'AGS TVVO THE CAROLINA NWS APRIL 1952 E CAROLINA NEW. Published Twice Monthly At Harris, N. C. M. B. Koliiui'Vi , , , . t . .4).: tr I rl.p J l' .'tlf-' -I i as published in t;.,. . -v. thi je years, duriE? i " ! 1 interest of the fine t r T.h great sate of North t-iu- r.t a '0 rtlscont'nued it, re . ) t r. v : ,vild at some future .- ' bv p; v? J. t . !'i Ai r ' v plan to publish a pap r tc ,ns u community (for that Ji-unc j the iiew publication is THE CARO k -WC and ' ne paper is what ir s name implies in that ,t boeuii to strve the large energetic, progressive, resourceful population in Westerr- North. Carcl-'na and upper South Caro lina. We -.an nd wi!i be of service to the people in Cleveland cn'Uuty, iacksburg, Gastonia, Lincolnton, Hickory, Marion, . sheville, Tryon and of course all Rutherford county. It ia this area that we plan to work and in this area lives some of ; the finest folk3 on the earth and it is our desire and hope to give them the beat paper possible twice a month. How can we do it? By you, our friends and readers doing at least three things for us, plus the hudreds of things we are going to do for ourselves. , . . On4When it is convenient or possible buy a copy for 10c or subscribe for only $2.50 for one year. Two -Become a good-will Ambassador for THE CARO . -yy; u-akini? a good word for the paper when- deluded a word or two toour adver- 'si: . , . mm vc;"" ".: vc i& j&aiccii newspaper could sur- vive wtJho!? a larse ( - ' of it xrm being filJed with ' - . ., !jt't . 'i..easity, It has been . . . . .V: . .:' o saceive the fine eoope- ,if jantiial sympathic attitude -' . . i.i;Mi".uu in Rutherford county. To utu e na been assured. As time passes we O et iuvertising wherever THE CAROLINA NEWS ia sold regularly and in large quantities. Finally, with the above factors agreed upon, what do you say about us making it official, by buying a paper or sub scribing, or by doing some real honest promotional work and as a businessman how about getting a little copy ready for the NEWS ad man? For that important Gift Occasion, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, China. V. L. IlEID, Jeweler Rutherfordton, N. C. ' -nr Wife Can't Cook iortt Her, Keep Her For A Pet And Eat At . . . ' White & Blue Cafe . V. WADDELL, Owner . . V, YOUNGER, Mgr. h. CHESNEE, S. C. SLTEIE 4821 Congratulations To TdUMU f.WSS f.'Mill CO. Quality Ued Cert fm?t Ffesit 2339 r Editor-Founder ... Circulation Mgr. Society Editor fcATKS . . , a: $1.40 : if ; v.munieations of a .: t-. the Editpr THE r .'! the Editor. '.trn. - ;htcl On Request i t ka c&j bet lead the v.- ' .s! antagonism wheir it ; ; . -?i cvJor or creed his . i -'.iSiu, feanuy no man, : ' . y n. n in ti. i virm be Ar r. . -i.fc i hold lwek. :re jhat we appreciate their r ve ade tising. Every Ruthcrfordton, N. C. The Carolina News ttesiJence Fhone 35$ 4 Forest City. C. j ; ,A Fsilowshlp of ccjrsavNioK or chrxsts 8crlptnJoh 15:1-9, Roman Gotottkuit 0ISCOUE2S in John 13 wm given on TSiurade jr of Holy We!t. In it Christ used a ainiil that wouid h f&miliar to thmt listening to Him. H Mid, "I an Vat true vir., and My Father ia the husbActdman. Every bracSj la M tht brt!i not fruit H tuketh wy: and very br&nch that bereUt fi-uit, he purgeth it, that it my bring' forth mor fruit. "Kow ye are cleaa through the word which I have spoken unto you. "Abide in Me, and X in you. As the branch cannot hear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. : "I am the vine, ye are the branchrsi He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit- for without Me ye can do nothing:. "If y abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. "As the Father hath loved Me. ' MEMORY VERSE . "Ye ar My friends, it ye do te tXnsgt which I cowmaUi yo."John tS:li 80 have I loved you: continue ye in My love." This metaphor of a vine in reference to the people of God is frequently found in the Old Testa ment. The vine Is familiar to all peo ples. It is one of the most grace ful of plants. It is distinguished for the fragrance of its blossoms, the symmetry of its fruit Paint ers suggest that we study its per fection of form, color, light and shade, all united in one object ' The branches must depend upon the vine for everything Without 7hrist, the Vine, we can do noth ing. With KUn we can do any thing. "As the Father hath loved Me. so have I loved you continue in My love." Spoken the day before His suf fering and death, the Apostles must have weU remembered His words and they inspired them to resist their enemies; to defy the commands of earthly men, to con tinue to preach Christ's gospel in spite of cruel persecutions. What a world it would be if