i Pace S-MtBROB HBKALD-TnMtey. June IB, 1B7B Letters to the editor Teenagers need examples CAB I read of the controverey In the echool personal weakness, wrhlch wre should try to ■ystem between concerned parents, and the strenghten,and In so-doing, buUd character dty schools, and-or the Health Department and self-worth, about the teaching of sex In the schools; I Last giant wondered what the reaction of the average reader would be. Would we feel outrage, pity or concern? Would some of us feel milpabiUty for the pli^t of these young people who are caught in the nuaoie f I am grateful to find that there are parents concerned enough to do something about the education of their young people. Ooncemed, It Is not surprising that many of our teenagers (adults as well) appease the erotic i4>petlte as carelessly as they abuse the phvalcal appetite. And. why not? Society has made aeif-Uratincauon the uou or une Times. To deny one's self of anything Is unheard of. Self discipline Is square, and guilt feelings about our actions send us flying not only, with their satisfaction today, but to the nearest psychiatrist, with the development of character, and their future happiness. I can remember when parents, concerned that their children have strong, healthy bodies, taught them that they must eat their vegetables, meat and potatoes If they hoped tor any dessert. I disliked okra, but I ate so many portions In anticipation of the chocolate cake, pie and Ice cream, that I have growm to love It. In like manner, children were taught that the erotic appetite must be controlled by self discipline until a person Is mature enough to accept the responsibility, and the con sequences of hls-her actions. Responsible, not only, to themselves, but to the person with whom they choose to share a sexual relationship, and to society, as well. At that time, schools respected the teachings of the home, and were grateful to those psirents who Instilled these moral concepts In their children. While It Is, well, known that all of us did not attain the Ideal, we did at least, strive for It, and recognise our lack of self control as a The nation was shocked at Watergate, and even more shocked at the cover-up, and yet, every day we teach or children, and each other, the art of cover-up We do not give a loaded gun to an enraged Individual, and advise him, politely,” Now. Here Is a gun. It would be best for you to calm down and control your anger, but If you can’t, and feel you must murder someone, please do It In a discreet manner. It would be terrible for you, and for society If you should get caught, and have to pay a price for In dulging your feelings. However, should you get caught, do not worry. We will have a lawyer standing by to get you out of your trouble.” Not yet we don’t, anyway. And yet, this Is the same principle we offer the teenager. Just at the age when their sexual needs, and curiosity demand fulfillment, we say,” Now. It Isn’t right to have sexual relationships In a careless manner. You should learn to control these natural urges and desires until you find someone with vritom to share the respon sibility of a home and family, but If you can’t, and feel you must have sexual relations, please take the pill so that neither you or society will be stuck with your self- indulgence. However, If you do not take the pill, and find you are In trouble do not worry. We wUi gei ywii It Is unrealistic to say that we have no problem with teenage pregnancy. It Is, even, more unrealistic to blame the teenager, living In a culture which offers pre pregnancy pills, and post-pregnancy abortion, many of todays teenagers have no concept of a need for self discipline of sexual or any other desire. And It Is hardest of all on the parents who teach their children moral suid spiritual principles. It Is confusing to their children. Many times the difference between the teachings of the home, the teachings of soclety,and the conduct of their peers make their lives unbearable. Never-the-less, my hat’s off to these parents, and the teenagers vdio consider the cost, and find self worth of value. To seek a cure for the problem of teenage pregnancy la to be expected, but a cure for the cause is needed. And, this must begin, not with teenager, but with those whose example he-she follows.