ItaMdfty, Blay 8, inT-MIBBOR-llBBAU>-P»ce T y the ) em- ur lab jgram Ills In e ac- iMlng, plan- anlsad both ir, the three- lended PubUc leneflt- I aleo Ice a* tnplete sn the Betty Friend* reject* dent*, meet* otnlnal mey 1* m for udent* , Im- ire the I. The jlte a nlng to to give low. A kttobe eacher tructed tudent* nay be Betty’* I found bright for a : ruffle a-home I In the e. lothlng In ft>od* eparlng itten of Betty’* B*. Depart- oy*and )r High, jwlng. 18 KMHS Students Are Selected i , Eighteen etudenta at King* Mountain Senior High School have been honored thl* week by elec tion to Mu A4>ha Theta, international high echool and junior college mathematic* club. Hie announcement wa* made by Dr. Harold V. Huneke, national *ecretary-trea*urer, who 1* a profeeeor of mathema tic* at the Unlveralty of Oklahoma where the national office 1* located. Only ttioee echoola with excellent mathematic* program* can earn membenhlp hi the chib elnce all couree* In mathematic* and the qualification* of the mathematic* faculty and *tudent* are examined In detail by the club’* Oovemor* and Nathmal Officer*. To be eligible for memberehlp, minimum requirement* are that a •tudent mu*t have com pleted wltti dlatlnetlon at leant four aemeater* of college preparatorjr mathematic* and be enrolled In the fifth •emeeter. He aleo muet have an overall grade average of at leant a ”B” Four bijured bi Accidents ' Property damage* were high In four automobile accident* occurlng In the city during the weekend and four driver* aue- talned Inlurle*. ' Ruth McDaniel, of 800 W. Gold Street, reported to tCBfPD PU. Don Ivey that ahe wa* leaving a parked ipoBltlon at KM Plaza Saturday when her 1872 Chevy etruck a parked truck. She aald ahe went Into the store to call her husband and came back to the car and found the truck had been removed from the scene. Damages to the McDaniel car were estimated at $200. A rear-end collision Involving three cars oc curred at a stoplight at the Intersection of King and Cansler Streets Sunday at 4:88 p. m., according to investigating Ptt. B. G. Benton and Involved cars operated by Kerry Dean Ferree of Splndale, operating a 1977 Army Trailer, estimated damage* $176; Cathy Renee Jenkins, Rt. 1, Bessemer City,, operating a 1970 Ford, estimated damages $760; and Peter L. Brown, 210 ’Thornburg Dr., operating a 1970 Pontiac, estimated damages $660. All drivers were treated for Injuries. Oars operated by Larry R. McClain, of 408 Crocker Rd., and Mr*. Jeanette W. Pattern, of Rt. 4, hit head-on at West King and Cansler Street Monday at 8:80 a. m. when the Patter son 1972 Chevy apparently made a left turn onto Cansler In the path of the McClain 1978 Chevy, headed north on Cansler. Damage* were estimated at $800 to the McClain car and $180 to the Patterson vehicle. McClain was treated for Injuries. SBIVICES Wnx MOW GRASS and cut bushe* on ditches and bank*. Also, firewood for sale. $16 a load. Call 789-6200 anytime. 4:2 , 6:8, 6 A • 10 ‘ PAOTTINO, REMODEL- ' INO AND ODD JOBS. 10 ■ year* experience. Free . estimate*. Call MAM , Painting Co. 789-8668 or 867-7687. 4:26,28; 6:8, 6, 10, 12, 17 A 19. BESS FLOOR SERVICE. - Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Bloor Covering, Counter '~Tbp*.'^ FVee' esQmate*. Larry Be**, 987- 7400. 6:8 A 6:6 . DEPENDABLE BABY 8ITTINO for any shift. See me In person, 106 Morris Street. ’Third house on right behind Stroupe* Barber Shop off N. Piedmont Avenue. 4:12, 14, 16, 21, 26, 28; 6:8 A 6:6 i WATER WEIGHT PROBLEM? USi E-LIM Excess water in the body can be uncomfortable. E-LIM will help you lose excess water weight. We at Smith Dri|g*l recommend It. Introductory COOO Offer Worth Cut out this ad take to store listed. Purchase one pack of E>Lim and receive one more E-Lim Pack Smith Drug* K. M- PU^ FOR RENT MOBILE HOME FOB RENT: Apply In person only. 1419 Shelby Road. 6:8 tfn TAT RENT A PIANO - Any size — for any occasion. Call us for details and charges. Jack Call Plano Co., 704-876-8848. 