• I Thufxloy* 89pt#iiib#t 25> 1980*K1NGS MOUNTAIN HCRALD*Pci9* TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority con tained in that certain deed of trust executed and delivered by WILLIAM C. EARLE, Divorc ed dated the 28th day of August, 1979, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County, North Carolina, in Book 886 at Page 254, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness ^thereby secured and failure to "carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand of the power and holder of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will expose for sale at public auction'to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in the County ■^Courthouse of Cleveland Coun- 'ty, in the City of Shelby, North Carolina, at 11 o’clock, A.M., on Tuesday, the 7th day of October, 1980, all that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Number Four Township, Cleveland County, State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: Being a part of the William S. ^Fortenberry and Edward D. Fortenberry Subdivision accor ding to a survey by Clyde C. Sor rels, Registered Surveyor, made the 14th day of December, 1970, the said subdivision being the Southwest intersection of North Carolina State Road No. 2241, and North Carolina State Road 2033 this particular part being Lots Nos. 5 and 6 of Block “B” ^of the said subdivision above referred to, the said lots being described as follows: Lot No. 6: BEGINNING at a stake in the South edge of State Road No. 2033 at a point where the same is intersected by State Road No. 2141, this being the Northeast comer of Lot No. 6 and running thence with the —.West edge of State Road No. ®2141, S. 4 W. 32 feet to a stake; thence continuing with the said road S. 16 W. 170 feet to a stake, the same being the Northeast comer of Lot No. 7; thence with the-Ndrth line of Lot No. 7 N. 84-45 W, 100 feet to a stake in the North line of Lot No. 7, be ing the Southeast comer of Lot No. 5; thence with the East line of Lot No. 5, N. 13-30 E. 222 wfeet to a stake in the South edge of State Road 2033, the same be ing the Northeast comer of Lot No. 5; thence with the South edge of State Road No. 2033, S. 70 E. 100 feel to the place of BEGINNING. Lot No. 5: BEGINNING At a slake in the South edge of State Road No. 2033, the said stake Abeing the Northwest comer of ^Lot No. 6 and being located N. 70 W. 100 feet along the South edge of the said road from its in tersection with State Road No. 2141, and running thence with the West line of Lot No. 6, S. 13-30 W. 222 feel to a stake in the North line of Lot No. 7, be ing the Southwest corner of Lot No. 6; thence with the North Aline of Lot No. 7 N. 8445 W. 94 . ^feet to a stake in the North line ; of Lot No. 7, being the Southeast comer of Lot No. 4; thence with the line of Lot No. 4, No. 12 E. 240 feet to a slake in the South edge of State Road No. 2033, being also the Nor theast comer of Lot No. 4; thence with the South edge of .Slate Road No. 2033, S. 72-30 E. 100 feet to the place of BEGIN NING. The above described property is subject to those restrictions as found in Book 13-R at Page 618 of the Cleveland County Registry. For title reference see Book 13-N at Page 671 and Book 13-R at Page 618 and Book 16-K at Page 313 of the .Cleveland County Registry. ' Subject to unpaid taxes and assessments for paving, if any. This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bid as by law required. This 21st day of August, 1980. GEORGE B. THOMASSON Attorney At Law P.O. Box 205 kKings Mountain, N.C. 28086 9/25; 10/2 NORTH CAROLINA CLEVELAND COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 