WeAwadBy, November U, lt76-MlBROB-HBBAU>-P»ce M MIRROR-HeRMD :lrBUY ilrSELL ★RENT ★TRADE To place an ad in The Market Place come buy our office at 204 S. Piedmont Ave. Minimum charge *1.50 for up to twenty words. All ads are payable in advance except established accounts. FOR SALE it»5 AfToe Pont. Of. Red. wf>n«. IntW.. J OR. 4 IPMd, A C, AM FM. UnlRoytl Rddidi*. 14, 00 ml. tlMO. Phoiw 730-2110—Horn*. Of ;1P77I5—Bullnou. 11:22, 24 PORBWOOO POR SALl - All H«d- wood aiv loogtn 220 • lo«l. Plano 71MOIO onor 2 A m. 11:10; 12:1 lALR OH Hwiglro Rotlal*. Rofarfo Oroonnowo. Locotod on old Mworoco Rood, ont irtio from lov lOnMooonlin. ll'.lllfn (■■DAPPLIANCM- Roinoorolori, oomo frool-froo, 1 door modHo, WANTED CAN YOU OUALIPVt NOOd tomoono to oitlot mo In my buoinooo. Two hodfo por doy. f eoyt 0 wook. 015 por wook. Por poroonol Intorvlow, coll OU-OOIObotwoon 10 0. m.ondS p. m. 11:14. 10 WAL VOOR AIPHALT O1*0»«l toforowimor. ioolw flM eroefco ond 0*00 your drWowpy 0 now look. CHI 7)07104 l:ltHn MR RRPINIW your ok) funltwv H o Mr prico. work guoroidood. YH iMo buyoldfuiiillurAOte. won.lbru W.. 0 A m. til 0 A m PALMRR R to** RBPINISHINO, 7100110. l:*fn IPRCTRACIDR PROPRttlOHAL • Homo Pool Control klllo roodao, aito, opMofA woopo, ond mony onaro KINOC MTN. FARM CEN TER. 10:3ll«n PRIVATE INVEOTIEATION*. Oonfldontloi ond owot. Ftano 00- mo or Tioiin. oinHn ONE RAT dooo BSOO domoQO oodi yaw. 2k worPi of Pirino Rot OonRbi MHO Hm. It lo 0 borooki. KiNOt MTN. FARM CBITER. 10:11 Itfn POR INDIVIDUAL Ineomo tokoo, portnorohip ond corporation tax work, oaiarN booMiooplne and ac counting woik, call 7104m PAUL SMITH 1017 Erookwood. 4:llfn OtARLES OWENS PAINTINO - - •«t at SHOO TIMMS FURNITURE 00. l:«fn n REV VACUUM CLEANRS SalOOA Swvloa. Call Clarloa Sdom. 710W4 Mtor S p. m. 4:2»fn POR SALE - dgoranoA «.« a carton. Dallykradi ObN Milk,SI .«a Mllon. Froab Irulto and vaoatablaa. latlary and cwamICA Uaad op- pllancao, boupM aid odd. BAR NETT'S PARK-INN. Phono 710- •M. l:lEfn POR SALE - 1040 Caprica two door. VSO. Plana 710-7141. ILIA 25 OMR SALE - 11x55 IWI badroom moHla lama. In axoallant condllton. Plana 7105554. ILIlIBi POR SALE- Sivoral good uaad color TVt complaMv rocondmonad. SI" to S"tcraaiv5l00.a0toS125.00. Call 710 dm. I1:E;11:M TENNESSEE WALKINO HORSE Brood mora, rofliottrid. Old Of grind diamplon alock. MOO. Plana 710 MU 1l:4Hn MO YAMAHA for Ida. Englna and vamndialon |uM baan ribdit. NdSty orao Call Tioasa. sm 11:dfn POR SALE - Wrought Iroh Poatt. Sixfiat, icornar. Phoha 710-5501. 11:14 CASH PAID for TVA looN, gold mm Rd and illvar coIib. Caah paid for anything of valua. Plana 710- 4211 S:13Hn THE PIZU HUT In Kin* AAounlaln la now luring caoka and xallraiati Wo ara looking Mr lardMiklng, honaal paopH. You mud ba M yaan dd. Apply m paraon only. No plana edit daaaa. An Bqud Opportuilty Em- ployar. I1:4l«n AORICULTURAL A COM MERCIAL SALESMEN NEEDED; Top Company In lubrication Hold haa opanlno for axparlancad and Inax- p'arlancad aalaaman