1C. Thursday, March 15,1979 MIRROR-HERAU)-PaKe 9A ? i I i » f 4 r* 4 4 [ V at i n. 4 -n ht 4 f re 4 1 -6' et 4- •! jk ne ? w Bd 4- 4- 4- •P 4- <■ irT 4- ga f t t -k . T: -ft* a } ! -}! -r-' e 4 > in If Js 4- j: 4- ' i: 4- N i ■t w 4- w 1 -N Ml 4- d 4- i fc 4- ■ ^ 4- 1 ^ r ! 1 Attend Food Service Meet Mr*. JohiiMll Preaaley of Klnga Mountain haa attonded tha aprlng maatlng of the North Carolina Hoapltal In- atltutlon and Educational Food Service Society (HIEFSS) and the arth Health Oare Food Service Inatltute on laat Tueaday, Wedneaday and Thuraday at Quality Inn, Chartotte. Mra. Proaalay alao vlaltad tha Tar Heel Food Service Exhibition In connection with the program. Formerly Davldaon manager of School lun> Diabetes Meet Next Tuesday The Cleveland County chapter of tha American Olabetea AaaoclaUon will hold Ita bi-monthly educational meeting on TUea., March 30 at 7:80 p.m. at the Cleveland County Health Department on Qrover Street next to the hoapltal In fiielby, Tha apeaker for the maatlng will be Dan M. Campbell, a paychologlat with the Cleveland County Mental Health Center. Hla topic will be: "Accepting thlnga we cannot change: poaltlve ^^proach." Campbell la a native of Connecticut. He received a B.g. In paychology from Brown Unlveralty, A M.S. In achool paychology from Syracuae Unlveralty, and la currently working on a PH. D. In achool paychology, alao from Syracuae Unlveralty. He moved to Shelby laat July and la amplo^ aa a paychologlat with the Chlldren’a Dlvlalon of the Mental Health Canter part of each week, and aa a achool paychologlat for the Klnga Mountain achool dlatiTct tha remainder of the tlma. All peraona with an ln> tareat la dlabetaa are In vited to attend the meeting. Memberahlpa to the Cleveland County chapter will be accepted at tha meeting. For ad ditional Informatlmi about the Alnarlean Dlabetea Aaaoclatlon, Cleveland County Chapter, write: Dlabetea, P.O. Box 1647, Shelby. MRS. PRESSLEY chroom for 16 yeara, Mra. Preaaley attended South ChroUna State College In Orangeburg, S.C., majoring In Home Economica. She has completed a Food Servlcea aupervlaora courae from the Unlveralty of Florida. Mra. Preaaley la now aervlng aa aecretary of the MetroUna Chapter of HIEFSS and la a member of the national aaaoclatlon. Anyone needing further Information on the N.C. Chapter la Invited to contact Mra. Preaaley at Klnga Mountain Con- valeacent Center, where ahe la employed, 788-8182 or 788-6880. HOSPITAL LOG At Cleveland Tech Upholstery Class Slated On Tuesday The Continuing Education Department at Oeveland Tech haa an nounced the following courae: Upholatery beglna Tuea., Maroh 9D| and will meet each Tueaday and Thur- aday, from 8 a.m. to noon, onTech’a Oampua. Charlea Ktalght will Inatruct. Perwxu 18 yeara of ago and older may roglator at the flrat claaa meeting by paying the 85 reglatratlon fM. Adulta age 66 or older may reglater froew wf charge. For further Information call Taeh’a Continuing Education Department, 483-8881. PATIENT UST ATNOON WEDNESDAY: Betty J. Anderaon, 803 Phenlx St., Orace L. Bumgardnor, Oaatonla, Etta M. Freeman, KM Convaleacent Center, Bonnie S. Hall, Raido, N.C.,L«wlaHenderaon, 103 N. City St., Mamie A. Lovelace, Rt. 4, Ann M. Montgomery, Rt. 3 York, S.C., Hoyle E. Owena, 606 Monroe Ave., Gertrude B. Valentine, 1016 Llnwood Rd., Mary S. Wllaon, 308 N. Goforth St., Earale E. Wood, Lot 14 Silver Dollar Trailer Paik and Jennie L. Yelton, 310 N. Carpenter St. ADMITTED FRIDAY: Joy R. Burton, 701 W. Mountain St. ADMITTED SUNDAY: Billie S. Auatln, Rt. l Gaatonla; Margaret A. Culbert, 313 Maple St., Shelby; Ramon D. Stiller, 618 Gold St / DMITTED MONDAY: Grade L. Bamea, Rt. 1, Mary J. Fltifl GaMaaH Pauline M. Brooka, Gaatonla, Roaemary Ledford, 404 HIU St., Roger D. Moore, Rt. 1 Grover, Michael Taylor, 607 Come to HOME for Savings Certificates! 