80^nfD-889 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBUCATION EDWARD E. STAMEY, Plain- Itiff vs PATRICIA ANN STAMEY, Defendant ♦ W ir > fr >’ TO: Patricia Ann Stamey: TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: For an ab solute divorce on grounds of one year separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than forty (40) days from the first date of publicetion of this notice or not later than November 5, 1980, and, upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service upon you will ap ply to the court for the relief sought. This the 22 day of September, 1980. Linda C. Thrift, Asst. Qerk of Superior Court George B. Thomasson Attorney at Law 110 West Mountain Street Kings Mountain, N.C. 9/25; 10/2,9 Garage Sale SDC FAMILY YARD SALE: Assortment of clothes, glassware, collectibles. Highway 216 one mile from 274 in Tryon Community. Sat., Sept. 27. 925 YARD SALE: 603 Southwood Dr. Variety of items. 820 ajn.-220. Sm., Sept. 27.925 GIANT TWO FAMILY YARD SALE: T.V. and furniture and much more. Saturday, Sept. 27, 808 N. Piedmont. Rain, no sale. 925 YARD SALE: 510 Rhodes Ave. Sat., Sept. 27-3 families. 8:30 til. 9:25 YARD SALE: 900 Linwood Rd. Sat., 8:30-1:30. Rain no sale. 925 YARD SALE: 3 families on Oak Grove Rd. near fire dept. Sat., Sept. 27, 8K)0 til. 925 YARD SALE: UR Owen Street off York Rd. behind Dilling Heating. Sat., Sept. 27, 8:30 un- ta. 925 YARD SALE: 417 Fulton Dr. ChUdren’s clothes and toys. 9fl0-3«0. ^., Sept. 27. 925 YARD SALE: Sat., Sept. 27.8:30 tU - 5 families. 218 Waco Rd. 925 Autos FOR SALE: Four 15” Crager SS Rims with four Dural tires mounted, $400. Two 1978 new Mazda seats, $75. Sofa and mat ching chair, $100. Recliner, $30. Two end tables and coffee taUe, $20. Panasonic FM Converter with 8-track stereo. Call 7394702 or 739-7109. 8:17tfh T&T FOR SALE: 1974 Ford Torino Elite. 2-dr.. AC, PS. /Mso 71 Chevy Impala, 4-dr., PS, AC. Can 739-7496 during the day or 739-7548 after 6 pjn. 320tfh T&T FOR SALE: Simplicity Riding Lawn Mower. 8 h.p., 36” cut. CaU after 6 pjn. 739-7658. 8:5tfti T&T for SALE: 1971 Ford Van. “Econoline," 6 cylinder. Good gfl^ tnileage. $1,000 cash. Come after 3KX) pjn. Chubb Cobb, 112 Water Oak St., at the Margrace MiU. 925 FOR SALE: 16” chain saw, ex cellent condition. 22 C.L $95. CaU after 7fl0. 739-8587. 9:15, 102 Services WESTERN AUTO. 235 S. Cherokee St. Used appliances for sale. Refrigerators, freezers, and washers. Il:l6tfh BABYSITTING in my home. First and third shifts. References. CaU 739-7503.9:23, 25 TRACf^-DUMP TRUCK WORK: Landscaping, yard seeding, bush hogging, driveways built, dirt and gravel hauled. Also light clearing and trash removal. Free estimates. CaU 739-7076 or 739-3798. 2:14tfh COMPLETE PRINTING SER VICE - Letter heads, envelopes, business cards, programs, at the Herald PubUshing House, East King Street at Canterbury Road. CaU 739-7496 for free estimate. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS. $25.00 minimum investment. Young major cor poration. Write Eugene Poston (Former President of Gardner- Webb CoUege) P.O. Box 1465, MooresviUe, N .C. 28115. FOR SALE: Good used fur- . niture and appliances. Best prices in town. Barnette’s Used Furniture, 429 N. Piedmont Ave. Ph. 739-8411 or 739-3379. 42tfh ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS. WiU pick chUdren up at Bethware or St. Matthews and keep in the afternoon. CaU 7394304. 9:lltfri USED APPLIANCES - Refrigerators, some frost-free, 2-door models, ranges, washers, and dryers. Prices start at $25.00. TIMMS FURNITURE CO. Ph. 739-5656.120tfti WILL BABYSIT in my home. High school area. 7 years ex perience. CaU 739-7537 anytime. 