Page 2A—MIRROR-HERALD—Thursday, March 11, lail Helms Cannot Support Wamke Confirmation WASHINGTON - In stating his opposition to the confirmation of Paul Wamke as arms control negotiator, Senator Jesse Helms made the following remarks to the Senate today. "Mr. President, I csinnot support confirmation of Mr. Paul Wamke to be this nation’s strategic arms limitation negotiator. We live In a time when there Is serious doubt In the minds of the American people as to the security position of the United States vls-a-vls the Soviet Union. A recent Opinion Research Corp. poll shows that 65 percent of the public feels that the United States should be militarily superior to the Soviet Union. Americans are con cerned that we are not superior. In this climate of opinion, and In light of an Increasing body of In formation to the effect that the Soviet Union Is moving rapidly and unhesitatingly TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that certain deed of trust executed and delivered by Sewell C. Laughrldge and wife, Dovle W. Laughrldge, dated the 17th day of February, 1976, and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County, North Carolina, In Book 829 at Page 601, and because of default In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements there In contained, and pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will esqiaee for sale at public auctlonto the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale In the County Courthouse of Cleveland County, In the City of Shelby, North Carolina, at 11 o’clock, A. M., on Tuesday, the 26th day of March, 1917, all that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In Number Four Township, Cleveland County, State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: Situated In the City of Kings Mountain, Number Four Township, Cleveland County, North Carolina and Beginning at an Iron stake In the Northern margin of Llnwood Road, which Iron stake Is 113.60 feet from the comer of Katherine Avenue and runs thence N. 20 deg. 87 min. 80 sec. E. 1T7.80 feet to an Ircm stake; thence S. 78 deg. 63 min. E. 62.80 feet to an Iron stake; thence S. 8 deg. 30 min. W. 117.20 feet to an Iron stsike in the Northern margin of Lln wood Road; thence alcmg the Northern margin of Llnwood Road S. 70 deg. 10 min. W. 113.60 feet to the Beginning. Being Lot No. 1 of the J. Wilson Crawford property as shown on a map or plat now on record In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County In Plat Book 4 at Page 143 and said Lot No. 1 being a part of Lot No. 88, Block 2, Section 1 of the Mrs. C. M. Whitesides property as shown on a map or plat now on record In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County In Plat Book 6 at Page 26. For title reference see Book 8-X at Page 613; Book 9-L at Page 66; Book 9-U at Page 662; Book 10-F at Page 471; and Book 18-1 at Page 770 of the Cleveland County Registry. Subject to unpaid taxes and assessments for paving. If any. Tills sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bid as by law required. This 3rd day of March, 1977. George B. Thomasson, Trustee George B. Thomasson Attorney At Law P. O. Box 206 Kings Mtn., N. C. 28086 3:8, 10, 17, 24 toward meaningful superiority In strategic nuclear weapons, the United States cannot af ford to have as Its arms limitation negotiator a man whose record clearly discloses an unfortunate Inability to see these trends and espond to them In an appropriate manner. My opposition to Mr. Wamke's confirmation Is in no way personal. I simply do not feel that Mr. Wamke wUl be the tough bargainer that the United States needs at this point In our nation’s history. Mr. Wamke often has been Juxtaposed with hls former colleague Paul Nltze. Indeed, Mr. Nltze has come forward to op pose Mr. Wamke’s con firmation as strategic arms limitation negotia tor. In the past, Mr. Nltze has shared many of Mr. Wamke’s views, as a number of Mr. Wamke’s supporters have been quick to point out. Mr. Nltze’s views have changed. Over a period of 6 years as a SALT negotiator, Mr. Nltze faced hls Soviet counterparts on numerous occasions. He learned firsthand about Soviet negotiating st^e, and techniques. He had 6 years of on-the-Job training. He began that training at a time when the United States was In a position of strategic superiority. Tills Is not the case today. With the trends moving toward Soviet strategic superiority, the United States can 111 afford TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that certain deed of trust executed and delivered by Kenneth Q. Short and wife, Vickie A. Short (Subsequently, assumed l^v Liberty Financial Planning, Inc.) dated the 28th day of February, 1972, and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County, North Carolina, In Book 798 at Page 186, and because of default In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will eiqiose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale In the County Courthouse of Cleveland County, In the City of Shelby, North Carolina at 11 o’clock A. M., on Tuesday, the 29th day of March, 1977, all that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In Number Four Township, Ceveland County, State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: Being the full contents of Lot No. 2, Block "J" of Southwood, property of J. Wilson Qrawford, as shown on a map or plat made by Findlay, Withers A Mc- Connaughey, Inc., Registered Surveyors, dated August, 1969, now on record In the office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County In Plat Book 11 at Page 88. For title reference see Book 13-V at Page 867 and Book 18-T at Page 119 and Book 14-B at Page 69 o( the Cleveland County Registry. Also see Book 16- J at Page 197. The above lot Is con veyed subject