4:26, 28 A 6:8 MOBILE HOME FOB RENT. Call 789-8996 after 6 p. m. References required. 4:28, 6:8, 6 A 10 LUXURY APARTMENT HOMES. Air condl- tianed, wall-to-wall shag carpet, furnished kit chen Including stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and garbage disposal. Laundry facility, swimming pool. Bach apt. home 1* designed with your needs In mind. Phone 482-1461. FIELDS YOUNG, me. Evenings and weekends call 487- 6044 or 482-8948. 4:19, 21, 26 A 28; 6:8, 6, 10, A 12. REAL ESTATE GRAYSON Real Estate 188 W. Mountain St. Phone 7S9-5770 Thomas W. Grayson Jr. Real Estate Broker Ont Nout 'mime JAlLfltA- ’Q)^ Most In Dry Gleaning 507 E. KING ST. 739-5844 monpat a tumdat Men's or Ladies 2 piece 2 ^3 Dieses pick up some week for SpeciaU 09 Laundered Crisp^right Folded or On Hangers SHIRTS 5 For 49 - - - - ‘•••'A SPECIAL m k Trousers Plain Skirts or Sweaters Mix pick up same week for Special! FOR SALE 1970 BUICK ELEOTRA. 4- DR, hard top, full power ^ and air cond. Ready/for that sununer trip. Call 789-8200. 416 Scotland Dr. 6:8, 6, 10, A 12 FOR SALE - 109 Cfonlnger St. 6 RMS, 2 baths, recently remodeled Inside. Call 789-8892 after 6 p. m. 6:8 A 0:6 FOR SALE - Mobile Home Camper. New six cylinder engine, new clutch and brakes, built- in double bed 'and cabinet*. 'Stove and refrigerator. In excellent condition. Best offer over $800. Call 789JS968. 6:8, 6, 10 A 12 FOR SALE — Why pay so nuch when you cap get aU kind* of flower* for less than half price? Call MRS. J. C. CLARY at 788-6628 and m them at 710 East' Ridge Street. 6:8 FOR SALE - 17’i” ’Trojan Boat. V. JHuU, U6 HP Johnson engine. Tandem Axle Trailer, twin gas Tanks. Top-aun lounge seats. Excellent family boat. Ski, fish and joy ride. Will handle eight people with ease. 416 Scotland Dr., Phone 789- 8200. 6:8, 6, 10 A 12 FOR SALE — "Dvo electric dryers, two automatic washers, one 19” color TV. Ron’s Appliance Serv., 789-8888. 4:26, 28 A 6:8, 6 FOR SALE - Warm Morning Gas Heater at a bargain price. Call 788- 6606. 4:26 tfnTAT FOR SALE — Complete set of professional drums Including symbols, block, bell and stool. Excellent condition. Reason for selling — entering college. Call 867-082S after 4:80 p. m. 4:19tfnTA’^ FOR SALE - 1976 TVo door silver Malibu Chevelle. Six cylinder. A-C. 10,000 mUes. Call 788-2660. 4:28; 6:8, 6:6 FOR SALE - 1976 Ex plorer 802. Automatic transmission. Power steering. AM-FM Stereo Tape. 19,000 actual mile*. Willing to take older truck with pay off loan of $2800. Phone 789- 8961. 4:98 A 6:8 FOR SALE - 1660 C88 with Crelger Mag* and spoiler*. $1600. Phone 788-2600. 4:28 A 6:8 1974 COUNTRY SQUIRE - Brougham. All the ex tra*. 21,000 actual mile*. New tire*. Excellent condition. $8,086. Call 786-2691. 4:28; 6:8, 6 A 10 FOR SALE - 1060 Chevrolet Klngswood 4- door station wagon. Automatic, A-C, PS, PB. Only $886. Phone 789- 8789. John George, 408 Scotland Drive. 4:26 tfo TAT WANTED THE PIZZA HUT In Kings Mtn. Is now accepting applications for waitresses. Must be at least 18 years or older. Apply In person. No phone calls accepted. E. O. E. 4:28 AMAZE YOURSELF^ - Ehren If you’ve never sold before, just a few hours a week can bring you excellent earning* when yOir~*eii~Avon Product*. OaU 484-0772. 6:8 A 6:6 WANTED — Persons to do production type work. Punch press iteration, light assembly work. FUU or part time. Must be dependable. Call 789- 7876. 4:28, 6:8, A 6 « WANTED - Someone to keep two children In my home. Furnish own transportation. References. Phone 789- 7282. First Shift. 