, FOR SALE Mt; MMLar-MvioiON om otw Ctrt tar Kta. tM. call m- miMLa- UMOHMtarmaaNMta aiM Ita aMn M tawn. MM Mr m. MnaTiaaai» Mt ta Ni OwMna talk a:ta mi MUi Mr Mri CuMn m M dHR. IMta aetaM mNH. CM nMM«7»4ni. MaalMI OMMM. a » a i.ia uiaDAm.uiicB«- Mtntttaw. Hh had Mota call riMM aMr i;« a m. 11:1, M mi «ALa- tawarta aaad uaad cMr 1V-acaniata>ilyracandHlawad.irta W acraan. niUO to tOM aiaa. atachlctayar. Call MiAirs TV, at. ML n;f, M _ MiM aarrm mmhbl am. ■ Maady Dac. a. hamalat MA MaM 9L Dapaalt tall hald tar Oiilalinaa. taionanaaMa. U:t, I^IA II M—Y vacuum ctaawi mima tarvka. Call Charlaa tdanv Mm iiidaidMMMtal»iataantaaiiM.Chly tamia Mdy atam maa 7» TwaNBuaa wAuaMi Houk ■ aiA »!lMI ■raedmara.raalatarad.OulaHrawd taRtoHioaC mi MLI - aa hard- Mamalen Mach. laM. mna M «*ad. Can Mary. II:* mu. Il:«fn BUTLER REFRIGERATION OOBDfNKnij^llBFBIOIIBATipil W»Ik-ta Oootan -Tnmm __ Oii^lay ft OMto-FrM«iin. BcotWMMilMHaaMaei C»Mia!BOIAL ft BUmBNTIAL TOTAL OOBOrOBT PRODUOn Caiitm Alr-boBdttloalBg Gm ft OU FmiHWM Baaom Alr<OiMidUloiaiia Electrio T>imaMSM Hmt PampB Eleotroiilo FUter Pofirer Hnmldlfler Stmm ft Hot Water Boileri SAUCg-SEBVIOB-INSTAUJlTION DiALTw-asti MN.FIateMt iMM* wMhtrap and Avan. PrtaM •ait aiiiiMi TiMMi mMNiTuaa ca i:aita •OR Mti - OmM yaur aim owlthnaa ttaa from lha a a Maladt daim an Oban Road Hour, fivd al« Mat. Mialwala arleaa.niOM7»4M». IHIWI FOR MLR-Cloaratta*. *Al* a cartan. Dally fraah Cabla Milk, *1.4* a oallan. Fraah fruit* and vaoMahla*. Fattary and caramict. Uaad tp-. pnancaa, beuoht and wM. •ARMfTT't FARK-IMH. Fhan*7lf4fM. liMIfn .WANTED CAW FMO ar TVa taaM goM rkM, mM and dlytr ealia. QMh paid tar anythin* af vnlu*. Phan* 71*- MM f:im " YARD SALE YARDMLR-4* Manar Raad. »a. m til IR m. tahirMy. Rtan cr MM* t» liiiniRd. 1t;M g’-i- m •MM M AWRL MN M -f H HHRMt AMC, a IMiinni.lMMawatMRiInkMwtathWtaPuMMInRrMniiaM taapItM. DM imthWtaplaei. KRahan Inctadaa tunny kraMtata warn. Hu ■ tctaanadlntummarraomDauklt car wrMa. Apron. 1 ttrawtadadetrng W. Only MUM MpRnhnanl anly. ^karlene^llu 739-T942> mu. fITATI V fty—rfAA,- m Your Happy Shopping Store PRE - CHRISTMAS SALE Um'» 100 PoroMit Cotton aANNBl SPORT SHUTS 6.88 SiMa S-M-L, 16.88 Reg. $8.00 Value 13.88 Soya Antturat Slaea 8 to SO Gkwd aaat. of oolon Reg. 88.00 CARDIGAN SWEAfBS 6.88 Lftdiea Long Blftove ~ 00 Paroent cotton. 00 peroont polyoaUr POLYKTGR TOPS Oolon • Off white, black, gny, navy, light blue and red, perfect tor the layered look. Slaaa a-m-1 4.88 ■ntln atock of trlnuned and untrtnunod LADIES CDATS 20% Off CSiooae from an oxoellont aelecUon of wools and blends. Jimlon and mlaaea Baea BVm Hlcraweve Oymi Demonitratlan. No ob- Ugatlan to biv. OS’s own hwne economUt wlU provide free dam- onetretlona on Friday, Dec. 10, from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. at 111048 