- - ,-v -*> .Ix-Rakigvh Grid Star Dies; Hundreds Attend Rites J* Roberts I lias Ifter Calif. Wreck j Hundreds of relatives, former i eteassmatc® and friends sat sol-1 as the SI. Paul /JfX | Ctttwcts feare Wednesday after- ] tvjm at 4 p.m. as tbs Rev. I*. S ' Perm, pastor, dekivemS tee euyogy { for Julies FaOer 'Be Peep* Rah- ] «** 2s. vho died in Califomw < S-ac*. N . Roberts mmeumbed to avarice i received in a. eoilasson vritfc a trail-r few*; in a hospital in Cals- j Corfu*. At, ik time oi ins deamj he vras a reeraber of tee United' States Aimer. 4 sas«v* «? Rafetglt, SEeh- , H94w w*s a ssrwSvsate of tlw f fecal sw&4te sefeoot*. He was a j ctsir iaatfeeS pbsirer at Waste- > Sasgtoss ffisrh SeboeS »a< { captokm* tee teauss M i®sl -SS. lie -was a graduate of Tm mate AM Oumsrsity, vetoes* be ; slao pes&Hßed with the football 1 and t«a*4s*a teams. He received bis •fagrm ira IS5€ with a staler hta social aafisssrsteiaaiiMa and I*®'- | dbfiiogsr. Rtobert* warritod m a gratp am- j peH&ar at 4te® CteMfornia Toothy AstSssrity Camp in Pin® Hawse, j «eai«aa®Ea» ®ss mot s» JVSUUm iff* f*e«*r* SUgWESTS local NAASP Saining in Ifentesiip Atooai thirty or teirty-Ssve per son wire prms-ni at tee aecautd meeting <sf the istidcfeSs Sfesascts of tee SWJfeCS* wSaJchi was SatM Sun day at, the Fayritevtite Street Sspfcisi CSMtreto- the **tw*m« t««« a s£l«s|!Ks®*»rj 4sswssssss the topic; '"-Asva® «f OsMaewo Ra!ic£g&isißß y-eed <@ Tyimptmma apes**** dtaeeseed ■“The HaSt Cisae.,’ > 'S&6weof*3 OeweiigMM’atr Segfetiratia* *»4 V«is»«g,” *>«? "New t:*m *em” jack ah® w. ci^ras C!OHTSSBUTIC*H The Jae& and JafS Oato ©.? A aawacs, presented the chapter » ehedfe for sl®e a® the iastasl vos>- ®er»; <xs a Me tstEastesliip of *S®®. r m* SS»?t Unsf: ibe ' Heat, Ckse. Asscmes? Sa*a M'tdieß ter axidtisscw teat is has cast §S/>@S te •ea-tr? tee case terssggfe iris Cirsuit Ooart sff ecowxtsawE® ow pjmsk r> | Sh&t F*mr Iwmm *iWE$XiWm J®, s. C. A I IS-swar-'sai €mm»4 i -w®6 ahst. *i*w tw»as sm4. rriti ] «2#r fa ife? HwSur Sty i a, mesa, lates «HiNr: ShES'iSf 9. ;i HRhSte sv?a@e«e«. h v3#5W« I#i6!tesS*S«US .I ?isS'.ww. »«■ I | Ste: fifes*** HWSalw, 'twi | %s«is tc Srif j - acassh «« «w- j I tterisap §m' taie m, sritas was j 1 3sß@ *t j 1 «s*mPlßUi« ia*i rite *s* i | IdteMitp m de- j I Safe tJ? the '*&,% *«S ! I teswpfe. " . ST^^^ffi"' - '. ' ; fs|&. as£||* P^lM%' ; I*«3&£w -{SHPfc _ -■-> •'< mw l *s&®*s jg§|j|§a®r - - £g9Eggg iSi&sM Jiliii ’ *flll!lilfllP ' yflSH^ggjjwaS aMSTOT! 'KMSSSSSt' SOI - WS» ®Sse Sews* «*&■ »** awarded i» «**«* S'- Was***!