even we, small and inconsequen tial as we be, would remember always His words of love one to another, if we were to return love for hate, kind deds for our persecutors instead of giving hat for hate; hard words for insults. . In Paul's time, and largely through his missionary wor't, the fwjwl of Christ -feed sprtMid to ma.ny lands. In Rome there seemed to be , thriving church, and Paul knew many there we are amazed how many he knew aw wmrlxktm ulUnw inothmS fer Ui DtvfaUm of Chrl!ln ttfteatteit, Kfttioasi ' Cfiuell of Uit Cttunitua of Ctult la th V. S. A., and ud tar Mtemlmsa, OlatMDvted by IU&( Feature aymiKata - ' Bailey ' Raleigh Roundup Thinks Truman May Support Gov. Adlai Stevenson Some Speculation That Tru man May Endorse Stevenson-Russell Slate For Presidency SCHOOL SUPPOBT . ; . Like a Moses lotting into the promised 'and. Gubernatorial Candidate Hu bert Olive cast longing eyes In the iirection of teacher PTA support nd came out two weeks ago flat footedly favoring the legislative .rogram of United Forces for Edu cation which calls for: additional State funds for school buildings, more school buses, teacher salary range from $2,600 per year for be ginning teachers to M.100 per an num for those' most experienced, reduction in the teacher load from 31.7 pupils to 30, and attendance officers to enforce compulsory at tendant law, William B. Umslead has come jut fe about the same program, bi has tempered it with phras es suck as "the largest passible" Incresse ia salari and a "Vera prehfciiuve study and review" of fcailding needs, "enforcement of B. D. WILSON INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE 115 W. 2nd St. . . I'hone 4972 UUTHEIirOSDTON, N. C For The Best In Hate Lunches And Soft Drinkat , VISIT iAMILTON'S GRILL 0??wile Prisos Cam? Ms?iy Followers tisaPLEs spread abrqj U:l-Vt, PMUppian f .11-7; .T-iS. when t that tim he had never bi te Rot. Ia his letter he refutes forever the charge gtmeraily held that h disliked women. He sends tionate greetings and gratitude to many womea Phoebe, "our sis ter." Priscilla, Mary, "who be stowed much labor oa you." This Mary is apparently not t be idea tised with any of the other Marys, There are others including "the sister of Kereus" and the mother of Rufua "and mine." He also gave them good coiin sol: "Now X beseech you. breth ren, mark thtm which cause divi sions and offenses contrary It the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. "Vor your obedience is tern abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wis tints that which ia good, and simple con cerning evil." He ends his Setter with: "To God only wis, be frlory through Jesus Christ fotever Amen." To the Philippisjis when he was in prison, Paul wrota: "Do ait things without murmuring! and disputing ' "That ye may be blametaia and harmless, th sons of God, with out rebuke, ia the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." None of us can b perfect, but if we would only remember Paul's words about "murmuring and disputing," our home and our churches would be much nearer perfection than most of them are this day Further Paul wrote: "Holding forth th word of life; that 1 may rejoice In the day of Christ, that I have not run In vain, neither labored la vain. "Yea. and Z be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I Joy, and rejoice with you." In his epistle to th brethren at Colosse, Paul sent his personal greetings to his friends, telling them Tychicus, "who is a beloved brother,1' would declare of his (Paul's) state, as Paul had sent him to them to do so and to dis cover their condition and "com fort your hearts." " . Our lesson is too long to name all the friends to whom Paul sent salutstions, but "Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas," who were with Paul, sent their greetings, too. He concludes this piUe with th words, "The salutation, by the hand of me, Paul, Remem ber my bonds. ?rae toe with you. Amts."" .- rv-f..- How many follower, ted kma added to the small church group that were in Palestine whf h Jesus was carried to glory! the school attendance Isw", and making "as safe as nmnsnly pos sible" school transportation. COLUMN . . . Jesse Helms, who is apparently doing a bang-up job as administrative assistant to Wil lis Smith, was tn Raleigh last week attending the annual meeting of the N. C. Citizen j Association. Helms Indulged fa great deal of off the caff conrertaiien with friends from throughout the State. One Interesting note: the Willis Smith newspaper co lumn out of Washington is now running la 63 North Carolina pa pers. NO CANDIDATE . .'