S W Sfi ' ,s?; •'. LoulsYiii£ * r 's* EDITOR SUES NAACP HEAD ECONOMIC REPRISALS BEGIN IN VA. scan® SUSPECT A porter fired from Ms Job in a Madison hrenne office lasi week, returned 38 mhrates later with a rifle and killed two female employees, polk* reported. The dead women, clerks for Marvin Fabrics. tec., were identified as lx>rr»i«c Rosenberg of the Bmr*. and Fblne Fa-ISSt. of Brookir-D. Their assailant. Parnell Jthnnos, h jhovn in custody after bein* subdued by awte wm of the fabric firm. A policeman, right, boldr the rifle reported used in ihe shootings. <IRPI PHO TO). OR. FRnXX. A. TOIWER . . . taitn sit Ijfion “Hard Work” Sr, Tilwer Dr- Frank A. Toliver, state su porrtßJr of high schools in North C&aollna, spoke in the -J. W. Ligon Junior-Senior High School’s as sembly today 'before approximate ly 8W) junior high students. In hte speech Dr. Toliver stressed "Good Teaching and Being Weil Prepar ed v -on the part of the teacher and "Hard Wort” on the part - of the students. He stated that regardless to how good a teacher may be. stu dents most nfst be satisfied with nothing less than doing their beat. The cjwakr farilie. stated iuONTISTCSL &; mm a - cmoLMm ~ buy rmm them PMU, 2 • i-jV' cn - C*<l» Store Vac* i ismiffisic 8?«r?i famlwi Balter,v Speedy-Wasir *»<-. ftaWeh Co»inijsM«>'i St ohm !»• H.<*tttn lire* Cw.mmiy tvtw Homes- tew. PASiJ| S . s oiwpany "fba CiiHW fwsiCab BeUUng i'v Mi. /i>h» W. WMi-n 14JKUU Xjoao CSB, WWjB! * CaroSiSß. Power 4: Meat Co. <!<«& Ci?mu’rz £sp*ra|£u wmßk&Mn, K*c. mm* mkiSmt 'VUiUfi V Brtee v iJa-seig* VNHfliegS' w«pa«v 2is£SM£i> ?*.' -tstvics esewawy 'AisfcMfs Calf W&£to(»* IfKsMiy 'proOoct* tY'-Te Spits Coogffifc 's?«v*£-^ai<s *»asLUr£o»el Rlra, (%*e SlteiSt e* K. 'fey**®* giin*»r*ji n®». PrßXfoflMCPl.iS.fi. Sued By Paper’s Editor ANDERSON, 8. C. Davis Lee, s colored newspaper «-dlfcr»r ha* filed a SIOO,OOO slander suit- a- ; gainst, the Rev. 1 Dequlncy New man. president of the South Caro lina NAAOP chapter. Lee charges the NAACT* state leader with msk!nr slanderous rc ! murks at. a meeting of 25C Jteero- J es here Feb. 13. Lee is the publish- j er of the Anderson Herald. Previously Lee filed libel suits 1 totaling some seven million del-1 lars in Abbeville and Greenwood ' Berserk Clerk Thought Everyone Against Him NEW YORK (ANTI An angry shipping clerk who was fired Tues day bv a textile firm, returned to the office building with a blaring shot gun and killed two office workers before anyone could stop him. The berserk g-Biiman was I denttfied as PoneM -fdta»n, a 27-year-eld tether of five who painted, dabbled at poetry, played jar.z and effected bright sblrte, a. beret am? occasionally a mmiaebe, BLAMED ALL Killed before the horrified office workers were Lorraine Soswnbtrg. 