ERT TS TERS or I WE STG rT NE NS Thursday, March 14, 1985-KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD-Page 9B Games Will Be Boring “For all you super fans, this Thursday and Friday will have more good basketball on TV than there has ever been before in a two day period. My brother Dave figures a person with cable TV can watch 14 hours of live college basketball each day as the NCAA field narrows from 64 to 32, and he has plans to watch about 11 or 12 hours on both days. : : I’m not that much of a fan. When I think of watching that much basketball, the first thing that comes to my mind is how boring all those endings will be as coaches instruct their players to foul “intentionally” and then call all those time- outs to stop the clock. : I have a solution to these problems, some of which I have tried out during the summers at the Prep Stars Invitational ~All Star Basketball Camp. For example, we GIVE a point for a foul and let the offensive team retain possession. College coaches like this rule, at least at summer camp, because it enables them to see who can really play defense--without foul- ing. Fouls, of course, are committed less often because players realize quickly that fouling never plays. you don’t like the idea of giving a point, then why not one free throw plus the ball--just like a technical foul? I think a technical foul is an appropriate Density for end-of-game fouls, and I think it would add a lot to the game, both by speeding it up and by forcing teams to play basketball at the end instead of H-O-R-S-E, the standing, shooting game that kids often play on playgrounds. Another rule I would like to see changed regards the time- “outs that Dean Smith has taught the basketball world to con- serve until the end of a game. In his typical style, Smith has made the most of the strategy, but the game has suffered in long. othe Roa, A good change, which I imagine Dean Smith wi d support, would be to make all end-of-game time-outs (time-outs, say, in the last three minutes) just ten seconds Ten second time-outs would give a well-prepared coach like Sponsored By Wade Ford ACC INSIDE - STUFF wb Dick DeVenzio Smith sufficient time to call a set offense or defense, or time to put in a substitute, and of course they would sto the clock, which is the primary reason they are called. Right now it is just a quirk of the rules—-and because of coaches’ desires to talk, talk, talk--that time-outs take so much time even though everyone realizes they are called for the purpose of stopping: the clock. We have another rule which we use regularly at Prep Stars, which I particularly like, although it is a more radical depar- ture from the rules you are accustomed to. Every time the ball goes out of bounds, it changes possession. The thinking is this: no offense ever plans for a deflection. In other words, players realize, when a ball goes of bounds, that they have done something wrong, though often they retain possession. With the automatic change-of-possession rule, referees no longer have to watch carefully who hit the ball out, and there is consequently much less arguing over calls. There are other benefits as well. A shot blocked out of bounds is, even now, ap- plauded as a good defensive play, yet the offense still gets it out and gets to try again. With the change-of-possession rule, the defense gets the ball and gets to savor the good play. It works the same way with any deflection out of bounds. In ‘other words, good defense is rewarded, and the game is speeded up. You can think about these rules as you're watching the NCAA playoffs, though only the absence of the 45 second rule will be talked about by commentators. Duke and NC State seem to be the two teams best able to play with no shot clock. Both have the team speed to effectively pressure teams who try to stall on them, and Duke especially should be able to stall quite well on its own should they get a lead near the end. Carolina and Georgia Tech, on the other hand, will need to get ahead in their NCAA games, otherwise their big frontlines will soon become liabilities rather than assets. Big players are not traditionally good at pressuring a deliberate team in- to turnovers. But then again, it will all depend on the different pairings as to who will finally benefit or be hurt by the absense of the shot clock. And of course, with the ACC this year, who can say what will happen? It’s time to just sit back and enjoy--28 hours worth, or all that you can. CASTIN’ > 1 SU the Red Man Fisherman Three Time National Champion and World Record Holder | PAUL CAMERON | WBTV Sports Director Tournament Catch GIVE BASS for The Largest Daily : FINE QUALI TY MATTRESSES th AND BOX SPRINGS A BUZZ AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WINTER CLEARANCE PRICE OR LESS! One of the most exciting bass lures to fish is a buzzbait and I'll be using one along the Red Man Tournament Trail. Only Clemson Can Restore The Shine A “Academics, without question, must be established as the number one priority of this institution”. —David Senn, president, Clemson Faculty Senate.) That's a noble sentiment. But it’s easier said than done. When Clemson President Bill ‘Atchley. resigned under pressure, while Athletic Director Bill McLellan stayed on with other duties, the school’s priorities came under question. This is sad. Clemson's a fine university. Its graduates are leaders in business, industry and government. This year alone, five students were named Fulbright Fellows. Tiger alumni are among the most loyal and supportive in the nation. But things clearly have gotten