TU€9DIV’S VOL. 88 NO. 81 OCTOBER 11, 1977 MOUMTNM MIRROR-HGRMD 15< RECTION DAY HUME8 HOUSTON W.S. BIDDIX LLOYD DAVIS JERRY MULLINAX ELECTION DAY m ^ 74-W. I; y,. .5 ’P r\ GILBERT HAMRICK WILUAM GRISSOM JAMES E. AMOS THOMAS BARNETTE FRED WRIGHT JAMES DICKEY CHARLES PARKER M.C. PRUETTE TIilB la election day In Klnga Mountain. Hie polls opened at 6:80 a.m. and will close at 7:80 p.m. at the national guard armory and community center. Kings Mountain ,voters are being asked today to elect three dty commissioners, vote on two state-wide bond referendums and five state constitution amendments. In the commlsslmer election voters will elect men In districts two, five and six from a field of 12 candidates. In district two incumbent Humes Houston seeks his aeccmd consecutive term against former odmmisswnsrs W.S. Blddlx and Uoyd E. Davis and candidates Jerry Mulllnax and Gilbert Hamrick. All four contenders were unsuccessful candidates two years ago. In district five Incumbent William R. Grissom Is after his second term. He Is opposed today by former commissioner James E. Amos and first time candidate Thomas H. Barnette. Amos was also an unsuccessful bidder two years ago. In district six Incumbent Fred Wright Jr. seeks his second term against former commissioners James J. Dickey and M.C. Pruette and candidate Charles William Parker. The latter was an unsuccessful bidder two yesirs ago. There are over 4,00a retristered city voters for today’s municipal election, however, local poll watchers estimate less than SO percent will cast ballots. The most popular figure Is 1,400. The only way for candidates to avoid the Nov. 8 runoff electlcm Is to poll higher today than the combined votes of all opposing csindldatee. Election offldals for today’s baUoUng are; West Kings Mountain Precinct - Registrar, Betty Spears; Judges, Helen Holt and Mae Sue Orr. East Kings Mountain Precinct - Registrar, Peggy Hord, Judges, Joyce Dye and Rebecca Oook. 'The Mlrror’Herald offices on S. Piedmont Ave. will remain open tonight to record vote ^thialsttonsa*,; ..'to allable by Elections Board Chairman Luther Bennett. All candidates and interested citlsens are In vited to drop by for election Information. KM School, Grover Board Races Rll Up A spate of last-minute filing Friday produced two more candidates for KM District board of education seats and seven more candidates for council races In Grover. Charles F. Mauney, Kings Mountain Industrialist, made It a two-way race for the Inslde-clty school board position, also sought by Kyle Smith, and Fain Hambrlght, Grover Postmaster, made It a three-way race In the outside district seat where Dr. Joseph Roberts and BUI Mc- Dsmlel seek the seat formerly held by P. A. Francis of Grover. The Inside seat position was formerly held by Tommy Bridges. Neither Francis or Bridges seek re-election. In neighboring Grover, where citizens wlU elect a mayor and three aldermen. Kings Mountain schoolteacher Dean B. West moreland Is unopposed for Mayor In the Nov. 8 general election. Mr. Westmoreland has served the past year on the Town OouncU, appointed to fill the unexplred term of B(^ Ham- bright. Both Incumbent aldermen Martha Byers and Tommy Keeter have filed for re-election to second terms emd sue opposed by WendeU White, Ray Cash, Hsuold Herndon, Keuen Moss and Ronald Queen. Grover Mayor W. W. McCarter did not seek re-election. He Is stepping down after 20 years In town government, serving previously for many years on the council before being elected mayor seversU years ago. Westmoreland said his first priority as Grover Mayor would Home S&L Plans New Office Home Savings and Loan Asso ciation announces plsuis to buUd a new home office. The Association has purchased property on W. King St., between Sims St. and Kings Mountain Hospital. The present home office, located at 106 E. Mountain St., wUl be maintained as a fuU service branch, as will the existing branch located In Bessemer City. Association President Tom Tate stated "When we moved Into our present buUdlng In October, 1061, we had three em ployes with assets of less than |6,000,000. Now we have thirteen employes and assets of $86,000,000. It's obvious we've outgrown our present facilities.'' Tkte added "Our Association has doubled In size Just since 1971. We must expand In order to serve our present and future customers, as well as allow for continuing growth." Final details of plans for the new buUdlng are presently being completed. A two story buUdlng with a colonial theme Is planned. Tie Breaker Decides r % . The tie-breaker continues to decide the winner In the Mirror- Herald's weekly footbaU contest. Twelve persons turned In . perfect entries last week, hitting [all 10 area high school and coUege gamies. By predicting 86 points on the Shslby • Kings Mountain tie- breaker (won by Shelby 20-14), Kenny Davis of Kings Mountain claimed the $60 first prise. Second place went to Jenny Rlkard of Klnga Mountain, who predicted 86 points on the tie breaker. Others who turned In perfect entries, but were off on the tie breaker, Included Shane Barnes, Jeff Dixon, Patti Herndon, Rob Goforth, Philip Carpenter, Hubert Johnson, Monte Falls, H.C. Wright, Danny McDoweU, and Scott Howell. Another contest Is In today's Mirror-Herald, so try your luck. You might be the next $60 win ner. be “to work toward completion of the much needed sewer system for the town. His second priority, he said. Is to try to improve the services available to the citizens within the present tax structure. Westmoreland said he would also work to "accelerate the efforts to bring a bank to Grover.” Mrs. Byers, wife of Gary Byers, Is Title One Reading aide at Grover School and mother of a seven-year-old daughter, Krista. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hicks of Blacksburg, S. C. "My first priority,” said Mrs. Byers, "la to serve all the people of Grover. I feel Uke I have only scratched the surface of all I need to know about government In the past two years and would like to see many things ac- compUshed In our town. But let's be realistic, we can't accomplish everything over night. There are lots of g;ulde lines to foUow and everyone must work together.” Daughter of Mrs. Rosalee Goins of Kings Mountain and the late Boyce E. (Dutch) Goins, Mrs. Moss Is a 1964 graduate of KMHS and active member of First Baptist Church of Grover. rrrrrrrrrrrTrTrrTrrrrrrrTrrr The extended outlook today through Thursday calls for partly cloudy today and Wed nesday with a chance of showers Wednesday. Highs these two days from the upper 60s In the mountains to around 80 on the coast. Overnight lows from low 60b, mountains, to mid 60s, coast. Thursday, clear and cooler with highs In 60s. Overnight lows, 40s In mountains to 60 near coast. Her husband is employed by KM Post Office and they and their two children, Kevin, age five, and Charity, four months, reside In Spring Acres In Grover. She has been employed as a legal secretary here for 10 years. Mrs. Moss said; "I am announcing for the Grover Board of Commlsslonero because I feel that I am well qualified to hold the position. I have been a resident of Grover for some six years and have the Interest of Its citizens at heart. I am for progressive government and would like to see Grover grow In both Industry and population. “I am the mother of two children and the wife of Quay E. Moss, a lifelong resident of Grover. I have be«i legal secretary to George B. (Turn To Page 4) DEAN WESTMORELAND iHLsi^a^V I CHARLES r. MAUNEY FAIN HAMBRIOHT