iuln( guitar, sad by m cUat r. May m. at Sehool m BUlt ) oftora lachera anawal pproval y^m'a lavalop- the $6 are will gultara »r uaa aa. U >wa 'Ml* Mty • cloaafl fita eaa that la ring the further queated M tween andip. hrough ^LTH JAR ILEUM . LY UNE nMadajr. Mag M, »1T>linM>»MBBAU>-Pa«« f Friday Was Jack’s Last Day FIB8T PLACE WINMEB - gimpHelty waa key te whuilng llrat place la the aprtaig flower ahow for membere of Town and Oountiy Oaiden CAnb. Two of the >idgee, Mra. Becky Beck, left, and BIra. Katie MoOInnla, both ti Oolnmtala, 8. C., admire the prlae- winning table and arwgement of eweetheart roeee. Friday waa Jack Ar- nette'a laat day of work at Nelaco, Inc., where he haa been employed for a number of yeara. Mr. Amette waa honored by 60 co-workera at a cowered dlah dinner Friday evening at the home of Nelaco Supt. Jim Dickey and Mra. Dickey at their home on Phifer Road. Hla frlenda took the occaalon to preaent him a golf bag. Mr. Arnette e>q>ecta to do a lot of gcdflng and gardening akice hla retirement. Tablea In the Oourtyard of the Dickey home were covered with red, orange and green floral tableclotha and centered with contraatlng glaaa candlea with dalay rlnga at the baae. Jim Dickey, Jr. aaalated hla parenta In entertaining. Olnny and Jack Amette reside on Shelby Rd. and are members of First Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Amette has retired after Lib Stewart many years of service with Southern Bell Telephone Company. They are the parenta of one daughter and she and her family live In South Carolina. -oOo- ELECTED Karon Leigh Hinton, daughter of Rev. and Mra. Russell Lee Hinton of Kings Mountain, has been chosen Chief Marshal for Mars Hill College greaduatlon May Uth. Miss Hinton Is a 1976 graduate of Kings Mouitaln High School and Is a voice major. -oOo- BRIDEELECr HONORED Mrs. Dean Bowen en tertained ' Thursday evening at her home at a drop-ln bridal shower honoring Miss Olna Stroupe, bride-elect. Miss Stroupe and Dennis Bean will be married June 12th In Falrvlew Baptist Church of Gastonia. The 20 guests showered Bliss Stroupe with gifts for her new home. Mrs. George Stroupe, mother of the bride-to-be, received with the honoree. A color note of pink and white featured decorative details and refreshments. The refreshment table was covered with white over pkik and centered with aa arrangement of spring flowers. Pink punch was served from a crystal bowl at one end. Punch and party pick-ups were ser ved. -oOo- The Continuing Education Department of Cleveland Tech has an nounced the following classes: Clothing Construction II begins Tuesday, May 10, from 6 to 9 p. m. at Tech’s Uptown Annex, room 1 . Stella Prlne will Instruct. Tailoring begins Thursday, May 6. at Tech’s Uptown Annex, room 18. The class meets each Tuesday and Thursday, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Stella Prlne will Instruct. Persons needing further Information about these classes are requested to call 482-8861, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 4 p. m., Monday-Friday. SALE! CHOICE riNEST CUTS OF MEAT EVERY WEEK.. SALE PRICEgl WE GLADn^DEEM, Enable to purchase any odvertised item please request a RAIN CHECK!” QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED NONE SOLD TO DEALERS ROUND STEAK FULL CUT & BEAUTY AIDS REO., MENTHOL. LIME. MEDICATED 11 oz. COLGATE SHAVE RQC CREAM Co\gote 5 OZ. TUBE COLGATE TOOTH PASTE 1 1 qo 12 02. Valleydale Sandwich Pork Loin Lb Buddies 59^ ^Sliced 90 2Lb. ValleydaleHol Dog Pork Loin Franks <1 W PORK SAUSAGE Old Fashion AO Hoop Cheese Lb *1 Jsnkins 8 02. Chicken or Ham Salad 63^ Gorton 14 O2. Batter Fried a a Rsh Slicks *1” Gorton 1 Lb. Ocasn Parch a a Fillets 7''2 O2. Jansts Pimento wsMa Cheese 53' ^ LB. PKG. CHAMPION FRANKS 3 CT. PKG. ANTACID TABLETS ROLAIDS 79 SIRLOIN STEAK U.S. CHOICE FbUaBy LUker 1 HONORED FOB SERVICE — Donald Marlin, roving tender first ahift employe at Phenlx Plant of Burlington Mills, Is pictured at right receiving certlfloato of np- preciathMi from Neil Teargln, plant superintendent, at a plant anniversary party. Mr. Martin joined Phenlx Plant five yenrs ago. Contest Is Wednesday The annual typawrlting contast aponaored by tha Bualiwaa Dapartmant of Oaaton OoUaga wUl ba bald Waikiasday, May 11 on tha college camput. An In troductory meatlng will bo IMld at 2:80 p. m. In Room C-112 of tha Buataea Dept, and the contaat will begin at 8 p. m. Separata contaata will