FURNTTURB, Grover Rd. 18:7ft Men’s Plaid 80 Percent Wool, 10 Percent N^n SPORT SHUTS 13.88 SIses 8-M-LrXL Rag. 880.00 Value Men’s Andhurst Alpasha CARDIGAN SWEATBIS Made of 100 Percent Orioii Tam with the luxuiioua look and feel of Alpaca Reg. 810.00 MIRROR-HGRMD ★BUY ★SELL ★ RENT ★TRADE To place an ad in The Market Place come buy our office at 204 S. Piedmont Ave. Minimum charge *1.50 for up to twenty words. All ads are payable in advance except established accounts. Tharid^r. paem^ la, ISM. MaUKMt-HBBALD • Page llA FOR SALS RV amm - l tadmam NOTICE OF EXECNTTBIX TO CREDITORS Having quaUfled as BxMUtrIx of the Estate of Paul E. Ware, deceaaed, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this la to notuy all persons having claims against the estate of eald decedent to present them to the undersigned on or before the atth day of Kay, lt77, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All pereone indebted to aald estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. IhU 19th day of November, 1979. DorlaCWare 006Waco Road ..V. u , KlngaKoontaln, N. C. E. LSeott Ckmlnger Attorney At Law 110 W. Mountain St. Kings Mountain, N. C. 3 086 Nof. 84; Dec. 3, 9, 16 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CLEVELAND COUNTY IntheOeneral Court of Jnstloe Sqierlor Court Division EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having quaUfled ae Executor of the estate of NeU W. Orlmee of Cleve land County, North Caro lina, this la to notify aU persons having elalma against ths estate of said NeU W. Grimes to presMit them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of thla notice or asms wlU be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons Indebted to said eatate pleaae make Immediate payment. IMS the a4th day of November, 1976. Richard K. McMaekln, Executor 3917 Rustic Lane Charlotte, N.C. 38310 George B. Thomaaaon Attorney, P. O. Box 800 Kings Mountain, N. C. 28036 Nov. 38; Dec. 3, 9, 16 NOTICE OF executrix TO CREDITORS Having quaUflad an Exacutitc of the Bstata of O. B. Seism, deceased, lata of dsvaland County, North OaroUna, thla la to notify an persona having elalma agalnat tha eatate of aald daosdsnt to p'rsasnt tham to ths underalgned on or before the 0th day of Juna, 1977, or thla nctlee wUl be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons Indebted to aald esteto wlU pleaae make Immediate payment to the underulRiad. IMa the 7th day of December, 1078. Peart Selam Routt 1, Box 88 Kings Mountain, N.C. 38086 B. Scott Oonlngar Attomey At Law — UO W. Mountain It . Khip Mountain, N. C. LOST - LIM* bmai «imi dark fati Sama** Kinan. Jumpad from cv « nru uman Bank parkkiB let FrIMy. Raward for ratum. Phan* 73*- 107. U:* SERVICES SAL YOUR ASHALT ttIVMVi bi«ortwM»r. Mgr fllh a»d(S ma 0vit your drMMV • niw Ml Cill gtSfn Ml NIFINISH your oM fumitun a toir prtc*. Wait guarwML Wb ilto buy oM fumnurc gte Anon, ttmi Sat., 9a. m. til 9 Pi m. PALAAER 4 SON REFINISHINO, 739010. 