to thoee certain easements for drainage and utilities as shown on the above plat. Subject to unpaid taxes and assessments tor paving. If any. This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bid as by law required. This Srd day of Msu’ch, 1977. George B. Thomasson ’Trustee George B. Thomasson Attonrey At Law P. O. Box 206 Kings Mtn., N. C. 28086 3:3, 10, 17, 24 to give our strategic arms negotiator a similar period of on-the-Job training so that he, too, can face the reality of conducting negotiations with the Soviets, and then change his views accordingly. Nor sun I certain that Mr. Wamke can change hls long-held views — not only about weapon systems per se, but cUso about the real interests Involved Inarms limitation negotiations with the Soviets. Mr. Wamke’s supporters have argued that the President should have whomever he wsmts to staff the Executive Bnuich tuid that the Sensde should approve the President’s nominees, unless some question of an ethical nature Is raised. There are those who accept this view without question. I do not. The Constitution of the United States Is un mistakably clear about a Senator’s duty to advise and consent. The security of the United States Is the issue here. Because of this, I found myself unable to support the confirmation of a number of Presiden tial nominees, not only those submitted by Mr. Carter, but also of hls predecessors. National security Is too critical to be entangled with partisan politics. Many Americans, In cluding myself, would like to see a n^iimal debate on the future of our national security posture. Un- fortunately, the nomination of Mr. Wamke has not generated a peroper debate because It Is difficult to know exactly what Mr. Wamke resdly believes. There Is little doubt, Mr. Wamke’s protestations to the contrary not withstanding, that In hls appearances before the Armed Services and Foreign Relations Com mittees he has drastically changed many of hls previously stated poeltiims. This Is obvious to anyone applying minimal standards of rational consistency. This all might be taken at face value except that Mr. Wamke strsmgely insists that ms views have not in fact changed, that only cir cumstances have changed, and that hls present opinions only reflect the present facts. This denial of the ob vious raises one of several Interesting possibilities: (1) He la quite correct In stating hls views have not changed, and that we therefore ought not to take at face value hls sudden concern for national security and a strong defense posture; or (2) Hls views have changed to fit the pragmatic con siderations of the moment, which is discomforting Itself; or (8) Mr. Wamke’s conversion la genuine, but REPORT FROM U.S. senator jnsi -k-k WASHINGTON—During the past few weeks, I have talked by telephone on numerous occasions with a fine, Christian lady whose face and voice are familiar to most Americans. Her name is Anita Bryant. She has stood beside Billy Graham during his televised crusades. No doubt you have seen her also as she appeared on television commercials ad vertising Florida orange juice. She is a lovely person, deeply committed to Christianity. She is also a concerned American—concerned about the erosion of moral principles In her country. She has spoken out against pornography and indecency in all of the forms spreading across America. She has warned that unless America returns to basic principles, our freedoms are in jeopardy. Not so long ago, she spoke out against America’s growing tendency to give respectability to homosexuality. And that's when her troubles began. LEGISLATION—In particular, she condemned legis lation introduced in the U. S. House of Representatives on January 4 by (^ngressman Edward I. Koch (pronounced ’’Kosh"), a member of the New York delegation in Congress. Mr. Koch was nominated by both the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party of New York. The bill that he introduced bears the number H.R. 2998. The title of Mr. Koch's bill states that its purpose is to prohibit discrimination on the basis of affectional or sexual preference...." Specifically, the bill would amend the so-called Civil Rights Act of 1964 in several ways. Among other things, employers would be required by federal law to seek out and hire homosexuals on a quota basis This would include schools, hospitals and other institutions. Failure to comply with the requirement (to hire homosexuals) would result in the loss of federal aid. . ■ Vi'i' ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS Project Number: 1166A Owner: City of Kings Mountain, North CauvUna. Separate sealed bids for Site Graullng Work for the Governmental Services Fauillltles Building, Kings Mountain, North Carolina, will be received by the City of Kings Mountain In the office of the Mayor In the Kings Mountain (Jlty Hall until 3 o’clock P. M., E. S. T. on March 28, 1977 and then at sadd office publicly opened and read aloud. Tlte Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the office of Peterson-Clary- Archltects, Suite 8680, One NCNB Plaza, Charlotte, North Carolina 28280 and In the plan rooms of: A. A. G. C. — Charlotte and Radelgh F. W. Dodge — Cliarlotte auid Raleigh. (Joples may be obtained at the office of the Ar chitect upon payment of $26 for each set. Any un successful bidder, upon returning such set In good condition within five days after the date set for receiving bids will be refunded hls payment, and any non-bidder upon so returning such a set will be refunded HO. The owner reserves the right to waive any In formalities or to reject any or all bids. Each bidder must deposit with hls bid, security In the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided In the Information for bidders. Attention of bidders Is particularly called to