f ♦ Son# » • > <1 — > I • Ik 1 iapl > ♦ f • I « > • ) • >Mtan P • I • » • 46.M -136.16 «P»rt, Mch. 49264 KIMG^ MOUMTWn MIRROR Vol. 90y No, 39, Thursday, May 17, 1979 HGRMD 15c ‘A Tremendous Job’ Cleaning Campaign Continues 0, \\\\ 'iSs- /* rrOMMcINTTBE . .8TI1X. A NIOE OUY—H»1 Bni^ftiid, above with his sunt, Mrs. Eunice Oody, gnw up In Kings Meuntsln and got his first acting role oft- Broadway at age 30. Kings Mountain has always been his “anchor”, he said this week as he came home tor a visit with relatives. He Is the “nice guy” In most of the television and stage roles he portrays. KM-Born Actor Hal England Is Still Nice Guy By ELIZABETH STEWART gtatl Writer With ISO In hU pocket a 30-yearH>ld Southern boy from Kings Mountain hitched a ride to Washington. D.C. and took a bus to New York where the fact that he talked “funny” landed him a part In an off- Broadway pUy. That was nearly 37 years ago and last week the actor came home again. Hal England, who grew up on Fulton Street, woriied at the old Oora cotton mill, graduated from KMSHS In 1960 and went to college at Carolina where he got the acting bug, is still the “nice guy” he depicts In most of the television and stage redes he has portrayed during the past quarter century. His success story was hard work tor a young man who aspired for a serious acting Job on the stage to become several years ago America’s top commercial actor with a record of more than 300 on- camera commercials to his credit. "Being an actor Is, frankly, w>miithing of a drudge to some people-having to get up at an ungodly hour and then work most of the day, so that when you finally Ntumhome, It’s all you can manage to drop Into bed after eating a hasty meal”, said Harold, whom Kings Mountain TV viewers can Identify with “your personal banker from Wachovia”, a hanking commercial which airs In the South, as a vllUan In “Mod Squad”. “CharUe’s Angels”, and “Wonder Woman”, among other episodic spots, as a kid actor In “Dobla OUlls” and In his first movie, “Hang Em High”. Hal will portray the father of the ninaway girl In “The Runaways” this Fall on TV and starts filming next week for a nsw pUy, “MobUe Home”, which opens In Studio Oty (Hollywood) June l In which he plays a Texas salesman for Lone Star Ice Oream Go. who puUs his trailer up to an auction and marries a “chubby lady” for her new carlna play he describes as a ‘ ’Who’s Afraid c( Virginia Wolfe” plot. Bhigland, wrho visited briefly at the home of his aunt; Mrs. Eunice Oody In Kings Mountain last week, said that "finally after a dosen years In Hollywood he has unpacked his bags and bought a house.” He has decided he will stay. HU mother, Mrs. Irene England, and sUter and family live about two miles from him In CalUomla and he U guest star for numerous televUlon shows, works a busy schedule In plays and on the screen. “It’s a different life style In Hollywood”, said Harold, who found It hard to get used to. “It never occurred to me not to make It”, said England, as he relaxed In hU aunt’s home on Westover Road and talked about hU career. “I had no Interest, Initially, In films, and had never done a com mercial. I had learned self- dUclpUne on the stage-and was used to going to classes every day and working hard. I arrived In LA and tound people lying on the beaches,''! was scared to death by thU new life style. I soon learned that everybody’s got a script In the back seat of hU car. It’s the Industry”, said England. “Kings Mountain was always my anchor. My folks were here until Mother and Dad (Mr. and Mrs. W.F. England) moved to Los Angeles tour years ago and Dad died a year ago. Hollywood was always my dream. I had never seen a play before I got to New York except Saullne Player productlona at the high school and Flat Rock performances wiiere I was an apprentice tor a couple summers. An actor’s life U a full time Job and while my Southern accent helped me In some areas It was a handlcto[> In others. They told me 1 looked the part of an average lawyer or doctor, a nice guy, boy- next-door type, but I tound out If they really like you they’ll tailor a part around the accent” as In a recent example on the “Lou Grant” television show where Hal played Lou’s Southern son-ln-law. Working an “eplaodlc” guest-star circuit week-to-week Is both challenging and exciting, aays Hal, who reporta that guest stars are treated “fantasUc”. Actors have their own furnished trailers and chairs with their names on them, to (Turn to page SA) Kings Mountain’s Palnt-Up, <3ean-Up, Flx-Up Campaign has been extended through May 36. The city board of commissioners, after hearing progress report from Chairman Norman King, voted to extend the clean-up campaign to allow cltlsena to continue what Oomm. King termed a “tremendous Job In cleaning up unslghUy areas of town”. Comm. King reported that attention Is being directed to trimming of trees on Llnwood Rd. and Yoiic Rd. as weU as Individual properties In all six voter districts and In the downtown area. In other actions at Monday night’s regular commission meeting, the board: -t-awsu'ded to the second lowest bidder, Allison Fence Co. of Rotary Run Set Sunday More than 800 “runners” 'will participate Sunday In the first an nual Kings Mountain Rotary Club Run which begins promptly at 8 p.m. from West School. The event features three different categories; a one mile fun run; a 8.1 mile run (6,000 meters) and a 6.3 mller (10,000 meters). All three runs will begin at the starting point at the same time and finish back at the starting point on W. Maountaln St. Bronxe, gold and silver medals will go to the first three finishers In all-age categories and Rotary Run T-shirts will be given to sill con testants. Entry forms are available at all banking and savings and loan In stitutions and at all schools In the city. TTie entry foe Is 16. Runners are coming to Kings Mountain from as far distant as Raleigh. ChsUrman Chsirles F. Mauney said that the event la drawing record entries and enthusiasm. Msuiney said the three and six mllers will start at the forward position, approximately 100 yards ahestd of the one-mllers. “We will request the slower or average runners to allow the faster runners to go to the front”, Mauney said, "We feel this will help prevent In juries.” Chalrnuui Mauney eald that 70 entries, most of them from out-of- town, have been registered to run In Sunday’s event suid that more are expected. He encourages all Kings MounUln area cltlsens, from age six and up, to participate, adding, "lots of people from Kings Mountain have never been Involved In a run before and may think this is something for people who have trained or have been running In maratiums. This Is not the ease. Sunday’s event Is a "fun” event for every member of the family.” Cltlsans can enter on Race Day by reporting to West School. Charlotte, fencing contract for Little League fields at cost of $16,838.00 after the low bidder, American Fence Co. of Charlotte, declined and forfeited bond. Mayor John Moes said that woric on the two little league fields had been delayed because of the contractor who wanted the board to negotiate for a higher cost than was first let because the bidder hsul failed to include some other figures. Attorney George Thomasson said American Fence Co. Is precluded from further consideration, even upon re- advertlslng, because of a new statute which prohibits him from re- advertlslng under those conditions. -(-Following two public hearings, adopted ordlnsinces to extend the corporate limits and annex the properties of James Hamrick and Buddy Barnette on Waco Rd., about eight and one-half acres, upon petition of owners. Attorney George Thomasson stipulated that accurate tax maps accompany the or dinances, noting that "rock piles and persimmon trees” which are now listed as boundaries do not ac curately give description. -f Appointed James P. Camp and Raymond Garris as new patrolmen on the Kings Mountain Police Department. -(-Refunded $36 to Mrs. Louise P. Alexander for tax overpayment. -(-Transferred funds in the Community Development Block Grant Budget for 1878-76 to Davidson and Deal St. Parits totaling $8,000 for continuing Improvements. The funds were originally earmarked for mini-park acquisition where land la not yet available. -f-Agreed to allow Southern Bell ’Tel. Co. to continue Installation of underground cable as far as Falla St. with stipulation Bell Is to replace Sidewalks and continue negotiations for work along Mountain St. The board recessed for an executive session to discuss per sonnel matters at 8:80 p.m., reconvening at 9:16 p.m.. Mayor Moss reporting tht the “an em ploye’s request was discussed and the personnel committee will so advise him.” Board OKs Program Kings Mountain District School’s Vocational Program for the coming year, approved Monday, Is expected to cost $340,000 with anticipated expenditures at $131,411. The Board approved also the employment of a supportive person for disadvantaged students and several changes In the vocational program at Central and KMSHS, upon recommendation of Director Myers Hambright and members of the Vocational Education Advisory Committee. At Central School, Director of Instruction Howard Bryant said a Personal Services component will feature nureing, health care, cosmetology, grooming and sewing with shop lab moved to KMJH where five career exploratory areas will be available to students In lab which r^te each 33 days, said Bryant. At KMSHS, Shorthand U, Office Oc cupations I, Personnel Management, Fashion Mer chandising, Salesmanship and Advertising will be additional subjects and Msirketlng n will be dropped. Because of small enrollment, welding will be com bined with another course. A system-wide expanded program for Exceptional Children was outlined by Jo Bralley and received approval of the bosird for the 1679-80 school term. Ms. Bralley said that 30 teachers will lead the program for the handicapped and gifted child In the eight plants of the system. Resource teachers will be employed at all schools and four new employe positions were approved by the board at the noon meeting. Mrs. Jane