TuMday, October 7, ISBO-KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD-Pag* 3A ed of D ^ » •) itiri 'M Crou'd of 80,0d0 now President Hoover at I *)8(t celebration.,. Photo From (let, H. 1930 (Ihnrlotte Observer 1) The Way We Were 'Vr 0 o Photos of Past Celebrations ... ^xrr W, pfA 1 V <1 HAMBRIGHT DESCENDANT WAS IN ORIGINAL DRAMA - My«rs Hambright. abov*. KM teacher as pictured in the 1951 program of "Then Conquer We Must." portrayed his illustrious ancestor. Col. William Frederick Hambright. The Kings Moun tain Chapter. Daughters oi the American Revolution, is named ior Col. Hambright. John Niedecker, special aide to President Ford, spoke at 1974 event. Photo Courtesy Philip Baker T: Sint rf-r :T Crowd came by horse and biifipy to 1911 celebration at whvit is now Central School... \ t- MAJOR WINSTON • This young fellow played Maior Winston in the original "Then Conquer We Must" in 1951. Look closely and you will recognise him os Jerry King. Director of the Kings Mountoln Economic Development Office, and Company Manager of this year's dromo. AUTHOR OF ORIGINAL DRAMA - The lote Robert B. Osborne, pictured in the 1951 program oi the historicol drama, was author of "Then Conquer We Must." which was revised this year by former Herald Editor Tom McIntyre. The outdoor drama continues tonight and Wednesday in the amphitheatre of KM National Militcoy Pork. ATTENDED 1880 CELEBRATION-John Larkin Hicks, bom 1854. died May 2.1908. and a former Gastonia Police Chief, at tended the 1880 Kings Moimtain Celebration. He is related to a number of former Kings Mountain citiiens. He was father oi Laura Summitt and Margaret Ellen Hicks Hill and grandfather oi Mrs. Barbara Hill Stroupe of Cherryville. formerly oi Kings Mountain.