w Hinrtday, November 11, ItM-MIBROB'HEKAUl Poge SB KM BASl^^TBALL HOPEFULS - These two returning etertera will be key performere for the Kings Mountain High School basketball teams In 1976-71. At left Is Eddie Ingram, a guard wllh the Mountaineers, who should be one of the team leaders and a strong outside scoring threat. At right Is Judy Henderson, Junior center for the Mountalnettes, who was the team’s leading rebounder and number three scorer last season and who should rank among the best centers In the Soudiwestern Conference this season. KM Cagers Progressing Kings Mountain High’s baaketball teams are pro gressing well In early sea son drills and are anxiously awaiting the Dec. 1 opener here against R-S Central. Cbaches Kathy Brooks of the Mountalnettes and John Blalock of the Moun taineers Indicate they’ll make their final cuts BlIinTOO CIlliPtTS RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SALES & INSTALLATION lliin.ld l>. Rl»iil<>n OwiH-r tK2-n.'>9l 231 E. Msrion St. OPKN Moll. Tlirciin'h Kri. .Sill. Til ililMI \fli‘r Mrs. By .\pl. e Wall To Wall Carpet s Special Size Area Rugs e Bathroom Carpet e Kitchen Carpet e Vinyl e Wallpaper e Counter Tops Shelby, N.C. 6n« NeHft "mmam .SULflU. Ilie Most In Dry Glraning 507 E. KING $T. 739-5844 MONoav a Toaseav Men's or Ladies 2 piece Dresses pick up same week for SpeciaU 89 Laundered Crisp-Bright Folded or On Hangers For SHIRTS Trousers Plain Skirts or Sweat4if^' IViix pick up tame week for Special I within the next few days and then get down to the task of choosing a starting five. Both coaches report several players are showing progress amd two winning seasons are cer: talnly within reach. Mrs. Brooks, In her first year at KMHS after coach ing at her alma mater, Alleghany High School In Sparta, says she has been Impressed with the play of several girls. Susan Mltchem, of course. Is the most promising KM performer, and should rank as one of the top players In the state. She’s led the club In scoring the past two years and was the team’s most valuable player last season. Others who have looked good In practice Include Phyllis Mack, Angle Hick man, Priscilla Rlcken- backer, Oayla Roberts and Sherry Ingram. Ingram was starting for the Moun talnettes last year as a sophomore before suf fering a knee Injury that put her out for the season. Judy Henderson, a returning starter, Felicia Bristol and Deborah Hayes have all looked good imder the boards. Henderson was the team’s leading re bounder a year ago and Bristol and Hayes are both over six feet tall. "Everybody’s real excited,’’ says Coach Brooks. "We’re all anxious to get started." Coach Blalock Inherited four starters from last year’s team, which fin ished second In the SWC under Coach Allen Dixon, but the former Compact coach says those returnees are having a hard time winning their positions back. Several newcomers are progressing well, especially 6-4 William Lockhart, a transfer from I Crest, and a pair of sopho mores, Olenn Ellis and Vernon Bell. ’They’re cur rently running on the first unit with returnees Bobby Odoms and Eddie Ingram. ’The Motmtalneers neld a scrimmage Monday night and Coach Blalock said he was highly Impressed. Wil liam Thompson, who Just Joined the team after com peting In football, played well In the scrimmage and, according to Blalock, has Improved a lot. Jeff Pres cott and ’Terry McClain also came off the football team. "We hope to cut down to about IB In the next few (Please ’Turn To Page 4B) Saturday At Two Fields Mountaineer Bowl Is Set Kbigs Mountain’s youth footballers go "bowling" Saturday with two teams playing In the annual Mountaineer Bowl here and the third going after the Oaston County League ehamplondilp In a game at Dallas. The KM Junior midgets, T-1 on die season and whiners of Division One In Gaston League play, will meet undefeated Mason Athletics (8-0) In a B p. m. title game at the North Oaston High School Stadium. The midget champlondilp game, pit ting Shelby against Mt. Holly, follows the UtUe Mountaineers’ game. TTie KM midgets, 8-3-1 heading Into their final regular season game Tuesday night against Mt. Holly, will meet Cramer- ton Saturday at 3:1B at John Gamble Stadium In the feature game In the annual Mountaineer Bowl. The KM pee wees open the Mountaineer Bowl event at 10 a. m. at City Stadium. They will battle Mt. Holly. Choves ’Thread will play Long Creek of Charlotte In another pee wee contest at U:1B at City Stadium. The Long Creek Junior midgets meet Shelby Jefferson hi a 1 p. m. game at Gamble Stadium and the Belmont and Dallas midgets will put the ci^ on the afternoon’s activities at 8:80 at Gamble Stadium. Saturday’s action Is the first of several bowl ap pearances for the KM teams, who have fared well In past events. The Junior midgets, who brought the dty Its first dhrlslonal Utle this foU, travel to Clewlston, Fla., next weekned to take on host Clewlston In die an nual Florida Oasslc. Both the Junior midgets and midgets will be In action In the John Henry Moss dasslc Nov. 37 at Gamble SUdlum. The Junior midgets will play the DuiTiam midgets at 1 p. m. at the KM midgets will batde Long Island, N. Y., at 3:80. TTie midgets ore tenta tively scheduled to play In the little Gator Bowl In Naples, Fla., Dec. 4. M^u£acturer^ Close-Out Sale! 1976 model Ki*cheBeAl«l • dishwashers We bought current model KitchenAid dishwashers — the brand dishwasher owners say is best — at special close-out prices. All new and in factory cartons. We’re passing the savings on to you! Rig Savings! Great Vialues! But hurry. Supply is limited. 8 Un[ts. Save More. *329 Replacement InstallaUon KitchenAid Stainless Steel Disposer KitchenAid Steaming Hot-Water Dispenser KitchenAid Trash Compactor BEN T. GOFORTH PLUMUNG 108 YORK ROAD - 739-4736 *ou«tot»epte«entatibrt sooorr •PO i lM- * - the peopl® .-.member wrtn g . .hta ^£%rsidents ^fvcur Representativ ^ ^ informed “"’from you. intena -nd to Keep i— to hear ho« we can contlde-e^in bi»«-t YOU have to represent^wo year*- be worthy of ^ jesentatives “®®^®'^of£ice' or in the House P ^ ot to s^^,,„,ton 0£trce. YOU have e-rust to the '' call one of my regard*. With warmest T. Broyhlll o£ Conqrees Hosi*Olft«»**jyi5 1 I — gy*. 6 Sfoyhill for Cot*p*%* Commlltoo