Page BB-MIRROR-HERALD-Thursday, March 16, 1978 Photos By Tom McIntyre I North School’s Faculty Practices Flexible Format mOlONSTRAIKS - Ann AUlMn, fifth grader, ihows her mathematical abUltlea, aa Mrs. Olee E Bridges observes. The answers are shown on the overhead screen. IXIAW8 ATTBNTKm - The overiiead pro]eetor Is a new approach to taachlng math In the fifth grade classroom at North Schoo^. Mrs. Olee B. Bildgaa, at desk, answws questions from students. (Beglna On Page IB) STvldence that the students like school Is fact that there are few absences with attendance per* centage rising each year. This must mean, he said, that our children are happy and secure. Principal Oreene feels that ehlldren should be given a closer look at the kindergarten and first grade levels, which North attempts to do, and retained. If need be. In that ewly part of their education. ‘Tf retention Is successful, It must be done In the early years,” declares Oreene. “If we hold a child back we don't run him through the same program he’s flunked.” Mr. Oreene said he doesn’t look at taachlng m a grade level. ‘”ren years ago, he said, kids were ]ust promoted with those falling left to sit In the comer at the back of the room. Ifa a challenge to do all that we can for kids with fewer abilities taut also to provide an opportunity for those kids with greater abilities. When there are combination of these students, as there always are In a claaaroom, the teacher must be flexible. We feel that our teachers are doing just that.” Principal areene la quite proud of the dedication of his staff. No elaasroom Is alike and each teacher uses a dlftereid approach to teaching. The new addition at North School, built In 1968, Includes central air and heat, the beautiful Ubrary and numerous classrooms, offices, assembly room and was buUt at H)praxlmate cost of $3S per square foot. In 1966 when the first wing was built the cost was HiproKlmately $8 per square foot Today epst of construction would approidiiute ito per square foot, said the ad- mlnlatrator, comparing the rising coats of school constiuctlan. Seven of the classrooms are “imder utilised,” said Oreene, with ample classroom q>ace for children and plenty of storage areas. On a recent vlalt to Nortti School, we observed several of the teachers and students. In Mrs. Odd’s first grade, where six activity centars were busy. It was “pick a apodal person day.” Mrs. Oold explaliMd that each dilld’snaiiM was placed In a box and one name was selected. That child was special person for the day. Friday’s q[>eclal child was Thinmy Hamrick and her fellow classmates described how they felt about her In class discussion. Children said they loved her because she was a good reader, a g;ood helper, a good friend and good listener. The 96 students In Mrs. MUdred Spake and Mrs. R. L. Oarvln's Primary Reading Program were Involved hi listening center* and language games. BUI McDaniel, sdiool trustee, and Asst Supt. BUI Bates wore observing. North School strives to create In children the motivation that wUl enable them to think clearly, decide wisely, act Justly and love humanity. SBUCCT FAVORITB BOOKS - A Reading Center U a popular spot In the Brat grade classroom at North School. Here, BUI Bates, left, and Gary Dean Jackson read thslr favorite books. UBRART SCBiaC - Jkna Talbert, llbrartan. In- struota students of Mra Raclwl (Sadden tar Ubrary aklUa, a regular program at NOrth School. The library U a favorite spot for students. S ^ \ rn lift ANOTHER APPROACH TO niAOHlNa - Physical Bducatlcn iclaaaea arepoptdar with students. Oonnle> PMfar, classroom teacher, leads her claas In some of the aetlvltlos they’ve learned. GEORGE WASHINGTON SILHOUETniS - PlC- tuiea of each Kindergarten child are aUhousttad In the attractive Kindergarten claaaroom. Linda Stewart co ordinated this project, another new approach to taachlng at North School. HILDA MOSS TAX SBtVICE I OFFER YOU EXPERENCED. REASONABLE SERVICE Saveo yeara EXPERIENCE in tax preparation. InUvtduBl, Bu6ini6s, Farm, PartMrahlp. REASONABLE chargea on everjr return, Houra; MandB)^P.•lday M; Saturday M; Othera Houra By Appointment. Phone TN-am. RM Weat GeU Sheet BOOKKEEPING SERVICE AVAILABLE WalU* Attics INSULATE YOUR HOME OR MOBILE HOME CONDOMINIUMS - TOWN HOUSES WITH mamo/fOAm }ave up to 50% on Cooling and Heating Bills | IseaSteT mSUATINO CO., INC. PHONE: 629-2718 OR 922-7011 OUR NEW DISH Baked Rigatoni Rlgntonl atyle pnetn layered with four cheesee 4 baked In a delicate tomato 4 ground beaf eauce. Served with toeeed ealad 4 garUc bread. 739-7461 TRIA’S FINE ITALIAN FOOO HIgliway 74 Weet-On The Left Phone 7a»>7461 Juet before The Buttalo Cheek Bridge Klage Mountain, N.O.