with good automoblla. Abova avaraga Incoma — fulltima — rapaat cuotomara pay full com- mlaslon pluo apaclal bonus program. Salas axparlancs, knowladga of tractors and machinary halpful. Special training givan at company axpansa. For porsonal In torvlow saa Burl Edmistan, Holiday Inn Airport, Charlotta, N. C. FrI., Nov. 24 at 7 p. m. or Sat., Nov. 17 at 0 a. m. 1>!H4 SERVICES PIANO TEACHBR has oponlngi lor mw dudinls. Call TlFSftl 11:M; n:4 RESIDENTIAL PAINTINO. Fraa asllmatas. 10 yaars axparlanca. Call 714-0000.11:21, 14 APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE for daclrk wadwis, dryarA rsnsn, minor A-C and rafrigarallon. ANo. nma uaad mpHanoas. RON'S AP PLIANCE SERVICE' 7145W1 If no anowar cdl 7S4-7SOA a:14lfn lACKY'S APPLIANCES - • R«frl9tratlen, air-condltionlng ■rvici; Strvlct for HI tmlm and modm. Jaefcy RhM, Kinoi MountHrv N. C. S:lffn pipor honoifiB. a yoort OMpolonoa. Flrot clM« worfc. Phono 799- M 3:imn ■AR miRClNO HOOi Price inchidM oerrlnoi plus memborehip in •oninff dub AH OM- plorcmg done by trained ipodaHtt. RINGS pollahodr daenad and itonaa m- vodod. tl.O oadi. GRAYSON'S JEWELRY IS W. Min. $t. Pione 799- LOADER WORK AU typai frotiMn bedar work. WIR cut and dear lands dao haul off dunpa and bruHi. Ptana 73»71M. 2:13tfn HOLIDAY FOOGER. Oo It ycureatf. Fumigde your heme. Juet eet and H«lk away. KHN all Dupe aaw. KINGS MTN. FARM CENTER. n:31tht YARD SALE YAEO SALE -PrI., NOV. 24 a 407 Manar Road. YARD SALliOS Maadowbroek '-^’inad. Mowing —' Evarything ooatl Antlquai, boekt, furnl- tura, baby Itamo, clothing, tools, loft sf houaaheld Itams, Chrlttmat dacoratlont, a largo ataortmant of tsya, and much mora. Sat., Nov. 27 from 4 a. m. until, and Sun., Nov. 2S from 1 p. m. until. If bid wpdihar—tala will ba In- •Ida. 11:24 YARD SALIFrI. and Sat., Nov. 24 A 27. 117 Fulton St. Ash- brook Park, oft Waco Raad. Bolta Polyattar cloth, si.OO yd. If rain—laid In baatmant. 11:24 THRRE FAMILY YARD SALESat., Nov. 27 baplnnlno at 4 a. m. until. . . Charryvllla Hwy., baolda Panlay Chapal Church. Chrittmaa glftt, dlnlnp room aolta, and much REAL ESTATE POE SALE. - Colanlalfrant brick hema, 3 EE, S full baths, kltchtn-doB, farmal dlnlno- llvlnp roam, cantral air, all bullt-ln appllancas, patia fancad backyard, f nraa Ava. Phana 7SO-t 14, 12:14 POR MLE EY OEHL Nwlrlc hams ki EMMa. r nwHly.onanaacraland. Pix. m- 7421. 4:aNn 4«E ULE - Farm. Hdupp, Nm Mm. IS pcisi of land. Fftena 71F 7421. 4:21fln FOR RENT POE EENT - Mcblla hsmo. Tofal olaclrlc. 12 sHdw 1 btWBom. Ceupit only, no P4M. CASTLEWOOD ANO, MPCIduo mobOt Homo Ufa for Ima In Oak Orsvo aroa. Phana 7S4- 2217. 4:Slln I EEDEOOM TEAfLEE far rant. Oak Orovs Community. Call 710-721$. 11:24 WIEOINS TEAIIEE PARK — hM 14 nnvSirxlOS'loMnawapan. Rantfar SW a monih. Oorbaga pickup md wpMr fumlNiod. Call aftir 4 p. m. Ma404L tlWIfn POR RENT - TrNIws tor ram wfan •vallaMa. fOiem 7145ia3 or 7M- 4141 4:4lln MOBILE HOMES POE BENT *4Bn •vaiiaMt. 