ba held for beginning and advanced studanta enrolled In high acbool Typewriting I and Type writing II. Each par- tlelpatlng high school la al lowed to enroll two ■tudents In each contaat. There will be a total of 16 ■tudents from area high ■chools entering tha Typewriting I contaat and 18 atudenta antoiing tha Typewriting II contaat. The wUrnera will bo an nounced at 4:46 p. m. on Warkieaday, May 11. Banquet Is Planned BOILINO SPRINGS, - ’Ihe Gardner-Webb College Alumni Aaaodatlon will hold Its annual siting ban quet for former students suid other friends of the college, Saturday, May 14. The dinner will be held In the Charles I. Dover Campus Center and will begin at 7 p. m. Alumni Association President Max Padgett of Forest City, will preside over the meeting, which will be highlighted by the presentation of four awards to Gardner-Webb alumni. The association will pre aent three dlatlngulahed service awards — one for ■ervlce to community, one for service to denomina tion, and one for service to the college and fellowmsm. Also, new officers and directors will beelected during a brief business session, and several special presentations will be made. ^leclal guests for the evening will be the 1977 graduating seniors and their parents. Prior to the bsmquet grsLduatlng classes of 1987 and 1962 wUl hold their 50th and 26th anniversaries respectively. Mrs. Lois Cooley Humphries of Spartanburg, 3. C., and Bobby Pettyjohn of Columbia, S. C., are coordinating activities for the two reunions. Coat of the dinner Is $4 per person and admlaalon to the banquet will be by ticket only. Reservations may be made by con tacting the Alumni Office at Gardner-Webb College, telephone 704-484-2861. Family Dollar Store To Relocate In BC Laon Levina, preatdant of Family Dollar Storaa, Inc. (AMEX Symbol FDO), a retail store chain with haadquartara in Charlotte, haa announoad that the Company will ralocata their store In BeHsmer City, N. C. ’Ihs newly eonatnietod ■tors which la approod- mately twice the stse of the old downtown store, will contain 8,000 aquara feat. Tha new atora la located on Highway 274 In the Uiglaa Shopping Center. Tha grand opening la soliaduled for May 8, 1977. Tha Company now oparataa a chain of 240 atoraa In North Carolina, South Carolina, Oeorgla, Tsnnssaaa and Virginia, with 112 of thaaa ■torts located In North Oarolina. Storaa operated In thla area are located In Shalby, OaatoaU, Dallaa, CharryvlUa, Balmont k Charlotta. MUdrad Mboro ta tha manager of thla ■tore. The expanded atora will cany a oomptota Una of merchandlaa for home and family at diaeount prtoaa. Including raoi’a, womon’a, boys’, girl’s, and Inlant’a weartaig apparel, ahoee, handbaga, jewaby, ahaeta, pOloweaaoa, blankets, bad- ■praada, curtalna, health and baauty alda, atatlonary, aebool aup- pllao, candy, toys, houaa- warsa, harderara, paint, and automoave auppUaa. Starting with a Hngla atora In Cbarlotto, N. C., In 1000, tha Obmpany haa rapidly grown tnlo a major regional chain with hun- drada of amplayaa and utlUslng ^prcKlmataly 1300,n>0 square teat of selling area. Family Dollar Btoree la a publicly- owned company, and Ita stock la traded on the American Stock Ex change. The company operatea a warehouse distribution canter In Chariotte, North Carolina, aneompaaalng 146,0(» square feet, from which new marchandlae la ■hipped dally to Its atorea. An axperlanesd ataff of professional buyers con- ■tantly ahopa major mar kets all over the world to eaaura Its customera the hart vahia. Tlia company’s vice preatdant — oparaUona, Cart Balimi, indicated that he waa vary plaaaad with the Baaaamar City buainaaa market, and aa many local paopla aa poaalbla are balng am- ptoyad. Mr. Balltnl further stated that tha area’s dktrlet manager will be Mr. Fred Helthcox. Lewis B. Lavlna, axacu- tlva vice preaidant, stated that he attributed the growth and auccaea of the Company to Its policy of carefully uaing its maaetve buying power to give Its euatomara a fin# aalactlon of quality marehandiaa at loweat poaalbla prlcea Ha ■ajw that tha growth and ■uccaaa of the Company haa bean helped by Its policy of maintaining attractive, q>Mk>ua, end well-Ut storaa, providing a pleasant atmoaphara for Miopplng. Mr. Lavlna further ■tatad that ”tha Company la tha faataat growing retail chain In tha aouth- aaatam Uidtad States, and the relocation of the Baaaamar City la part of tha major new axpan- ■Ion planned for thla year.”