* IfclSfeel Stoaoiar -»*Btii**® desfeiff -twresMasate; *£ «6* Win* WKP&*I Cfewrd* hstraj, f« 88&e*s* *Pssa *«l to 9Kes&. me M. ML 9*wm. ptimsjpiß off Sae fJsspsa Jaasresr-Stowter ESigfc Ss*»wß Skit*; R. E. W**ww». «*w *3**' - MSfirea &. 'SfaSteam. A»m »■*■*»« wsfe ®® ««•; I%*sssk. «Sta*** fmsmmim- ad Ste *mm, m& Sfess&e«s&K SSa ! «3t SagtiK Ctnnfe; sssi <*. W. WSomm&. K*Sk SSewaw. a*« W******** are »«- «»««*- «&* mvsmimam*, tDanwMtr. ’Tire ®re> ®. TN. Wmmmß, Sr., «* ww®*- **t*«s«te «f ®» w******** s ® 9, Jt‘**gppHlHWaßH&» North Carolina's Leading Weekly set McS| | ! VOL. 18. NO. 2! ' SATURDAY. FEBRUARY », I«s* SBALKIOH, N, C, !M»CE tteINRC.; ELSEWHERE 15e Must Eliminate Evasions: Julian \ I + + 4- + + + 4* + + + j Fuquay - Varina Man Offers SSOO Reward For Father's Killer *M L a jj Audience Is {Captivated { By Speaker t ST MABCtiS Si. BOILHAUE 'The tone has come wises we 1 most be dtste w?th »xwife and 4oi~ ] get and evasoßE and gradualism. | ?Jw we as men and v.ac,e« oi rc | f ligioa mean what we say?” were j tee words *f Dr. Percy L- Jaium .! m-feo addressed tec Institute of Rc* | hgsoa last Monday migsat. Like a rwt ewt es Ary ST®*rwa, li*v iwmin&- i If had s sdwcfcHi® tfl«t w »*£ ■j»ms .e«f>d -*f *Ti'cWS' tone set ke«S! prswSfeVsg ? «M they swwuseh. Use noted srwniik lalfcrti fmns i tiie sobejet 'TH* Man fleligscn i a?sd tee Man of Sapmce.' He said that the «arr ©3 drier •'<: 1 rmist attoaist teat he I sas {«iaS ’he » sow aasoepfefttg * S*old cfca:- 3 ienge to crearbr a new and aumani* j 3aria» sricoce in ewir sfhoc-5 cuc;ic ! orian —a kind et acienoe that w:2* j the peculiar kind of I mtegrity that js ter haste moltva ■ 1 iswis of si! getsera! acimtific cKart ! : TS«e speakes- rw»y*w“d tee! 4k* r : matt *r rrVifvcua 4ms a«* prar- IHT a-twi »w wyst “Tfei* 5* t*« t ! fractal «?»cs4wst kwSsy brans tmsi vet •oSv 4« warn and *t «m *f svhrj«s«» W W era ! *j«u test bud its twrte m fonautaisn. . . . ” There was a iswrrscnt of tersoffs crfleetion. wLe« Dr. Julian asked the lirtmers wisat was tees? fahh | pnor 4o HBroflaßKan and Hasasaki ’ tee time when a tremor of feai | nan thmnirii tec land. tcownwsstsss OK c&tif 1 a ■] Hotel Maid l Acquitted ’ Os Fraud \ j —™ 250H1W3® A 5w4e5 m*si wbe .! has. aoesased a wasate ratexiee! «i --|«aneer of ric&tfsg tow riwn a fligfet oi steas was TtoasrsiJa” i i«n « tfasrsk of fras#«3raSly re* cetsnng msiEfn - 3wsagz? ofter J. *5. Mt ;Crt»y tee elmr»c teat i Mr*. <Jeor®ta Storria White. ». has ; eanaesl « wtoUe twoweso; tef ! oEra«E*w.tM*B is 1987. 3k •H&SS&N& #ar «•Merge «f*w rmmpaeim ihr wmmem >*R •wwtere wauisi tSw fflufeiewaiss^i 4 «* a «4N»dk tite sSes*®?' *e oeiOßi tow SS»»rst« Pan't i tey CU». tera'x ate wm to* ; setwise «wm»w«si*Sfea f«s* ji -wmrm*im» ms etms t» j IIM - - . -- - lIM m~ - - i -1 -inrm n .