1 biWooma,- kisldi cHy Imits. Cap 7M-4IM. S:17Nn STATE or NOBTH CAROLINA CLEVELAND OOCNTT iBtheOBMrRl Court of JuEtloe Superior Court DIvlElon EXECUTtm’S NOTICE Having qualified , aa Ehcecutor of the eatate of NeU W. Orlmes of Cleve land County, North Caro lina. this to to notify aU peraona having clalma agalnit tha aatata of aald Nell W. Oilmea to preieoit them to the underalgned within 6 months from date of the publlcaUon of this notice or same will he pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to aald eatate please make Immediate payment. nils the 24th day of November, 1*7«. Richard K.Uc>Cackln, Executor 2917 Rustic Lane Charlotte, N.C. 28210 George B. Thomaaaon AttoiTMy, P. O. Box 208 mngE Mountain, N. C. 28086 Nov. 28; Dec. 2, 9, 16 FOR SALE Can 789-7269 Or 628-8476 6 Large BuUdlng Lota InNewSub-Dlvtolon Off U. S. 74 One Mile From City Limits going towsud Shelby OASTON COUNTY TREE SERVICE Now to the time to trim your trees — also gutter cleaning — Free eatlmates. CaU 887-8804 ^^Ime^ Meat Special so Lbs. A up beef or pork custom cut and wrsqiped U. S. Oov. , Inspected 7SC Lb. Phone 788-3871 For Sale 2 Auto- Wash 2 Elec. Dryers 1 Elec. Range Phone 789-8883 SNOW TIRES FOR SALE 2 • H78 X14 PraolloaUy New Snow Tire# Run Very Pew Miles Excellent Buy Call 788.7488 or 487-4186 HREWOOD FOR SALE ALL HARD WOOD. ANY LENGTH. *20 A LOAD. PHONE 739-3090 SWOFFORD UPHOLSTSY Phiefer Road Phone 739-3841 Free Estimates Free Pick Up And Delivery INSURANCEf 2-Bedroom *8,000 739-4487 LetU Buy.SHIForYi ■ Phone lAHOO itirgjf BEAL ISTATt EAOkER NEwnotmE In Grover 8 BR, kitchen and dinette, living room, den, 2 fuU baths, P-D Stair and Utility Room. Double carport. Air Conditioned. HERNDON« HAMBRIOHT. Phone 987-7781 Or 987-7104 Three Bedroom Brick Veneer One and HaK Baths Large porch . . . 6 x SO . . . comer Brloe and Sterling,.. total electric ... fully csuiwted . . . 1*8.800 .... CALL 739-6523 FREE LAY AWAY For Christmas No Down Payment On Lay away For Christmas First Payment Due Within Two Weeks MACK’S STORES K M Plaza Kings Mountain. N. C. Now's the time to. . . WINnRIZE YOUR HOME! Conserve Energy This Winter I STORM DOORS e STORM WINDOWS 1312 W. Sacentl Avs. Ooatenia, N.C. POOL BUILDERS (Suppllss O Service) Buy your winterizing Kits, Peel Coven A Pool Heotsn Newl WE Mills ANY MUD Of SWIMMMe POOL CAROLINA SWIMMING POOLS A PATIOS 1312 W. Ssoend Oaotenia CMl FOR FR(E ESTIMATa 86S-9S86 RITE: 867-6609 oi 864-S864 NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Paul E. Ware, deceased, late of Clevetond County, North OsroUna. this to to notify aU parsone having claims against the estate of aald dsosdsnt to present them to the undersigned on or before the atth day of May, 1877, or this notlco wUl be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU peraona indebted to aald estate wlU please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. TTils 19th day of November, 1976. DortoC-Ware 806 Waco Road Kliigs Mountain, N. C. 2806 E. LScott Cloninger Attorney At