tion r City 19’ DIAG ompact 19 3Rn THE THURSDAY EDITION VOL. 88 NO. 78 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 KIMG^ MOUMTNM MIRROR-H£Rt\LD 15' One-Day UF Drive Is Friday First Phase Work Approved ) ^ ULL VRS ITOWN SS ITAIN ♦ i Klnga Mountain’s United Fund Drive for 1878 for $48,000 wUl be conducted Friday In a One-Day all-out effort for 11 local agen- clea. Pat Cheahlre, campaign chairman, aald the drive la up $6,000 over last year and that “one hour’s pay per month from you will assure our cltlxens of the help solicited.’’ Drive leaders will be calling on area citizens all day tomorrow for pledges and contributions. ' Area leaders and their goals are Nancy Ross, postoffice employes, $360; Charles Mauney and Carl DeVane, industrial, $37,600; Polly Phifer, com mercial, $6,360; Rev. Bob Boggan, mtailsteiial, $760; Larry Wood, advance gifts, $1600; Becky Seism, correspondence, $1000; Qrace Wolfe, dty em ployes, $3,000; June Lee and FranSlncox, professional, $1760; Ronnie Nsuuiey, dty schools, $8,360; and Jerry Ledford, hospital, $760. Chairman Cheshire said leaders are asked to turn in contributions to Becky Seism and that Oct. 14 Is deadline for final reporting. “We are moving up the deadline by •'ne lav fo Industries a Uttle mure time,” said Cheshire at a kickoff lun cheon for chairmen Monday at Kings Mountain Inn at noon. One additional request for funds has been approved for the 1878 budget, that of Orover Rescue Squad for which $1,600 is budgeted. Other agents and approved requests are Mtailsteiial Helping Hand, $8,000; Boy Scouts of Piedmont Council, $6,600; American Red Cross, $7,760; (’Turn To Page 6A) CITIZENS MEETTNO — Mrs. Joel Marable answers question about employment practices of the city during ’Tuesday’s District Five “one-on- one” local government meeting held at Mount Zion Baptist Church. ’The third In a series of six meetings, Tuesday’s boasted the largest citizen turnout to date. Commissioners approved a continuing paving, curb and gutter program for the city Mcmday and awarded contracts to low bidders on asphalt and concrete. ’The program Is broken down into three phases and the con- ' tracts awarded were for first phase work only. Neal Hawkins Construction of Gastonia was low bidder on asphalt with $21 per ton. Lee Skidmore of Belmont was low bidder on concrete at $8.76 per lineal foot and $76 per cubic yard. Citizens Voice Their Concerns By ELIZABETH STEWART Staff Writer More Blacks In supervisory Jobs at City Hall, public housing for young marrieds, a bowling alley and skating rink for the kids and completion of Davidson Park. ’These were some of the con cerns of 46 District Five citizens at TViesday night’s “one on one” meeting at Mount Zion Baptist Church. TTie largest turnout of thjsee meetings ’r«»esday's the longest session between city elected officials and private citizens. Commissioner BUI Grissom adjourned the meeting at 10 p. m. and some citizens remained longer to chat with Mayor Moss, KMRC Director Gene White, and Commissioners Grissom, Humes Houston and Fred Wright. William Orr wanted to know why the Blacks at City HaU “don’t have supervisory positions,” pointing speclflcaUy to one 16-year employe who, he declared, should have been in line for a promotion. He also wanted to know when Blacks would be hired In the billing offices. “Put them out front where they belong instead of in the backroom,” said Orr, who Is active In KM Improvement Associatton and Is a member of the PubUc Housing Authority Board. Responding to Orr’s questions. District Five Commissioner Grissom pointed out that the recently adopted new city pe’'sonnel policy of 83 Job cias. tflcatlons absolutely niles out discrimination between races while providing for promoUons, grievance policies and many fringe benefits not enjoyed by many industries In area. Grissom sedd that many Blacks are on the city hall payitdl and the board welcomes applications for employment. “You can be sure.” Grissom told the 88 Blacks In the audience, that “your application will be screened by the board and you’U find the Mayor’s office Is always open.” October 7 At Military Park Celebration Is Planned Plans have been made for the 187th anniversary of The BatUe of Kings Mountain at KM National MUltary Park. A Joint celebration Is scheduled at the park beginning at 8 p. m. Fri., Oct. 7 according to Supt. Mike Lovelace. ‘”17110 Is the approximate time the Overmountain Men will arrive after their 180-mlle trek renactlng the original march of 1780,” Lovelace said. For the first time In history DAR chapters from Kings Mountain, Shelby, York, Gaffney and Spartanburg, the Cherokee County Historical and Preser vation Society and York County Historical Commission have gotten together to plan a Joint celebration. Dr. J. N. (Cotton) Lipscomb of Gaffney, S. C. and Mrs. Ruth Young of Shelby are chairman and vice chairman of the Kings ’TO PERFORM — These colorfully dreesed gentleman are members of ths Second Regiment, South Carolina Line, Con- tlnantal Army. The costumes are authentic Revolutionary War types. ’The group will perform during Oct. 7 ceremonies at KM National MUltary Park. Mountain Battle celebration committee. Lovelace said a ceremony la planned In the amphitheatre after the Overmountain Men arrive from Gaffney. “Several hl$h government officials and state officials have been Invited to partlc4>ate In the program,” he said. “We will announce the guest speaker at a later date.” Coinciding with the program the park has scheduled a qieclal “artlsts-ln-tiie-park” exhibit In the visitors center. The park’s living history demonstratlona are also planned. “The second Regiment, South Carolina line from Columbia will also be on hand for the celebration,” Lovelace said. "This Is a company dressed in authentic Continental Army costumes from The Revolutionary War. TTie regiment will camp In the S. C. Park and will present programs.” Lovelace said this year’s celebration Is on a “more modest level than before, but we are looking toward building en thusiasm for this Important phase In our natlan's history.” Lovelace and Dr. Upseomb aald, “In 1880 and 81 