the THURSDAY EOmON VOL. SS NO. m THinWDAY. BIAT M, ivn Kinc; MounThih MIRROR-H€RMD 15' For Evidence Technician Van Police Department Gets LEA A Funding OBOONOBKEAKINO - mrnrrj miM*, left, WstMM »iid 8. A. HUatoa wen anMBC oHr emp who broke grooiWI laet week for m mmw pabHo « iMlIdlnf and ptmfe eotliBated to eoet • half n WMfht, left, and Jaa vderway at the elte • OoDatmotloa got Apf^cations Taken For Slimmer Employment Franklin L. Ware and 1C. L. OampbeU wW again aerve aa eo* chairmen of the Mayor’a Summer ^ Ooipa. ICt ‘Ware le Oav^d County Bmploymont Security Commlaalon manager and ICr. Campbell la a veteran The mayor’a office will begin taking appllcatlona from ana young people for eummer employment thla Saturday. For two Saturdaya, ICay • and ICay 16, young people agaa 16 and up an Invited to ^>ply for eummer Joba at Clly HaU from 9 a. m. until noon. Laat year ne«riv iM young people partielpatad In tiue pngram and woriced in varknia city government Jobe. Other mair'.'ert of the Touth Oorpa Kunmttue an Rav. J. C. Qoan, David Lawlng, ICn. WUUe Lifuable. Rdv. S. W. Avary, Roy Oooaait, Mra. Eugene ICoCartar, Andrew Brown, Jerry King and lira. Charlea Alexanxer. Qtizen Requests Damages He’s Now Dr. Jones lOnga Mountain Dlatilct Schoola Another Klnga Mountain man, Superintendent Donald D. Jonea MaJorWUllamLaftln, Jr., aonoflfr. received hie Doctor of Education and lire. Major William Loftln, Sr., Dagm hrom Duke umveralty In the received hie Maatar’a in Bualnaaa ueth graduation exerclaea Sunday Admlnletratlon. Dr. Juanita KTepa, U. S. aecretary of commarcr, delivered the com- Dr. Jonea, auperlntandent of the Kbiga Mountain Schools the past 10 mencament address In which years. Is rerignlng this summer to d%>lomaa were awarded to 2,( accept a similar position at Ms alma mater, AahevlUo City Schools. Jim Tate Elected KM Jaycee President ’ Jhn Tate was elected Preaidant of discussed the budget and projeeta Kkigs Mountain Jaycees at the for the coming year, recent Monday night meeting. Other Some proJeeU Jaycees pUn to put officers are Dave DUllng, Internal on the project agenda are softball I Vico Preffdent; Am Sotelo, Ex. tournament, Jaycee UtUo League tamal Vice President; Steve Slpe, Baaebell team, car waffi, barbecue Secretary; Ronnie Franks, sale, Kbige Mountain Jaycee dance, IVeasurer; and Mike Brown, Corky Exhausted Rooster benquet, and Fulton, Tom Orayson wnd Ron annual Christmas tree sale. MUlsr, Dlrectoih. President Tats said, "We went to make this the beat year the Klngsi At the first meeting of the now Mountain Chapter of Jkyeees has administration, the members ever had.” Special Mother^s Day Gift Variae Mask, staffer with the KM her famUy and Mra. Beatrice Program for Aging, got a special Patterson received the flowers as MoOior’s Day present Sunday, her the grandmother with the moot Uth foster child. great-great grandchildren, a total of Mrs. Mask, also a member of the 17. Dianne Davis presented Mrs. J. dty recreation sUff, nuule the E. Maunsy with a decorated remarks at a program hoporlng Mother’s Day cake as her "adopted mottars In the KM Program for Crandma.” Agtwg Friday at KM Community Mrs. Connla Putnam, a staffer Mrs. CHnny Tolton, who wfll be I wart young Oct. lOth, was honon opened the program with a MoOier’ei Day reading and Site Manager Thelma Hicks assisted Mrs. Mask with the presantetion of flowers, gifts from Mrs. Mask and Roy Pearson, city recreation |bt. Eunice McKlnnay. Mrs. GiAce director. Baldwin, mother of a doaenchlldran, Tables in the Community Center got the roses for the moat chlldran In dkilng haU were feattva with rosea. The Kings Mountain Police Department has received another Law Enforcement Assistance Agency grant, thla one for tlM17 for an evidence technician program. Commissioners voted Monday M^t to accept the LliAA grant offer ■■d authorised the police depart- ■ont to advertise for bids on a van to ha used In the program. Police Ctdaf Earl Uoyd said, ■Thla Is a one-time grant offer. The aonsy will purchase a van and equip It for use by the evidence technician to gather data vital to eilmlnal investigation at the crime aoane.’’ The Federal portion of the grant la |U,686. The state and city shares equal 6769 each. Chief Lloyd said the bi<to on the van will be opened on May 90. He said after the van la purchased that he and Detective Sgt. Richard Reynolds will drive the veMcla to Moorestown, N. J. where the van will be equipped. During the week’s stay there both Uoyd and Reynolds wUl attend classes at SIrchle Fingerprint Labs to loam to use the equipment The school is accredited through the University of New Jersey. Chief Lloyd said, “Tbs reason I am taking the course with Sgt. Reynolds is to be able to cross-train other officers in our department In the use of the evidence gathering equipment’’ The City of Shelby and the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department have submitted technician equipment Chief Uoyd said Shelby stands a good chance of getting grant approval. He estid, however, If for some reason either Shelby nor the Sheriff’s department departments upon request and after officers from Me respective departments have been trained to use the equipment. The conunleslaners also awarded a purchase contract to Jerry Nation Chevrolet of lOngs Mountain for a van to be equipped suid used by the KM Police Crime Prevention Bureau. Nation’s bid was lowest of three at 16.776 and Immediate deUvary. Chief Lloyd said the IXAA grant received tor the crime prevention bureau van U short of the Nation price, but last Friday the depart ment received a sub-grant ad justment of 61,976 from LE AA to add to the 66.600 on hanfi CMef Uoyd said the city’s share totals 694. Gty Annexes Property, Building Lots Planned Bobby Soogglna has made a request of the city bOerd of com missioners and If he doesn’t get action thla time he said he plans to sue. Scoggins owns a rental home on Monte Vista Dr. near the b^ gate to S\q>erior Stone Dr. For eome years now large trucks hauling dirt have used the gate and the homes In the area show the wear and tear from the debris. Scoggins appeared before the board Monday night to ask again for action to be taken to atop the tniriu from using the back gate to Superior Stone end also to look at the damages to his home and decldo what the dty owes him In return. "I want an ordlnanee adopted that will proMblt the use of that street and the Superior Stone back gate by dirt hauling trucks,” Scoggins said. "That la a residential street and not a main highway.” Scoggins told the board there Is danger of children being hurt by the traffic and tiiat the homes In the area are being damaged needlessly by flying dirt. He also said the street has been destroyed by the heavy trucks. Scoggins said ha asked for the situation to be atof^ed years ago and even went so tar aa to draw a petition and get signatures to have the traffic stopped. He seld he talked with the mayor and an official at Superior Stone and both promised to get sometMng done about the situation. "At this point I can’t say tor sure whether Mayor Moss asked me to drop the petition," Scoggins said, "but someone from the city did and promised to stop the hauling operation. Tlie traffic stopped tor a short while only." Soogglns said ha feels the city owes him a paint Job on hto rental property on Monte Vista Dr. and ariced that a committee of city aS- ficlals Investigate to make sure some action Is taken. Mayor John Moss asked CMy Attorney Oaorge Thomasson and PoUce Chief Earl Uoyd to look lala the matter and rap^ badi wllli Boating, Fishing Permits On Sale John H. Moss Lake are now on sale at the lake from S a. Bk until 6 p. m. ’Ihe swimming area will bo open ta the public May 9 through Sept. I with lifeguards on duty from S a. aa. until 6 p. m. dally. ’Ihe city was Increased by 79.7 acres Monday night when com missioners voted to annex property owned by James E. Herndon Jr. and Wllkam Herndon. 11.: ’«creago Is loaated north of the city off Weeo Rd. and will be stdd as residential building lots, according to William Herndon. The vote was taken following a public hearing on the Herndon an nexation request. No one spoke either in favor or against the request. Commieeloners also voted to accept a strto "about 100 feet across the Davidson Park property on the north side of Potts Creek” as a dedicated city street. This request was also made by the Herndons. Herndon said at present the acreage proposed tor aniexs*ton Is adjacent to city water and sewer and power lines. In other action Monday night, the commissioners voted to amend the 1976-77 budget to include a 690,809 Federal grant. The grantls called an anti-recession aide grant and is used to "employ persons needed to assure continuing ongoing city services.’’ — Approved adding a request from Robert and Doris Whitesides for curb and guttering on the east side of Boyce St. from Boyce to Droves St The WMteoldee are the only residents on the street. In connection with this request Mayor John Moss asked com- mlss]...era to study Jn sntire Hat ot approved street improvement projects and to come back at the next meeting with a priority list. - Forwarded a request from Franklin Brackett to the lonlng and idanning board for resbnlng a lot on N. Piedmont Ave. from R.8 to OB for the establishment of a used car lot. — Tabled consideration of ap pointments to the Kings Mountain Crime Prevention Counsel. Public Fund Started Youngster For KM Heart Patient Attacked By Lest November Brian Blckley suffered a heart attack and was confined to Kings Mountain Hospital. Tests conducted there showed Blckley suffers from a coronary disease. Slnoe November 1976 Blckley has been out of the hoqpltal a total of five weeks. The majority of his hospital stay has been In Charlotte Memorial, where he Is a patient In the critical care unit. HU major medical taisurance, 696,000 U exhausted end still the medical blUs continue to pile up. A rough estimate of what U owed. Just tor the hospital room and medicine, at thU point U 696,000. Blckloy’a room cosU 6906 dally. The surgeon, cardiologist and specialist’s biUe have not bean computed as yet. What would you do In such a skuattonT RaalUtoig, of course, you could liquidate every asset you have and still not touch the mountainous repeal to flto puhlle to 16 orflsr I \ has established the Brian Blckley Fund at First Union National Bank for that purpose. All donations tq the fund wlU be tax deductibU. "Ktaigs Mountain people have always been noted to help their neighbors", Mrs. Nelsler said. "This U another ease where help Is needed." Blckley U English, not an Anwrican cltlaen, but a permanent resident of the United States and subject to aU of the state and federal tax deductions from hla paycheck. Althouih he served for three years In the British Army, Blckley Is a member of the Kings Mountain Anwrican Legion Poet Most Im portantly, according to BlcUey’s friends and neighbors, he and his family are Kings Mountain cltiseiu and have been for the past 11 years. Btcklay Is employed at Duplex International, a division of Reeves Brothers, hare In Kings Mountain. Mrs. Paulino Blckley describes her family as “middle clase with all the problems the middle class have today In America. ’The only dlf- fsrenco Is we can’t vote." Mrs. Blckley spends most of each day sitting with her husband In his hospital room, than comas home to be mother to her three sons - Lae, 16, Guy 19, and Brian C9uurles 8. "We don’t mind starting over again,” Mrs. Bickley said. "We’ve done It before. But the problem la even If we sell our homo and rake together every cent we can on what wo own. It would only taka the top of the debt away. ” This la why Mrs. Nelsler tots started the special account at FUNBank, to be adnUnletered by Polly Phifer. "This la something, fllends of the Blckleya want to do. I’m sure other Klnp Mountlans wlU want to help their fellow cltisens If I of us, 4 could happen Irish Setter James (PtunpUn) Rlppy Jr., 16- montlw-old. was bitten on the right side of his face and right eye by a dog Sunday on the front porch of hla home on Foote Mineral Road near the city. The child underwent surgery Sunday night. His face required 10 stitches to close the wounds, ac cording to his mother said ap pointment was made with a doctor to Mrs. Rlppy described the dog aa a large black female part Irish Setter. She seld the baby had hla bottle and was In the living room of their home saw the child, she seld, the baby was bleeding about the face, ecreamlng and the dog was In the yard to locate the dog and keep It In custody the raqulred 10 days before deteimlng ehat to do with Om animal, said KInp Mountain PoUce Teacher Society To Hold Meeting Beta Epallon Ctaptar of DolU Kappa Oamma, International society for taachere, will hold a haichoon meeting Sat., May 14, at noon at Resurrection Lutheran Hendricks, Sr. be made with 1 stetler, 799-6169.

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