5V4% REGULAR PASSBOOK Depoett or withdrau- onv amount anvilme 5%% 90 DAY PASSBOOK SAVINGS No minimum required. 90 doxf* notice for ufithdmu'at 6V2% J YEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE 11.000 minimum 12 mo molurllv 6^/4% 7^2% 73/4% 2>/2 YEAR 4 YEAR 6 YEAR SAVINGS SAVINGS SAVINGS CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE $1,000 minimum. $1,000 minimum 30 mo. molurlfV' 4d mo mnlurflv 72 m$». mofurilu ft% Pick up your free copy 8 YEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE $1,000 minimum. 96 mo maturity cf the S&H Green Stamp Ideabook '791 HOME Savlngg A Loan ■TAMPS A»»oclatlon since 1923 Our Job Is serving people like you. \ 106 E. Mmininin Si Klnga Mounlaln. N C 7.19 801.1 700 Wfni KInfi .81. Hlng, M.MiiiOifit, N C - vmoi. 215 E. Virginia Avc. Hra.nmer Clltl, N.C 739-8015 Mauney Ave., Shirley H. Tenniea, Rt. 3 Beaaemer City and Jamea W. Whlanant, Rt. 1 Dallaa. ADMITTED TUESDAY: Juanita Barnea, 100 McOUl Rd., Robert Car- then, Beaaemer City, Mary S. Oolna, Rt. 8 Beaaemer City, Alice A. Rote, 108 Marigold Ave. REAL ESTATE LAND FOR SALE-John Weaver property. Approx. l-a acrea located on Grover Road. Good In- duatrlal property. Call 788- 2384. 8:8, 18 A 16 NORTHWOOD8 NEW HOMES; 8 A 4 BR. 8400 down and paymenta range from tllO.OO to 8180.00 per month If you qualify. If your Income la between 17,000 and 817,000 per year you qualify to own your own home. We are aM>roved Farmera' Home Ad- ^ilMRiStratlon with yeara of experience In building and helping famlUea Into new homea. Call our office and we will take your applica tion by phone, then ahow you our houaea at your convenlonco. E. H. O. Builder of homea by Nationwide Homea In. TRIANGLE REAL ESTATE 867-6886. George NeeSmlth, 867- 0407; BIUPuett, 867-8883; Dave Owena, 867-1784. lS:8thi TAT HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER in Bethlehem Community. 8 BR, 1-H BA, great room w-flreplace, custom made fire screen w-glass door combination. Covered patio w- landscaplng. Ph. 788-6460. 8:8, 18. 16 A 20 OLD HOUSE and 30 acres. Just south of National Park. Short drive from Kings Mountain. Owner will finance with 10 percent down. PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES, 864-8768. 8:18, 16, 20 A 22 BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT on Woodbrldge golf courae for only 86,000. Financing arranged. Ph. 482-8061. 12:14 tfn T A T CHARMING OLDER HOME located 607 W. Mountain Street. Spacious 10 room home. Living room w-flreplace, dining room, kitchen, den, 3 bedrooms, one w-flreplace. KENDRICK REALTY CO., Ph. 864-7746; after hours call Bobble Baker, 867-7080 or Claire Kincaid, 864-9422. 3:8, 18, 16 FOR SALE — Beach house and three lots. Below market value. Long Beach, N. C. Phone David Hughes, 789- 8214. 2:18tfn TAT MOBILE HOMES WELCOME - Purchase your own five acre tract minutes from Kings Mountain. Lots of hard woods, streams, and rolling hills. Financing available. PER- FORMANCE PROPERTIES, 864-8768. 8:18, 16, 30 A 22 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES; Specializing in all types of Investment properties. OaU EARL PAYSOUR at ACTION REALTY, 864- 7864. Open seven days a week. 8:ltfn FOR RENT FOR RENT — Apartments and trailers for rent when vacant. Phone 789- 2418. 