1:9^1 FIANO TRACHRR hai oMnS fv mm UudM. Gall 73M49S. HiM; Q:4 ■AR PIERCING ILOa Prloa incHidN aarrino* P(ut mambaraliip in aamnsa dub. All aar plarcing dona by tralnad aptctalltt. RINGS paMhadn claanad and Nonaa kt- apactad. SI .00 aadi. GRAYSON’S JEWELRY IS W.Mfn. St. Ptwna739 LOAQIR wosc - M\ typaa firwNA loadarwortt. WIN cut and daar land, iNo haul OR Rumpa and bruRi. Phona 7397m. 2:l3lfn HOUDAY POGGRR. Do It younRf. Rjmlgda your hon». Juat aat and wpNt aw«y. KHla all bupa a«y. KINGS MTN. FARM CENTER. «):21t(h APPLIANCE RVAIR SmvtCS far daclrlc WMhar% fwign, ndnor A-C and raftMatlon. aiw. sma uaad spNanoM. RON'S AP- PUANCE SeiVtCE,' 739S9& If no anaNwreaH 739-7SMi I:i9ffn MOCY'S APPLIANCES ~ • Rofrlparatlon, alr-conditlonino «rvl09 SanAca for an mataa «id moddL TV-SI. jacky Rhoa* tanpi MaunWrv N. C. SVfn NOME REPAIRS AND RBMOOBUNG SERVICE, ttann rntnAmm, roam addmoHA raannG doorA cSUSa ProplACOA carperfA Gathroom wmadEInG Ptana 7MB or 719 mi 11:11*11* as B; 1:44 A11 Beautiful Plants and nowara for Chrlitmas HoUdaya and All Tear Long. PotaiMttlas Christmas Cactus, Cyclamaa Bud Hast Fern. Bchafflara Kalaneboea. ROBERT’S ORBBNHOimB Laeatad on MBrgraoo Road ana mile from u^ifatli. SWOFFORD UFHOLStBIY ■ -^pfiiefer Road Phone 7393841 Free Estinates Free Pick Up And Delivery J.ARGE well-condmonad frama homo. Nina reoma, Includlno four badreoma. 402 Phanix St. $11*700. S Bedroom Maaonary homo on largo lot 407 York Road. 330,000. IDEAL HOME STTB. 4.8 acroa on El Bethel Church Rd. Clear run ning creek with beauti ful rock formation. 38000. *LXRSE7frame tibme on extra large lot. 303 Walker St. 318,300. HMMLV mNOVATUD 1BR fracn* nerrw an lara* W. II* BrMea* ». INSIRANCE and RE.\L ESTATE 7.'l»-6411 I WlU DEUVER YDU A LARGE BED TRUCK LOAD OF HRE WOOD FOR ONLY *20 HARD WOOD SPUT AND CUT TO YOUR SPECIRCATIONS CAU 739-4236 DfC. 9, 16, 38 and 80 FOB iNMVlOUAk Inoam* tana*. partnaraMp and oarparatlan tax Mark, ganire keattaaplng and ac- (Buntlng wark, call 73F4M. PAUL SMITH 1017 Orealmeod. «:SHn CHMLBS OWBU FSIHTIN* — ■ extarlar and Martar. Maa nell papar hanginp. » yaar* avvlane*. Rrat claat nark. Fhan* IM HO. S:111fn FRIVATB INVBSTiaATIONi. ■ OonflMnllal and quL. Fhont m/- MOarTSFSm. *:XMn ONE RAT dOM as.« dMnaea dadi yaar. 3SC wanh • Firlna Rat CDMrM' Klia tdm. It I. a bargain. KINOS MTTt. FARM CBtTEa 10:21 Ittn SFkCTRACIDi FROFSHIONAL ■ Ham* Fan Cardrol Milt raacMa Mta tpUtra waMa and many dititr*. KINOS MTN. FARM CSI- TER. 10:21lta REAL ESTATE BVB ACRESdavad land far «ilcfc vlABODparaa*. Ptm 739401 or B39397IB. 1S:14lfn EiduVIMK LMfli laom uMh fira- iSaea. KRchanEMt UHNly. Urm PMa SfiBa GMGa wlPi Etto. I# on Ena ModE IE. CanirE ab. Carpal. OH HMf. IppEwinwEe enly* Wf Nmrnr R4 Phena 1I9IV1. mmk 12:H ■GET ACRES land parRy weeVd wUh Nraaim. BB par aoa. Phona 719 BB. UiNMl FOR SALE — Colonial-front brick homo* 3 ER* i full botha* kitehan-dan* formal dininp- llvinp room* cantral air* all built-in appllancae* patio fancad backyard. 