2 Wake Cons Among Escapees JOSEPH GIBBS Gibbs To Capital Session in » news release from the gov>- errior’s office it was announced that Joseph Lertier Gibbs, a junior at the J. W. Ligon High School, will be ore of the representatives from North Carolina attending the White House Conference on Chil dren and Youth in Washington. D. C., March 27-April 2. Gibbs, very active in school activities and a member of the National Honor Society, was nominated along with other leading student* and commun ity officials in the stale of North Carolina. The release further stated that Governor Hodges said. "Every ten years during the century there has been a White House Conference centering around children and youth. Each conference has had a significant influence on develop ments-for children and youth.” The 1960 conference Mill provide the rail,ring point for a concerted attach on vertuai ly every problem that influen ces the well-being of children and youth It will, focus on ‘'promoting op portunies for children and youth to realize their full potential for , * creative life in freedom and I dignity.” Home Ilisri«si • i The home of Mr. and Mrs. P G. Mitchell. 719 E. Martin St... was damaged by fire Wednesday. | shortly before noon. Three fire trucks rushed to the scene of the blare, which seemed to be mostly confined to the up stairs of the residence. All electri - city in the home was disconnected. Mr. Mitchell is a retired barber here. Toe extent of damage, although quite a bit of water was used, could not be determined at press time. An exploding small oil stove at the rear of the home caused the blare. . ",^?T ' 7V ..."?? j^^. J *' *'* '*— -^'L.' h * CROWN AND SCEPTER SESSION HERE —7/■»<? executive committee of the Crown and Scepter Club*- of Norih Carolina held a meeting at St. Augustine's College last weekend. Some of the delegates and advisers are shown above. (See story this page) City Hosts Crown & Scepter Body The executive committee of tne Crown and Scepter Club met at St Augustine's College Saturday. December 5. to make plans for the 29th Annua! Meeting of the Crown and Scepter Convention to be Imld at St. Augustine's, Saturday, April 9. 1980. The theme selected was "Prepa ration: A need of yesterday—An Kills Dad-In-Law CARTHAGE—Moore County officers charged a 42-year-old man s4.»tnrday night with murder after his father-in-law diva of pistol w ounds in his head, shoulder and hip Jesse Smith was quoted by officers as saying the shooting in which Charles Berry, 79, was killed occurred during an argument In a wooded area near Smith s home Friday rirrht. Smith said his father-in-law fired a shotgun at him and he returned fire with his pistol. JiXL 220-226 5. First St* LOCA: S7lll€> KV% Q QM P NC Masons Elect Brown j]• ' N%. rth Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL 19, NO. 10 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1959 RALEIGH, N, C, PRICE 12c 114 N. C; ELSEWHERE 15c €it rtf II r atnam Facing Map; Delay Bribe Trial Cary Chief Os Police is Plaintiff CARY Mina Boyd, of 116 Fer re! St... was arrested here Friday on a reckless driving charge, is also charged with attempting to bribe Police Chief W A Spark man in an effort to ad him to drop traffic violation charges fil ed agirsst her. A trial scheduled for Tuesday in Cary Recorder's Court was postponed untii Tuesday. Dec 5- Police Officer Jerry Gil christ had a warrant filed a gainst the 25-ycar-old woman aftei watching her drive her ear "all off the road" on high way 54 inside the ( ary town limits while children walked on both side* of the road- Gilchrist s;.id that a short, time after the warrant was signed the woman approached Chief Spark man. offering to pay him if he would use his position of chief tc get the charges against her drop ped. She picked up her pocket fCOlN llNtihD ON PAG I- it B ULL ETIN! WILSON—in one of the most boated elections in Its history, the Prince Hall Grand l odge of Masons elected Clark Brown. W in.ston-Salein, Most Worship ful Grand Master; \V. 1.. It\ num. Kinston. R. W. (fraud Senior Warden: .1 am r s L. Trench, Lumberton. H. W. Grand Junior Warden; Fred Alexander. Charlotte. R. IV. Grand Secretary, over the in cumbent C. W. Lawrence in a vote of 167 to 174. and 11. W. Dowdy. Plymouth. R. VV. Grand Treasurer. These officers were elected at the closing session of the 89th annual meeting which met here this week. essentia! Todav A must tomor row." Topics for workshops are: Preparation. A key 1o a yucccssfu! future, "The Affect of the new scientific age on youth a chal lenge to (he Crown and Sc-pter. Officers of the frown and Scepter are: president, Mary V. W'right, Will Mon High School. Wilmington; vice - president. • "1* 9SF-WXKW -stw -rwcrv- - (t - ’ | f ■„ 'S'*: • ■“* - A A *' s: ? ___ MCNEILL MURCHISON 4 States Represented; Southeastern Lawyers Confer Here Fri.