Pofte 4A RGhDGR DlMOGUe Union service UDOS best ev§r Dear Editor: Many people have aald that thla year’s Union 'Ihankaglving service was the best ever. I feel that Is so, but so many had a part In this that I would like to thank them on be half of the Kings Mountain Ministerial Association. First, I wish to thank the Resurrection Lutheran CSiurch and their pastor. Rev. Olen Boland, for the prlvUege of using their sanctuary. 'Ilielr choirs had such beautiful anthems and their ladles served delicious refreshments. Rev. Eugene Land brought a challenging and appropriate message on the “Magnlflclent Minority” - the one healed leper who returned to thank the Saviour and give Qod the glory. I thank Ood for His mercies, for the good weather, the wonderful feeling of Christian feUowshlp we Aare here In Kings Mountain between the ministers and the congregation. "It U a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” DR. CHARL.es E. EDWARDS For Kings Mountain Ministerial Assodatlan easy STSWAST •MtrilMSMSW CLVDSMILL tistt, IS MX months; 1 eDnoRiN.s&afiiofK Thursday, December 16,1976 Some strange reactions to bi-tceeldy bit mystlflMl. Ihsuiksglvlng week The IClnor-Herald begiui publishing twice-weekly. We had been careful to publlelie this fact tor at least two weeks prior to diat. Tb that point everything seemed In qrter. But sfter the two editions each week began some people In Kings Mountain apparently came unglued. For some reason, the logic of which totally esciqies us, afew of our resulers cannot get straight what we are trying to do. Ihere are a few vdio continue to think the paper comes out on Mondays and Wednesdays. And there are some edio think It Is published dally. If unfamiliar with the method of circulation weeklies use, namely through the malls. It Is easy to understand the misconception. When there Is a post office holiday we must either ptibllsh ear^ or late. This accounts tor the Monday and Wednesday editions nianksglv^ wesk. Tha papers sold at drug stores, cafes, grocery stores and what have-you usually lay around from week to week. That might account for the beUef we are a dally. Ihls doesn’t bother us. r Is the hostlUty we have encountered from some readers and dealers we cannot fathom. One dealer said leave the Thursday paper only because "I just don’t think you’all oughta be publishing two papers a Another reaction Is “ JUst what do you think you are putting out two papers a week?” We suppose ttiose pele think ’The Mirror-Herald la trying to ’’get above Beware! The holiday ripoff artists at work It’s that time of year again when emotions are running high, and organizations throughout the United States are playing on these emotions to gain monetary sigiport for so-called charitable purposes. Beware! Some of these solicit^ organizations are not legitimate, and diey are not licensed to soUclt In North CanSina. Ed Edgerton, head of the Solicitation Licensing Branch of the North CaroUna Department of Human Resources, estimates that close to one-third of the giving occurs during the last two months of the year. ’’This would be due to more ap peals being made for support and our response to the needs of others Is greater during the holiday season. Lastly, there are thoee who wish to take advantage of the close of the tax year with additional deductions, ’ ’ stated Edgerton. Before making a donation to a so-called charitable organization, find out where the sponsoring organization la located and the street address, what specific charitable group the money Is going to, how much the charitable groiq) will be receiving and where the salesman Is from. Do not be fooled by T-shirts with emblems or an ID card wife the salesman’s name printed In magic marker. In order to gain a tax deduction tor your gift, the organization must be ruled tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service. Gifts to Individuals do not qualify as a tax deduction. If you suspect that a solicitation Is not legitimate, contact your local Better Business Bureau or the Solicitation Licensing Branch, P. O. Box 12300, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606, telephone 010-829-4610. Its raising,” as the old folks used to say. ^ . We have talked with pubUshers In other areas who have gone to two or three editions each week and have discovered tha reactlan there ha^bem^ mme as mm SiB positive reactlM^Jt twice-weekly Mirror-Herald has been mudi greaterthanthenegattvesndferthlswearograteful. lb the leaders edio have had their minds blown over the fact the MlnwHeield Is now a Uttte bigger and better than It once was, we can only hope. In time, you too will grow used to the tact. And befeiesomooiie Otoe fata bopping mad at this, us quickly say this to ^ and never would be Intended to take anything away from the tote em^ publisher of this newspaper. For 16 years he was a personal friend and a teac^ to the currentadltor of The Mfitw-HOrald. But the tote Mr. Harmon wojUd the first too admit tha Mirror-Herald subscribers receive today to not the Kings Mountain Herald of yesterday. Newqiaper equ^iment and styles change and we must change with the times or go out of bualneos. Peihaps the strange reaction on the part of a tow readers and dealm to best emdalned as a natural reaction with a break In tradition. Anytime the status qw to iQMet some people get upset Sorry about that But bear with us and we will bear with you. EO cops a top tv prize in Hollywood AfUmpioducerother than the dyed-tn-ths- wool Hollywood type has won recognlUan for his product and In Hollywood, of aU ptoeos. Ctoveland Countian Earl Owensby, whoso EO Produetlom has