area churchea. Son Company, a mualcal atnglng group of college identa under the dlrec-i' of King! Mounteln .tlve Reg Alexander, will ’ pnaent a concert at 7:10 Friday evening, on Satur day night at 7:10 p. m. Eddie Rackley, mlnlater of mualc of Shelby’a Flrat Bi4>tlat Church, will lead "Oeneala,” a alnglng group, In concert, and on Sunday evening membera of the Choir of nrat Baptlat Church of Klnga Mountain, under the direc tion of Allen Jolley, will preaent a concert of Oalther mualc at 7:10 p. m. Rev. Clyde Bearden, chairman of the Mlnla- terlal committee on arrangementa for the Ctuaade, laaued Invitation to all the community to Join In the final aervlcea and ahare In "the rich bleaalnga we have all received.” Speaker for the aervlcea, Rev. Alfred Wiight, waa ordained In the mlnlatry at the age of 18 and la a voca tional evangellat who haa conducted over 100 *t revival! and cruaadea In ■lx Southeaatem atatea In three ahort yeara and wlt- noaaed many converalona ^Chrlat. The Klnga Mountain man aald he waa called by Ood to leave a 1,400 member congregation. Unity Baptlat of Oaatonla, and go out into a field where there waa no guaranteed Income. Other apeakera during the week have been Tom Leeter, the popular Eb of TV’a "Oreen Acrea" who gave hla peraonal teatl- moay at opening night aervlcea and whoae rap port with young people la well known. Pat Roper, nightclub entertainer, ■hared hla converalon mqierlencea <m Tueaday night aa he gave a program Decoiqiage Course Set Intereated In making your own Chrlatmaa glfta? The city recreation department haa arranged with Cleveland Tech to ■pon:)or beginner and advanced' decoupage 9Uu)aea. U .^at leaat IS ■iudenta are Intereated. Beginner claoaea will be held from 7 until 6 p. m. and advanced claoaea will be held momlnga from 0 until noon at the Com munity Center. Reglater by calling Mra. Jamea Leigh, 780-4000, or the Community Center offlcea, 780-»40. Honj/i ecommg At Westover Rev. Cline Border!, Director of Mlaalcna for the Klnga Mountain B«q[>tlat Aaaoclatlon, will fill the pulpit on Homecoming Day Sunday at Weatover Baptlat Church. Rev. Mr. Border! will deliver the meaaage at the U o'clock worahlp hour. Picnic lunch will be ■pread following the worahlp hour. Ooapel Singing will feature the afternoon program and will feature The Happy Sounda of Oaatonla, the Denton Slngera of Morgimton and the Hayea Family of Klnga Mow tain. Former membera and frlenda are Invited to participate In the day’a event. Man Jailed Following Chase Robert (Marty) Bagwell, 16, of 401 Chero kee St, waa Jailed Tueaday night In Cleveland County Jail without bond following ahlgh apeed chaae through the city. The Incident reaulted In a minor wreck and muttljde chargea agalnat the youth. Ptl. Harry Martin, KMPD officer who waa attempting to oerve a warrant on Bagwell, waa treated for Injurlea at Klnga Mountain Hoapltal and releaaed. Bagwell waa charged with larceny of a truck, no operator'a licenoe, reck- leaa driving, apeedlng, failure to atop tor a blue light and alren and leaving the aceiM of an accident. The city patrol car collided with the truck Bagwell waa driving about 10:80p. m. onOockerRd., two mllea aouth of the city. Damagea to the 1076 Ply mouth patrol ear were eatlmated at 61600 and $800 to the 1076 truck owned by Jerry Watta of R-3 Shelby who had reported the vehicle atolen. Bagwell reportedly left the aceiw on foot and waa ^rprehended on Crocker Rd. about 4 a. m. by Mar tin, KM Sgt. Bob Hayea and Cleveland County Deputlea Garland Clary and Mike BoUck. The chaae began on S. Battleground Ave. when Barrett apotted the vehicle which he had been alerted to atop. According to Bar rett, the youth refuaed to pull hla vehicle to the light aide of the road and waa traveling at apeeda up to 100 m.p.h. during the ■everal mile chaae down 316 South to KM Mica Mine and Margrace and Mld- plnea areaa. Sgt. Hayea ■aid he attempted to aet up a roadblock but