2:8tfn. SWOFFORD UPHOLSTERY PHIFER ROAD Phone 739-3841 CQCC Esttmates mcc Pick Up A4d Delivery Asphalt Driveways and Parking Lots Free Estimates Phone 739-7194 BARRETT PAVING INC. Tony Barrett Bailbonding 24 Hr. Service Night or Day 739-7194 FOR SALE 1977 GMC JIMMY 4-wheel drive, full time 4 by 4, PS, PB, Air, AM-FM Stilt Steering, Oulse control. Black w-whlte top, white spoke rims. 27,600 mUes. 18,800. Phone 739-7421-After 5 P. M. 739-8727 ANTIQUE CLOCK RffAIR CAMPBBLL JEWELBIS Lowell, N. C. 824-4069 y PALMER REFINISHINO AND ANTIQUES We reflnlsh and repair old furniture ata talr price, and restore your antiques to their original beauty. Our many years of ex- perlmoe make die difference. So call us and bring your furniture to uS for a free estimate. We also buy old furniture or whole estate. HWY. 74WEST PHONE 738-8390 FOR RENT - Mini storages, several sizes available. As low as $10 a month. 603 Slater St. Ph. 788-7284 day; and 788- 4842 nights. 8:l8tfn WANTED: Someone to work part-time In ac counting. Send resume to: "Accounting”, P.O. Box 981, Kings Mtn., N.C. 28086 8:ltfn BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT - SulUble for small business or office space. Phone 738-3616 or 788-6873. l:38tfn FOR RENT - TraUers for rent when available. Phone 789-6163 or 788- 4686. 10:38tfn WIGGINS MOBILE HOME PARK off 161 S. York Rosul haa large 60 x 100 lot for rent. $86 per month. Free garbage pick-up each week. Nice and Quiet. Alao, trailers for rent adien available. Phone 864-4048. 8:7tfn SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT — Located one mile west of Kings Mountain off 74. All con veniences. Apply in person after 3 p.m. Owner lives In back. 8:16, 22 SERVICES LARRY’S UPHOLSTERY, 816 Brice St. We upholster any kind of furniture and upholstery. Most cars, trucks, vans. Free estimate and delivery and pickup. Call 788-6170 anytime. 8:16, 20, 22, 27 ANTIQUE PLAYER PIANO actions rebuilt. Also custom wood working. Grandfather clocks a specialty. Call ' 704-834-8189. N-TFN-NC ISURANCE Phiup Bunen ^y^Ria. 78M359 iTircwpiM RIAL UTATf MOKIR Q 739-4487 BROADLOOM FOR EVBIY ROOM Complete Selection Of Commercial. Shag And Plush Patterns Expert Installation Convenient Credit Terms — Discount Pricing TIMMS FURNITURE 908 Grover Road WANTED AVON - WATCH YOUR EARNINGS GROW IN THE SPRING. Sell Avon. Earn extra money. Set your own hours. Be your own boss. Call collect 704- 638-9749 or write Rt. 3, Box 160, Lawndale, N.C. 28090. 3:13, 16 FAMILY STORAGE CBITER MINI STORAGE YOUR PERSONAL WAREHOUSE RENT 5’ X 10’ TO 10’ X 30’ 482-1461 136 N. MORGAN, SHELBY 739-4451 YORK RD. KINGS MTN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA In The General Court of Justice Superior Court Division ADMINISTRATOR’S- EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of WlllUun S. Green of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said William S. Green to present them to the un dersigned within 6 months from the date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Im mediate payment. This the 13 This the 18th day of March, 1978. Maggie P. Green, Administratrix 808 Phillips Drive Kings Mountain, N.C., 28086 3:16, 22. 29 A 4:6 PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Ad justment will meet In the Council Room of City Hall at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, March 21, 1979, to hear the following request 1. Space Petroleum, Inc. (New Pantry Storel 213 W. King Street, request variance to allow for three (3) Identification signs for this new operation. One treestanding sign at the southeast comer, one on the front of the store building and one on the canopy to Identify the gasoline company. 2. Paul Holland, 109 W.. Texas Ave., Bessemer CSty. N.C. request per- ndsslon to park a mobile home on property located in the one mile perimeter on the Old Grover Road being lot No. 12 of Clevelsind County Map 4-46 with 8 acres of land. March 16,1979 LOW PAYMENTS FARM HOME $400 COVERS CLOSING COSTS INTEREST 100% FINANCING OVER 33 YEARS Poymvnli to your incom« If VOW quolify NEW HOMES AVAILABLE 3,3&46EDROOMS Cora«t*d. pon«t9d end Of 6h««l ro<k. With wvoilf>op«r occvnl wollt. pov»d drive. CoH today W« BaHav# Wo iwild TNt $e»i Under form Homat Triangle RealEstote •67 SJ«6 •lltPvwf* 665 7903 ^f«*d Nawto" H6' 4'4 Ovttro* NaaSmith OlO' Oov-dOwpii ‘'f'* I’M YARD SALE YARD SALE - Clothes, furniture, household "''ms. Every Friday ana Saturday. Odds 'N Ends Shop, 406 N. Piedmont Ave. Ph. 739-8001. 