Page«B-MIRllOR-ll - Thursday, March 1( Kingston Products... The Best In Quality, Variety & Savings Frozen Foods E.W. BRIDOES Observe Silver Wedding Vegetables Frances and E. (Buck) Bridges will celebrate their 2Sth wedding anniversary today, March 15th. The couple’s family, Doris and <3ene Allen and sons, Chiis and Trent, and John Bridges will honor their parents at a family supper and outing Charlotte. Mr. Bridges Is employed by Martin-Marietta Co. and Mrs. Bridges was formerly employed . Duplex-Shannon. The family Is active In Pat terson Grove Baptist Church. The Bridges reside at Katherine Avenue. Quality Meats Holly Farms Grade A Young Turkey Lb. Pork Loin Cut Into Couple On Sea Pork Chops ' (Equal No. Of End And Center Cuts) (6 T^O Lb^kg.-Lb. $1.49) „ T.c .V Liu ro6 Lb. Pkg,-Lb. $1.6! Cruise (Begins on page SB) College and is employed by HArdln's Body Shop of lOngs Mountain. CAKEOUTTINO Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth CarroU, aunt and uncle of the bride, were hosts Saturday evening at an after-rehearsal party and cakecutting in the Fellowship HaU of First Wesleyaui Church. The bridal colors of burgundy and white were featured In decorative details and refreshments. A decorated wedding cake centered the table from which party refresh ments ware served. Mrs. Cbidy Rhom of Gastonia, cousin of the bride, served the punch and Mrs. Dan Freeman of Kings Mountain, aunt of the bridegroom, served the cake. Mrs. Isaac Gantt of Kings Mountain, aunt of the bridegroom, and Miss ram Harmon assisted In serving refreshments. The bride-to-be wore a long burgundy gown and a white shoulder cordage. The engaged couple took the occasion to present their gifts to their wedding attendants. Shenson Or Rath Brand Corned Beef Round Lb. . (Rath I Corned Beef Brisket Lb. $1.89) vnvf«« miiK r( Veal USDA Choice Quality Trimmed Lamb Stores 'our Manager Gwaltney Of Smithfield Boned-N-Tender Ham $2^9 Holly Farms Mixed UONSPROORAM The Rev. Bob Boggan, I pastor of Oentral United I Methodist Church, will I present a program with I slides and commentary on I Fryer Parts Eck-0 Brand 47‘ Sliced Bacon 109 world hunger at tonight's Kings Mountain Uons Club meeting at 7 o’clock at Kings Mountoln Motor Inn. Holly Farms Top Loin (Cenlar Rib Chops Lb. $8.00) Chicken Franks Lb 99® PorkChops... Lb *2’® Holly Farms Smithliak), Pork ChickenUvers Lb 89® Sausage. Lb Frozen 10 Oz. Fordhook Limas, 9 Oz. Cut Or French Green Beans Kingston Baby Limas Frozen Cauliflower, Baby Whole Okra. Brussel Sprouts Or ^roccoli Spears Pkgs. ■ J Frozen Swanson TakoOut Fried g. —— Kingston Onlon Rings .. 9 0z. 59® Mmed if tooiwhip 69*’ ■ ■ Frozen Birdsaye _ Awake uoz 49® C^Com 89* CrmnePops.. Frozen Kingston Green Beans »o. 89* Frozen Kingston Brusssi Sprouts r.0.99** Frozen Kingston Cut Broccoli .0, 89* OL^Com...... »o. 69*^ Apf^Juice... ,,0. 79** Leaf Spinach Or Kingston Fresh Produce Cut Com rre:»n, Iceberg Head Lettuce Ea. Kingston Cr^s Crunchy Paacal AAe Extra Fancy Washington Stale &SK 39®* . opinacn ■ Lemons 12,, 99* Apples Florida's FInaat Kingston wm Cnspy.Fraah. Rad 001 OrangeJuice. 64oz ®V® Radishes 29 10 Oz ■ Buttaty Smooth _ Gaid6n.FrB8hGroan ^ PK»s ■ M Avocados 3 *1“ Onions 19* ; i Grocery Variety Texas Style Kingston Biscuits Reg., Drip, Electra Perk, .',DC Maxwell House Coffei B^ag WWi This Coupon And $7.90 AddMonol Purchoso ■ (Excluding Boor, WIno And CIgsrotlos). Good Through I Sunday. March 19.1070 Only. UniH 1 For Cuslomor. Hooso. (C) ounooy, xiarcn is, ivro umy. Lunn i ror cusiomor, fiosso. /Sava Buttermilk Kingston Biscuits 16 69^1 H-TThin Sandwich Bread 3 $100 IVaLb. ■ I Loaves B J wfn|jp«K] oiicns Blue Bonnet Margarine ^Itines Crisco Vegetable Oil 1 / uz. wnoie isernei l. Golden Corn Or Cut *1 99 Kingston Green Beans ioT ■ ans ■ 00 Log Cabin, Compists PancakeMix.. azoz Kingston Pancaka ^fHip 240z _ ■ csrdss;r... «■•* ■ Tomato r Cans Diet Pepsi. Pepsi Light. Mtn. Dew Or Pepsi-Cola .99' n This Ad Effective Through Sunday, March 18, 1979 All Quantity Rights Reserved We Gladly Redeem Federal Food Stamps 89® gge ^Campbell’s^ g-ie | < Tomato ?r”"“ eoc I Soup - ■■ ” |E,,QQc Downy Fabric Softanar M FreldPeaswTthSnju. 1 Blackeyes. 2 iroz 79® Oz. MM Net .B “■ ^ Ten&rChunic