.Those De mocrats who were in Balcigh at tending the Citizens Association meeting were almost solidly of the opinion that President Larry Tru man would not run again for the Presidency. They felt that along in the early summer he would throw his strength to Illinois Go vernor Adlai Stevenson, who like Estes Kefauvcr is known as rac ket-buste?. Cease ftssis was i&afc the South would li up w&h Georgia Se nator Ranell wh when he was Introduced to the crowd receiv ed' aa ovation recahusceut ef those accorded FDR in the hal cyon days of the New Deal. Stevenson is an old friend of South Carolina Gov. James F. Byr nes. More important, Adlai Sleven- Pson is a cousin of Senator Richard IiusselL STEVENSON - RUSSELL? . . . Stalwart Washington Columnists Steward and Joe Alsop said last week: "There is good reason to be lieve that President Truman, as he ponders his fateful decision un der the Florida sun, is now turn ing over in bis mind a rather as tonishing idea. This is the notion of a Democratic ticket headed by Adlai Stevenson, who is the presi dent's favorite for first place if he does not run himself, and here the element of surprise enters with Sen. Richard Russell, of Geor gia, in second place. ". . . Moreover, Stevenson has strong feelings about both states' rights and government economy, and these views are welcome in the South. ". . . Russell's presence on the ticket would reinsure the South absolutely against a Republican in vasion by a ticket headed by Taft, and probably even by ticket head ed by Eisenhower." The Minnesota thing prompt ed Eisenhower ta say that he migh change his mind about not coming hack to the States to campaign for the GOP Presiden tial nomination. Our feeling now is that he will return in the near future, report on NATO and go ta campaigning promptly. -The "Mr. President" book prom pted Jonathan Daniels to say that it is the best evidence yej that Har ry Truman may not run again. Daniels is close to the President; and his opinion on such matters carries a lot of weight so much weight, in fact, that his statement carried originally in the Saturday Review of Literature was publish ed and broadcast throughout the Nation all last week. If Eisenhower Is the nominee for the Republicans, only a Southernor on the Democratic ticket can prevent large por- ' tions of the South from going Republican this fall, liven then it may be close ta some areas. See the current copy of "Read ers Digest", book section in the back, and you will no doubt agree that no man. planning to run for the President would have authori zed its publication. On the other hand, you will find that Harry Tru man is an average man of great personal warmth and not a little like your' favorite clab brother or peker -playing companion. ..,'. yOTING . . . Although North Carolina and the other Southern states do a lot of rousting about during the spring, we don't pay much attention to the fall elec tion. In this State, we generally run about 25 per cent of those eligi ble to vote ia the election as compared with CO per cent and better la some of the other stat es particularly those up North and en the Pacific Coasts. In 1948, only 48 per cent of those eligible to vote in the Na if on took time of Mo go cast their ballots. Many of the states have laws re quiring employers to let their em ployees off to vote. Some of the states require that pay continue for the time off voting. North Car olina has no law of this kind. Ia other words, we pay little attention to politics as far as vot ing is concerned except each two years when the Democratic Primary rolls around. In the fall, we are generally concern ed more with going hunting, at tending football games, and get ting that last load ef tobacco, peanuts, and cotton off te the market. North Carolina is thus apparent ly wide open for some tealous group to slip in some time and take over before we realize what has happened. ONE HOUR . . . Senator Clyde R. Hoey had those attending the Citizens Association meeting prac tically humming that old popular humdinger, "If I could be with You One Hour Tonight". . Senator Willis Smith had prais ed him. The crowd had stood ap plauding him and his record. Se nator Smith had presented Hoey with the association's certificate of outstanding citizenship in recogni tion ,of his 50 years of public ser vice. Then Senator Russell had pre sented him with a scroll bearing the signatures of Democratic mem bers of the Senate, Everybody was bubbling ovor for Clyde Roark Uoey. lie bad tlready made' the speech of the evening. Although both James Byrnes and Harry Byrd bad spoken In previous years at the annual meeting of the Citizens, everybody there know that neither of these nor Smith, nor Russell could s preach