Bagwell "drove hla vehicle at the patrol car,” according to the report. In other wreck! occur ring during the Labor Day weekend, can operated by Jamea R. Henaon, 806 E. Parker St., and Loula Kee, Rt. 1, Shelby, collided at the InteraecUon of Cheat- nut and Walnut Streeta and damagea were eatlnnated at $300 to the Kee 1978 Monte Ckrio, according to Inveatlgatlng Ptl. Tom Gladden. Janice Kay Gordon, of R- 4, backing her 1078 Pontiac from a parking apace on Railroad Ave., collided with a 1066 Volkawagon traveling north on Railroad and operated by Charlea O. SherrlU, 806 Katherine Ave. Damagea to the Gordon car ware eatlmated at $11, and damagea to the right front of the SharrUl vehicle ware eatlmated at $860, ac cording to Inveatlsatlng Sgt. L. D. Beattie. Conducting Bible Study Mn. Glenn Rountree of Grover conducted the Bible Study at Saturday'! Circle One meeting of Dixon Preabyterlan Church at the home of Mra. George T. Stewart in the Dixon Community. Mra. OUn Whltener, wife of the new mlnlater of the Dixon and Shiloh Preabyterlan Churchea, wata alao preaent aa a apeclal gueat Mra. David Hughea preaided over buaineoa of the meeting. Mra. Stewart waa aaalated by her daughter- in-law, Mre. Gary Stewart, In aervlng a deaaert courae. Your Happy Shopping Store of aacred mualc. Myrtle Hall’a beautiful aoprano voice thrilled Wedneaday night'■ audience and alao gave her peraonal teatl- mony. Larry White, mlnlater of mualc of Calvary B^>tlat Church in Wlnatcn Salem, dlrecta the cruaade youth choir nightly. "Jeaxu makea the dif ference In our Uvea,” aaya Wiight, who bellevea there la a new trend In America to the return to old time religion and affirma that the youth of America are headed in the right dlrectlan becauae they are bred of hypocilcy and cheapneaa and are being turned on to Ood.” The devout, young preacher uaea no notea aa he atanda in the pulpit. He declare!, "I atudy myaelf -full and 1 preach myaelf empty.” KINGS MOUNTAIN HOSPITAL REPORT PRIOR TO SEPT. 1 Sarah Boheler, B. C., Mra. Buck Oark, K. M., Mra. Buddy Colllna, K. M., Floyd Dover, K. M., Er- neat Early, Oaatonla, Mra. Robert Ervin, K. M., Ciarl Ferguaon, Clover, Mra. Henry Goforth, Orover, Jerry Orifflng, B. C., Hannah Hertel, K. M., David Houaer, Cherryvllle, Lula Metcalf, B. C., Colean McDaniel, K. M., EUaha McSwaln, Blackaburg, Harry Poteat, B. C., Mra. John Slak, K. M., Ivor Stewart, K. M., LoU StUea, Oaatonla, Hannah Wllhama, Shelby, Marie Wlthera, Dallaa. SEPT.l Saroy Sandora, Rt. 1, Shady (R-ove, Rd., Ranald York, Rt. 1, Box 60S-B, Orover. 8EPT.S Hardin Davla, Rt. 0, Box 348, Shelby, Joyce Jonea, Rt. 1, Box 84, Yoric, S. LC., Emma Roaa, 406 S. Pln- chback Ave., B. C. SEPT. 8 Burman Bryant, 1003 let St., LWllllam Jackaon, 1807 W. Third St., Oaatonla, Mra. Donald Wray, 637 Baker St. SEPT. 4 Darlene Cappa, Sun- nyalde It., B. C. SEPT. 6 Grace Barrett, 011 Henry St., Ambera Hen- deraon, 1008 Princeton Dr., Mra. Charlie Shaw, 813 Willow St., Oaatonla, Nancy Wleaener, 387 Wakefield Dr., Charlotte. SEPT. 6 Hattie Bennett, 138 McOlnnla St., Mra. Sam Aohley, 401 S. Yatea St., Oaatonla, Aimle Dellinger, Rt. 1, Box 10, Earl Dover, 806 Falrvlew St., Brenda TompUna, P. O. Box 408, Blackaburg. SEPT. 7 Roaa Cook, P. O. Box 076, Oladya Crlap, 1301 Chronicle Ave., Oaatonla, Mra. Horace Hauily, 1006 Hickory Grove Rd., Mt. Holly, Michael Styera, 813 WUaon Terrace. A. BY DEVON Devon’a lively cdor-i round In heather roae, mahogany. All machine-waahable polyeater and acrylic knit. Look to Devon for top quality, fine tailoring. Mlaaea’ aliea. A. Blaaer Jacket, $38 . . . veat, $16 . . . Pull-on aklrt with front pleat and belt, $16. B. TUrtleneck, aolld color aweater with long aleevea, $13 Striped big top with ■coop neck, $16 Panta with mock fly front and belt, $18 C. Belted ahlrt-Jac, $36 Tapeatry Print I ■hlrt A be, $18 Pull-<» panta with atlt- [ ched creaae, $14 6^. I

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