925 ENIOY NEEDLECRAFT? Join the Creaiiye,Circle,JJome Party. Pltm. Earn beautiful kits and cash in your spare time. For ap- pmntment to see kits or to book parties, caU 434-9390 coUect after 500.925,30; 102 LOANS - AL'S PAWN SHOP, 219 E. Marion St., Shelby. Money loaned on clean, workable merchandise. (^aUty merchandise always on sale at Bargain Prices. 2:12tfh T&T SAVINGS up to 70 percent and more on your family clothing needs. Bargain Basement in back of Hightowers, 313 York Road. Kings Mtn. Open Mon.-Sat., 920-620 pjn. Ph. 739-8211. 26tfh T&T WE wiA MAKE your car look like new for only $10X)0. Wash and professionaUy clean interior. 45 years experience. Bring it to Oates Super SheU Station, 601 East King Street, beside Hardee’s. 821 tfh T&T CHARLES OWENS PAIN TING, Commercial-Residential- Industrial. Airless spraying, sandblasting. Ph. 739-9437. 8:14tfh T&T it Itl Y ★ .Sf,7,/, ★ KJ, vr ★ mint: 7’« />/«{«'<* rill «#/ill till' Kl\i:s Mtn \'l 1/N llhli iLII rliissi fii’ils. com c h\ our o ffice nt t'jiiilcrhiiry Koiiil iiiiil luisl kiiif! Street. Miiiiiiiiiiii eluirfic is *2"" for iiji to tireiity irorils. ill oils luiyiihle in iiilriiiiee exee/it estiililislieil iieeoiiuts. THE REUPHOLSTERY SHOP: We reupholster any kind of fur niture. Also, we build new fur niture. THIS MONTH: Recliners reupholstered for $75.00, material included! CaU 739-8344, anytime, if no answer call 739-5170. 9:lltfn RON'S APPLIANCE. Repair washers, electric dryers, ranges and H20 heaters. Ph. 739-9431 after 4 p.m. T&Th tfn D fc D ELECTRIC: Commercial - Residential - Industrial. Elec trical repairs. Ph. 704-739-9395. 325tfh T&T AfcD AUTO REPAIR NOW OPEN: 1501 Shelby Hwy. AU automobile mechanical work done. Reasonable and guaranteed. No job too smaU. Open 8 a.m. 6 pjn., Mon.-Sat. 4.3tfti T&T Employment HELP WANTED: Experienced textured machine operators. Se cond and third shifts. Apply in person, Knitex of N.C., Inc., 1008 E. Ozark Ave., Gastonia, N.C. 9:16, 18,23 & 25 Real Estate PRIVACY AND SECLUSION — 4.41 acres for sale by owner. Mobile homes welcome. Tract is at end of street with hardwoods and pines. Adjoined by larger tracts for seclusion. Call 739-1284.9:25,30 30 ACRE FARM: Hwy. No. 161. 3 bams, weU, and open pasture, peach trees and grapes for added income. 25*7o down with owner financing. Loads of Road Frontage. Call 739-1284. 925, 30 LAND SALE: 2.5 acres for sale by owner with financing. Everything you wanted but were afraid to ask. Beautiful and ideal for that dream to come true. 15 minutes from Gastonia in Kings Mountain. Mobile homes welcome. Larger tracts available. 739-1284.925,30 MOBILE HOMES PERMITTED — 225 acres near PPG, $199 down, $91.97 per month. Easy financing. CaU 482-7835. 99tfh T&T HOUSE FOR SALE: Oak Grove Community. 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, living room, I bath. 1'/: acres of land with large road frontage. Fireplace and basement. Low 30’s. 1-704-657-5892.925,30; 10:2,7 WEST SIDE OF SHELBY - 225 acre tract for sale by owner with financing. Enjoy the quiet atmosphere at the end of cul de sac. CaU for details. 739-1284. 925, 30 ENDLESS DEUGHT: 5.0 acre tract for sale by owner. Hard wood with lake frontage. Sits on dead end street for privacy. Owner wiU finance with low down. South of Gastonia and 15 minutes from Kings Mtn. CaU 739-1284. 9:18, 23 & 25 RESTRICTED HOME SITES: 2-5 acre tracts with beautiful flat and roUing acreage with hard wood trees and a stream. Owner wiU finance with low down. CaU 739-1284. 9:18, 23 & 25 MINI FARM: 20 to 40 acres. Perfect for smaU farm. Has bams, peach trees and “well.” Sits on hard road frontage off Hwy. 161. Owner financing avaiUble. CaU 739-1284. 