-Sat. BY STVFt WRITER The Southeastern Lawyers As ociatiou, comprising four states, will open a quarterly meeting here Friday with approximately 75 at *orncjs expecting to take part. The session will end Saturday. The local planning committee consists of: Attorneys Frank Brow er. Herman L. Taylor, F J. Car nage, George Greene, George Brown. Samuel Mitchell, and J. J Sansom. f irst on the agenda Is a so rial at the Lakevieyv Club Friday night. Registration will take place Saturday morning at 1© o'clock it thr Bloodw orth Street YM- C.V. followed by a business meeting. Saturday afternoon, between 2 md 5 p m. will be devoted to adresses by Uir following persons: Allen W. Brown, secretary of the Industrial Commission of N. C., will speak on "The Practice and Proceed tires before the Industrial Commission; ’ aiid Attorney Sybil Charles Clark, Harnett High School. Dunn; secretary, Ruth D. Hoiioway, Warren High, Wise; assistant secretary, Ha zel Baldwin, Arlesia High, Hillsboro; reporter, Kvander M. Gilm-r, Dudley High. Greensboro; treasurer, Ernes tine Bullock, Pattillo High, Tarboro. Mr 1 E. Spraggins of St. Augus- I lines College is executive secre j tary Others attending the meeting j were: Mrs. B W, Honor, Wise; | Mrs. J L Oulhbortson. Wise; W. | J Cnthbertson, Wire; Jerome 1 Powell, Hillsboro 1 Miss S B. ! Hooper Wilmington; Mrs. Neal’ie !G, Shaw, Hsllsboro; Miss Bettyc j Charles, Wilmington; Miss Ruth D. 1 Holloway, North Warren. ! Jones of North Carolina College | Durham, "Criminal Sanction for ] Enforcement of Support Decrees. A banquet will be held Sat urday night at the Home Eek er* Hotel for the delegates and their guests. The Association consists of members from North Carolina, Virginia. South Carolina and Geor gia. It boasts of 176 members. State News Brief NORTH CAROLINA’S BAHA’IS MEET GREENSBORO The annual Baha’i State Convention was held Sunday, December 6 at the O'Hen ry Hotel in Greensboro Members of the Raleigh Baha'i Community who attended are Mr and Mrs. James Brodie. Samuel and Miss Betty Jean Broadie, Mesdames Frances Pnlvey. Ruth Muerer Margaret Quaere and Orp h a Daugherty, and Glen ford Mitchell One delegate. Dr. William Tucker of Asheville, was e iected to the national conven tion to he held next April In the Baha'i Hou*e d Worship at Wilmete. HI. The convention discussed the completion of the remaining tasks of the ten-year World Crusade, initiated by the Baha'is in 1953. with emphasis on the goals in the United State* still to be achieved. COLLEGE WOMEN IN SESSION TARSOR-D— The South Eastern Sectional Conference of the Nat iona! Association of College Wo men met recently at the W A Pat tillo High School Delegates were present from Columbia, 8. C.. Orangeburg S. C., Durham, High Point Winston • Salem. Richmond, Alexandria, Petersburg. Wav erly. V*; Gastonia, Washing - ton. D. C., Ahoskie and Elisa beth City. The session began at 9:45 a m. with the local president, Mrs. Ruth (CONTINUE!! ON PAGE Z) Elks Stale Festival M SheMbv « BY 3. B. BARREN SHEL.BY The North Carolina Association of the Improved Bene volent Protective Order of Elks of the World held its 40th annual mid-year conference here last week as guests of the Reciprocity Lodge No. R 93 and Emma V Kelly Temple No. 748, 307 Buffalo St. Grand Lecturing Knight Rev. Kemp Plummer Baffle. Rocky Mount, is state presi dent, and M«, Letitia Smith. (UONTTMUEB ON PAGE 2> Ivy Bluff Minus 19 Prisoners I* % Two prisoners, convicted In i Wake County, wore among the twent) raped convicts reported at tvv Bluff Tupsdn:- morning- One of the convicts, a colored prisoner re-captured Tuesday night. The Wake County men arc Har v v Murchison. 26. oi Willow Springs. serving 21 years for breaking. < titering, armed robbery ! and i>. !!|vv and (ilevelnnd M.c- Neill, 27. FHiqtiuv Spring,., serving 15 years for escape, house break : ing and m sauif Heavily armed and ai least j four of them killer, the preainers ■ brok out of (hr camp for inuorri ] tub! early Tt'esdHV flies left slv guards over (sou.led and linked «,•(• and were eqnimioif •« i(|| He hi !»