4:28 A 6:8 SUPERVISORS NEEDED — Party Plan experience helpful, but not necessary. Company paid training Ideal for home makers. Excellent pay plan plus bonus and earn free trip abroad for two. Must be over 26, have car and phone. Ctdl collect. Playhouse Toy Co., 610-288-9718. 4:21, 26. 28 A 6:8 HOMEWORKERS - Men, women, students needed for assembling work at home. Earn $160 per week. No experience necessary. Send $2.00 (refondable) and long stamped envelope to Allen Industries, Box 12616, BE Paso, ’Texas 78912. 4:26, 28 A 6:8, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN BELLVIEW - Subdivision — 8 Bedroom Brick Home. Now under construction, $28,600. No down payment to qualified buyer. FmHA Finan cing. Low closing cost. JOHN H. McBRAYER- REALTOR. 487-4848. Night* also. 4:26 , 98; 4:26, 28 ; 6:8, 6, 10 A 12 MUST BE SOLD - 6 room house, 617 Baker St. Interior completely remodeled. Gas floor furnace. Small down payment, balance like rent. Haywood E. Lynch, 788-8261. 4:26,28 A 6:8, 6 FOR SALE - 7.9 acre*. $800 down, $97 monthly. Mobile home* welcome. Near Kings Mountain. OaU (808) 827-6824 after 6 p. m. 4:96, 28 A 6:8, 6 FOR SALE — Three acre*. $960 down, $40 monthly. MobUe home* welcome. Call 808-827-6924 in Rock HUl, S. C., evening*. 4:26, 28 A 6:8, 6 In aU cf hi* high school work. "Membership In Mu Alpha Theta 1* the highest honor possible for a high school or junior coUege student of mathematic*,’' Dr. Huneke said. ’’Chib activities consist of work la area* of mathematic* not usually covered In the classroom.’’ Mu Alpha Theta was founded In 1067 at the University of Oklahoma and ha* grown to more than 1,600 club* In 46 state* and Canada, Japan, Puerto Rico, the Canal 2Sone, Iceland, Turkey, BrazU and Okinawa. ’Ihe club 1* co-sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America and the National CouncU of Teacher* of Mathematics, and ha* attracted the attention of top mctthematlc* scholar* In thl* country and abroad. kfr*. Kay Bridge* serve* a* the faculty sponsor for the Mu Alpha Theta chib at King* Mountain Sr. High. Student* earning the honor of membership are: Susan Anderson, Kenneth Boheler, Kathleen Brennan, Lisa Bridges, Janet Edwards, Samuel Fitch, Karl Hambrlght, BlUy Hughes, Laurie Jenkins, David Lynn, Wesley Narron, Regina Patterson, John Reed, Timothy Riddle, Joyce Robinson, Jambs ’Turner, Vernon Whitman and Terry Yarborough. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the msuty friends and neigh bors for their many kind eiqiresslons of sympathy at the death of our beloved mother. — MRS. CLAYVON KELLY, JOHN O. PATTERSON, YARD SALES HUGH YARD SALE - - Sat., May 7th from 0 a. m. tU4 q>. m. If rain, no sale. Route one, Waco Road. First house on right past Community Grocery. 6:8 A 6:6 Photo By Lib Stewart JAC CONTEST WINNERS - Joan Beavl* left, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John ReavIs, fifth grader, aod Qndy Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Adams, fifth grader, are winners of the .Junior Ameriixin Citizens essay contest sponsored by National Society Daughters of American Revolution. The local contest was sponsored by Colonel Frederick Hambrlght Chapter DAR. Meui Char;ged With Driving Drunk NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of W. Carl Biggers, deceased, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to counsel for the undersigned at 2610 NCNB Plaza Tower, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28280, on or before the 26th day of October, 1977, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settlement with the undersigned. ’This the 26th day of April, 1977. Marilyn Sue Biggers Nelsler 816 Landing St. Kings Mtn., N. C. 28066 April 26, May 8, 10, 17 In The General Court of JusMoe Superior Court Division State of North Carolina Cleveland County ADMIN ISTRATOR’S- EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of I. Grady Patterson