r Northamgton Voting Case? Raleigh Lawyei Arguing Before US Supreme Court 4* 4* HP F HP 4* 444 Hundreds See A Negro Catholic - Priest Ordained In Local Rites ——■——— VOL IS. NO ’I SATURDAY MAY 23, 1559 RALEIGH. N. C. PRICE 12c IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c Arrest Loomed In Miss. Wilkins Barely “Escapes!" HAAGPSee’y Leaves Miss.! Before Arrest JA ' SON Miss NAACP ; leader Bov Wilkins vs? apparent- j unaw-sre that, b* escaped arrest i h«:*e Sunctev quite barely for ad vocating overthrow- of the state's iriregalion la ! a. Deputies of t'au Binds Coan- I- area. bad variants to arrest '■ ,’lkm?. the executive secre tary of the National v.... -, >. (•o"i for ihr \d\anccntcnt of Cclcred People and ftledgai f i state ift » rally ib observance ot the j s on r*G- ?i ygu&wpysgy! : J ■}' •/"' ?'• • •V/ .<» : "J* s • ! v «_■> !>> Ligon Elects Miss Slevens | Council Head Miss Butty Stevens, rising scru-j ar honor student was elected presi- i dent of the J. W. Ligon Student! Council for coming school year. M:;n Slevens, modest student, is s v -IM’:;lanced individual. Lh': r,cures highly, riot only in j l .-. t, roam. but as a leader in "‘•■‘l aetn m.-s also. Her ability s o adjust to prevailing situations n\'Tf i j n on page ?-) Victim Os Leprosy Is A Vete ran GREENSBORO ~ Guilford County bealln authorities said! Saturday they have been notified ! Laai, a 35-year-old navy veteran <«un Greensboro has leprosy. Ja men B Scott, a Negro, is a patient at the U. S. Public Health Service Leprosarium at CarviH*. La. Dr. E. H. El liwwood Guilford County Health Officer, said the case is the first in North Carolina ICOKMNI EP ON PAG*, !) i North Carolina’s Leading Weekly j Mob Action Halted, Graves Rushed To Central Prison As s measure of protection a gam:! possible mob action, Jesre ji Graves was turned over to prison j! author;Her at Raleigh Monday !i afternoon after being charged with I raping a white woman in Burimg ! ton. After havtne been rur> to earth by bloodhounds. Graves was put in the county jail in DEA TH’S PRICE WAS CHEAP GASTONlA—’■eierai weeks ago a man was slain here in so j a*guin*til o’et 50 < enf>-. ? Sunilsy. sh* 3 pne* was n a quarter Police &aifi lohrmv Johnson- 23, Mabbr-d fe death s hunting knife wedded by his 21-year-old brother, Bobby. Bobby | wsft held without bend pending a hearing on a murder charge. ; Officers said an argument between the '«« had stemmed from ' Johnny's refusal io pay the 25-crnt rental fee he aliprefliy owed ! rut the knife that proved to be the death weapon. I m , , ___ pic 50TH ANNIVERSARY PLANNING COMMITTEE Seated, left I« rigfci, Mrs Edna Taylor. PtaehtirsS; Mrs. Susie Jones. Bennett College Mrv C. i Sincl'-ton. Elizabeth Cit.v; Mrs. V 1' Ne.w*ot»r. Rich Square, chairman: Mrs. M V. Leitan. Kinston: Mrs. Alice Col lim, Smith-field. Standing, left to right. Mr*. Thelma Uenlev. Fas Graham Law enforcement of ficers had to . hold hack angry crowds from attacking the prisoner Threats came from th<- crowd "Let us have him j and we will save the taxpayers some money.’' was heard com- j ing from the crowd (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Attorney Samuel Mitchell Facing Highest Tribunal ! ' WASHINGTON A colored j lawyer told the Supreme Court Monday that. North Carolina literacy test for voters places ' A lmaviei burden upon Negroe; than upon white persons. The ritorney, Samuel s. Mitchell of Taylor and Mitchell law firm in Raleigh conceded | that the test, prescribed by a 1957 law. applies to all voters. BuS he contended that if was written so losely and vaguely that it is unconstitutional. The law was defended by At torney I. Beverly Lake of Raleigh, as "valid, nondiscrimmatory and reasonable.' Lake, attorney for the Northampton County Boaj'd of Elections, said the literacy test has been give to all applicants ir. every county that has re-register (COVTTVI En ON PAGE 2> ! Labor Secretary Blasts Jim Crow In NCC Talk DURHAM U. S. Secretary of j Labor James P. Mitchell told a ; group of North Carolina College | students Friday that the "United | States cannot continue its intol erable racial descrimination in job ! opportunities. Mitchell spoke at the school's annua! Awards Day program in which 280 students receiv ed awards prior to their grad | nation. He claimed there was "into! erable" discrimination against Negroes in the north and south but faded io cite examples of the discrimination. "We mart overcome disci imina ; Lon not only for moral reasons," : he said, ‘ but to sustain our pre-| sent standard of living We must | us? all our young people regard j less of color, nationality or re i iigion " He said minority groups stand "by the wayside watch ing the parade of America is ' progress go by." etlerffle: Mr*. Jennie Enloe Shelby, !