P»ge«B - MIRROR-HERAOD - THURSDAY, March 8,1878 He Is 81 Years Young william A. (Buddy) Sellers celebrated his 8lst Urthday Sunday at a birth day get-to-gether planned hy his children and their families at Dixon Presbyterian Church FeUowshlp HaU. Children hosting the occasion were Mrs. Nancy Sellers Smith, .Mrs. LUUe Sellers Jackson, Miss Annie Mae Sellers, Miss Ub Sellrs and Lee A. Sellers, all of Kings Mountain, ktr. Sellers Is also father of the late Oorge Wm. Sellers and the family Includes 10 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Luncheon was served picnic style and a decorated birthday cake was also cut smd served. Mr. Sellers Is a Kings Mountain native, retired textile employe and far mer of the Dixon Com munity. Students Interview Wednesday Barry M. Llneberger and Cynthia K. Wells, senior students at Kings Mountain Senior High, are among seven area high school students who will be Interviewed March 7 th to .determine this year's winner of the four-year plant community scholarship valued up to 18,000 to be awarded by the local PPG Industries Foundation. They were recom mended as scholarship finalists by the National Merit Scholarship Cor poration bued on scores on the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Other finalists are Timothy D. Champli&n, Mary M. Walker, William R. Tidwell, Vicki L. Latham, and Lisa F. Roberson, all of Shelby .Hl^ School. Landscape Class Is Planned Cleveland Tech’s Con tinuing Educatlion Department has scheduled a landscaping class to begin Tues. March IS, from 7:80 to 9:80 p.m. on Ibch’s campus In Room 1004. Bill Roberts, an ex- wrlenced professional In andscaplng, wlU teach the 3-hour course. With Spring approaching this Is a fine opportunity to get Involved with learning how to get your lawns and gardens Improved and beautified. The classes will Involve some field work during which time the students will develop a landscaping plan on a live project. ReglstraUon will be at the first class meeting with persons age 60 and older being exempt from the 16.00 fee which Is the only chsu’ge for tehe course.