TueMiky, June It, Itft-MfRROR HEBALD-Pnge 8 New Rec Department Supervisor Nappi Wants Total Program ByOARTiniWABT IportiBdttar A reoTMUon progrnm which wlU provide servleee tor the to^l community le the goal of KInge ICoun- taln’e fliet eupervleor of the Parke and Recreation Department, Hike N^pl. Nappi, at, Joined the lOnge Mountain depart ment April 1 and already la Implementing new programa and Improving axlatlng onea. He came here with five yeara of eKperlenca aa recreation director for Silver Springe Shorea In Florida. “The potential tor an outatandlng parka and recreation program le excellent with our exlaUng facUltlae,” aaye Nappi aa ha took time out from hla buay echedule and relaxed tor a few mlnutee In hla new office In the expanded community center com plex on Cleveland Avenue. “The Parka and Recreation department haa to aerve the entire community,” he aald. “The whole community will be provided for In our future plana.” The majority of Nappl'e time alnce April 1 here haa been apent learning the town, faclUtlea and hla ataff of aeven full-time employee and a number of aummer employee. He’e even taken tuma along with athletic director George Adama mowing graaa and lining off ballflelda due to a ahortage ot help In the maintenance department. “Moat of the programa were already lined up for thla eummer before I came Photoe by Gary Stewart MIKE lSAPPL..Kings Mountain Parks And Recreation Supervisor., MIKE NAPPI, left, and Al Morets looking over city's new little league fields rrSNICETO FEELSO GOO) ABOUTAMEAL serve Kentucky Fried Chicken. Because you'll know your family will be eating well. Kentucky Fried Chicken is made from the highest quality chicken, then cooked with the Colonel's secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices. ‘ That's why Kentucky Fried Chicken is so "finger lickin' good." Kentucky Fried Chicken. It's nice to feel so good about a meal. KmiMky TtM ^kieksii. 413 EAST KING STREET PHONE 739-6911 EVERY TUESDAY IS CHICKEN PICKIN DAY Oomblnatlon Dinner: . S Pieces Chicken . Cole Slaw . Potatoes . Gravy . Roll *1.79 Redlegs Defeat Gastonia TTie BDF Construction Co. Redlegs defeated Gastonia 10-3 Wednesday nlglit to remain undefeated In Senior Babe Ruth play with a 4-0 record. Righthander Todd Blalock wont the route for the Reds, scattering five hits. Tom Shephard was tha losing pitcher. David Ray Robinson continued hla torrid hitting streak with 4-for-4, In cluding a two-run homer. Brooks led Gastonia with 3- , tor-g. on the Job,” he said. “I can see some Improvements In existing programs and the addition of others in our future.” Nappi has already Initiated a summer tennis tnatructlonal program, a first for this city. Kenny Boheler, a Duke Univer sity student imd former Kings Mountain High tennis player, has been hired to head that program. “We have some beautiful new tennis courts,” he aald, “Tennis can be a lifetime sport. It’s Inex pensive to get equipped to play, and you get a lot of enjoyment out of It. We have tournaments plsinned In June, July and August, and will be cooperating with Ed Guy (KMHS tennis coach) with hla annual city tournament In August. “Personally,” added ^appl, “I'd like to see a 85- and-over dlvlalon added to the city tournament If there la the need. I look for good things to come out of that program. The trend across the nation now Is that you csin’t put up tennis courts fast enough.” “I think handball and mcquetball need to be looked at also,” he con tinued. "Like tennla, it’s an Inexpensive sport. Court expense is the main factor. I would also like to see competitive swlmmlng.I doubt that will come about thla summer, but It’s good, healthy competition. ’"niere are many areas for improvement,” he went on. "We need gym nastics more heavily In the aummer and I would like to see an arts and crafts program Initiated. Of course, all this takes money. As the department •tarts to bring In revenue, we will have more flexibility to advance prograna Ideas.” Nappi feels when current renovations are completed the local community center and playing tocUltles will be secwid to none. A new little lesigue complex Is nearing completion and Nappi feels games will be played on those new fields before the end of the year. “The engineering department and recreation committee did an excellent Job planning that facility,” •aid Nappi. ”It waa begun before I came here and I underatand It’a been a long procesa but I know everyone la going to be proud of It.” The new complex In cludes two little league fields with fences of IBS and ISO feet, complete with dugouts, emergency gates and the most modem light fixtures. Nappi hopes a “green monster” dividing wall will be included between the two outfield fences to prevent distractions from one field to the other. Nappi expects the recreation department to become more Involved In the administration end of the major sports, such as baseball, baaketballand football. “In the past the parks and recreation department hasn’t had any respon sibility to those programs other than providing the playing facilities,” Nappi noted. “I’d like to see the department become more Involved In the actual league activities and planning league rules and regulations along with ths board of directors to coincide with the ad ministration plans established by the city. I see a lot of Improvement in these programs.” Hie key to a successful recreation program, Nappi fsels, Is 100 percent dedication on the part of the supervisor, staff, city administration and the community. Nappi had that same attitude when he was a standout Inflelder at Msinatee Junior College In (Turn to Page •) This txing oariicipdtirta w>nn CsbsT'ut Uu'ilora irsdsi' S'.otigna Randolph Sis'iiy &u"v Richmond Moo'c Lincom GdSlon Aigm Cleveland Fo'»v*he Catawba Aiasandef Aaiauoa Onion Roce.nghan’ " Catawi urke Caldwell WcOo< a.HOfry ^iOftnee Manon Gao'QCtOwn Chesteriieid Da'i<ngtor DiHon vo»k Ke»»haw Sumpiai Cheste* Count and Aasn>ngton Counties Tennessee Scheduled termineiion dete QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED ...PRICES GOOD THRU WEDNESDAY JUNE 13. 1979. START TODAY! PICK UP YOUR GAME TICKET AND MARKERS AT ANY WINN-DIXIE! YOU COULD BE OUR NEXT BIG WINNER! i p hickory SWEtT v^^^^ ^iCED’BAtTd'N \M ^ SLICED i BACON B.agi HICKORY SWEET W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE BONELESS BHUCK ROAST W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE BONELESS CHUCKSTEAKlb. li !1“ PINKY PIC BRAND FRESH PORK BUTT OR SHANK PORTION HOCK OFF... HAM ROAST... l. PINKY PIC BKANO FSESH PORK CENTER CUT HAM STEAKS., i. 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