21, and Elaine falitfc, IS both white, Thomas L. Burns, deputy chief injector eald Johnson's mo tive was “revenge.” "He blamed everybotty in Use office." Mses Rosenberg was shot in the ohest before she could leave Mr Ksarci’.v’s OMMMMT FA«K 5 , A A i* Sapet Bf&rhrt* I i4sbtat>r Vaner-iJ Riwif ; oavfe Ttoeet Coin u»ikl*wi>i lEtewjjtepaitTSC'* Cam puny I Pirse-Cltteetts . a tram C* ! Aratoaes&Sor ’fPtiXrr ; paow na ■ WosHlworiS) s>. TemrSßS. Some i Heater 'Well Cewpaoj ! CiWtte*s tnsorww Asejsc.v I Peosl-Ote Bet Mine Co. ©I SUiesgls ! €ar<sJSs»«. ®®S!deta Corp ! W*tse«t*» Heefeefl '& fwßh Co., Sue ! TT»»*«sid Ts-ssaste/- Co. Store ! ©’Worn 'Btetor wmm&B Coß&jwnty j KJmws •«*»» Sendee HftmwtfteKta ©?4Jei«»s rspamer 'TSewortet# ! Hetuxe Hotel iWC® M ri* * W. Tire Company ■ ;.». is. Kr,‘!« &€•->. nsoteter & iungtilrr Stores j wism *5 / ! c»r«9t*a Mm Company j 'HMMsyeSft*'* Seper 'NMk£t ; 'Valet %i©Mtew :*■?»■■ i Xsysor S»i4o m 5fV ’SJtfrvfw ! @tr«*t«sse ■gwer* ; FACE 46 ' Halrtgit IjwWpiw :'<*!. <■: PriMbmS iSwwjlft A»<«tbl Some ' •’fee ‘®b#S flyewia («OastT..-i ®sKt« j yttw* liesfli?' A suit #er lire tnfiUon w»* filed in ©teenwoeS »s*Jtm the NasWbnnl Sm'n for Bn Ad vancement ®* Colored People, «f New York, ilia Andersen chapter am) six Andersen Ne gro residents. The Abbeville suit, wes for two j Million dollars anti was against ; the Afre-Amerfcan weekly newspa -1 nor published in BNltlmßfau, and i against its South Carolina editor, I John H. McCray of Columbia. desk. Miss Fkltik was shot thru the feed; as »he U ied to escape. A (bird shot, went wild. Three bro thers. officials Os the firm, rushed Johnson and overpowered him seizins the rifle.-They were Alex. Harold and Edgar Distler. TEE BIBLE TfMFELI Harold Johnson's boss had fired him around 10 a. m. for '‘unsatis factory sendee." Johnson returned 30 minutes later with the gun. Mrs, Mewed** ftHMoob, Lob neon's vrtfe, told! police her husband “has a terrible temper. Once fee gets angry M fa us eoietrallahte They bsee #Jx icmmsmm &h rasa m : lte»*&isi,'Swsf®fl ’hiimt'mritslvr ’SemzOtomU'l i tet-ipMiitet, iißwtlc»a -Iteritef'lte.’lliwilw *Dwliar*#lay. '#r„ tesJt. w*i Iftf. lifßg as Ifcigr’vttH. M» te "Wife j aitfci. Wm. •*te‘’«a •■» at t»«• tetvisK«ten> W f«a«e »• lafiil »■;. Clerk Fired From lob, Kills Two 1.1 ■! Mill MN ill!» "P"-*-i" ,u I . ■ North Carolina *$ Leading Weekly VOL IS, NO. 22 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1959 RALEIGH, N. C- PRICE 12c IN N. Cr ELSEWHERE ISc Fronts Os 4 Buildings Fall- NC Man Buried Alive. Lives SALISBURY Robert Crown. » local of.wen., had the • fronts erf four buildings fail on him last wed? and suffered injuries j I that were only sssperfirial. According to reports. Mr. Crown was standing in t.hr first! j Work of Main Street talking io » irimd lasi. Saturday afternoon • (when they heard a rumbling sound- Minutes later. Mr. Crown i ; was lying on the street under hundreds of pounds of ronoeb th*i ] i had fallen Into the street, when' ! ) ,- . ... .- , .js. , it- -» J U*» naf tearHWtonw* MS* J dings col?