created five motlan iSctures for theatiiesl release, received an award for an hour-long TV pilot at a big affair In Hollywood. "Stunt Drtvor” la the tltte of the epiaode and Is baaed on the character OwonSby created for his feature ’’Death Driver.” At the television festival EO copped "The Beat New Program Projected Series” award and praise from the magazine, Televtslcn TOM MclhTYRG Wright Brothers made history at Kitty Hawk • b projected TV mrles. The Poet’i Corner €D 9MITH western lands of North Carolina to the United States government. ’The national government had taxed the separate states, based on their size, to pay Its war debts for the Revolution, and North Carolina thought It was better to trim Its area and population than pay the assessment. This paved the way for what was the western section of North Carolina to be admitted to the Union as the State of ’Ten- raporto that’’things are looking up as tor as the movie Industry la the CaroUaas. There ^mnntobeagreatdealof Interoto amoiig series, according to Owensby, ’’We’n see what h^pens In the next few months.” Department set uv shop for the second tlmo One of the most famous events In North Carolina took place on December 17,1008 — the first recorded flight of man. Orville and Wilbur Wright’s Invention sailed off the skqws of KlU Devil HUl at Kitty Hawk. ’The event transcends state history, ac tually, and Is a memorable event In the history of all mankind and his eternal reach for the sklea The Wright Brothers flight Is regarded, specifically as "the first powered flight of a heavler-than-alr-machlns.” The brothers from Ohio not only made a name for themselves In the annuls of America’s famous, but brought special attention to the ’Tar Heel State as their actual testing ground. A national n mark the site of that first flight. On December 20, 17TB, according to the North Carolina Historical Almanack, the state’s last Provincial Congress also elected three delegates to the ConUnsntal Congress In Philadelphia. They were Thomas Burke, WtlUam Hooper and Joseph Hewes. What’s your opinion? The Mtrror-Hersld welcomes letters from readers expressing your opinions on any subject you choose, or rebutting any editorial opinion wo express. All letters must be signed by writer with address Included. Unsigned letters will not be published. Address all oorrespondeneo tor this page to Reader Dialogue, Mirror-Herald, P. O. Drawer 763, Kings Mountain. N. C., 38086. The state’s last Provincial Congress was dlaaolved on December 38, 1778, after electing Richard Caswell as the state’s first governor. He amumed Ms duties as soon as the Provincial Oongrem completed Its labor. -oOo- Walter Hines Page, newspaperman, author and Ambassador to Great Britain, died In Plnehurat on December 31,1018. Thomas Blckett, governor of North Carolina during World War I (1017-31) died on December 33, 1031 shortly after leaving office. His term In office was noted for the strides made In social welfare legislation. Included were the establishment of the Juvenile court system, a mandatory six month school term, child labor laws, prison reforms and others. James C ’Turner, one of the nine North Carolina govsmora to be bom in Virginia, was bom on December 30, 1708. , As a IB-year old farmboy, he served under Oeneral Greene In the Revolution. He served In both houses of the North Carolina Legislature and at 88, became one of the youngest governors In the state’s history LCX^klliG MX Reminded of this, Jbe Smith, who Is em ployed at Foust’Textiles, said he hoped other ”I iMg cMlIa one mlnuto and fever the nnrt,” Smith said, and after hs was airs 1 wasauekaredtahegrlnaedandadded, "and the dumdast urge to go wallow In the mudl” WWle wolfing down eggs and sausage at The Mlnlt Grill the other morning, I lltoened to DarreU Austin and grUl owner Fred Klaer going at sadi other. "Wltet are you SOU doing here?” Kiser ’Tv» already paid,” DarrsU answered. ’T’m Just dttlng hers talklag to ye olde edttor. Besides, no more buatnsss than you get you should be happy I’m here.” I around. The plaee was fun cf iMigtiiwg people. “You see that, don’t you?” Klaor atosd. peinttng to a dollar MU seotch-taped to the akimlnum hood over the grffll. "ThafstoraU ONEtWOUBNEIGHBOBB ^ I know a lady who really has | A million dollar personality Shehasbeenwonderftiltome. ; And thousands of others, sweet as can be$ She to always smiling— I No matter what nor oilers ii If she can reach down and help you $ She to always waiting there. j It’s Just like the sun shining through a eloi|d TMs lady don’t live so tar from mo j She’s anelghbor, like Jesus was Bwaklngaf Afrtendtobeproudtoclalm ~ Worthy of a sister’s love. MYRTTEGOFORTil the oporathig tooUtttos Of Notolor MlUa, Iiie. of Kings Mountain. A Kings MW"’***" oouple. Or. and Mrs. Paul Nolaa, sooklag to adopt a ehlld and wantlag tbs adoptloa oomplatad In tUna for - ■ ■ w tbs parents of fine tr’- y of Oonoord Sunday at 4 in St. Matthew’s L Forty children Wonoan’s Chib C What to more beautiful With aU kinds of srUd flowers. That growon mother earth t AU kinds cf beautiful birds I That sing here In their mirth. | What could be more strong : Than nature’s almighty hand With every living thing about us : Display her worts throughout the lan^ What then can we do: • WUhthesegreatgUto from above, : This beautiful world wo Uve In t And His Eternal Levs. s What than Is any bettor? 1 Than to Uve for thla Almighty One : Than, great our reward win be : Whenourworkonoarthtodone. i Nothing on earth to any greater ; Than to Uve and serve our friends : When thla life to over • ' There’U be no sad word Uke end. MTR’TLEGOFOR’m