the requirements as to con ditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract. No bidder may withdraw) hls bid within 80 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. John Henry Moes, Mayor March 14, 1977 How To Subscribe For The Mirror-Herald Just fill In the ooupoa below, allp It In an envelope and maD It to no wllh check or money order. You will begin receiving The Mlrror-HeraM. The MbTor-Herald P,0. Drawer 768 Klnga Mountain, N. C. 88088 One Year 88,60 In Clevelaad And Surroimdlng Oountlea One yearlOAOIn other areas H Name I ? Street I I City I State Zip Code he feels compelled to deny that such has taken place because such an admission would disturb hU pacifist constluency; or (4) Mr. Wamke still adheres to hls old views, but, setting aside, hls personlal views, he Is stating hls client’s (Hie President’s) case; or (6) Then again, by not ex pressly disavowing hls old views, he may be stating hls cllent’scase; or (6) Mr. Wamke Is not really sure what he believes, but rather scurries about from Issue to Issue on an ad hoc basis; or (7) Only Mr. Wamke knows what he really believes, and he has deliberately obfuscated the record so that no one will know for sure what policy we are endorsing should the Senate confirm hls nomination. When all these In terpretations of Mr. Wamke’s positions are coupled with the fact that Mr. Wamke la obviously an articulate and In telligent man, we have, in my view, grave cause for concern about this nominee’s generael veracity, and whether we can ever expect clear and unambiguous statements from him concerning the progress of the SALT negotiations. Mr. Wamke’s iqipolnt- ment — or more ac curately, the possible policy approach reflected In Mr. Wamke’s ap pointment — Is of the gravest concern for the future of this nation. In deed all of Western cl vlllzatlon. I believe the Senate and the American people are entitled to know precisely where Mr. Wamke and the Carter administration stand on arms negotiations. While I might respect Mr. War- nke’s agility In skipping up around, over, and under the Issues, I cannot and will not vote for a nominee who refuses to be for thright In hls presentation about such Important matters. In short the American people are entitled to ask: SCOUT TRIP TToop 91 of St. Matthews Lutheran Church have re turned from a weekend of eqjoyment at Appalachian Ski Resort with scout leaders Tommy King and O’Brian Brook. Scout members left for the slopes on Saturday, March 6, and returned the following day. "Will the real Mr. Wamke please stand up?” 'Iliey are entitled to know which Is the real Mr. Wamke. Does Mr. Wamke still believe there are no basic differences between the United States and the Soviet Union, that we are but ’’two apes on a treadmill?" I don’t know. Has he finally learned the lesson of Minilch and that appeasement leads only to disaster? I doubt It. ’These and countless other fun- -. damental questions have not been answered. Yet, the U. S. Senate Is being asked to vote on a nominee .. who will be Intimately concerned with Issues.; Involving the ultimate and final fate of this nation. I believe the Senate should know what we are voting,, for — and about. As of the present moment, the . Senate does not know." CENSUS SURVEY Local representatives of the Bureau of the Census., will conduct a survey of enq>loyment In this area during the work week of March 14-19, Joseph R. Norwood, Director of the Bureau’s Regional Office in Charlotte, aimounced today. TROUBLE-n—When'Anitif Bryant.xkred'-to..speak-out against this bill she found herself in deep trouble. In Miami, her home city, the homosexuals (who call themselves ’’gays’’) organized, and began a pressure campaign to intimidate the Singer Sewing Machine Company, which was to have been the sponsor of a television series featuring Anita Bryant. Anita's contract for the television series was abruptly cancelled. An official of the Singer Company made clear that, all of a sudden, Anita Bryant was "controversial." Controversial? Here was a fine and decent lady, a dedi cated C2iristian, who had dared to speak out. And because she did, her contract was cancelled. Small wonder that business people in America today are so rapidly losing the respect of the citizens of this country. If this is an example of the courage of those who are the greatest beneficiaries of the free enterprise system, it is a clear indication that if and when the free enterprise system dies, it will be suicide, not murder. PROUD—I am proud of Anita Bryant. In my several conversations with her in recent weeks, I have pledged my full support to her. I don't know whether the Koch bill will be approved by the House of Representatives. But this much I do know: If and when it gets to the U. S. Senate, I will fight it with every means at my command, with every bit of strength I can muster. Maybe you'd like to drop Miss Anita Bryant a note of encouragement. If so, send it to me, and I'll make certain she receives it. She is fighting for decency and morality in America —and that makes her, in my book, an All-American lady. DEPARTMENT STORE I K'NGS MOUNIAIN N C DOWNTOWN KINGS MOUNTAIN Sizes 6-11 Med. -7 1/2-9 Narrow YOUR CHOICE 9.95 QUEEN-ANNE’S-LACE Women’s Urethane sling. Covered wedge heel. Gum crepe sole. Brick, Navy, Scarlet, White, Black Patent. YOUR CHOICE 9.95 J IRIS Women’s cross-strap sling. Elastic cross straps. Urethane sock, heel cover, sling. Alpha crepe sole. Brazilian Tan-Multl, Green-MulU, Orangel. \ YOUR CHOICE 9.95 CORNFLOWER Women’s sailcloth sandal. Rope-covered wedge and platform. Plantation crepe sole. Blue Denim. YOUR CHOICE 9.95 GWEN Women’s sailcloth espadrlUe. Rope-covered wedge and mudguard. Gum crepe sole. Beige, Navy, Red. •I'

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