■ ■ wimhhi . . .inn nwaiwramn— artfylhinwm —ermirWrt*Trnr*rar«rilTl~Triawni~~~nrrn~*-m~**~ —****** 1 11 I * 1 * M **"™ , *“ SHIRK iM teaemos VS TKGIKM fiathr?* Taraer. 11. «we •» the five cafared wfesiettM 1* an dwwtoy asfoei ».t ASesawdKm. S’a.. recesUy, teavt* to s*®m; *P 8m- «dsh« «&ms«!*Sk» *!- ' ter drisaps. iutigratisiwn began in tSsree .%ies*ndrsa schools ss as si did m two <*lKr S'irfMh! ; Front R*j-al sst Waarea Coasts. V®„ was s«te4»led S* istisgrate H4b wsw*&. {DH IfiELE* i ! PHNIVOI. ! ... i St. Augustine’s And Shaw Accepted By Amer. Teacher Education Body 1 Saint College and ! Shaw Uijrrersaty wen; officially j accused into fiall membership of , | the Aiaersesin AsM*i»tK® ©f Coi i k-gee for Toacher Edacattori at tlse ] retreat meeting of the Association. : feeldl sra Chicago. SJr. *». F. Itofcsraea. desss of ' St S»s . v/te* attended the nreettsg. siuMr* t&st "1W A«w rjratj AaaMtaiianß *f CwlSege* f«r -'jSssrwiSiWß ss a *»a- Wawsat « 452 cdlfrni mi Mhwiliw «rcmfawi to* ?«{|»r«Te Slse tf@*- * « ; Sv ®s 4m«4Nnr e«toesl*«a. - All types of ißur-yator anstyta- KWts tor ti’ghrr iearnsns «« re* »: sMcvectod m the jwfeeaKt staKßtfaer j sSsto There l»d<»ile ftnHwto nsd ,! cdaurdt-related SsbesreS arte coMegee. i( : tosehers cslieget, sl-atte e®s - j iegrot, state umreralttos. prjvato r : t>iiij rhanas-retoteifi ttcareatiiitees and I i" iinijßl twtiwMfidSbiss, "tUmotlslk zffuixiisv W-to* <!»e *-«w?i*iH». tr» Xitel -*•3*l* sjtSsesr tteAfegtt* «««S awtow* 1 - ki ptoMKtos; *MI essre* mtt «w»t K fsypg'riw 6* i«Rsas'3@c-e ettonaeSte* «*■« %«<£S tS*-s Sa«3*l a«s«S «aik@B»S iterelK Sty tsrwtns of fee renriofifi and t«* •.soMJtsK; tsf fear AACTE. direct as* : rrstatare can be given m tbe solo- , tj-pe* of fottr-year aoETS'ditedl eol lits of piotolern* facing all teacher j leges throughout lb* wmtiy. Ap* t-docatjon programs.'' j preximstely 4SS oafflegm- ftfid w.w- Dr. Nelsna H. Hams of Shaw j venstties zet all teetkos of tte eoaa- ! •,vro athmded tee mwdi«. fasd ] iry hold ssetsbersfes?:* in tee Assert- ! teal this organization is playing an , . . . . „ „ . f important role in tfc? i ssprove- j can aaent of teacher education in at! ' Teacher SWocatioß. ] CAUj for best cake bakers ]| If yoar cake h the best, you can twin » F#iws Range || j .. -mm m dssplay at Use YWCA- If interested sn entering tfee Cake Baking Oaofeeit at The I | CAROLINIAN HOME AND FOOD SHOW Mst& at j | Raieigt] Memorial Acditoritan. call The CAROUNIAN, T’E i 4-5.558, Details on