Senator Hoey as a word mtri hunt, as a coiner f color ful phrases. The praise had been so creamy thick, so wholcnome. and so ladrn with ttie essence, the folks felti that Jjocy would be Usjtd with -mntt'on, twight be (Cod forbid it) rra stricken svwcliteiMt. He wrt Clyde Koey tir4 to respond. He didn't want for n word. Said he -"I feel just like I Zion Grove News Jessie L. Miller (Staff Correspondent) We in Zion Grove community are happy that the Negro paper is being published again to serve Rutherford, Polk and other coun ties in Western North Carolina. We want this paper in every ome in Western North Carolina and up-1 per South Carolina. The second ouarterly conference was held at Zion Grove church March 12-16 with Dr. A. C. COOk presiding and Rev. J. R. Watson, nastor. All class leaders made a round report. Dr. Cook preached a powerful sermon that touched many hearts. Finances raised was $28.52. Visitors present were Rev. U. B. Robinson and Miss ssie r. Robinson. Pfc. Willie WaJl Wilkins is at home alter spending 12 months in Korea. Everyone extends a sincere welcome to him. He returns to Fort Jackson April 19 where he will spent seven months. He will be discharged in Nov of '52. Mrs. Gertrude Matthews, who prior to her marriage was Miss Gertrude Miller of Zion Grove has returned home from Wilmington and is spending a few days with home folks. Walter Burgin was here on a visit. He has returned to New York City. An Easter program will be giv en at Zion Grove church Sunday, April 13. Everyone is invited to attend. Preaching services at Zion Grove every first and third Sun days At 11:30 with Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Rutherfordton New Mrs. Jenette Legan (Staff Correspondent) We are happy to have our paper published again it being the first for us in this Section of North Ca rolina. It has meant and will con- t4nue to mean a great deal to us. Everybody should support it. Those on the sick list are, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michel have been sick practically all winter. Geor- Pe Littlejohn is very sick also. The following persons passed re cently, Messers: Worth Eaves Claude Mooney, J. Mooney, and Bue Michel and Samuel Kent. The Needy Workers club of Gold Hill Baptist church celebrat ed its 10th anniversary, Sunday, March 16th. Rev. H. B. Furgerson was in charge of the service, which was enjoyable. Over $200.00 was raised. There will be program at Gold Hill April 27th at three o' clock sponsored by Mrs. Mooney. We are very proud of tho teac ers of New Hope School Mr. V. C. Ramsuer, Principal and of Carver High school, one of the finest to be found anywhere. Mr. J. C. Dun can is Principal. Cherryville News Miss Mary Jane Roberts (Staff Correspondent) 'The ham, egg, and poultry show will be held April 10, 1952 ia the John Chavis High School Gym. We urge each and everyone to come and see some of the biggest and best bams in the country. There will be nice fresh country eggs. There will be chickens also. Prizes will be given to ones with the best hams, freshest eggs, and best looking chickens. ' The boys basketball team along with Principal Twitty and Mr. Bynus left for Fayettville Thurs day, March 20th, to participate ia a tournament They returned Sat urday, March 22nd. On Feb. 8th and 9th John Chavis boys team won the Cage tournament. The all Tournament, team was represent edby: Forward, J. Bendix, David son; Forward, R. Webber, Wash ington: Center, J. Rienhardt, Oak land; Guard, C. Good, Camp; and Guard J. Twitty, Chavis. Harvey Stuater of John Chavis maae the highest number of scores, 57. The senior class of John Chavis would like to welcome theii new teacher, Mr. Bynum. Also three uew students. Their names are young girl who has been court ed solidly,, affectionately, and with reckless abandon for one hour by her most ardent suitor." That statement seemed to size up the whole evening. Matthew M. Neejy, Senator from W. Va.. refused, to sign the scroll presented to Hoey. He was the on ly Democratic .Senator not to sign. Neely is a Fair Deal Senator and refused to Bign because he claimed it would be political suicide. ( - II 7 '1 St ,.ijy w once m awiuic. if yea are regularly employ- MT' ' ed, and can ntake stsali weekly or monthly payments on a loan come in and t;i?t over th mlimtUm with Mr. lilackwelL We make loans on Household Furnishings, Livestock, Auto mobiles, and Real Estate. "A helping hand for 4 he ficiiJy man." Western Union family meg awafOHBioj I nsurance The Negro life insurance busi ness during 1931 experienced one of its most gainful and progressive years in history, if the latest an nual statements of the three firms with