904 Monroa Ava. Phona 739-2217. 11:24, 12:14 PGR UUI GY OWNER - TEOl aloctric homo In Bathlotam Com- nwdty. on ona acra land. Nma 739 7921. 9;2Pfn 7 RAA custom built house. Fireplace, double carport, 3 baths. Apprx. 3,000 sq. ft. Large wooded loT. 417 A^ner Rd., Kings Mtn. Phone 739-4694. 12:9 FOR RENT TOR RENT - MoEla homo. Total EoctrlCd 12 wIdA 2 bawoom. OaiGla only* no peta. CASTLEWOOOi ANO* Eacloua mobla homo Mt for laaoa In Oak Grwa araa. Phona 739- ai7. 4:9irn TOR RENT - TrElart for rant wlw* ovEiabN. Phona 7395142 or 739 4H1 9:9lfn MOGILB homes for RENT oAon MilabN. 2 baWocma; Imlde city imitt. cal 719401 9:27tfn RREWOOD FOR SALE ALL HARD WOOD, ANY LENGTH, *20 A LOAD. PHONE 739-3090 Three Bedroom Brick Veneer One and Half Baths Large pwoh . . . 6 x 30 . . . oomar Brioe and Sterling... totnl alaotric ... fully onrpated ... 8M.800 .... CALL 739-6523 { . cAlexander Realty. %0WN A BIT OF AMERICi ' INVEST IN REAL ESTATE ★ Buying ★Selling ★Building « Phone 739-2217 t r OMOrayaSBadrdonnaSbanaCekxilSa^llnalarsalo,. PHcadunddr ^ saoso. Prany landKapino. .^4 Manra* Avaaa* — Catanlal Iraat brick ham*, s *R, t tall kata, ] Odlckan, dan, tarmal Mnlng-avla* raam, cantral air, all built-in bp , 4tllanc*t, pMl*. tancad back yard. ^tll aslabHthag mabll* ham* park bi nibtt dtairtbl* Ibcbttan. a. ^callant ratarn an Invattntant. Call Mr appalatmaat I* taar park an. tadlKau tarmi. ^S Snmartnl Orivn — Fnnr kadranma, tw* k*Mu, cantral air. «,7 ft Matht- ■* ^panv* FOR SALE Gan 78»-73« Or 620-8476 6 Large BuUdlng Lota In New Sub-DlvUlon Off U. S. 74 One MUe From City Umlta going toward Shelby ■thar, dlwaul, tall baaamant, aaai landacaplaf aad palnila*. Vary' ranlant tar happy living I T ^17 Somarwt Orlv* - Tbmn kadraam ham* «ltk cantral air, an* an ^ ^n-hall kalkt, tarmal Slain* raam, tayar, Saa wllk Saar ta ballt* ft ^tl* vary pratfy - axeaHaat bay. _ _« ^CONTACT J ft cAlexander ^^eaLty { nblin mar* man 1* yaar* axparlanct la tk* baUSI** traS* ta ikar* win ft urav In yaur Imparlant raal aatat* lavactmant. ft f 739-2217 * ^ Beal Eatate Broker ft If No Answer CaU 789-3488 Pride In, Respect ForJ * ♦ PtALlOR" The Prepay ,0f America ft m S aeraa wllh 9 room brfah vanaar ranch homo. A few mBae from loam, oR Dbton School Road. Shown by ap- pdntmenr only. latory home E ns WMt MountEn SIroE. Wi roam 4 baikoomA 4 taathfc full baaamaE* large M. Shown by npolntmaE oNy. colonial brkk horn. 3 baWoomA 2 bEhA dm with firoplact. New acheolt and ahoppmg oMfrer locaM E ns PNfar Road In low »% Call awicintmant today. 