Shields, former North School teacher of exceptional children who has worked In the regional education office In Albemarle for the past year, will rejoin the faculty ae full-time Co-ordlnator of the program. Ms. Bralley will serve as school psychologist and diagnosticians were employed for Central, Senior High, Junior High, and Gifted and Talented K-e. Mrs. Eilelds will assume her new duties July 1. Ms. Bralley said that Increased funding allows the system to eiqpand "this most Important program”. Reporting on the status of school transportation, iMiry Allen noted that "our critical times are behind us and we’ve had our upe and do»Tj this year but I see a change In student attitudes sutd look forward to a good year. Overall, we have a good group of bus drivers. We have relieved some drivers this year because of Infractions of the law and driving records and we are now replacing our senior bus drivers and getting ready for the new year.” Allen reported no incidents of vandalism of buses during the past two weeks and said that vandalism has depleted the repair budget this year. He Invited school board members to attend an awards luncheon for bus drivers on May 34th at noon at Cattletown Steak House. Mr. Allen also reported on a variety of capital Improvements In progress at the various plants. In cluding fertilization of all lawns and athletic fields smd reseeding of the lawnatCentral School; expansion of the student parking area for 86 more cars behind the stadium; repairing of minor sewerage problems at Bethware school; completion of Insulation project at Bethware and acousUcal tUe at West Cafeteria and at multi-purpose roonu at East and West; air-conditioning of Grades 4-6 Building and Cafeteria at East; ordering of a room-divider for the new building at West School for classrooms; took bide for acoustical treatment of celling at Bethware In the old cafeteria, which will house a reading lab, and In the Senior High shop area; treated and painted lines at the stadium for the track team and other Improvements costing $2,000 which wlU enable the local track tesim to host track meetings next year; ordered Ubrary furniture for East School library and com pleted landscaping at Ad ministration Building. A major landscaping project Is also un derway at KMSHS, said Allen. In other actions; -(-heard report of compliance with state Immunisation stsindards. With a total of 1,108 Incomplete or missing “shot” records of students four months ago, Supt. William Davis said that now only two student records are incomplete with progress underway to complete them. -(-okayed Mrs. Jack White’s request to offer summer school classes at West School. -(-delayed until the board could survey the facilities, decision to allow KM Improvement Association to use the old Compact plant for (Turn to page 8A) Two More Charged Two more Kings Mountain men have been charged with conspiracy to commit larceny and accessory before the fact In the alleged theft of a large quantity of textile goods from Gurney Industries in Gastonia. Gastonia City Police arrested Jim Thompson, 44, and Mark McDaniel, 36, both of Kings Mountain on ’lUesday. Bond was set at $6,000 for McDaniel and $3,000 tor Thompson. Charged earlier In the week were John AUen Whitley, 43, of Gastonia, a guard at the plant; Ray Mims Raines, 38, and Robert Williams Eng, m, both of Kings Mountain. Det. Sgt. T.H. HarraU said the Initial arrests were made as two of the men returned to the plant In Gastonia Sunday morning and while officers were questioning Whitley, who had called police at 4:80 a.m. to report he was robbed by five men In ski masks. Police have recovered $100,000 worth of the goods reportedly stolen. Association To Meet Friday The annual meeting of the Cleveland County Voter Registration Association will be held Fri., May 18, at 7:80 p.m. at Bynum AME Zion Church. At this general membership meeting new officers will be elected tor the coming year. Membere and Interested cltlsens are Invited to attend. Junior High Open House Held . .MOTHER OF YEAR-BIr. aiM Sirs. Ben F. Bsaas. above, are pictured at Central United Methodist Qinrch where Mrs. Beam was honored on Sunday morning as “Mother of the Year” In a special Mother’s Day program. Mrs. Beam was presented a medallloa and honored at a Mother-Daughter banquet Monday evening. Kings Mountain Junior High School Invited parents of present seventh grade students to attend Open House at the school ’Tuesday night. It was an opportunity for Incoming as well as present students of the Junior High and their parents to tour the school facility. According to a school spokesman, the program was planned to allow tor a smoother transition between schools. Ladies Night Set Saturday Annual ladles night banquet of Falrvlew Lodge 888 AF-AM wlU be held Saturday night at 7:80 p.m. at Masonic Temple. Tribute will be made to the widows of deceased Masons at the banquet. Rev. Riusell Fitts, former pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, will give an entertainment program. T^rry Hlpps Is Master of the lodge.