type of rake and rules gowerriiag % ««tßt j ; | will he given Sates'. j Country Club Site Lost J As Owner Refuses To Sell i A «f Malesgfc Ste&tiWSS sod : jOT#fesMi@a3l rrsets tvere tireteitod j i j® thear aStmipt to pincft*w a sste | ! tor s Fropmtd cnoctry dub last <j I ansetcmdl wtoau one ®s fire parties ? Jrocawisis; the pjes*er?y ydfused taf ! *4gn a dead awnaij; she t:r«>rrt>' i f over to fee gwj. ITto: ees»Kt grwn far Sb? re* t f*s*f w*» ti»si. fire \ «i»3te vxngkbvM. resWiasy as Sites; j < i w>a enjtei aSsysiti *s Jsbvsbs j 3 Sfegrees to the are*. j ■ i TSac pkc tsaasKted o i 43 a-ates j ■ \ and wa» Jocasled &ez toilt* wsrtb •; .SssweH Cmmhivs IS Kbn : |; HII oihsr Irgnialiiis | ! i CHJJmOTTE -~ GefJ. fj MslosSai S9e&m3 aarasd Wfesatey :j tughi shat, efwatws j .jsaarit g 'are K« K3ax B3ac 'seret I ‘"tot* Siaas tise OTgsas&ElSwns wtods Ststte? 1 ■gmstj® 545 eo the otSter sKfipeaMtj <*f she raes-sl. toecae. lie <«MI S*,’ feswHa? SSrwiSpw -4 toMtetjiait' «C fibe Sertfc 1 m Sstagfc, m u. s SSsw**y 11 | A brand new sportsmsfE’s mtSaffa ] ! wstfe all modern toraSffci®* teas atew j ■cm ite? property as was: * lar&e j ll&EU Ssisf.x she aoftcepUon of a arena- * Sry eaub idea far ssembsss o£ tbs j o»tes*d race ies this tmn, interest! fa*#; soawrasii sod perwxe. a&scwitug • txtara«& is* sack a vseoisa* luree j rtrtstAed Tine dHinm a# tfee ©roasp 4r 1. j X &K**»re and dHafesam «£ Use s option *s*asait*asts a C A iSSaSIS | HssytS'eodL § CSurrfism «tea#4w S2s* M*~ ffetsesi CJsstossss© «f tE&afe' Svoteafr. Sa H» ssfesfe-. IBs: -aSswfe4 IS-tTSF* *2£f BOPWaits Person Wiio Finds Slayer fUQUAT-VAK2NA f allowing j the aiui'der of hjs father, Leslie j Heatt. Jr., offered a SSCO reward } for capture and conviction of fep fsemws who did the slaying. The fitlher was IdUed last Thurs day while struggling with 9 person who attempted to rob the establish- ! went. The ircUm died esfrly Satur day fuoraNg, A atafeeo?*d«t alert w»s wounded S&slstfrtsy for She bands*, as % snuc 4mr ehsrgK *% added h? b% rob- i Iwrjr charges m ftanta? ««d in S3*rwtt * Mi firm* @5, wnwc <he owner and . operator of • pMHng fro»t.«e on V?. ! Acwdewy Street hi Ftwptay Poitae ChW I.*** Smith dwrrib- j **) the bandit. *» being between 20 *»d S® years of »gr, snoditsei dark j rawpte’raw, and five f-et, aewm j tnehm toll. He sai*s the feendit did j not him- sears tw bis face as ] trtwmhocag <n>?» on** pi Fa- County ! I integrates Quietly i FRCOT ROYAL V&. -- War-j ms Ccsifflty offwaJly j racial segregation in ite «r-!y high ] St*** Wedrssiday but. Riost of She i white and taica-rd s&adrc&x ttsm j nested a half tr.ilc