# i 4 Parents To Aid Decisions (Story begins on pnge lA) have no alternative but to examine the programs prior to presentation" even though "these are Isolated cases that come once a year and only then at the request of school officials." Davis said sex education la taught as low as the fifth grade In that a health nurse visits the schools sutd talk to girls about menstruation and boys about hygiene. That procedure Is repeated in the middle school (Central). "There are probably more citizens concerned over the lack of sex education than those who think there la too much," Davl» said. In other business Monday night, the board: + Heard a report from Food Services Director Martha Wright on possible Increase of about 10 cents in lunch prices for 19TB-80. The bosu'd agreed to delay any official action until Its August meeting. +Was presented copies of the 1B7B KMIIS yearbook by annual advisor Joel Rountree. Rountree said the yearbook showed a profit for the first I time In several years, and showed hla appreciation to the students who work on the staff. +Cancelled Its July meeting and set the August meeting for the first Monday night. + Dlscussed policies for non- certlfled personnel. The board approved two recommendations from the policy committee and tabled three others. +Accepted the resignation of teachers Hilda Leonard of North School and Martha Stone of Oentrsil and hired Barbara Gatta, KMHS; Laurie Ann Hoyle, North; Martha Jo Bralley and David Owens, Psychologists; and Barbara Stepp, Centred. +Accepted students Crystal Gantt and Regina Ratley from the Gaston Oounty school system. +Approved a basketball camp at (Central School to be directed by Kathy James. + After a lengthy discussion, approved granting $13S plus t2B registration fee for six students to attend Presidential Cltuisroom for Young Americans. Chairman Alex Owens broke a 2-2 tie after BUI McDaniel and Marian Thomasson voted for the motion by McDaniel and Kyle Smith and June Lee voted against. Last year, the board granted $200 for six students. +Heard a report from Supt. Davis on recent test results. Davis said 12 of the 24 KMHS juniors who took the competency test passed and 17 of the 38 who took the math test passed. Davis said Intense remediation efforts wUl begin this summer and predicted most of the seniors next year wUl be able to graduate. Grover Adopts Budget (Story begins on page lA) Mayor BUI McCarter, who con ducted the hearing, said that the board concurs that more poUce Thursday, June protection la needed but that "we have been unable to come up with the necessary funds unless you want to pay a higher tax rate." Grover’s present tax rate Is 3B cents per $100 valuaUon. The police budget for the new year comprises one- third of the ad-valorem tax base, he pointed out, offering an alternative measure that citizens form a Community Watch In the com munity. Included In the new budget Is $06,014.63 In the general fund with revenues from utUlUes expected to be $21,000 for a total of $116,014.63. The city Is anticipating that ex penditures In the utUlty department wlU be $27,322.41, said McCarter. Several citizens suggested that the recreation department budget be cut and that the funds appropriated for a proposed recreation center be used to hire another policeman. The need for sidewalk and street repairs came under discussion and Mrs. Juanita Pruette presented a petition from property owners on Chestnut and Walnut Sts. protesting 14, 1070-MIRROR-HERALD-Page SA drainage problems. Fire Chief Joe /Boheler accused . the board of sitting on projects which have already been approved. “Why does It take so tong to get started on street Improvements that have been voted on and approved?", he asked. Street Comm. Harold Herndon defended the board, noting that prices received from bidders were "out of reason", Mrs. Pruette retorted that "we have been trying to get our streets worked on for 20 years”. Mayor McCarter reminded the. citizens that during the present administration a new 'Xown Hall la In operation among other tangible Improvements. He praised the board for Its diligence In presenting "a workable budget while maintaining the current tax rate." Upon recommendation of Mayor McChrter, the board named a seven- member Community Action com mittee to study proposals for a community center In town. They are Jim HoweU, UUle Mae Rollins, O’Leary White, Suzle Keeter, Karen Moss, Joe