ENT RS * ^ SECTION B Thursday, May 5,1977 Mirror-Herald Living Today Church Members Visit Colonial Williamsburg Hlatoiic Colonial WUllamaburg, the 18th Century c^>ltol of Virginia, waa fascinating to the 88 young people and adults from Kings Mountain who spent last weekend on a trip sponsored by three churches, Central United Methodist, First Presbyterian and Resurrection :£Am» CHURCH GROUP IN Jeff Boggan and Jerome Cash, left WnXIAMSBURO — Debbie Cash, to right, are photographed In front of seated, and Jenniler Pmltt, Greg a statute of Captain John Smith, Dixon, Stacy Rhea, Steve Boggan, Governor of Virginia In 1808. Lutheran churches. Departing from Kings Mountain aboard the Presbyterian CSiurch bus and the Central Methodist van, the group arrived In Williamsburg at 3 a. m. Saturday and located the Williamsburg United Methodist Church, across campus of the College of William and Mary, home base for the weekend. They were then directed to the youth building's third floor, where they would sleep for two nights. A tired group returned to Kings Mountain at 8 a. m. Monday, delayed somewhat by some mechanical problems and a severe hailstorm, maintaining communica tions throughout their trip with CB radios. In two days, the visitors had a ball. First stop on Saturday was historic Jamestown Island, the site of the first permanent Bngllah- speaklng settlement In this, the new world. Here the group saw the only standing ruin of the 17th century Jamestown, the Old Church Tower (1689), and the reconstructed brick church of 1688. Here also were statues of Capt John Smith and the Indian Princess Pocahontas. Next was a visit to Jamestown Festival Park where the whole Jamestown story was told In the Old Woiid Heritage and New World Achievement pavilions. The full- scale replica of the "James Fort" of 1607 was a popular spot as were the full-scale ships moored on the river front. All of Saturday afternoon was spent touring the many fascinating buildings, shops, and homes of Colonial Williamsburg. Many from the group enjoyed lunch at the famous Kings Arms Tavern. The Governor's Palace, The Capitol, the Bruton Parish Church, The Photos tjy Robert Boggan Magazine, and the many craft shops (Including the Gunsmith, Blacksmith, Printer-Bookbinder, Musical Instrument Maker, etc.) made for a hurried and Interesting afternoon. Following the evening meal, the group toured the shops In Merchant's Square. The vehicles were loaded early Sunday morning despite a heavy rain. After a hearty breakfast, the group was off to the Old Country, Busch Gardens. Here the pageantry, charm, and excitement of three Old World hamlets (England, France and Germany) provided great fun for everyone. The nmny rides, shows, shops, and the beautiful countryside with freely roaming wildlife brought the weekend to a very fitting end. The trip to WlUlamsburg was the second joint venture by these same three churches. The first outing was askl trip to Beech Mountain, Jan. 16. The next cooperative event will be a big family day at Crawford Lakd Park on Sunday, May 16. After church on that day, families will enjoy a pl jnlc lunch. The afternoon will be filled with games of firlendly competltlan between the churches, and a troabv will be awarded. Lib' Stewart Study Completed SeconH graders at North School have culminated their study of Japan by creating beautiful kimonos of vari-colored crepe paper and the youngsters In Mrs. Adams' class modeled the spring fashions to the delight of parents and classmates Friday. With a little bit of Imagination and from reading about Japanese styles, the seven-year-olds eiriilblted their own creativity In the garments. -oOo- COMING8 AND GOINGS Arlene (Mrs. Jackie) Rarrett and I have returned from Wilmington where we attended the 80th annual Azalea Festival where I represented the state American Legion Auxiliary In the festival parade and other activities which featured the ap pearances at Tom Netherton and Norma Zimmer of the Lawrence Welk Show, Miss America, Miss North Carolina and other beauty queens, Francesca Jamos (Kitty Tyler of ABC's "All Of My CSilldren") and Peter White of "All My Children," and others Including Charlotte Stewart of "Uttle House On The Prairie." Miss James was crowned Queen Azalea during the festivities. We were guests of Carl and Juanita Falls and their family, former residents, and Juanita gave us a new cookbook featuring seafoods and other yummy dishes from the coastal areas which we will share with readers In cooking columns In the Mirror-Herald. By this date next month I will have attended 36 district auxiliary meetings from Manteo In Eastern North Csrollnae to Sylva In the mountains of Western North C:!arollna. ‘ •■♦*’**\ ■4 CAPITOL BUILDING - The capital building of Williamsburg, Va., stands bi a picturesque setting. A SHIPS AHOT - Steve Boggan, left, and Maift Dixon brought setdera to Jamestown, stand aboard replica of one of the first ah^ whlob % -■'4- ^7^ 46) Two unidentified ladles are plotnrad walking from the building. FUN AT STOCKADE — Area yowg people froUc In one of the stockades In colonial Jamestown which they vhlted In Virginia. Standing Is Marty Clemmer. I Jennifer Pruitt, left, and Stacy Rhea.