>* John H. Larkins. Raleigh; Mrs. Leola Alien. Asheville; Mrs, Fannie Kilpatrick, Asheville Nat sbowjp is Mrs A. L Murphy ms Asheville. These jvtMPr composed the planning committee tor the 50th anniversary of the N c. Fed- i erstioe of Women's Clubs, meeting in Wilson last week. j Mj My Jr " VCi'W V u L , I: ATTORNEY MITCHELL "It used to be the .lev,' and Irish immigrants who faced dis crimination. hut now r it's the Ne gro in the North and south and the oriental of the west coast." hr said. Women’s Globs Conclude 50th ■ NC Convention BY RUTH ROt LWARE A ILSON The North Carolina Fede; a lion of Negro ( lubs- opened its fiftieth annu er- 1 sarjr Thursday with a banquet at j which time Mrs. Vivian C Mason, i former director of public health 1 m New York City, delivered, the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Father Joseph Howze Ist For The Raleigh Diocese The first Negro Roman Catholic pnest for the Raleish D; ocese was ordained on. Ascension recently. Joseph L. Howgf was elevated to the sacred priesthood by Bishop Vincent S Waters. Bishop of Raleigh m g ceremony ! which drew hundred- to the. Sacred Heart Cathedral. Fr ilo\‘7P offered his fin*- So! -1 ' emn Masji on Snnday. May 10. at ' Mo-U pijre Heart of Ma-rv Chuich 'in Mobile Alabama \ native nf Alabama-. Ff Hmt/c was * bifrh ki hoti) Irj rhrr nhrn }n? was ift I rodtl<*e f f in the Rnn*it! f a parted Jt? f erovrr despite gvosbet wound** ' Ralfich ?'ijrtv >. PAGE b H udson-Belk < omjpauv Mr. John W. Winters Lifhtner *u' ■ ■> l Home ’the Capital Coca-Cota Battling to. fcetetsh Seafood Cornpan : unt c, rnera! Tire Compar 'Deeds Wash. Inc. PAGE , t < <• ■ >jile Coin Gi»-l• • embassador Theatre PAGE I" •rlujir Hotel "pst-Col Bottling C- Warner Meraoriah Bloodworth 8s Tourist V"< > avenes* Insurance Agers. Juno K Esso Service Ridgeway's Opticians Carolina Builders Corp. Watson'. Seafood Co. iJiilcn Motor Finance Co Fayetteville bi Baptist * ituf h PA'EB U Hoi. I’s Cash Store ■Jr. Joe Winters Famous Bakery i Town & Country Tire iny d [ PAGE 1.5 iN. C. Products j Odom Cut Rat'- Slorc j Wise Hones Inc j Ca»tieberty-Sod£e fiard« arc j The Hooe System Industrial Bi'd j Raleigh Funeral Horn* ! Acme Realty. Company > -"OMH-.s .. \ FRIEST ORDAINED HERE— i l-at her losepb Hou-je UneeH he ; fore the altar as Bishop Vlt,,-ewi I s. Wafers rails down upon sh» | candidates for the priesthood I fb® rich e races of *he Holy Sptr | if.. At ihe ahar, Jeff tr, right, Ih? [ ministers faemg the b!?hop are | Msgr Herbert Harkins, Cafb.* I dral Reefnr. and Father Albert Todd, iwiMnii. Father Hosne I herarne the first Negro priest to I hr ordained hv Bi?iiop Waters j for Ihr Diocri-.c. of Raleigh. 1 i. Vl"i s Qi t tN —1 os ety It- . \ )l> v tl i I IT. nt ; h Fiend. In.l . hpcißlf the Ifr.f \■- ern e? n l.t rr rn 4\ -t’>s In dona I nt'ersilv" when -hr was eroaned la - l Fhursd : <> a< Ihe Blonini'igton. Indiana srhool in TELEPHOTO l ■ ind. Queen ‘Prayed Alt Last Week’ . . BLOOMINGTON, lnd NLss Nancy Streets, 19-year-old sopho ‘ Mj; e from South Bend. Ind. named ‘Miss Indiana Uiifi’ersiiy : 1 v-t Fj idav and e>:« Uj- o It .ij j !?a# e- been because God want" ed it to happen She Vf:d 1 e Hv IHt ffpei i gJcit p rj pr fiLDD <« m a bf-stiff rrotrit it Indiana 1 ■‘jiiv+f%it v * fl1f) FVL SUfr-gitx. fil rnwpeff. frt* fhf "Miss Indiana* 4 Mtu part fCOFTTVL LO ow PAGE j ' —IN— ' * j MISS BROWN MINS BROWN WINS THREE TROPHIES RALEIGH ~ Miss Addwws Broun, who is attending Tallade ga Coltege. Talladega, Alabama, participated in the. District Elks' Beauty Contest recently and won .[CONTSNLKD ON PAGE ?»>