Rountree and BUI Camp. Cleveland Tech Summer Quarter Schedule Registration June 19-20,1979 - Tuesday And Wednesday 10:00 A. M. -10:00 P. M. Ground Floor 2100 Building (Vocational Bay) DAY SCHEDULE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION American Art History MW 1612 Introduction to Business TTh 8 10 Basic Photography MW 1612:30 Business Math TTh 1612 Photography 11 TTh 1612:30 Economics I MW 1612 Reading Dynanaics TTh 1612 Small Business Management MW 1612 English Grammar it Composition I TTh 1612 Office Machines MW 610 English Grammar 8c Composition 11 TTh 1612 Office Machines TTh 610 Masterpieces of World Literature TTh 1612 Economics II MW 1612 Introduction to Theatre TTh 610 Business Law I TTh 1612 World Civilization II MW 1612 Business Finance 1 MW 12-14 Music Appreciation MW 1612 Business Finance II MW 12-14 Introduction to Psychology TTh 610 Business Law 11 TTh 1612 Social Psychology MW 610 Investments 8t Securities TTh 1612 Abnormal Psychology MW 1612 Accounting 11 MTWTh 810 Introduction to Sociology MW 610 Marketing TTh 12 14 Marriage 8c The Family TTh 8 10 Business Communications MW 1612 Social Science Survey MW 1612 Accounting III MTWTh 610 American Institutions TTh 1612 Taxes MW 1612 Intermediate Accounting MTWTh 8 10 FASHION POLICE SCIENCE Foshion Sketching MW 8 10 Fashion Show Production TTh 1613.-1612 Defense Tactics 8f Firearms T 8 12 Fashion Salesmanship TTh 610 Patrol Procedures MW 1612 Traffic Planning 8i Management MWTh 8 10 SECRETARIAL SCIENCE Police Organization 8c Administration T 612 Seminar in Criminal lustice MW 1612 Typewriting 11 MW 610 Introduction to Sociology MW 610 Typewriting III MW 1612 Advanced Typewriting MW 1612 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE MATH Shorthand 11 TTh 610 * J ■* ■w Dictation 8t Tronscription I MW 610 Biology 1 MW 8 1630 Dictation 8c Transcription 11 MW 610 Biology II MW 10:3613 Dictation 8c Transcription III MW 610 Biology 111 TTh 1612:30 Secretarial Procedures MW 12 14 Radiation Physics TTh 1612:1613 Accounting 11 MTWTh 1612 Physics I MW 1612:30 Filing TTh 12 14 Chemistry 1 MW 1612:30 Typewriting I TTh 1612 Basic Arithmetic Skills TTh 610 Medical Transcription I TTh 8-10 Principles of Mathematics TTh 8 10 Medical Terminology II TTh 1612 Introduction to Algebra TTh 8 10 Reading Dynamics TTh 1612 NURSING 11 English Grammor 8r Composition I TTh 1612 English Grammar it Composition II TTh 1612 Medical-Surgical Nursing 1 M 12 14 Principles of Industrial Management MW 610 Nursing Principles ThF 1614.-1614 Plant Layout MW 1612 Obstetrical Nursing M 612 Hydraulics TTh 8-10 Basic Pharmacology ThF 11-13:610 Meteorology TTh 1612 Clinical 1 TW 6:4613:43 Trigonometry TTh 8 10 Clinical I Th 6:4610:45 RAD TECH NURSING IV Trigonometry TTh 8 10 Medical-Surgical Nursing II MF 8-13:8 12 Radiation Physics TTh 1612 Vocational Adjustments II M 13 14 Special Procedures I T 1615 Pharmacology II F 12 14 Critique 111 Th 14 15 Clinical 111 TWTh 6:4613:45 The Courses, Programs & Services At ClevG Climeal IV Clinical VIII Clinical VIll Seminar 11 Radiotherapy VOCATIONAL Air Conditioning Sr Relrigeration Ser Domestic it Commercial Relrigeration Human Relations 7:30-16:30 7:30-15:30 7:30-14:30 15- 16 16- 17 8-U;6-13 8-14 8-12 Human Relations Applied Physics Applied Math: Trigonometry AUTO BODY REPAIR Body Shop Applications I Body Shop Applicotions II Humon Relations AUTO MECHANICS Carburation 1 Carburation 11 Automatic Traiumission I Automatic Transmission II Automotiee Machine Shop I Automotive Mochine Shop II 8 12 12 14;810 10-14 8-12 12 14;8 10 10-14 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION it MAINTENANCE Commercial 8c Industrial Wiring I Commercial 8t Industrial Wiring U Applied Physics 1 ELECTRONICS T.V. Servicing - Color I TV. Rec. Servicing - Color II I Two-Way Mobile Maintenance I Two-Way Mobile Maintenance II MACHINIST Machine Shop Theory 8c Practice V Machine Shop Theory 8c Practice VI Machine Shop Welding Applied Math: Trigonometry WELDING Arc Welding I Arc Welding II Commercial 8c Industrial Practices Commercial 8c Industrial Proctices Human Relations 8-13;814 8-12 12 14 8-12 1214;814;8-11 11 14:8-10 10-14 8-14:8-10 10-12:8-14 12-14:10-14 8-10 The Allied Services Department hos developed individualized instructional materials lor all Vocational Programs (Auto Mechanics. Auto Body Repair, Air Condition ing and Refrigeration. Electrical Installation and