(»■ tills find a nub tnarhiiv cun Following h bloodhound a Oosm’ raptured < hariie I d yards. 'lk, of fianlonla wn •>g a life term lie «»» unbbed Hbolii eight nils** Wllltli of (hr prison during (lie afternoon The con' let s, with « four-hour 1 tart befoiv the manhunt begun, could easily have drivt n beyond Char In tie or Richmond, Vu Situated in an isolated area five miles north of Yanceyvilh Ivy Rlufl is approximately 65 miles northwest, of Raleigh and seven miles south of the Virginia horde!. Two guards were promptly fired by William p. Bailey, prison dl l' rector. ! A chance* to escape was refused | by .21 other prisoners. A maiming —.— (CONTINUED ON PAGE It) I i Governor j Speaks On Extension Governor Luther Hodges told newsmen last wreck that he had been told about plans to reorga nise the Agricultural Extension program 'of the state, but up to now nothing concrete had been brought before him The governor said that he had been contacted by several persons j including some Negro agents who indicated that all was not well. He said that he referred them to the head of the program and had not (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) NC Masons Convening At Wilson PT ALEXANDER BARNES WILSON —At high noon Tues day of this week. Masons from all over the state, together with the officers of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, began the 89th annual ses sion at the Reid Street Community Center, with Clark: Brown. Win ston-Salem. Deputy Grand Master, presiding. In what many termed a pleasing surprise, the Grand Master, G. D. Carnes, sparked the meet with s ringing address. The veteran Ma son, although showing signs c>l a recent illness, which made it necessary for him to speak in a low tone and to sit most of the time, began by warning the broth ers that the world was facing the worst crisis in its history and that there was never a time when brotherhood should be more exemplified than now He was critical of the econo my of the world and called It ‘'loose”. He said that there, was (COHTSJfUKIt ON PAGE t> School Teacher- Wife Sla in ; Lake Yields Bony Os Missing Hubby gi|P§ mW&m 4 g| if % | |j|| H - Wmm ¥§ 1 'WSk nirulß t| A 7 THE POLLS■ — Mrs. Dorothy Conner Thomas, loco I si'hool teacher, added her vote in Tuesday's school bond election. She is shown here shortly after completing her ballot. Mis. ! Thomas teaches at the Washington Junior High School here. The bond issue was approved by a large margin. (STAKE Photo , Bv Chas R Jones). Voting Light In Raleigh Precints Wak, Counij : mammoth $5,600.- >•00 .-fi-liool bond issue was approv ed Tuesday by a w ide margin, a!- | though Hie voting was reported j light in many precincts. The fma! count showed the ap jii oval as being 5,996 to 855. The Raleigh City School districts ; and Wake County will receive e ! qual shares of the money to be used for the betterment of fa “Ran Like Chickens” For Handouts Os SSO ATLANTA "They were run- 1 ning rround like chickens with thei” heads (diepped off." r l'tia c did Police L! H -J. Copeland des cribe Hie actions of the several receipents of SSO bill which were passed out by two men. one white and the other colored. The unidentified men dis tribuled around 53.000 and SIO,OOO in the poor Negro com munity of Birmingham and Afianta,. respectively, on Sat urday. The crisp bi!K were piss in while envelopes, neatly leltered '‘look inside.'' Hillsboro Problem Over: Order Separate Kitchens HILLSBORO— Chairman K J M Hobb of the Orange County Board of Commissioners decided to build separate home demon stration kitchen facilities for Ne groes in a tie vote here on Mon day. The decision ended a three - month-long controversy over joint whibe-Negro use of the existing kitchen Rural Commissioner® Don ald Mcßaes and Henry Walker favored the separate kitchen while Commissioners Clar ence Jones of Hillsboro and Donald Stanford of Chape! Hill wanted joint, but alter nate, use of the same facility. The board said the new kit- Maiiv Itans « 831 Lodged Ist Assault NEW YORK Two 20-odd y ear-old men involved m the rap ing of two white girls, one 20 and the other 16, last Thursday night have been held on charges of kid - napping, sodomy, rape, auto lar ceny assault and robbery, posses sion of illegal weapons, and driv ing without operator’s licenses Police said Willie Walker, 22, a clerk, and Dwight Tippins, 35, a ccosmmrEß os pacw d ! cilities in the schools Administrative heads of Uu city and country schools were jubilant Tuesday night over !he outcome of the voting, Jesse O. Sanderson. Raleigh superintendent, said: •The out romp of the election Is high !y gratifying. The results eer (CONTINUED ON PAGE -> Mrs. Peur’i Jackson. 