fO given iintaln Com- publlc A. M. r. 1978 of the Weet King! rolina North ktutee lulred roject profit rated for lUflc, ural igloue Klnge pment lereby 80-* ipoeal Urban ect N. lanta, naton- rollna mber, ember con- U1 In the in for Street C. R- Uaplay Kings 1 may ) office pment 1 West Kings xoUna. THUR9tW’9 Kinc: MouiiTwti mirror VOL. 89 NO. 18 THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1978 15c Based On N.C. Utilities Decision City Adopts New Lower Electric Rate This action came about last weekend and with It the City of Kings Mountain swung Into action to The North Carolina Utilities revise Its rate Increase, wdilch was Commission has placed a 170-day to go Into effect also on Mar. 1. restralner on Duke Power Co. to stop The city’s Increase, approved at a rate Increase of approximately 10 the first meeting In Febmary, would percent due to go Into effect Mar. 1. have placed the city’s electrical rate at the present Duke Power rate (prior to the Mar. 1 Duke rate In crease). Monday night the commlaalaners heard the new proposal cn electrical rates worked up by Southeastern Consultant Engineers, Inc. and presented by Gkirdan Drumm. The RECEIVE UF TOOPHT — Tlieodore Halgler Jr. (center) a member of the North Carolina United Way board, presents Larry Wood and Pat Cheshire, president andcampalgnchalrman, respecUvely, of the 1977-78 Kings Mountain United Fund, with a trophy for going 17 percent over last year’s goal. The award was made last Thursday at Research Triangle Park at Winston-Salem. Housing Authority Given Green Light On Unit Plan Following an explanation of the need the city has for additional low- income housing units Monday night, the conunlssloners voted to ^>prove submitting an appUcaUon for a planning grant The action was presented and posfooned at the Feb. 18 board meeting and Tom Harper, execuUve director of the Kliigs Mountain Housing Authority, armed himself with pertinent data to answers questions raised In that first meeting concerning the actual need for more units. Harper also talked with several commissioners prior to Monday’s meeting in an effort to show the Justification for the new application. He saldAhe appUcahon tor |28,(XI0 to be used In planning for the 70 units available under the HUD jioUflcatlon of housing assUtance was due Mar. 8. ^ "The $28,000, according to Hhrper, "does not obligate the city In any way. It merely lets HUD know the city board recognises ths need tor addlUonal housing hers." Harper said the local authority has on hand 878 appllcatlans, all eUglble, from persons either now residing or working In Kings Mountain. Undsr HUD guldellnaa a person who works here and eligible fbr low-income houring asriatanee Is oonaldsred a resident. "We have a priority system." Harper said. ’’Local residents get first conrideratlon. Ws have 81 MpUcants for one bedroom units, 208 for two bedroom units, 82 for three bedrooms, 87 for four and Harper told the board the authority has received 1,100 ap- phcatlona during the past nine months. "There has cOso been questions concerning the tax base public housing units offer the community,’’ Harper said. Using charts he showed that the tax base averages about HO less per unit than private units. The 70 units proposed and to be planned for In Klnge Mountain will be constructed on scattered sites andabout 20 percent of the units will be for senior cltlsens. At the request of Commissioner James Childers, for public In formation, Harper explained a couple of cases In which persons seeking public housing would not be eUgIble. A person under age 82 living alone la not eligible. “Say we have someone 00-years old, a widow, living alone," Harper said. "She WDuldnot be eligible unless she were 82 years old or one hundred per cent disabled." He compared this to Social Security. A widow could not get full benefits of her husband’s Social Security until age 00. "Take a widow or widower drawing Social Security and residing with a son or daughter,” Harper said. "Their combined In comes would rule the elderly person Ineligible. The amount of Income does have an affect on this.’’ Harper said earlier that If all phases of planning on the 70 units goes according to plan, the city Is looking at 28 to 88 months before the units would be a reality. Local Head Start Recruits Students Kings Mountain’s Head Start Program la recruiting students for School Tear 1978-79 and ^pllcatlans can be obtained by telephoning 789- 8816, local Head Start office. In the Klnv Mountain area. Head Start classes are operated at North School and Orover School. ’Ih qualify students should be tour years old by Oct. 18, 1978 and from limited Income famUles, usually where only one parent la Employed and there ars several chUdrsn. Exceptional eases are children with new rate adopted Monday Is ap proximately 8.4 percent under Duke’s rate. Drumm printed out that ths state utilities commission Is planning a series of public hearings on rate Increases proposed by Duke Power during the next 170 days. He said, however, that If the commission has not acted on Duke’s proposal within six months, Duke has the option of posting bond and Increasing their rates as planned. He said the new city rate proposal adopted Monday night is to keep the clty’a rate beneath Duke’s. If Duke does In crease the approximate 10 percent proposed later and It Is upheld, then the city will revert back to the rate structure adopted Feb. 18. Drumm said the rising materials costs for electrical service stlil face the city and that the new rate devised hurriedly because of the utilities commission action last week will be a bit higher than before the Feb. 18 board action. Using charts, Drumm explained the differences between Duke Power and the city imtes, using average customer kllowatthours used. Taking 728 kllowatthours used by a residence, Drumm showed the base cost to be $27.92, plus a $1.89 fuel adjustment cost for a total bUl of $29.81 for the month, or an average cost per kllowatthour of $4,048 cents. Using the same 728 kwh Drumm showed the Duke customer’s base bfll at $28.78, plus $1.24 fuel ad justment cost, tor a total bill of $80.02 or an average of 4.141 cents per kwh. A residential all-electric home using 2700 kwh woiUd have a base charge of $78.94 phis $8.19 fuel ad justment for a total of $79.18 or 2.981 cents per kwh. Using the same 2700 kwh, a Duke customer’s base charge would be $76.20, plus $4.68 fuel cost for a total of $80.88 or 2.994 cents per kwhl ' A city commercial customer using 4006 kwh would have a base charge of $167.U, phis $7.88 fuel cost for a total of $174.94 or 4.278 cents per kwh. Duke’s commercial customer’s base cost U $172.82, plus $7.01 fuel cost, to total $179.88 or 4.870 cents per hwh. DeFore Will Head Development Group By BLIMBBTH8TE