Itaesday, December tl, 1976—1 A Winner... Wendy Leigh Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Richard OarroU, of Klnga Mountain, haa won the TU> fany Modeling Baby Award. Her picture! will bo shown throughout the ■tates as a model baby. Wendy Is five months old and the Carrolls only child. Her grandparents aro Mr. and Mrs. Curtis OaiToU of Klngi Mountain and Mr. and Mra. Oeorgo Qoode of Charlotte. WKNDYL.CUUUMMX 115 Years At Phenix Plant Burlington Industries' : Phenix Plant held anniver sary parties for employes on the flrat, second and third shifts Wed., Dec. 16. Fred Withrow, personnel manager, said five flrat ! shift employes were honored at the 10 a. m. party. The years of em ployment tor all five totals 101. From the carding de partment, Marvin Ham- ilck — 80 years; shop, James Baity — 80 years, and Frsuik Ledford — 16 years; supervision, Char lie Morton - 81 years; and office, Larry Sisk - seven Hie second shift party, held at 8 p. m., honored three employes with a total of eight years on the job. Oardlng, Rudolph Ross — one year; spinning, Calvin Bell - throe years, and tour years. Two employes with three years each at Phenix Plant were honored at the third shift party at 10 p. m. The two are Larry Knight and Joyce Knight of the csu-- dlng department. Combined years of aervloe by these employes totals 118 years. JEWELRY, INC. GVT ITIMS 6 MCaAVMG Walcbit ly: 8 iJewsky Repsk 739 5566 133 W. Mountain St. »5" Everything Manager, presents a certifloste of ap- Iffeclatlon to Marvbi Hsunrlck, carding room fixer, tor com GIFTS THAT ARE SURE! TO PLEASE AND ARE USEFUL THE YEAR ROUND Weed Eater Only ’69.95 SNAPPER LAWN MOWffiS McCULLOCH i \ 25-Only 76 Models At Year qha|N SAWS End Prices MERRY TILLER Garden Tractors KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CBITER 126 Wnl GiU Stmt Klngt MouuUlii. N. C. FIMNE 7394111 MAKE YOUR HOLIDAYS BRIGHTER WITH POINSETTIAS FROM KINGS MOUNTAIN PLANTS AND FLOWERS EAST KING STREET 7394811 MARY WADE SMITH More From LIB (From Paget A) the "rttee Sunday aftemou.. 'im munity Cantor. Santa Claus was on hand to distribute treat bags to sOl the children and refrenh- ments were served. Mauney Hosiery MlUs was host Monday idght at the annual^lut Christmas party at Shelby Elks Club, Including a festive dinner- dance. Most all plants are holding parties In each department or shift suid gifts and bonuses are being distributed. -oOo IT’S A BOY Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Magly announce the arri val of a aon, Maurice E. Magly. II, December 10, Dunedin, Fla. The baby weighed nine pounds, nine ouncM. Mrs. Magly la the former Bonnie McCraney, daugh- tor of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McCraney. Oraat- grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Cyrua Falls of Dunedin, Fla. TYPING OOinUB Cleveland Tech will sponsor Adult Typing Classes at Compact School. Reglstratlan will begin Wednesday, Jan. 6 at 6 p. m. at Compact. Both beginner classss and In- tormedlato classss wUl be gtvsn. These classes may be taken for hlfh school credit as an slecttvs. m- stnictora wUl be Mrs. Carl Finger and Mrs. Jim Reid. Photos By Gary Stawart ‘STICKY’ SITUATION - Kings Mountain’s Harold Jamea Phillips found himself stuck Friday afternoon when he tried to drive this Ryder truck through the Soottiem Hallway underpass below Nelsco Industries. Damage to the track was esUmsted at $600 by Investigating N. C. State Patrobnan L. W. Blanton. No charges were made. Now's the time to. . . WmnRIZE YOUR HOME! Conserve Energy This Winter e STORM DOORS e STORM RHNDOWS AU ms Of HOME IMPROVEMENTS A VARIETY OF LOW PAYMENT PLANS i OP SIMNO • ROOM J • CARftTTNO • PlOOt A WAU TUf • HtATIMO S CAROUNA BRICKSTONE 1312 W. Second Ave. Gastonia, N.C. au: 864-1636 NIGHTS: 867-6609 POOL BUILDERS (Supplies & Sereiee) Boy your winterizing Kits, Pool Covers 8 Pool Heaters Howl BE BUILD ANY KMD OF SWIMMUNG NWl CAROLINA SWIMMING POOLS & PATIOS 1312 W. Second “You’d be happy, too, Officer Kennedy.... if you had a deal like we just made with Jerry Nation!’ JERRY NATION CHEVROLET 124 RAILROAD AVENUE KINGS MOUNTAIN PHONE 739-5471 Sc- laMiiYGin'iiiiiAS. The new KitchenAid Load-As-You-LiKe dishwasher cleans dishes, pots and pans no matter where you load them. No wonder people who own dishwashers say KitchenAid is the best. Model KDC-17A *329 Replacement Installation SALE. While supplies last, we're ottering the current model KitchenAid dish washers at special close-out prices. • Dishwasher- sinks • Convertibles • Portables lilecliwaeAldi People isy It's Convertible-Portable mnui Ki«ch«n Aid MMILY (HFl' IDEAS. Tradi Compaclort. Exclusive Liner Bin li great for quick BEN T. GOFORTH PUIMBIN6 108 YORK ROAD • 739-4736