wUl tar In lurch Old Southern RR Depot Activity Hub In Making Hm old Southern depot ain’t what aha uaad to be... Once the depot uaad to he a buay epot with local flrma ahlpplnc their praducta all over the country and racelvlnc raw matertala and other to the waltlnc n e to lounge o arrived. Ihan for awhile the depot atood enqity. No one waa ahlpplng or receiving or buying tlcketa to ride the train. Over the yean wlnoa found the abandoned baggage area perfect to get In out of the weather and nip from the bottlee In brown paper baga. But all of that haa changed now. ‘The depot will once again become a Uvely epot with kitchen faeUltlea and meeting rooma and a lounge area with a huge brick and atone fireplace. The program waa created by the city ualng Community Development block grant funde. An eight-foot property on three aldea. Thelnteiior la being renovated for community uae. On the outalde a platform la being erected to help reatora the depot back to Ita original atate. Some of the rooma Inalde will be uaed for arte and crafta workahopa and diaplay arena and othera wlU be uaed for public aervlce ofllcea. A1 Iforeti, dty engineer-planner, aald "One man In the dty, Poat- maater Chariaa Alexander, la in- tereated In creating a acale model of the depot and the town aa It waa In the early daya and putting the model on diaplay In the depot. “Hm Idea we've been foUowlng U to maintain the look of the depot throughout," ICoraU aald. "The building, we’ve found, la very eturdy and weather^tlght, ao we plan to leave the interior celling aa It la. In from the elevated floor to the Ut- Another idea la to have open air farmer’a marketa adjacent to the depot where local and area tarmara may diaplay and aell tholr homegrown garden produce. the Idea of bringing In an old railroad dining ear on the q>ur track and creating a reataurant haa alao bean dlacuaaed. the end of the project la not too many montha away, according to McmU "and than people wOl aee the old depot ain’t what aha uaed to be.’’ ‘raga7£gs5£3tea THE THURSDAY EDITION Vinninff Newspaper kiriG9 NOUHTNh MIRROR-HCRkLD 15‘ P >/ m 1 VOL. 87 NO. a KINGS MOUNTAIN, NOBTH CAROLINA N 1HUB8DAT, DECEMBER Id, IWd Special Meeting Planned Gas Kate Action Delayed the city oommlaalon Monday night poat^ned, until after a called ccnferenca with the ctty’a gaa conaultant action on revamping of the natural gae rate atiucture. Receaalng briefly after letter waa read by City Clerk Joe H. McDantol 1 from Engineer William D. Edwarda, the alx-membt«> board could not come to a declalon on the matter, they eald, without more eon- aultatlon. Mayor John MOee aald he would call another meeting with Edwarda prior to Jan. 1., on motion of Comm. Jamea Chlldere, aeconded by Comm. Norman King- Under the Edwarda propoaal under atudy by the board, February 1,1977 gaa bUla to all uaere of gaa, excepting realdentlal, would reflect a rate Increaaa of 33 centa per MCF. Southeaatern Oonaultlng Englneera _ do not recommend Ineraaae In the ' realdentlal rataa. Edwarda wrote that "the city ahould Immediately Increaae their reaala rate by at laaat $180,000 per year baaed on the 1970-76 volume laid.’’ The clty’e ratea. If the now propoeala are accepted, would place tti ooata about S.4pereent lower than that of Duke Power. Southeaatern aubmltted the report of Ita englneera at the Nov. 31 meeting of the board. The itudy waa aubmltted by Ray Cohn, a reglatered engineer, who noted that the recommendaUaui are baaed on the need for a change In the city rate itructure due to the Increaaee in power coata over the pact year. The propooala aet the rata level aa low ae poaolble to etUl be In line with Duke Power ratea, *he aald. On Dec. lTS*n and Jan. 1,1977 the coata of Tranaco’e 0-3 gaa Incraaaed to $1,097 per MCF, on Increaae of 16.7 cente per MCF or 17.9 percent. Baaed on gaa purehaaee for the 13 montha period ending Oct. 81, 1076, of 901,968 MCF the increaae In gaa Santa Cominff To Grover VFD Santa Claua will come to Orover Saturday compUmenta of the Orover Volunteer Fire Department. The Jolly ole man from the North Pole will aet up ehop at U a.m. In the VFD building and take Santa requeata from young and old alike until 8 p.m. Auxiliary to the Fire Department will offer variety of baked gooda. Including homemade cakea, plee and goodlea for aale to the public. All proceeda are earmarked for fire fighting equipment tor the Fire Department. coot to the city would be $160,638, eald Edwarda. He pointed out that the purchaoe coat of gaa purchaaed under TVanaco’a 0-3 rate waa $0.98 per MCF at the time the City of Klnga Mountain made their lataat rate Increaae (affective Mar. 1, 1676). Shica that time there have been five rate Increaae a and two rate reductlane. The clty’e purchaae coat In October waa $.986. During the period firom March 1, 1976 through Oct 81, 1976, the city purchaaed 508,948 MCF at a coat of $487,486 or about $16,000 above the projected coat at the time of the March 1, 1976 increaae became effective. Edwarda pointed out that during thle period only 86,416 MCF or 11.0 percent waa uaed by domeatlc cuBtomera and that tor the 13 montha ending Oct. 81, 1970, the domeatlc ciMtomere uaed only 146,668 UCF or 16.16 percent of the total aalea and paid an average at $1.8886 per MCF. The North Carolina UtlUtlea Commleelon ruling made Dec. 8, 1076 excluding realdentlal cuatomere participating In the additional coat of emergency gaa la Juet a foretaete of the nationwide policy of paaaing the utility Increaaee, he aald, "on (Pleaee Tam To Page 3A) STONE-FACE FDtEPLAOE - BUI MeM building a huge brick and etoae-face firepla oU Southern Depot. The area wU be uaed 1 renovation program le complete. UahigOiMi the city le creating another o ‘talidng the atmoapbeK of a railroad depot For City Employes * A Little Extra In Envelope All City employee were voted a ChrUtmaa bonue Monday night and will receive a long weekend holiday by action of the city board of com- n^aalanera. itnd. If D.C. Payeeur, Jr.’e auggeetlon la followed, the city commlaelonera will get a "bonue," too. Mr. Payaeur made the motion from hie aeat In the audience that the ccmmlaalcnera be given a ’’bonue’’ becauee of "their outatandlng aervlce thle year and , beeldea. they’re dty employee, too.’’ Hie remarka came after the commlaelonera had voted unanlmouoly to give all city em ployes a bonua. Thoee employes with at least a year aervlce to the city wUl receive one week’e pay, tor employee with leas than one year service the pay will be pro-rated. dty offices will be dosed on Friday, Dec. 34, and on Monday, Dec. 37 for the Christmas holidays. New Year’s holiday will be observed on Frl., Dec. 81. Mayor John Moss agreed with Mr. Payeeur, who spoke out again at the end of the meeting, that the "cmnmlaaloners are Indeed doing an outstanding Job.’’ He promised he would confer with the treasurer who draws the checks. If the CouneU receives a bonus at the city’s Christmas party thla week. It may be a first time In recent history, but Santa Claua Is around the comer, ao who knows If bonuaes wlU be In their Chrlatmaa stockings. In Breaking And Entering Catagory Oty Crime Rate Down 61 Percent ‘Christ Is Bom’ Cantata At First Presbyterian "Chrlot Is Bom," a Chrlatmaa Cantata by John W. Petersen and hla newest work, wlU be sung by the 80- vdce Choir of First Presbyterlsm Church Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock worship hour. Die program la under the dlrec- tkm of Mra. Darrell Austin, organist and choir director. Petersen cantatas. Featured edolst will be Kathy Rhea Bumgardner. Die community Is Invited to Join the Presbyterian congregation In the qMctal Joy Gift service which will feature the children of the church aa they present "Mite Boxes” of pennies for Mhilstera Annuity Fund for retired mlnlaters. J. Vic Smith will serve aa narrator Kings Mountain’s crime rate has dropped a phenomenal 61 percent In the area of breaking and entering offenses since COPE waa organised abc months ago. Dieae statlstlca were revealed by Chief of Police Earl Lloyd Friday night at the COPE Christmas party at the Community Center. Die Chief said that In most eases good results were from direct efforts by this police assistance team In the area of Operation IdentUlcotlon, Involving the community In Operation Community Olme Watch with oltlaans on patrol burning up numbers of ausplelous Individuals and alerting law enforcement. "R’s obvious from these reports that criminals are staying out of Kings Mountain," said the Chief, who noted that every day a call comes through the CB Boy Station at KMPD from on sdert CB’er with COPE. Chief Lloyd aald ttie recovery rate on properties stolen Is only five percent. He aald that In 1876 property loss to KM cltlsena from theft was a whopping $96,000. “We dMi’t know what the real answer la but we want to eliminate to recover what’s stolen. A victim never really gets back everything he has lost when you count the time In court he must spend, etc.," said the Chief. Chief Lloyd, In heaping praise on COPE, said that Police Chiefs in three Bhistem N.C. departments were contacting COPE officers about how they can organise and "get pe<q>le involved." COPE In Kings Mountain was organised by Chief Lloyd and KMPD In July. Currently, COPE la laun ching a program to speed up the marking of properties of senior rtUsene and ara In proease of Builder Asks City To Annex Property distributing 60,000 pieces of literature on home security. Chief Lloyd called attention to two new programs In which COPE will aeUvely lead In 1977: a now program tor senior cltlsens, offering Identification cards to those who do not hold a driver’s Ucenae Iden tifying number and another security measure tor merchsuits, giving an Identification number to each downtown merchant for a croos- tnformatlan with police and COPE volunteers In event of burgiaiiea. COPE President Boyce TesensOr said that next month’s program will feature the showing of the CPR film, "Pulse of Life" and noted that one local nurse had already vOluntaered abc hours duty each week toosalat with Cardlo Pulmonary Resuscitation courses to be offered Dm city commlaslon Monday night adverUsed for public hearing request of BUI Stinnett tor an nexation of 10.(M acres of property In received Stinnett’s petition for rsaonlng of contiguous pngMrty from R-30 to R-6 and referred to the ' In ether actions Monday, the board: Adopted resolution clarifying HUD Project 08C-49, amaU grant approval tor recreation at Deal Street Park. The resolution q^eclflea that the monies will be used tor recreation uses only. Authorlaed resolution with the Ctty of Kings Mountain and Southern RaUway System for Installation of open fence In connection with prevloualy authorised beautification work In the downtown urban beautification program. The baautmcatlon Is In the area of the railroad tracks, igt the embankment at overhead bridge on 74. Executed agreement with W.K. Dickson and Co., Inc., engineers, for water Improvements <m York Rd. m organisation of vohintaer men and women "tor UteroUy turning the crime program around" and tor their "leadership In the march to reduce crime." He said that a eltlaen lending a hand In emergencies mean the difference between quick ap prehension of a criminal and cited a recent Incident In Los Angelea, GaUf., where he was attending a meeting, and Involved dtlaen effort In helping the Los Angeles PD ap prehend a bank robber who was and the bonk robber In custody. And Chief Uoyd aald that "We have a model program hare which many police departments are looking for."

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