of Ctoveland County, North Carolina this la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of sold I. Grady Patterson to present them to the un dersigned within 6 months from date of the publlca- tfon of this notice or some will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to sold estate please make immediate payment. This the 14 day of April, 1977. Florence WUlard Pat terson 407 W. Gold St. Kings Mtn., N. C. 28066 April 19, 96; May 8 A 10 Ctty patrolman Don Ivey charged Donald Foster with driving under the In fluence Friday night after the Foster cor hit a power line pole, splitting It In three places, and finally stopping at a brick wall at the corner a< Walker and Piedmont Avenues. Foster was hospitalized with a broken jaw and other lacerattons. In other law en forcement activities during the weekend, city police reported that a mini bike was reportedly stolen Saturday morning from In front of Western Auto Store. TVo persons were slightly Injured In a one- car wreck Thursday at 12:28 p. m. on Road 1162 three-tenth ofa mile west of Shelby, according to State Highway Patrolman M. E. Reynolds. A car driven by Carol EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified ae Executrix for the Estate of Marion Clay Poston, this la to notify all persons having claims to his estate to please file same with the undersigned on or before the third day of November, 1977, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery. All persons Indebted to estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the third day of May, 1677. MRS. PRUE NELL HOUSER POSTON Executrix 6:8; 10, 17 A 24 Howell Dobbins of Rt. 2 left the road sind went out of control striking a ditch, according to the report. The driver of the car and a passenger, Jimmy Wayne Robbins, of Kings Mountain, were treated for Injuries at Cleveland Memorial Hospital and released. charged with speeding and driving left of center. Ms. Dobbins was CEI ptALTOR* LARRY HAMRICK Real Estate Broker All Forms Insurance' OFFICE 739-3659 Home 739-6613 M & S GREENHOUSE Vegetable and Flower Plants Hanging Baskets Located On Oak Grove Road Mile Beyond Patterson Grove Church PATTKKSON Oil, (OMI’ANA Phone Kings Mountain. N.r atiitifi ATLAS TIKES.BATTERIES EXXON e::$^on PRODUCTS RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS EURNACE SALES & SERVICE - KINGS MOUNTAIN PLANTS AND FLOWERS EAST KING STREET 739-6811 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ON FENCE CONSTRUCTION Pursuant to the requirements and provisions of Section 148- 129 of the general statutes of North Csuvllna, the City of Kings Mountain will receive bids In council chamber at City Hall until 2p. m. on Monday May 9th, 1977. At the above time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read. ’The awards will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking Into con sideration quality, per formance and time specified In the proposal for the performance of the contract. The city reaorves the right to reject any or all bids. Specifications available at the office of the pur chasing agent. J. H. McDanlsl, Jr. City Clerk 64 OLF CLUB REPAIR IISNin . Iieiip II1INI1N . CUSTOMIZI AU SWK NIW A USED CLUAS FOR SALC • CUSTOM MADE qOlS •.GRAPHITl SHAFTS 7113 BELHAVEN 8LVD CHARLOTTE. N C 28216 392-7987 THE HINSON’S Gospel Singing Stars Will Be At THE MUSIC BOX Thursday, May 6th From 3 To 4 P. M. For An Autograph Session THE MUSIC BOX Dixie Village Shopping Center Gastonia, N. C. Phone 864-2078 Joanne. Sandy And Bill Young Open Mon. Sat.10-9 117 W. Mtn. St I •stAL ssmi esoNaa NEW HOMES, ADDITIONS, ALL TYPES REMOIWLINO RAYFIELD CONSTRUCTION, me. CALL AFTER 6 P. M. 789-8204 LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION YOU'LL UKE THE SERVICE AND THE SAVINGS SMITH<@^0RU«S K M Plaza PHONE 739-8161