9:18, 23 & 25 $75 PER MONTH: Mobile homes welcome. 1.78 acres for sale by owner. Comer lot on paved road and roUing hills. Grover-Blacksburg Exit off 1-85, '/: mile. Other tracts available. CaU 739-1284. 9:18, 23 & 25 BIG SAVINGS: 221 acre tract for sale by owner. WiU finance according to your budget. Mobile homes welcome. Payments like rent, but you own it. CaU 739-1284.9:18, 23 & 25 MOBILE HOMES PERMITTED — Two acres, 12 miles south of Kings Mtn. $199 down, $77.45 per month. Easy financing. Call 482-7835. 9:9tfn T&T MOBILE HOMES PERMITTED — Two acres near Grover. Easy access to 1-85. $199 down, $77.45 per month. Easy financ ing. Call 482-7835. 95tfn T&T HOUSE FOR SALE: Bethlehem Community, brick, 3 bedroom, 1'/: bath, large den w-fireplace, kitchen w-built-ins and dishwasher, carport and deck, total electric. CaU after 6 p.m. 739-9163.923,25 ATTENTION APARTMENT DWQXERS — Family Housing Center, Hwy. 74W, Kings Mtn. now has 20 year financing on aU double-wide mobile homes. Ex ample: home sells for $18,900 plus tax, $2000 down payment, monthly piayments $204.87. CaU 739-9031.624tfn T&T FOR SALE BY OWNER: 3 bedroom, 1 '/i bath, den41ining combination, living room. 6294667. 923, 25 Rentals 3 BEDROOM trailer for rent. Apply in person to 1401 Shelby Rd. in Kings Mtn. 9:23, 25 FOR RENT: Two and three bedroom mobile homes for rent. Carpeted, air cond., 2 miles out side city Umits on Waco Road. Suburban MobUe Home Park, 739-3919. 724tfn T&T FOR RENT: Mobile Home, 1419 Shelby Road. Call 7394283.9:16, 18,23 & 25 BATTLEGROUND APART MENTS - Off Hwy. 161 York Road. Two bedrooms, heat pump with air. Also trader spaces for rent, $40 per month. Trailers for rent when available. CaU 864-4043.8;7tfn FOR RENT: Apartments and mobUe homes for rent when available. Call 739-2413 or 739-2407. l:8tfh MINI STORAGES FOR RENT — Several sizes available. As low as $10 a month. 602 Slater Street. Ph. 739-7234 days; and 7394342 nights. 7;5tfh TRAILERS FOR RENT when available. Phone 739-5162 or 7394695. 1025tfh FOR RENT: Two and three bedroom mobile homes for rent. Carpeted, air cond., two mUes outside city limits on Waco Road. Suburban Mobile Home Park. 739-3919. 925tfn T&T APARTMENT FOR RENT: Couples preferred. In Kings Mountain. Daytime, 482-6451, after 700, 482-8889. 925, 30; 102 FOR RENT: Clean, modem, one bedroom apartment. Partly fur nished. $180 including utilities. Shelby Highway. 803-2224321. 925, 30 WOOD STOVES and fireplace inserts. Blowers on both units, brick lined. Built standard sizes or to your specifications. Can’t beat my prices! CaU 739-9212 after 6:30 pjn. Certified Welder. 9:16, 18, 23 & 25 AKC REGISTERED Golden Retriever puppies for sale. Males - $100, Females, less. CaU 7394517.9:1 Itfti T&T BLUE DOBERMANS, six weeks old. $75jOO each. Ph. 739-8663. 8:5tfn T&T FOR SALE: 1 Schwinn 5-speed bicycle. 1 1932 Classic ratUo. 1 home size tread mill. All items Uke new. 7394791.923, 25 Ntm Taking Applications Isothermal Planning and Development Commission Will be taking I applications for The Section 8 HAPP Program. This is a rental and utility I payment program for low income families. If you would like to place an I application, contact Delores Dedmon or Linda Mcintyre at the Kings Mountain | I Neighborhood Center (Kings Mountain Community Center) at 208 N. I C/eve/and Ave. Phone 739-2351 for an appointment or 487-0476. Office hours | I will be Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. til 4 p.m. We are an equal I opportunity employer. SJ We Do Business In Accordance With The Federal Fair Housing Low | I OPPORTUNITY