home offices ia Virginia and North Carolina reflect tfe nation al situation in that field. The reports of these concerns indicate that they witnessed nota ble growth ia financial stability and public service during the 12 month period ending December 31. A perusal of their respective state ments offer good end substantial reasons why the business as ope rated by American Negroes alse enjoys a creditable rating ia the nation's financial structure. As of December 31,- the 52-year- old North Ceroliaa Mutual at Dur ham reported total insurance in force approximating $165 million and assets of over $33 million. - The 59-year-old Southern Aid at Richmond reported insurance in force totaling nearly $11 million and assets close to $3 million. The 19-year-old Virginia Mutual, also at Richmond, reported insur ance in force amounting to nearly $10 million, along with assets of approximately $2 million. - The overall figures are arresting but they fail far short of telling the whole story that is written in the history of these companies, which have succeeded against tre mendous odds, some the outgrowth pf normal business competition and others imposed by racial res trictions. In spite of their traditional limi tations, they have had to weather the storms and stresses whipped up during more than one era by the virtual collapse of the Ameri can economy. The stalwarts who have been re sponsible for bringing the Negro life insurance business to its pre sent commendable footing have provided more than protection for the insuring public. In addition, they have promoted the economic strength pf their people by creat ing the 'argest source of Negro self employment available in this country. Doubbtl&Sfthere will be Issued succeeding annual reports of the North Carolina and Virginia firms, as , well as of those located else where. But the figures never will be sufficient to give an ample pic ture of the combined benefits the business provides in making for better living in the various com munities. Incidentally, the remarkable ga ins m insurance la sorcc experien Fannie Mae Vinson, James Fhilps, and Robert Lee Kee. The senior Class officers are: President .... Mary Jane Roberts Vice President. Fannie Mae Vinsen Secretary .... Dorothy Thompson Treasurer Olivia Mackey Class reporter . . Robert Young Jr, x Always Try Keeter's Hardware & Furniture IN RUTIIEItFO&DTON HOTPOINT APPLIANCES PAINTS HOUSEWARES FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT We Feature The Latest Styles, Including Croquinole Waves, Marcel Waves And Curb. , Call 3SC1 For An Appointment , Wood's Beauty Salon Grahamtown THE JACKSON DEPARTMENT STCR - , . ' , .' - . - .' ' .' CKff side, N,C, Complete Outfitters To Rlen, Women And Children DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS n NEY linn f ' n ItiU HAH 111111-1 I Maybe We Have Most everyone "bits tm L. BLACEVYELL, Header www mm i mn-ammmmmmmmmm r irms red bv the reDortintf comnanies during last year more than $11 million in one case attest not only the public confidence reposed ia their management, but point to a steady growth of Negro interest in lite insurance protection. Educational and promotional ef forts designed tn afford a wirier eoverag for te masses advance me national weuare. Grahamtown School Nearing Completion Grahamtown School of Forest City is nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most modern and cp-to-daie school plants in Western North Carolina. C. P. Neal of Forest City is the contractor. A campaign is nr,w un derway to buy curtains and other equipment for the new school. The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades of Grahamtown school will present their closing Operetta. THE COBBLER OF FAIRYLAND, Tuesday night, April 8 at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of the new school. Admission Adults 40e and children 25c. Prof. J. O. Gibbs is principal. Inman (S. C.) News by Converse Lyles (Staff Correspondent) Mrs. Hessie Weaver has come home from the hospital. Mrs. Bav?a Roland visited her sister, Mrs. Larkin Lyles. Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Lyles Jr., tnnounce the birth of a daughter, Sue Thella. Mrs. Mattie Jackson is oa the' sick list Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Pearson announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Sue. Pvt. Bunnell J. Lyles, sob of Mr. and Mrs. Lai kin Lyles Sr. cf In man is serving over sea. He enter ed service August 29, 1951. Piedmont Drug Co. . Prescription Drussists Phots 3527 FOREST CITY, N. C. Quality and Service WO Vf UIlillfi'!! The Solution a financial mv.'t 31 4

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