Maintenance. Electronic Servicing and Welding). These moterials make it possible for new vocational students to begin each quarter. If further information Is needed coll Cleveland Tech at 482-8351, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday and Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. COST In-State Full Time~$46.00 Part Time"$3.25 (Per Quarter Hour) Out-Of-State Full Time~$205.00 Part Time-$16.50 (Per Quorter Hour) $7.00 activity lee included in full time cost. Less than 7 hour8-S2.00 Technical And General Educational Needs Of Adults In Cleveland County NIGHT SCHEDULE GENERAL EDUCATION American Art History MW 2622 Basic Photography Th 1722 Photography II w 17-22 Reading Dynamics TTh 18-20 English Grammar 8r Composition I TTh 20-22 English Grammar 8c Composition II TTh 2622 Masterpieces of World Literature TTh 2622 Introduction to Theatre TTh 1820 World Civilization 11 MW 2622 Music Appreciation MW 18-20 Introduction to Psychology TTh 1620 Social Psychology MW 18-20 Abnormal Psychology MW 20-22 Introduction to Sociology MW 18-20 Introduction to Sociology MW 2622 Marriage and the Family TTh 18 20 Social Science Survey TTh 2622 American Institutions MW 1620 English Grammar 8c Composition I M 1622 FASHION Fashion Show Production T 17-22 Fashion Sketching M 1B22 SECRETARIAL Typewriting 11 T 1822 Typewriting III Th 1622 Advanced Typewriting Th 1622 Medical Terminology II M 1622 Dictation 8c Tronscription 1 W 18-22 POLICE Defense Tactics 8c Firearms T 18-22 Patrol Procedures MW 2622 Troffic Planning 8c Management MWTh 18-20 Police Organisation 8c Adm. MW 1620 Seminar In Criminal luilic* Th 1622 Introduction to Sociology MW 2622 Defense Tactics 8c Firearms Th 1622 Patrol Procedures MW 18 20 Traffic Planning 8c Management MTW 2622:18 20:2622 Biology 1 Biology II Biology 111 Police Organization 8c Adm. MW 2622 Seminar in Criminal lustice T 18-22 Introduction to Sociology MW 1620 POSTAL Chemistry I Basic Arithmetic Skills Accounting II OSHA English Grammar 8c Composition 1 MW TTh TTh 18-22 1820 2622 Principles of Mothematics Introduction to Algebra Statistics Reading Dynamics BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION English Grammar 8c Composition 1 MW TTh MW Introduction to Business MW Business Math MW Economics I TTh Small Business Management Th Office Machines TTh Office Machines TTh Economics 11 TTh Business Law I MW Business Finance 1 MW Business Finance 11 MW Business Law 11 MW Investments 8c Securities T Accounting II MW Marketing TTh Business Communications TTh Accounting III MW Taxes MW INDUSTRIAL-MATH SCIENCE Farm Electrilication Farm Diversilication Plant Diseases & Control Introduction to Sociology Principles ol Ind. Mgmt. I Plant Layout Introduction to Occ. SafetyScHealth Ind. Hazards & Fire Prevention Personal Law Physics I Hydraulics Meteorology 1820 2622 1820 1822 18 20 20-22 2622 18 20 18-20 2622 2622 18-22 18-22 1820 2622 1822 18 20 18 21:1820 1820 2622 2622 18 22 18 22 2622 17 22 18 22 17:3620 2622 1622 VOCATIONAL Dnmsetic & Cozninstcial Heating Systems MTW AUTO BODY REPAIR Auto Body Repair IV MTW Communication Skills Th AUTO MECHANICS Engine Elec, k Fuel Systems MT Brakes. Chassis k Suspension II W ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Commercial k Industrial Wiring II MT Small Business Management Th ELECTRONICS Amplilier Systems MT Communication Skills Th MACHINIST Machine Shop Theory k Practice III MT Vocational Basic Arithmetic Skills W WELDING Pipe Welding I MTW Small Business Management Th Arc Welding I MTW PLUMBING Low Pressure Steam Systems MT Small Business Management Th VOCATIONAL RELATED Communication Skills Th Vocationol Basic Arithmetic Skills W Small Business Operations Th 17:3620 1621:18 20 17:3620 17:3620 1620 2622 1620 2622 1620 2622 1622 1622:1622:1621 1621 1622 1622 1622 1622 1622 1621 1622 1622 1622 1622 1622 1622 1622 1621 1622 1622 Other Programs And Services CONTINUING EDUCATION Extension Courses ($5.00 registra tion fee plus supplies and materials) Adult Basic Education High School (Day And Night) Business and Industry Training OnlOU Campus LEARNING RESOURCES CENTER Independent and Individualized Self-Study Areas (non credit) GED and GED Preparatory Pre-Curriculum General Interest Library Audio-Visual Additional Information Visit or Call 137 S. Post Road. Shelby. N.C. 28150 704-482-8351 Institution J96S

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