G-W Grabs Second SWC Standout K]\Ts Ross Signs With Bulldogs By OABT STEWART ‘We’re delighted wma more noted for Richard la coming to defenelve play In the aec- FMe By Gary SWwart Hgfa to Mi beat football aeaaon (S-S) atnoe 1984, and Oval Jaynea, Oardnor- Webb head coach, look over the grant-ln- SprtngB achooL Roaa la the eeoond i gridder aigned by O-W daring the | two aeaaona. Chrla Johnaon, a froaha defenalve back, made All'OonfereBoi Klnga Mountain High running back Richard Roaa Thuraday aigned a fill! grant-ln-ald to play football at Oardner-Webb college. A l58>poundor, Roea la the flrat member of KMHS’a 1976 fooOtall team to receive a college aeholardilp, and he’a only the aecond gridder aigned by O-W ao far. Steve Buff, a wide receiver from Cherryvllle, waa the BuU- doga’ flrat algnee. Roaa, who helped lead Mm Hountalneera to their beat aeaaon (8-2) In 18 yeara, aigned Thuraday morning in the office of O- W’a head coach. Oval iaynea Oardner-Webb,” noted ondary but late In the year Jaynea, who laat year developed Into the team’a ville when he went head-to- head with Buff many aigned another KMHS beat running back. He had atandout, Chrla Johnacn. hla career ruahlng high in a Johnaon moved Into a 2l-ao_victory over Cherry- starting position after the flrat two Bulldog conteata and went on to make AU- that mark In hla final game at Baat Oaaton when he gained US yarda. Jaynea aald he expecta Roae to play college ball at a wel^t at UO poinda. helping lead the Balldoge to a 5-5 i Jaynea, who coached O- W to a 6-5 aeaaon in *76, aaya he’ll probably uae Roaa In the defenalve aec- ’’We’re kind of partial to the Southweatern Con ference and to Klnga Motaitaln,” noted Jaynea. “When you get a kid from a achool and he doea a auper Job like Chrla Johnacn did for ua, you want to go back and get aome more of their athletea. “C. J. didn’t atart for ua at flrat, then won a atarting berth and went on to make All-Conference,’’ he con tinued. ’"That’a quite a feat for a freahman. But Richard can be that aame kind of player.’’ Roaa atarted boMi waya for the Mountalneera He The blggeat thing, Jaynee aald, that Im- preaaaed him about Roaa waa hla apeed. He runa a 4Ji 40-yard-dadi. "Richard atarted to de- velcv during hla aenlor year," noted Jaynea. “He haa a lot of ability, q>eed and qulckneaa And that excellent apeed la what you look for In the aecondary. “He’a a good atudent, alao," continued Jaynea, “and from everything we’ve been told he’a a fine young man... the kind you like to have around." With U of 33 atartera re turning next aeaaon, Jaynea aald Oardner-Webb la looking for quaUty pUyera, like Roaa and Buff, rather than a Urge quantity. “I feel like there are a lot of good athletea In the Southweatern Conference, “noted the former South Carolina aaalatant. ’“niere aren’t aa many aenlora thla year but the quoUty la good. Nfxt year, there vidll be aeveral aenlora In Southweatern Conference that will be highly recruited and there are aeveral over there at Klnga Mountain that we’re definitely Intereated In." Roaa, who pUyed three yeara of varolty footbaU at KMHS, aUrted the paat pUylng football, he waa alao a atandout In track and waa a member of aome record-breaking relay Several other echoola had recruited him but he narrowed hla final choice down to O-W and Wofford. 40 GREAT STORES hSsI^CHRISTMAS GIFT SAVINGS N SALE NOW THRU WEDNESDAY I STORE HOURS THIS WEEK 10 lo 10 m tv 110.5 OR SETS DUSTING POWOEh LIST 15.50 < LANVIN ..a 2 0ZJDLO<^E,,j^^ DUSTING POWDER 8” CACHET' Wi POUR LE BAIN.SOZ. Cologne Spray $6.30 3.8 oz List $7 ( Cologne Spray $4.05 BAIN, 10 oz - ■BATH CRYSTALS, 8*^ [Cachet Gift Set $5.88 qnr I 9oi a Talc 2 oa Llal $6 SO I Cachet Gift Set $4.99 BATH POWDER, I Spray Mltl Cologne 1 c SPRAY Cachet Gift Set $7.99 AFTER SHAVE LOTION : ■OFNATE, 10Z 8«7 f Spray Mlat 1 9 oz. Llat i OayU gin ICachet Perfumed $4.99 SOAP ON A ROPE [dusting powder t STICK DEODORANT 67 oesee torn el har M pala ever Baaa—ar Otty hi I I la Mamtmjr’m M-4t wla KM Cagers Split, i Host NG Wildcats SIO.OO COUPON BOWL-n-mnnc Klnga Mountain Hlgh’a gtrla copped their third OIBI.SOAME KM (64) - Roberta 18, Mltchem 16, Brlatol 3, RlckenbackM- 6, Hender- aon 10, Hickman 7, Black 4, Oooda 3, Toung 3, Brldgea 3. BR (41) - Logan 3, Bollay 8, Oraane 10, Phll- beck 8, Brown 3, Harmon 16, White 1. BOYSGAME KM (89) - Ingram 3, BeU 8, EUla 4, Odoma 6, Hamrick 3, ’Thompaon 11, Burria 6, Preacott 1. ER (79) - Howard 8, Keltt 10, Jackaon 8, Slm- mona 33, KeUy 6, Mc- rariand 3, BCoore 1, Twltly 15, SlMlton 3, Melton 8. otralght victory, 84-41, hut the boye fell back into the loelng cohmin, 79-89, In a Southweatern Conference baaketball doubleheader Friday night at Eaat Rutherford. ’Ihe win by the Moun- taliMttee gave them a 4-3 record, and a tie for third pUce In the SWC with Oeat and R-S Central. North Oaaton, which playa here tonight, and Buma are tied tor the top epot with perfect 8-0 mariu. The loee by the Moun- talneerc dropped them to 3- COOD FOR $10.00 OFF THE PURCHRSE PRICE OF ANY GOLF CLUB SET By CogIgco BOWLING GRmE Now JII7.99 3.79 Ne.liaCcuMNxI appi. 63.59 No. 130 Chlanoy iiKk 9.99 12.99 [NDIRN INDUSTRIES GOLF CPRTS SALE 913.88 *•9.16.68 916.88 R*g. 19.88 918.88 EmPIRE Choo-Choo TOY CHEST SALE 813.99 Fithor-Pfico No. 174 music BOX mOBILE SRLE j[7.99 WILSON T-2000 TENNIS RACKET 827.88 COLEmflN FUEL FOR CRSOLINE CflmPINC flPPLIRNCE ^niF The KM glrU led oU the way aa three pUyeri keyed a balanced ecorlng atUck. (Pleaee Turn To Page8A) « REaERVf TNE RIGHT TO UNIT QUANTITIES NOT rif SPOH'iiVV, ' , 11 ■ I«IIIIHI «l I IN 11R 1 k: ) . T • n I ta I •• I n I f p I EZ; I w 1 w,.; ( V I ' • Sh WIU 30ori WIU rebo