3:16, 20, 22, 27 ! 29 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Copper tubing, copper fittings, tools and faucets. Ph. 739-5043. 3:16 LOST LOST — Siamese Cat, left home Friday night. Children very attached to her. If found please contact 739-8476. WUllngto Identify before claiming. 8:18-16. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Elxecutiix of the Estate of Melvin B. Nantz, deceased, late of Cleveland County, North (hrollna, thli Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 8th day of September, 1979, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment ..to .the undeodgned. > This the 8th day of March, 1979. Hazel J. Nantz, Executrix Route 2, Box 642 Kings Mountain, N.C. E. Scott Clonlnger Attorney at Law 116 West Mountsdn Street iOngs Mountain, North Carolina 28086 March 8, 16, 28 , 29, 1978. CITY OF KINGS MOUNTAIN. NORTH CAROLINA INVITATION TO BID Sealed Proposals will be received by the CTlty of Kings Mountain North Carolina. In the aty Hall, In the Commissioners’ Chambers, Kings Moun tain, North Carolina, until 3:00p.m. March28,1878, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and all bid prices read aloud, for the following: All necessary furnishing of matetisd and labor for the Installation and con struction of fencing of the Deal Street Recreation Park Little League Baseball Fields of the City of Kings Mountain. No bid shall be con sidered or accepted by the City of Kings Mountain unless at the time of Its filing, the same shall be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check on some bank or trust company Insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation In an amount equal to not less than five percent (6 percent) of the proposal. In lieu of making a cash deposit, the bidder may file, a bid . bond executed by a corporate surety, licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute such bonds, conditioned that the surety will, upon demand for thwith, make payment to the obligee upon said bond If the bidder fails to execute the Contract In accordance with the Bid Bond, and upon failure to forthwith make payment, the surety shall pay to obligee an amount equal to double the amount of the bid bond. This deposit shall be retained If the suc cessful bidder falls to execute the Contract within fifteen (16) days after the award or falls to give satisfactory surety as required herein. The successful bidder shall be required to enter Into a Contract with the aty of Kings Mountain In writing and shall be required to furnish bond on some surety company authorized to do business In the State, or make a deposit of money, certified check, or government sureties for the full amount of said Contract for the faithful performance of terms of said Contract as required In Section 143-126 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Plans, Specifications and Proposal Forms are on file at the Engineering Department, P.O. Box 429, Kings Mountain, North Carolina 28086. Copies of these plans and specifications may be obtained by bona fide bidders. No bid may be with drawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids, and the aty of Kings Mountain, North Carolina resei-ves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive In formalities. Envelopes containing bids shall be marked as follows: BID - FENCE - DEAL STREET BASEBALL FIELDS City of Kings Mountain by John Henry Moss, Mayor March 15, 1679

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