«ps»d Tire friend to whom Grown «m- lalklng suffered t*t,iarf«» about the’ hands. Crown’s hart* were » bit more series* He was slated for release from Gov. Hodges Urges Body Not |To Ruin The State’s Schools Takig a strong stand against a j constitutional romni'h*recoin mcnd»tioc to do »way v. ith ib requirement to operate a pomra-' i and uniform public srhool syrten; j | Suspect, 26, \ Confesses i Wake Death i _ COLOMBIA, S. C. A 26-year- ; old Louisiana man. captured after the shootirse of a Greenwood County woman, has confessed to a two week-old North Carolina slay-! Sub. South Carolina Law Enforce- j j mmt Division C’nku' J. P. Strom' j reported Wedtwsday, Strom said WiUitun Brakefield jof Shreveport, La., confessed to j Meat. M. N. Cate. Agent Steven | 1 Wyndham and o/ficew of the i «n mm r? CAMPY’S SON IS ARRESTED t- a IwaJ hospKaJ wwnetiipr Ibis after Boy* of ©bserva •Hon. 1 Officers said that t-ora of bricks ; and metal had fallen down on the <e@#**prot® os rA«r. *.■ vss Criivrrnc. Luther H. Hodges ! ibis week. The lh; M.- ! chief • .vwtltrve :;nd he ,v!' i - d against such S 1 1 . • .-.nouend i.'tu !**-•« month a: the (rrnnutte* was drafli’u. its report j The necommendabors was inlerpr*- j led as » move to hblster the stats 's rccenl school laws ras-T-ri in th>: : face: of the ue oi imej»ralion. ; Di Charles T. Canal 1 superir- I Trident, of public mstmeiion, has. | a beady protested the rceommcnda ! tions j Hodges fluid ’*? have to look at !It from » t” hey win! of view | rather thar. a legal one.” Tie told j newsmen that the attorney general I had advised him there “i; no over j riding legal reason why this pro ; vision should be deleted.." The governor said, “We should f. - pjifete fhr prevent ron | titutiunal provtiou for s general • and uniform system of public i schools" subject only to our present . constitutional provision for local ' option, whereby citizens at ihe in | ral level, cap. in a popular dec!- ! ion. make their choice with re i speet to fb r operation of the local * pub Sic achbcls. i j 1 Ii ! OtXWV MILI.JON WXULUBR MmOfgL l«tevey?U »f *ht S 3 o®S- I ©red students retrfctfered »l ttw Warren Ckumiy Blgit gubwl. Front i Royal. Vft.. are seen ott itm- nfHw and check t» wi-iii gstards on the | whooi driveway. AlthoNgk tbc % 1 siiliton school iwea'd fcwt Wed ■ neadoy on an iuietraied ba«d«, no white student- registered. Yh« ■were said to he atVitding a imAwWfl school nearby. It'H FHO'FOL CIAA “Big Buns” Ready As 14tt Tourney Begins DURHAM tCt'AA Slew* Sere ices North Caroline A and T CIA A visitation i regular season* champions for 1955), are top seeded for the !4iJh conference cage tour ney to be played at North Caroli na College Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, (Feb: 36-28''. The Aggie? and Hampton’* Pi rates iJ34m ttingif In the final of four games at, 9 30 llmrsday night ISM«al«th City's Pirates and V,'inf-ton-Satan s Rams fIS-6) open tourney play at .2:30 Thars- j day- in NCC’s gym. Thursday’s second contest pits i March Trial Bate Set Far Barham ImbegmSicm Case DURHAM ■— Trial of a salt aimed at wising ©or racial *e®se* gntfcm >n Worth GareStea'-s gcblle se&cols tentatively Isa e-'b&bz set for fee %. S, District Court ’ term be ginning here Tf.lardh 2S. Attorneys for both aides agreed on the