Law US W. Mountain St. Kings Moiaitaln, N. C. 2 086 Nof. 94; Dec. 2, 6, 18 Goox> CARL BELL SPECIALIZING IN LATE MODEL CARS HIGHWAY 74 WEST PHONE 739-6441 AU TYPES OF NOME lAtPROVEAlENrS A VARIETY OF lOW PAYMENT PIANS c nrCHiN nANMNO e sains s caotoot iNoasuits s NOirucss s CAtroan s patio covtas • awnmos a oatios s saiviWATS s NNcmo • taick o stono won s windows t ooOos CAROLINA BRICKSTONE aLL: 864-1636 NIGHTS: 867-6609 ACTION REALTY OO. GASTONIA, N. C. 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE. Den with fireplace, Uvlng room and dining room, 8 bed rooms. Nice coiner lot on Owens Street In Kings Mountain. Only $16,000. 16 Prime acres, nice house, big bam, house completely renovated, Uvlng room, 20x16 three bedrooms, master bed room 16x16 fireplace In den and Uvlng room plush couiiet. Bourn haa 6 stalls located ap proximately 6 miles west of Kings Mountain under 866,000.00 A-181. WHY WAIT roil SEPTIC TANK TROUBLES? 0«t R(»BICK-37 aod K- S7 Oaefa vBsr. (tts guaranteed to mck or money heck). K • 77 UDt roots to City Sewreror SoMc iMa mis. WESTERN AU T 0 8 8 1 rmmningii! STREET 8 Bedroom Masonary home on large lot 407 Torfc Road. 820,800. IDEAL HOME SITE. 4.2 acres on El Bethel Church Rd. Cleou* run ning creek with beauti ful rock formation. t860a ‘large, frame home on extra large lot. 802 WtUker sta lls,200. Ibedroom frame home. 610 ,Mauney Avenie. $12,900.. NEWLY EBNOVATED 1 EE frafm horn on larga M. 114 BrKgai 51. 51l,». insir.ance and RE.M. EST.ATE 7:19-6411 For Sale BRICK HOME, 408 Pinevlew Dr. Air conditioned, hot air gas. heat three bedrooms, Uvlng room, bath ouid a haU, den-kltchen com bination, dtohwaaher, range and disposal. Draperies go with home. UtUlty room and paved carport. House A 17H acre tract located In Oak Grove community. Rrick lii'me. 2 bednvims. 1 h.ilh. living room with fireplace, kitchen, screen p rch. car p'rt in rear. 204 .S. mil Wallerson Street. Valuable Business Proper ty; M. L. Hannon’s home- ;*ice, 107 W. King Street. Lot size 106 X 150. 15,900 square ft, zoned central business. (land. 9H acres residential land ad joining Ashley Park on West side. A part of Marvin Goforth home place. HAL S. m RIALTY riinnv { oilexander ^ealt\f t * ' OWN A BIT OF AMERICA INVEST IN REAL ESTATE ★ Buying ★Selling ★Building Phone 739-2217 »5 Narlk Dllllas OIrtal lasr raam Saatt, Brick vaaaar, carxar lot;! ■Ma. i Maxraa Avaiwa - Calaalal Iraat krkk Iwnia, I SB, I fall katlit,4l ^Wtclian. awi, tarmal Walxs-Svlas raaxi, caatral air, all Sain-la ap^ tonancat, palls. laxcaS Sack rarS. ♦ ^•11 aitskllihaO maSlla Hama park M matt OatlraSla lacatlaa. ak|| pliant raturx aa lavattmaal. Call tar aagalatxiaxt la War park aa^ ^IKUU tarxii. ★ '^••4 Saixartal Driva — Paar SaPraama, Iwa Satkt, caatral air, Slil^ ihar, aiioaial, SaMXiaat, saw laaOicaphis aaS salMlas. Va •alanl far Happy llvlxsl Family... friends ... a i>^py home. These are things to be thankfsd for. ariene &L REAL ESTATE emU.emy emn deM. BUTLER REFRIGERATION