theie should be a very large program both at Kings Mountain and at Cowpens for the 300th aimlvsraaries of those famous battjas.” TV} Orr’s question as to why there Is no Black member on the KM Lake Authority, Mayor Moss rolled that the Mayor’s office has shared employment with aU citizens but that the Lake Authority board Is the only board without a minority member simply because the board was appointed early and has only two replacements. “I am sure that in the future all commissions will have representatives from all our citizens.” Verlee Mask, recreation department assistant, asked Grissom, “I have been with the city since 1861. If a supervisory Job came open In recreation would I be turned down because of race?” Grissom replied, “ab- scdutely not.” Mrs. Joel Marable setid she was proud to serve as a director In the city’s child care program and pointed out the need for meirygf^ ounds and other children’s equipment at the two parks. Frank Mltchem’s charge that the city continues to drag Its feet on the Davidson Park project while building more rest rooms suid buying more land at Deal Street Park drew a lot of comment as virtually all In the room spoke at one time or another. Mayor Moss replied that the city planner had suggested the improvements for Deal Street Paric, which, he emphasized, did not take away from plans un derway at the Davidson Park. “Tliat Park (Davidson) was siqipoaed to be ready for us to play ball In May,” said Mlt- chem. (Turn To Pago 8A) Mayor Moss pointed out that the scope of the park was enlarged, dug outs Installed, etc. “We want,” said the mayor, ” to have a real facility there, not Just do patch up work.” “I don’t know why some of us are only concerned about Davidson,” said Mrs. Mask. “You’ve got to quit looking at color,” she charged, "our kids use both parks and it would be a good idea If Gardner-Gldley (city parks planner) would survey the Mda and see w'hat they like.” ’Die Mayor promised he’d pass her Idea along to the planner. James Adams said he la concerned because hla light bill “keeps getting higher” and suggested to the mayor that taxpayers could save money If the city cuts off some of the lights on Cleveland Ave., Community Center and Depot (Tenter at Night. Mayor John Moss ssdd Monday the city has budgeted $100,188.88 for 1877-78 for paving, curb and gutter and another $100,000 for street Improvements (resur facing). TTie board plans to apply for funds under the Community Development Grant next year for street work. TTio mayor aald, “With good response on paving aasessments and approval of the (TD request, we can have a continuing program on street work until It la completed.” TTie city crews, will prepare the streets and drainage work and driveway entrances for the . program. Phase One, which Is to begin Immediately, Includes Princeton Dr. from Fulton Rd. to dead end, curb, gutter and paving necessary for widening; Wilson St. from Monte Vista to dead end, paving; Downing St. from Allison Crt. to Garrison Dr., curb, gutter and paving; Garrison Dr. from Townsend ’Terr, to Suzanne St., curb, gutter, paving necessary for widening; Hillside Dr. from Meadowbrook to Marion St., curb, gutter, paving for widening; Ashbrook Park, Sterling from Waco Rd. to Brice St., Brice from Sterling to dead end, Fulton St. from Sterilng to dead er.d, curb, gutter, paving Katherine St., Falrvlew to Second St., curb, gutter, paving for widening. City Engineer A1 Moretz said shorter streets may be com pleted first In order to get the work done before winter weather causes a halt. Phase n and ni are scheduled to begin, respectively, June, 1, 1878, and March 1, 1878. Gospel Groups To Help Raise Amplifier Funds Several weii-xnown area gospel groups will appear Saturday at the Kings Mountain Depot Center to help raise funds for an amplifier system. Tbe program Is being spon sored by the city’s aging program to begin at 10 a. m. (’Turn To Page 2A) Veterans May Apply For Seven City Jobs The City of Kings Mountain has seven positions available to Members Wanted REACT To Meet Klnga Mountain React will meet Sun., Oct. 3 at the com munity center and cltlzena In terested In Joining may pickup membersh^ forms there. React Chief Emmett Moee said the loGSd organisation now has an IRS number which meane all donations are tax deductible. “Donation checks may be made out to Klnga Mountain React and mailed to the KM Klwanls Club, our sponsoring agency,” Moee said. The address Is Kings Mountain Klwanls Club, P. O. Box 188, Kings Mountain, N. C., 28086. React Is charted under the national organization and Is endorsed by KM police and local govemmant. ’The unit members have already begun nightly patrols In all local nelgh- boiboods. React members are not police officers. Moss said, but “public spirited citizens willing to assist police, rescue and fire departments by reporting trouble In ths com munity.” React operates a base station In offices at the community center. All Information Is called there and relayed to ths proper agency. The React number Is 788-9108. Another service React provides Is recurring patrols of neighborhoods to check ths homes of citizens away on vacation or for wssksnda. Cltisona may call either React or KM PoUce to have this service. veterans and applications will be received beginning at 8 a. m. Friday in the mayor’s office. The positions are being made available under a N. C. Department of Labor program for semi-skilled and skilled persems. The positions available are: One wastewater operator (2 years); One water treatment operator (2 years); TVo water k sewer con struction workers (4 years); Two heavy equipment operators (4 years). One electrical department employe (4 years). The seven who qualify will receive the city’s base minimum salary of $3.64 hourty, plus a monthly supplement from the state of $383 (no dependents), $847 (one dep.) , $886, (3 dep.) and $34 each additional dependent. The monthly state supplement decreases as the apprentice acquires more Job skill. When the apprentice becomes skilled he or she Is qualified to be placed Into proper Job categories, with salary to match, with the city.