m? CR&oumRM WT.EE ENDING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1353 12 DEAR SALLY BY SALLY SHAW DEAR SALLY, r a girl of IS ar.d am fortunate enough to have a family that can afford to buy me very nice clothes and. consequent ly, I dress m the latest fashion. It so happens there is another girl my age in o,ur community whose moth er is very clever with the needle, and on several occasions lately this girl has appeared at dances in dresses exactly like mine—excel lent imitations. Os course, my girl friends have noticed this, too. and it's all very exasperating W hat car. I do about it? DODY. DEAF, DODY: There’s noth lug at all you can do. so why not eejov the compliments Im itation. you know, to one form or flattery There are hundreds of high-priced dresses that are copied every day, DEAR SALLY: My fiance wants very much to have his uncle, who is 55 year? old, serves as his best mas at out wedding. I think though, since all the other persons who are taking part in the wedding are in their twenties, it would be out of place for this older man to serve. What do you think? BRIDE ELECT. DEAR BRIDE - ELEC T Friendship can never he 'out of pi joe ” and -since a man usually chooses bis best friend to serve « APPROVED BY DOCTORS T~%~ Is. 4rJs Prescriptions me compounded a crura te- ijPf tP with only the purest drugs by v Experienced Pharmacists. xagSPH*' W A * TOILETRIES 9 FREE DELIVERY aitt HAMLIN DRUG CO. — : —" US E. Hargett Si, T£ 2-JlB7 ARREL >YTER the radio Psychic Medium wish to know without ask s of enemies, and friends an all affairs of life If wor this Dsychic reader at once siness, love, marriage, wills, irtides, and speculations of if Lucky Numbers t failed to help you Madam Famd does what others claim to do One visit will convince you tins Medium and Divine healer is superior to any reader you Gave consulted Private and Confidential Readings Dai!" and Sunday for White and Colored Hours .3:00 A.M.—9:OOP.M You must bo satisfied or no charge. Closed all day Wednesday Madam Farre! is located one mile North of Goldsboro or the Wilson Highway, just one block from Hobbs Stockyard Golds ooro, N. C. Look for the Brick Home and the Neon Sign with the name “Madam Parrel.” And you can be sure you are at the right place Ail Funerals Cost Less --at the*- RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME Compare Convinced! Illpf PA I PI f* U i —— nHLRIUn TE 2-2835 Funeral Home « r£“ 822 E. CABA&EU3 ST. l^**~r^*KT, »nnwmnffi"rTifinyfwi~irrm" inm mi , ‘ MILEAGE mmmm ® FIRESTONE Champion , New Treads 5 Applied ok Sousdl Tire Bodias sc on Your Own Tim j V Sam® Tread Width % y Sams Tread Depth + */ Sam® Tr@.g,d Dssian V Sajn® Tread Quality | Ys>lt Don't New firestone Tires Need Cssh CSII mi & ' n ' ls ip% waocwam. Yew Old Tim Make the 9a* o«S frsasppefele Tlsw itawn Payment - „„ ALL SIZES AVAILABLE Firestone Stores 415 FAYETTEVILLE ST. TE 2-3374 as hia best eme, whether ®r not he happens to he a 55-year eld uncle has no bearing oa tbs matter. DEAR SALLY: A fellow te our office—one of the executives—re cently collected two dollars each from twelve of us to send a wed ding gift to the boss’ future daugh ter-in-law who lives in another city. We have discovered that the gift was lost in the mail and that this fellow had neglected to insure it We think he should be held re sponsible and should send another gift at his own expense. What do you think? THE OFFICE GANG DEAF GANG This fellow to an executive'’ How 7 did he rise to that exalted position if be didn't have sense enough to in sure a gift, bought with collect ed funds? Certainly, he should he responsible for replacing the gift. DEAR SALLY: ! am a widow of 26, with two darling children ages four and two who mean a great deal to