COMMEBCIAL BEFBIOBB ATION Walk-In Coolers — Freeaers Display 6 Beoich-In Coolers-Freeaera. AcOtHllkGIl lOB MgCSMiMM COMMERCIAL A RESIDENTIAL TOTAL COBIFOBT PBODUOTS central AlrCaoditloiiliig Om A OU Fumaoes Romn Alr-Condltlaning Heat Pumps Power Humidifier Steam A Hot Water BoUers SALES- SERVICE -INSTALLATION DIAL 789-8087 789-M S08N.Flednioiit Electric FuziiaiMe Electronic FUter 1 ipttsIrsS I far aa^ 115 Niwniaraa — Parxial OInkip, Saa, layar, livlap ratal ratal! 114 SaNii Sawaitali*. Oat larpt ktPraaai tap kalk apttilrS; I haat, caalral air, PaaMt parapa SsaatlM caraar lat. Call ^^lalaiaat la Ha. Apit Saaiartal Oriva — Tkraa Saaraam kaaia wltk caatral air, aaa Ataia-aalt kalHi, taraial Olalap raaai, layar, Paa, wltk Paar la Sulllapfl 4^tla vary pratty — akcaHaal Say. ♦ ^ CONTACT y ★ oAlexander ^iealty « fwtre Mifi M ytart ugwieweg In tUg fevHWMf frnWe M tlinrn wINiS Ijww In y*wr ImwGrtant rtil tifnft Nivgetnenl. ^ { Ruby M. Alexander p|,o„g 739.2217 { g UmI Eateto Broker I 1, Pride In, Respect For _ ♦ niALioo* The Property Of America { LARRY D. HAMRICK CONVENTIONAL FINANaNO AVAILABLE INVESTMENT OR HOME: MobUe home park with beautiful unit of your own plus 20 qtaces rented and others you could develop on this 9 acre tract located near Klngi Mountain. Serious prospects by ap- pclntment only. CoU Hamrick, REALTOR. LAND: Nearly 8 acres, 826 feet road fronUge on Hwy. 228 Just north of Orover. Has a good repodrable 8 room friune house ouid priced at only $17,600. CaU Hamrick, Realtor 789-6669. LAND 44 Acres: BeanUfttl wooded oa northeast border of KInga Mountain at only 9L000 per acre. CoU Hamrick, REALTOR 769-8969. DEN WITH FIREI^LACE; 906 Henty Street, brick, 8 bedrms., IH baths, double garage, paved patio with gas grUl, paved drive with beautUUl wooded fenced lot 100 X 200 feet. CaU Hamrick, REALTOR 7894858. Priced low SOs. EXCLUSIVE LISTING; 410 Hawthorne Road, a dynamic redwood fomUy home Including Uvlng and dining rooms, kitchen, 8 bedrooms with 2M baths, utlUty and storage rooms, PLUS a fabulous 800 square foot brick veneer den added to the rear of the homo containing a large fireplace, shelves, and a mlnl-kltchon with bar. Also, a carport and on excellent fenced In roar yard. Located In on ox- cellent resldenttsU secUon. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, CoU Lorrv Hi.-arlck, REALTOR 789-8869. LAND 21.4 ACRES on Road 9012, Stony Point area backing up to Muddy Fork Creek, with 860 frontage on paved Road 2012. 81,000 per acre. 10% ACRE wooded subdtvtolon land near PUgh School. Only 828,000. LOTS: MOSS LAKE — View lots 100' x 200’ for only $4,906.00. MOSS LAKE-Peninsula Ave. Lot No. 28 $14,700. Oolfcourse lot, No. 629 Lake Moss, big with exceUent view: $4,800. CALL: MRS. MARY KLEPPER 48S-0900 OR BOBBY W. STRINOFELLOW 789-MU LARRY 0. HAMRICK REALTOR 739-3659 a E. WARUCK INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance And Heal Estate

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