out of hand. ; 2 The hope here is that Clemson will bring in a strong president and give him the authority to make athletics subordinate to academics. Unless this happens, the fine reputation the school has built over the years will continue to be tarnished. Only Clemson can restore the shine. * Cn * * $ Phil Niekro should become the 17th pitcher in history to win 300 games. He needs 16 victories, the same number he got last year ... Quote: ‘There may be braver guys out there, smarter guys out there, but for the first time | really feel like I've got control of myself’ —Neil Bonnett after winning the Carolina 500 ... In this age of Lions and Tigers and Hurricanes and Devils and Demons you gotta like the University of Delaware athletic teams; theyre the Blue Hens. * * * * Call me old-fashioned, but this business of naming stock car races after commercial products leaves me cold. We now have races named after banks and beers, soft drinks and chickens, spark plugs and cigarettes, headache remedies and diamond mines. Are we soon to see the ‘Sweet Snuff Super Bowl”, the “Chew-A-Chaw’’ World Series, the ‘‘Chug-A-Lug Rose Bowl” ... ad infinitem, ad nauseum? Probably so. Money has a big mouth; when it talks, pro- moters listen. ~ * Cow * * ¢ 1 wonder what Bobby Knight would have done if one of his players had thrown a chair across the basketball court—as Knight himself did. He'd have benched him for the year, no doubt ... I have this feeling that all ACC teams in the NCAA playoffs will find : themselves back home fairly early in the competition. But, | had the same feeling when N.C. State began its long climb to the national title 2 years ago ... Prediction: Brad Daugherty will make a fine pro; he's smooth, has a fine touch, and is only 19. He's also 7 feet— at least. a ; Sports Briefs Dixie Youth Meeting, Registration Scheduled There will be an organizational meeting for all Dixie Youth baseball caoches Monday at 7 p.m. at the Kings Mountain Community Center. : SB ook ) Registration for Dixie Youth baseball will be held Frida from 7-9 p.m. at the Kings Mountain Community Center. All boys and girls ages seven through 12 are eligible to play. This is the lead-headed lure with a wire arm equipped with some sort of propeller-type blade that runs along the ‘surface creating a disturbance with a bubbling sort of action. The buzzbaits on the market nowadays click, knock, thrash, sound like tin cans — they do a little of everything coming across the top of the water. And what this does is excite the bass. Bass will hit for one of two reasons — to feed on something _or just to kill it I'm not exactly “sure'why they hit a buzzbait, but it will draw some heart-stopping . strikes from an old bass. Sometimes a fish literally will blow a buzzer out of the water. 5 an Young America ¢ A firm innerspring mattress with matching foundation— featuring flange construction and beautiful print cover A great value at regular price — underwater stump, brush or some other submerged structure and reel it back across the cover. Generally, the best retrieve is the outstanding value at this clearance | quilted damask cover The ultimate in and value when combined with match- slowest that will allow the lure to price sleep comfort when supported by the ing grid-top box spring or foundation stay on the surface. A steady, matching Orderpedic box spring - rhythmic motion is best. : TWIN TWIN TWIN | believe bass can sense the SIE $ 1 LY 5 Nr $ 369° 5 Sjex $ 1 99° 5 bait coming, then they see it and : REGULAR $269 95 REGULAR 5134 95 REGULAR 399.95 zero in on it. Some fishermen will s oo YOU SAVE * 00 : speed up or slow down the YOU SAVE *100. E*170.° YOU SAVE *200.°° retrieve, but I think this causes OUBLE shirt DOL BLE SET : QUEEN SET DOUBLE SET QUEEN SET them to miss a lot of fish. REG SAVE $ 95 REG $499.95 REG $599.95 | REG REG : Bass usually will hit right by 289% 3100.5 bon Bh A . pA a a ? won os 3249% [wseaes 299° the cover when you bring the bait - - SAVE '250.% SAVE '300 over them at a steady speed. On OTHERS AVAILABLE AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS. HURRY IN—QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED! a cold front day when the fishing is slow, a lot of times a bass will just suck the buzzbait under, but CO (0) P EE i y S i 3 C he'll still take it. y w Maybe the buzzbait will 210 Railroad Ave. - Downtown Kings Mountain Your Hometown Store For Over 50 Years FREE DELIVERY - FREE PARKING - WE FINANCE - 739-2881 increase the weight of your stringer at the next stop of the Red Man Tournament Trail. Until next time, this is Ron Shearer. TET U J eX %._ 4%) Sli 7 ” O hitypentti 7 Oy 5 A A / Deluxe Orderest Premium bedding at its best —now at An extra-firm mattress featuring 312 a “'best-buy price. Asuper-firminner- coil innerspring unit, high quality spring with edge supports on all four upholstery, and quilted damask deco- sides. foam upholstery, and luxurious rator cover. Unequaled for comfort Loans... On The ouse! Over the years, you've paid a lot into your house. The down payment, monthly payments, repairs and renovations. And when you add in appreciation, chances are, you've built up a large amount of equity that you could be put- ting to good use right now. With a home equity loan from Home Federal, you can borrow money to remodel, add a swimming pool, take a lengthy vacation or buy a new car. In fact, homeowners can use a home equity loan for almost any worthwhile cause. Give us a call today. We'll be glad to explain how it works. Home Federal Savings and Loan Association KINGS MOUNTAIN AND BESSEMER CITY