51, sitting in her $4 per week apartment here, was afraid to answer a knock at her door, fearing it, might be that, of a hill collector An envelope was slipped under her door bearing SIOO The anonymous donors disap peared as quickly as they had ap peared in a gray 1955 car with Maryland tags. Reports said that the mysterious benefactor was a Baltimore. Md. man who inherit ed a large sum of money recently and vowed to give it away. chcp will be a temporary ar rangement pending a study ot the feasibility of constructing a new agriculture building for all country farm agents — ADVERTISERS BUY FROM THEM _ PAGE 2 Horton’s Cash Store ■fohmon-Lambs Cowpam Jerome's Tourist Horne Electrical Whoiesaiers, Im Mother & Daughter Stores O K. Clothing Company PAGE 3 Boscoe G rtf fin Shoe Company Dandee B>-eaii Nash-Ste.-Uc-Warren, Inc. PAGE » Hufison-Beik & Company PAGE « Colonla! Stores, Inc. Standard Cinder Block Compan)’ ft, E. Ruinn Purniture Company Modern Finance Corp, Acme Realty Company Taylor Radio & TV Service Mr C. Karl Ocbtman PAGE 7 A & P Pond Store# Efird’s of Ealetgh Kamov* Bakery Raleigh Sesfood Compan Speedy-Wash Odom Cut Rate Cloth Ins PAGE R Mecha.nles * Farmers Bank Dunn’s Esso Servlcenter S M. Young Hardware Companr Firestone Stores Raleigh funeral Home F’ubMc Sendee Company of N C Davie Bt. Coin Ijiundromst Macon’s Barber Shop Find Body Os Tutor’s Husband WINSTON-SALEM According to local police, the finals in the gruesome murder of Mrs, Helen Hairston Richardson were written into the records when the body oi her husband. Ralph Richardwn was fished out of Winston Lak about noon Thursday. The body of the man, who is be lieved to have committed sulcldi was brought, to surface by th Rescue Squad and police deter! ives. thus ending a search for him sjnee the body of his wife va found in her home, 2437 Nev Walkertown Road, Wednesday November 35 Police said that the body ap parently was well-preserved b the cold water, Ti was reported (fiat Richard*" l had been seen in tine city Satu day. Detectives said they founa nicr, ardson's wallet and other personal belongings Wednesday in a pavil lion near the lak®. Richardson (CONTlNUED ON PAGE 2) Sea well Shaw U. Speaker Malcolm B Sea-veil. Atiorne> Genera) ot North Carolina, v, speak at Shaw University on Fr day, December It. a? 1:00 a, m. in Greenleaf Auditorium. Attorney General Seawell is a native of Lee County, Norih Car olina. He attended Sanford Public School He received the A. B. d gree in 193' at the University o' North Carolina the LL. B ctegn in 1934. He was admitted to th Mar in 1935, Among his many previous posts he has served in !hr o’ fiee of the Commission of Pa roles: has practiced law in t.timberton. was Mayor of I/Umherton In 1947-48. He served as Jod g e of Superior Court 1955-58. and was an pointed Attorney General in April, 1953 He is married to the former M> - Frances Poole. They have tv. u children, Malcomb B. Seawell, -Jr., and a daughter, Terrell. Attorney General Seawell is a Presbyterian The public is invited to hear him. v, ; < J*.Mr 3jrlrl Jsjfi Wife . |glllll& Wsl : :^*JkSSbB ATT'y GEN. SEAWELL PAGE 9 Raleigh Raving* A Loan Ass " Carter’s lac I * W Tire Company Raleigh Paint A W allpep*! C>> PAGE Hi Stephens Appliance Company, 1 > Deluxe Hotel Pepsi-Coia Bottling t ompaov Caveness Insurance Agency Warner Mrmoitai* Ridgeway opticians Carolina Builders Corp. Watson s Seafood Company Fayetteville Street, Baptist Church PAGE 11 Weaver Brother* Anto Bale* Consolidated Credit, Corp CUfton Motors, i.nr. Cooper’s Barbecue FywJer’s Nursery Harris Berber Coliege Wake-U-Drlve-I* Carolina Bulcfe Company Amertcan Grill PAGE IS Aress & Company Carolina Pcwai * EdgM C® PAGE 18 McLeod * Watson ClvtSlteg Utorc- KtmbreU’s Furniture gtors Restful Pines Country Clnh <fe Mold Joe’s Spcrt Shop Capital Ice & Coal Company, tec. Gem Watch Shop B-xht Geaeral Tlrd Comfc-sty

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