assert. Warnm County. She first pre- { dominantly rural are* tn TOrgnsa* « t© coecply with court-ordcres m- j tagrafcon. m effect, *K*na*sad the big school sitting ora a hilltop tc the Itegwsas, Thirty 3*t*r> enteml 1© pßwtoosiy-Wiate abbocte at the metospoKSa* areas «f Arlspg too, liarfolfc and AtaeandriK tra der assort orders earlier this most • «CWS«gSBCR» «*W ***Sn£ t» iMedk Fight With I j Patrolman; MAJSTON A edm! aseterSrt was fcflted Saisfet? b®A *-h*» a tmteec heksitgjng to the. fUgfe way raMau trying t» amai. hiss dtocfeszeed wfeSe the two assart waeßJiad. ngghmay F*ira? egfiesra -self tens bsiteS* grass the «sx t&irQtk X®mm itewSsk; <Gn»tew», ] 3&, of SaMOtofewg, fe *&e l*f* *©®»ssws*s! r« r&m v, State News! ~~m*~ Brit 1 smashsh mrs«HBSHEsr £****» R&UEIM JUMemeff HfigWr a. OSSSjr *#■ Slris ©Mar has feaeK Hated In the I«@ edition <*' the A~| «sertc®» Bunk ASssnweyss, a jMh ; Sesatoo® cst Jawycra wfese- a’tsweafeaft] t*a&s ItoawßSh. Sfartii md 30h«3 I Mssssm. 1&& Ak is HaesalM ntl {**« Teaufcwts’ Bui?dJn«. Bstr in OXiSiy wm te| [ ■ «*3W»SWf*SWBb"«»r **a«w s? i . 9aBBaBaBWgMMHB»WB iißlMTlMpir' ~r-f ' -. ,S^' : A PICTURE OF ORIEF Mrs. Sally Davis cellarer* into lb® anws «C :h ssMeatiftfi friend -as she watches firemen brine oat the bndj' of her sister, Mrs. Fannie Ivory, ©B, fto»*» the fire-isTn»?hi rnb fete «T their St. Lmite. .Mo., bean* last week. U.TI TEIFPHOTO). Brooks Bays Urges “Concern For All” Warmer Ox»giTssasan Brooks HajT- Itcsbi Arkatteas told tht , .aodiecce -Mop ; day, T'ebroarf' 18. that ttm* | teoalt? be a great ingenuity oi ; skills so that affairs wiH be ad ! ministered with concern for a ■ ! people, far and near, poor sn< rich and of ail races. It is tire problem and a great j challenge lor the educated Ci | tmn to find those who are willing ilo communicate, as our lines of ! communication and understand | sng have been severed. We need ; ideas from Russia and Russia Greene Pupils Return To Classes With Promises I SKOW MILL Sense 2.800 *tu i skate w «il back to classes Tuesday ' noonssnu after a four-day stay-st- I home strike. The student? and their parents 1 won w: •(! *ncr that money would jhe sited so.- iwiprovod building j «n Ik- casteni JSorih Ca | telliu eeiK-ty of some 20.000 per j «ont w-nr-re Jlcgrocs make up 54 i pemm.i oi the school population 1 Loaders of the boycott mid they ;*w seeking better facilities, not ! *otegnrf,«S *c?u>os*. And Gov. 1 -’,»* 3 Hie*- Undies, wfctl* mtpressHng 2 “Kissing Csse” Boys Mow Settled li Cfcartette Mimes 1 j Stefa off taxi* JNeot two c/rfwedj! bay* to tecsr hofeir* ?nd»v from j 6he irefeeal