'SkarLeSUl REAL ESTATE t ^ya.WA4.^a«adk6^.M4Wl 739-7942 For Sale BRICX HOME, 408 Plnevlew Dr. Air contUttmed, hot air gaa, heat, throe bodrooma, living room, bath and a halt den-kltchan com bination, (Uahwaaher, range and dlspogal. Draporlea go with home. UtlUty room and pavad carport. House ft 17^ acre tract located In Oak Grove community. Vrick home. 2 bediiHimi. 1 hath, living rtMim with fireplace. Uidien. icreen p rrl). car p<rl in imar. 104 S, ulh Watlerai>n Street.. Commercial property: BoUUehem Mini Mart located on atato road No. 3340 near Bethlehem Fire Dept. One acre lot. Commercial property; M. L. Harmon's home- place, 107 W. King Street. Lot alio 106 x lOO, 10,900 square ft., soned central bualneM. LAND. 9M aeraa raaldentlal land ad joining Aahloy Part on Wait side. A part of 'Marvin Goforth homo 'plaeo. HAL G. □ RIALTT /’/ttt/tf T-YA-iWl LARRY D. HAMRICK CONVENTIONAL FINANCINO AVAILABLE INVESTMBNTOR HOME: MobUo home park with beautiful untt of your own plua 30 spaces rented and olhora you could develop on thla 9 acre tract located near Kings Mountain. Sertoua prospecta by ap pointment only. CaU Hamrick, REALTOR. LAND: Noairty 8 acrea, 838 foot road frontage on Hwy. 236 Just north of Grover. Has a good repairable 6 room frame house and priced at only 817.000. CaU Hamrick, Realtor 789-8600. LAND 44 Acres: Beautiful wooded on nmtlieast border of Kings Mountain at only 8L000 per aero. CaU Hbrnilok, REALTCm 789-8909. DEN WITH FIREI^ACE: 906 Haniy Street, brick, 8 bodrma., m baths, double garage, paved patio with gaa grlU, paved drive with beautiful wooded fenced lot 100 x 300 foot. CaU Hamrick, REALTOR 788-8650. Priced low 80s. JIXCLUSIVB LISTINO; 410 Hawthorne Road, a dynamic redwood famUy home including Uvlng and dining rooms, kitchen, 8 bedrooms with 3H baths, utUlty and storage rooms, PLUS a fabuloua 600 square foot brick veneer den added to the rear of the home containing a large fireplace, shelvea, and a mim-kltchen with bar. Alto, a carport and an exceUent fenced in rear yard. Located In an ex- ceUent residenUsLl section. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, CoU Larry Hamrick, REALTOR 789-8669. LAND 31.4 ACRES on Road 3013, Stony Point area backing up to Muddy Fork Creek, with 800 frontage on paved Road 3013. $1,000 per aero. ’ 10^ ACRE wooded subdlvtslon land near High School. Only $36,000. LOTS: MOSS LAKE - View lota 100' x 300’ for only 84.906.00. MOSS LAKB-Peninsula Avo. Lot No. 38 814.700. Qolfcourse I',!, No. 630 Lake Moes, big' with exceUent view: 84,800. CALL: MBS. MABY KLEPPEB 4St-OSOO OB B<mBY W. 8TBINOFELLOW 7SS-MU LARRY D. HAMRICK REALTOR 739-3659 C. E. WARLICK INSUBANCE'AQBNCY Ineurance And Real Eatate

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