Are Our Girls Missing Business Opportune? BT NORMA LEE FERXSNS FOR THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS Sortie of our gals are. missing cat on wonderful opportunities io get. ahead in the business world, but then others « to develop one of tbe five rooms allocated for Ibc speech clinic.'’ said Dr Marcus H Boulware. who is the dime di rector. “The others will have to wait until more funds are available " For five year? the college ha? of fered evening courses m speerh correction and special education Directory Os Negro Newspapers Available NEW YORK—A 1838 directory of Negro newspapers, magazines and ; publications in the United State- j has been published by HY-HY Inc, International Business Advis ory Service. Edgar G Harper, executive di rector of HY-HY. ~lnr reports that • the directory has been wide!;.’ dis tributed to manufacture!s. adver tising ar| d publicity agencies and mail order firms interested in : reaching the 2b BILLION dolls'* j American Negro consumer made : "An increasing number nt ftrrni* s,re tapping this grow mg market and finding «t r*rv pt« ritahtf Many of them u« re sluing the Negro ronujrror po tential for the first time *«d tbere are ronstacl ’"l'V't? tor additional inf m(nation be con eluded The directory list* 240 publica tions m 128 cities and 37 state? and is available at a nominal fee from HY-HY, Trc, Suite *6O 53 We?t 42nd street, New York 36, N? w ' York AUTHORS MANUAL ~ D hlpfc L. Wooden, professor o' Audio-Visual Edticatioa at Ait j College, h£* Just completed * i numui for Audio-Visual Fdu tmiirm. entitled. “Audio-Visual Priawpies. Practices and Fro j iecte.** The publication, a soil j hack production, provides a aonroe of information for, class room teachers, student* in tea chat- training institutions, audio visual directors, administrators who are responsible for plann ing: and executing audio-visual urogram* The 814-page produc tion. now being used 5« classes M A&T. >s to He printed as foil length book format, Yht author, a graduate of . A&T Coll??* fes&fe the Pfe P. degree from | Ohm TJsiivsrstty • j New Digest Cigarette Study Finds Tar And Nicotine Cut Cigarette manufacturers have reduced, in many cases "signifi cantly," the tar and nicotine con tent of both their plain and filter tip brands in the last year, says the November Reader's Digest. The new study, "The Search for Safer' Cigaiettes by Lots Mattox Miller and James Monahan, also describes several recently intro duced brands as "ar. entirely new class: low low tar" Older filter - tip brands." they report, "are not the same cigarettes they were a year a- They are milder, better til lered lower in tar and nico tine. And, if the promise pays and the realization of a speech! dime, is the culmination of its es- J forts to assist m providing tea chers of special education for ex ceptional children The clinic when 'completed wjl] treat cases of stuttering, cleftpalate speech, cerebral-palsied speech, poliomyletic speech, articulatory j defects, delayed speech Lip read ing, auditory training, esophageal j speech training w ill be included NEW UN Ell USE OUR Easy Credit Plan Credit if you need il Cash if you ha' e it! QUALITY RECAPPING UP TO TO 6 MGS. PAY L & W TIRE CO. V V 84102 1201 S, Saunders St. THE NEW I PRESENTS MORE BIUSIC MORE NEWS MORE OFTEN’ ON THE MIGHTY 830 -IN- Futr-Fonie Sound NEW-'Tremendously Exriting RADIO In Tests §»« With The limes, Futur-Fonic..Tli;e SO UNO Os TOMORROW.. TODAY! as. \v K I x “Your Modera Family Music Station 5 * 24 HOURS A DAY PRIZES & SURPRISES ON YOUR FAMILY FUN TIME STATION off, »h?y may be the 'safer' ■ but nol yet safe) cigarettes the public has been asking for. "Last, year, the smoker who wanted o low-tar, high filtration cigaretie had only foui brands to choose from . . . Today there aie 15 brands which deliver 20 mil- NOTICE TO Subscribers In the event you do not re ceive THE CAROLINIAN by Thursday in Raleigh, please notify this office, A paper will then he delivered to your home and the necessary cor rection made fn order for this nffo-r to know when you don't re-rene your pa per . . PLEASE CALL Circulation Dept. TEm pie 4=5558 THE CAROLINIAN trs cAaoimiisji WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER St. 29SS Ugrams of tar 01 less per cigarette smoked ’ Nicotine is- reported reduced "significantly" in four brands with smaller reductions in most other brands. The writer reports changes in every one of the American cig- ~W. VA MS A& ON i W | Maks M*s fa \ 1“ Pontia girdle fyr' lnside»Out Test Ju ~ There's ns« a seem ta yey anywhere^ / \/L Here's a gud'e then's *rie«d»y ". . / inside as welt as outside W ? . Tr; w. L siitches. o«o bast-h | X '-'■-T-- \f f'X seams to c( h. h'"d »• cherts L\ \ \ \/f i even tbs teadetest skin Sid \ \ \ X. \ Skin'sseomlesslnttholdsyou. \ \ \jF \ \\ mould 1 - you ''■> controlled r —\ . f\ I comfort and o>H Skin's \ \ 1 /* Y\ / pre-slirunk, loo* \ \ / \ l«-.|rf» *(•* *< «>i|i»e*y UiHKl* 'w* *t All* A‘e ,,nin , I t,,„ t £ j Style 700. ,-ai. —•4**l. l vJLgJ Work* ft I if f Y 1/ m nyJon do4|<- Jr ?1 Jj J; H - m s,lk elastic. SI9.W I / j / A•sr? *** T,t * / 1 j v.p*, Cfc* 4, e { ft j iw t«ng jf j ! P nn 9 boci iwniwaTiinifiiiii enn iiiP'itiuijawM«awar«a»&-^a*Eg^.iCTjee.maagw««eacCTn!^g> t Efird’s! -—of Raleigh t/s» you* Hudson-Felk charge. plate at F.ind s arette's components— tobacco fiav oring, paper, filter tips The changes, the writer say, '‘o|- fer genuine hope for the eventual solution of the tobacco - health problem." Apple juice should not be stor ed in contact with iron, copper, tine. lead, tin plate or aluminum Use stainless steel, glass enamel, monel metal, block tin or silver Both daily rate of gram and feed eff ciency are improved when the the synthetic hormone, stilfccstrol, is given beef animals 9