they :wd t bnett tev.l titer a *%s*steg case”, 'chicto (fee-*? a. stood fll pw*e»s| term smmrS W*? woeitU Tto» boys. Jamas Hmwwbt j UseeapSKiSi, I®, and Dwdd itea®p* j Mftu ®. warn rekmmZ to *t&» 5 fsamtsssi after' tstefa ofttetsfe (te-< j—— CASOUNtAN ———— —~ I ADVERTISERS I : ---T- n^-----p|T - from rmm J Sr*4s« r I®. HU CtaSb&B* *>. j Fware Ussmxrt. \ pjUttk 3 j «, W. Snu * f*. j SBaSstsit Savings & turns Axsoctafim | rags s | Sewfflaerra tNwasSsri CM, ifibcittmo SS»rst* s Mr. 3okm W. 'WBtsm IffiMK § <3ae«»M!Rr, 3F ««ar * HUghl <" Boafe^ mSk M: Owratr festfer SkMCS« Css«sattessf« «w»n-«, feu ®NsSda«*«i ®m*e« A***. fflaew n 2*se*?*> shss**« (MKgMMr ifetfßlvssY «®»*3e«r 4 Alston'* Ou> il'JSdKr »*rodi>«!> I fcfiPtSWnif JflfcwSlaa# S«s* «:»• > needs cm id w »;- tr. * n*r Chrirtnn ytirst We • fwbg **»»< that *bi-. -•rientifir a«e K nt.*i,jnc tb*»»r« «»«nf eoßvrnJj’nt }-»r nan ?nd shat life is betier for wj oar from a physical Sand point. W* sr<- snd-btrd l« srienflsts for th r <» divomenr' ■>fi;l their vrr hr?alhfßk-'*>t ad tantose* atwad. Huwna Up greatr-vt chal < *’«g*> of owr fi«-rs is for the rh-wtian educated man in tint, rampUrated ootid i (CONTPiUSD OS PACr rs ( gratification that trie situation worked out amicably, said the e was evidence the NAACP tea® in volved in the boycott. He did not go into details, although he djo say in an interview last week that "The NAACP has been overact iv» in North Carolina for a long time The vote to s© back onw at 2 fncrling es 25# p. rent* and al most three d<o*r» school few* drivers, themselves atnderite, at ■ | a meeting here Friday nigtei A /crmrwWß os pact «» femsuned tfagw their home and family sitnatwr. “te s»sch to justi fy reimae " Maine M. JBshßhkk. mw tetaatose? «f t3s@ Bos-ts? srf Csr veetteaa sstd Trsfesteg, «x* ?datert» ttet tors «ff*ee feJ ,-*ss4e fifes mtim w«5~ trvuvWWCBB SNMSS .IRjjTw Hues® & T# Borvfcf* j@r. C- Kurt MWSn#** OsSiiWM f.-«i SS*te Stole ©metey »*AS« @ * * y *Wj!W* sK«*«»* tf»)x SBvroes, *s«c, JSertr Sauer*. tesiJMtior.i*;’ ffitewtowint Vmmfiw: Cm «wwi*** *«w» «:». <NcM»b mrnsm mm- „ „ fMMCMMcmi »w» C ton* «« Jfoi £ |<nw ttaows Ctea®*?* § PASS® Ss B*w#»-«f«h JS>- atmnv ■ «sk 6m* rOw*s®« 'ttaeato* Ce, * tfteod S6w* ■■ SUiSlea S*rt«r CSshs»<* Comysinv ' »»3#' i a B«sae Scrvirg | aEMSB-fWSirN sj»p»tete«» i Wsu'ww HBeOßWfefe “SE i SxSaare t®aC?Sf IINMB fit {.Kssn@w*-lf,®.wS»* Cwwpa'' J WSbsobw Ttehery rtwrivjK. ;Jsg-';f | fiPHdv-WMk, Bar. c-iisGS es •** :Tte ®w»S ays«Mu IMMM S«a» * • "R. C. rewhcsS*. " ■iKEl,'',-: • Asrse® Bdtifi# &*’•%.■ * »

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