me. I've been going with a man of 29 for almost a year now, and he says he's deeply in love with me. I'm sure I love him, too. but there’s just one litlte fly in the ointment He can't stand kid? Whenever one of my children comes into the room, he sugegsts that I have him play somewhere else I keep telling myself that he’s just not used to children and that after we’re married he’ll change. He keeps after me to set the date, but I hesitate because of the chil dren. This man is perfect except for this one little thing What do you advise? CLARA. DEAR CLAF.A What do von mean 'This man to perfect ex cept for this one little thing?” Hap Ton lIomM Ism *Q youlou b a I 1 f ...UFTHE DEMOCRATIC union AFRICAN INTERESTS. IN THE \ \\A CONiSC),-- WHICH PARTY \ \ ’’ WON .49 SEATS OUT OF SI IP 4ft the latest legislative ASSEMBLY ELECTION / warn Mcwgaa- Maaß^aMßa —»—MEgMaiaaaMßmMgawy—MM y'®S «- ft** ftrurtn* oat yasrr message from the Orient k 1 tor *** »t thin pleasant little letter pastle, if the number of letter* «e yoar firei eans to 3 or lea*, subtract troa T if fi ■»««• ’fc-" A letter* la yoar Seat name. eobtrset from 13. Sov t **h« thto result and Sal yoar key letter la the -word OhiBIT *♦ t the top of tfe*s naitle. Then, starting *t the upper left teratti i eheeh eseh oae of yoar large key letters e* It appears from left to t'ifrht n- 10-w the key letters Is a rote amegr for yoa. [~n I o f i 7“T“cr“N r^TTTI I ° c ,j P t p q tt a h r i i I T ORF.NIF O T N B T 1 - - r a I mcetyrte O F TNIERN OTIEO u t imfa aeg co^| E ITR ONRITNOE E : I **frfr7miriirTfgrrtma i DIVILLA BEAUTY & HAIR ! STYLUS SALON SOI E. MARTIN BR-EEET FOR COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE IN .. . . it Hair Cutting it Hair Tinting it Hair Styling it And Processing 5 Experienced Operators to Serve You! FOR APPOINTMENTS WE CATE fTO MEM MAS, TEsaple 2-9374 CUSTOMERS m,- nrtTi~Tn’"T^rrrTniF 24 HOUR LAUNDROMAT SERVICE TRY OUR 25-LB. HEAVY DUTY WASHER FOR RUGS AND HEAVY ITEMS DAVIE STREET COIN I L'.UNDROMAT NEXT TO RALEIGH SEAFOOD MARKET i Write Marcus H Boulware. St Augustine's College, Raleigh North Carolina. IPyFMoS'lf On Dry Cleaning ALL SLIMMER Honday - Tuesday- Wednesday Tar On Insured Saving s THE HOOD SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL BANK MEMBER FEDERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION 122 Salisbury St Raleigh | Station WPFB and a hospital with 314 beds The town has 15 elementary schools, two junior high schools. 5 and two senior high schools with I a total enrollment of 12,565 pupils - and 495 teachers. The salary schedule includes- Bachelor’s degree $5 050 to $6,200; ; M.A. degree $4,350 to $6,500, Twen ; ty semesters hours above the M.A. I degree. $4,350 to $6,600 f These features are to be constd ■ ered. (li excellent teacher retira - Trent, plan, <2> sick leave plan cu mulative to 90 days. (3) group in surance optional, (4) additional pay for assignments requiring addi tional tune and responsibility; (5) in-service training program for tea chers; (6) Teachers Credit Union, <7) adult education program; (8) leave of absences for teachers; and ■ *63 part-time employment in in d tries, night school, summer school. If you are interested in seeking employment in Middletown, write to Director of Personnel, 1414 First Avenue, Milddletown, Ohio Phone Garden 3-1080. Haste rarely saves time. Most moving pictures aren’t moving. Compliment someone and you'll get smiles for a week. The trouble with most speeches is that they are audible V Few people possess the inteiii i gence to understand problems more than fifty miles from home If you have something to set' and it’s not selling, there is only one way to sell it. advertise it. Some modern dancing leaves us speechless.