tentative date Thuraky at a pre-trial -hearing foj-fts®© Judge ISdwin M. Hteniev «E •Utr®etnSbt»ro, The first pat* of «#e mvrt tsfnm ' **» Ammi mm am mm smw \ | wmsMWirmmsMm.as.Br I third #*«* 'MX (W-lt aga..test sixth ranked Delaware ni4ff at 4 o'clock 1c regular season pslsjy, Delaware and Virginia State fSMBJ, with identical Hiddnaon rating of SO,SO, were tted for efaeth place. The tournament committee decided De lo-wsn/g postseason rw by a draw.. ’Hits years tournament presents s 12 game card with championship and consolations braokela swatog all eight teama In action for two I games each afternoon and tw i rmsmtem &* mm as v/ili be eKcHisjyely far trial of crtehmAl -eases so. the segregation safe ir. fest «a®*setoii ie be called, bsfcte March S 3. Sssfc m?. earn. Safe* Wm tiy, vt&nmmSSm «** -*t*te board ml etesaSteK, . oeid fee tMM rajsaMe tw for «eii |oj ir WBW YORK - Th» tuaotMl j JteaoctSfioTj for thn /"(Ivanornieni. ]of Colored Pcqpite chstrged SksV i Uwt jfsarenit of i tavolwwl wi v®e j'rom myw, W : i tech wfeonl egrpywitm hw i beer. «ob.»«rt ffe reprisals by both their employers, and \msrtean Vi&tom Oorp. Plant, and their local of the TcrtiU Workers Cnion of fttccricK <AFL-CIQ). Nit MSP 1/ahor Booret»*y | Herbert If tit reperted ip the j b«®dqnari»r* | iron* From Iftwysl that «j$ KSUff members were dte chareed from thr plant In Seroeibw and ilt at the Fniwi’s !.‘teai "7-1 hss refused ’j t» tat’e up their ereviereev j He said the president of the ; NAfcOP. Warren County Branch.; |. Charles Deane, with 30 years, of' plant, seniority, nnd .James Wilson' ccoKTmmte o« pmm r . s> | ._. | Two Charges Filed Against ; | Uampy s Son Ht-W VOKK Da-id Compand-1 la, lb-year *oid son of former Don-I ?«' catcher hoy Campanelia, 3Cu**• • day fs»ed knottier charge of juv.- ] • iiie delinquency, the second wtt'n-j in two days, ; His saddened fattier. a leader »«] : the- tight against juvenile debts-1 qttency, said David hsd never i been hi trouble before and pram- ] tsed to stand by him. •Tve got to try to help tei ] wSkm he gets messed up,'" Csnsi j naaoUs said at bis Glen Cam, Island, home. David was convicted Tuesday in] Children’s Court on « charge of3 juvenile delinquency ssews»!nrj from a street fight m v/bkS; a] imm&weito m- s>ASsrs> j | ' fS?f ; ” | i—l ■ I-in.... .. ..... ■ .aMMARw. mm. «m; -mmwc? SIAL3KGH 'fiESirse wslSSSste ■ agents fe>“ the Spates Bawd ■& 3SU- : cohotk Centre! we.rr: rebsessA ’tel' Ms?for ’'Mte 1 ?;' -to eempiy -ydii'i State nsguiatume, Bosni Wilham S. Hoar Easter: agent resigned last UHwSt sdSar’eSte attng fee sacee reguiatfes. ’Sunt tsid 'fee Soar bed iUsSe® s»o comply wife ■* osssEaswsslps, by his office .last Wag? quoted .porSens o£ the SsfaH* S**v -I **meb Ms mad statins «atfc wßtenf fees coB'SCteS 53# apaste '^4 dH few® w& -pay «Bstt a %*'sMM| esHttte fts teii. 1 ®uut mm. «St »«a ! -3tet tens 4ewr ssttsate i vk«t?d fete p®s»aai*i«! • | trj f fhaing hsnj in W Sfr J &£o- 1 SsStowsa Ifewss in S*@ 'tfizmsh ■ * v

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