TuM(Uy, June 14, l»77-MIBItOB-Hi:RAlJ>-Pnge S EOD TEAM - Bp. 05 immM Wnitora (left) eonfert with Oept. Blek Heit, oonuBnader of the 4Sth Ordunnee Detochment, on the type of ertillnry ehell found In Kinge Moimtnin. Live Bomb Foimd Here TIMER RINOS - PoUoe Ohief Ewl Uoyd ehowe the timer diele in the noee cone of the TSmm lUumlnntlon ehell unearthed at the KInge Mountain Depot Fhotoe By Torn McIntyre laet week by OaU McDaniel. Chief Lloyd called the exploalve ordnance demolition team from Fort Jackeon to dlepoee of the eheU. By TOM MCINTYRE Editor, Mirror-Herald CtaOl McDaniel, a city enrqiloye, wae one of the men aeelgned to conitruct the farmer’e market atands at the Depot Center. While digging the trench for a retaining wall about the market etructure, McDaniel found an en- cniated metal object which had been burled there for years. Obvloualy the Object was a missile, a shell designed to be fired from a large gun. McDaniel took the ■hell home where he tried polishing the brass noee ccne with a wire brush. He even tried to remove the noee cone, but without success. WEST gate SHELBY ROAD_ fSBRK SHOP SPECIAL PURCHASE on.. douUeknit 100% Polyester rvedtlme lew York ne ofthU ho often reek for I surprise k. Vacation JVM Bound ? You'll find friendly WINN-DIXIE ^or KWIK-CHEK Stores throughout the South QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED PRICES GOOD THRU WED.. JUNE 15, 1977 W-D BRAND U.S. GRADE A BAKING HEN The next day he took the sheU to Chief of PoUce Earl Lloyd. “What happened to this thing? It looks like s(nneone Ium beat on It with a hanuner,” the chief asked. McDaniel told the chief what he had done to It. Chief Lloyd felt the hair prickle on the back of his neck. "I’U check this out with the proper authori ties," he told McDaniel, who then said he thought the shell would go nicely In the new city miueum once It Is opened at the Depot Center. Chief Lloyd caUed Fort Jackson at Columbia, S. C. and spoke with Ckpt. Rick Hart, commander of the 48th Ordnance Detach ment, describing the shell in detaU. "Where is the sheU?" “Sitting on my desk,” the chief answered. “Leave It there. Don't touch It," warned C^>t. Hart. “I’ll come to Kings Mountain as soon as I can to dispose of the shell." At 3 p. m. Wednesday an Army helicopter swooped over the trees and settled down on a baseball prac tice field behind Kings Mountain Senior High. Capt. Hart and Sp. C5 James Wsdtera deplaned carrying a foot locker con taining equipment. At the chiefs office C^>t. Hart and Sp.CS Walters examined the diell and an nounced that it wsts “a TBmm lllumlnatlan shell. It Is the type that Is fired maybe 3,000 feet udiere the nose cone Is ejected and explodes to light iq> a batUefleld at night." The shell was stUl Intoct and was live. Capt. Hart said It was “probably early Woild War Two Issue." How It came to be burled near the old Southern Railroad depot In Kings Mountain Is anybody's SU6M. Chief Uoyd took Capt. Hart and Walters to the police firing range outside the dty, where the ex plosive ordnance dlspoasd team photographed the SheU, then Implanted It In an embankment with a packet of C4 explosive and two and a half minute timer fuse attached. When the charge went off It made one heckuva racket and gouged a fair shed hole in the em bankment. Are such relics as this 76 mm Illumination shell dangerous? According to Capt. Hart a youngster discovered a Uve shell and managed to set It off. The youngster had one leg and part of the other blown completely off. “I wondsr If Mr. Mc Daniel knows >ist how lucky he la?” the chief asked no one In particular. Chief Uoyd told The Mirror-Herald, "How about prlnUng a warning In the paper. Anyone finding anything looking remotely like an exploelve device or military ar(bianoe ahould leave the object alone and contact the police. We will contoct the Army BOD unit and let them handle disposal.” W-0 BRAND U.S.CH(Na CUBE STEAK... TAUNAIKH FARM 4-7 IB. AVG. WHOU COUNTRY CURED PICNIC WHOLE BOHELESS ROUND TIP W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE 9/11 LB. AVG. CUf INTO ROAST OR STEAKS FREE LB. HOUT FARMS U.S. GRADE A FRYER COMB-PACK OR THIGHS 79* SUPERBRAND Alt FUVORS ^ YOGURT.... 5 THRIFTY MAID SLICED OR HALVES pIachis PEACHES LIMIT 3 Wm $7.S0 OR MORE FOOD ORDER THRIFTY MAID HOT DOG CHILISAUCE.5’‘«N“n” LAND O' SUNSHINE QUARTERS BUnER 99* SUPERBRAND QUARTERS ..LIMIT 3 WITH $7.SO OR MORE FOOD ORDER MARGARINE.3 pkoV TNRIFn MAID SWEETBIEOORUNSWEnENED LE SUEUR...LIMIT 3 WITH $7.50 OR MORE FOOD ORDER . 3 ’eVil ASSORTED FLAVORSRESEALABLE BOTTLE LIMIT $ WITH $7.S0 OR MORE FOOD ORDER 21OZ PEAS. ASSORTED LIMIT $ WIT CHEK DRINKS. 5 DETERGE NT... LIMIT ONE WITH $7. SO OR MORE FOOD ORDER TIDE 99« GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ALL PURPOSE THRIFTY MAID jSHORTENING UMIT 3 WITH $7.S0 OB MOBI FOOD OBDg | T ONI WITH S7.S0 OB MOBI FOOD OBDBl OIEP SOUTH...UMIT ONI WITH $7.S0 OB MOBI FOOD OBDIB MAYONNAISE.. 69* GBADIA... ^ ^ LARGE EGGS. .2 „ *1 ICECREAM SANDWICHES OR ICE CREAM BARS 'p’h?' 99^ SUPERBRAND MAKVBTWiSHFISMMfAOSOfGSKN SUff SSkANO WHIP CABBAGE.... i. 10’ TOPPING To?* 59* IViSFSESH DONUTS Vx? 89* NASVlSTFttSH PEACHES....3 Ls, 99* NARVBT FMOl GOlDfN BlPf BANANAS... 4.88* FOOD STAMPS GO FURTHER AT WINN -DIXIE

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