14 the cA*o?.wmw iAKIGB V i ■ SATT'RDAY nsrtfSV ?. Htfin Globetrotters Frolic In Capital City RIGHT WA \ TO DO IT ■(■■ >■> Fullmer (ri£ht) team in their ffo for the middleweight crown /<•»?•• Da \th Full- i lombard with/) nsiht in tin h -t nf n, : /, • •bn:: r Spider Wt-hh met won via an unanimous (UPI 77-./ FPH' ' TO) Emlen Tunnell To Perform in Pro Bowl Game Jan. 17 GO* f • ' \ i Emlen T7> r r ! ■ the Green R.-i f - t mong lending r ii Highlander's Director Comments On State's Financial Support MONTEAGLE tv. TVnrf'-?S f i! 1 . i ti. ■ 1 \ - participation >n practical.!> rfouhl'n in t:» • • .i. Holton. HiaM: I rector, told ■* ,ji f» ■ ■ Vi Goal? of Hi 7> A.i■ 1 1 1 '■ = . • .. hold ■*t rn. - '■ York Git v r .v. ■ tl - ■ d Guests attendint • ■ . i . On tho fijOur of- .!• .0 v, ero stiHro". H b> r?< .> 1 .! Blakely vi< < pr- ■n- ■ f it. 1 for Adult Edur ■ • ■ ’ s ucation Midd 1 nit l-i i Columbia t o-. : . on v tjon in Adult t, ■ • i i Horton on C> ft Folk School. ?nd unn f ing, TJ 3 inn. H' • f lication and Vt ifan Secretary Fleming. ,v •xpsrsoon of adult im n,, ■ pointed oilt that it " 1 ~;n .i important as oth* t o 1 • •duration program. Horton explained tbat •Si * t#M> barrasswent of Hichtin*) **•, tnstigatnri hi \Hort'*v t>en PLAN CIAA TOURNEY PROMOTION These two mer. J 0 hsve the responsibility of promoting tlv Cl A A Basketball Tournament to be held at Greensboro's multi-million dollar War Memorial Coliseum. February JS 27, They arc Ellis F. Corbett, left. ANT College public rdat: uv thrr tor mb recently appoint ed chairman of th- A-- \ C >,rit:< ■■ on Puhlidty and Pro motion and Dr. Charles Ray N s Bureau at j North Carolina Cell' • and <■’ , ■or o> publk by for the Centra! I Intercollegiate A; hie tic A- ■ .1 >. s .[ I •!) 1I j« -j ~ , ~. f »-». j f ■ .M -1..,- IV R.-d I! u' k> ■ ri.il P.t (if p of \rk in | g n«tt iHMMj ;t|lo\v**d I:> j;»(s rs * ' u ith Hu- program of fir •hmii \»-\v ‘.nisrrffi of support I; *i r conte inmi uni 'rights ,<»>d colleges Illil rluirrh gl'Wlpv it; the Smith w h#» ’*,o 7 org ini/cd (fu in -« ! • v into I t ’ends of High binder committers n- int.-r-M t 0 the con ! 1 11 ■ pariii-ipy rds was Hurlori'; I merdien of scoios of letters and j ift jr• September. | Thf vi if sponsored by the j H S Deparf.mcni of Stair- and flic | French govopnrnent The French J j Mme ir of F'dnndion said the stu- j ! ‘ liFt'd the n laxed atmo ; ph.-ir- nf ir-.f vfhool and the ! j i ruphi tm I’-ard .simplicity of the j , : fjounced that }»»- had .- ir -'C o jun , nelJ sot hi' team At thf sam» ! time, Buck Stun* j the eastern coach. •b < ter] Marion j Parnpbell. ’.MO poiuid lackh j life they lived the? c- t Oil! v» rc on j pressed vi<,b the s- ,»f ih, 1 vf-|(ool and br the ' innlar” ’ f,o vjj-.ii von m iht i com ins? vears M " * j A&TAggies i Holiday, But GREENSBORO--With Hupp im portanl CIAA bssf.-tbaH -in U p der their belts. Hip AA- r «"ollese ! Aggies basketball u .u- |' ft tin week, just a r -. happA Id tie boys !on Christmas day, fm :? hrn f holi i day resp if.c. They had knocked over r.’o, ;.oeth, | t itv State i Align,stines College and Virginia Union, in that order, to mov* into | the New Year undefeated These boys ar l- even happier about the way they did if. VVor >ied in early season about Stir* loss of lor Howell, (be most sensational player lo don \p sir blue and gold and ( iiarlie Harrison, aer reboiirtrier, the' believe tba! adeaoate. if no! as good, replaepmetll !va\f been found Cat Irvin, brad roach, who has I led flip Aggies to hvo iraighf run ■ ferenre visitation and tournei crowns, was smiling ton We may nol he as gno-i " hi said, ••'but WP wilt be good. He mentioned that while his dub is making I'-!' of mistalo . t|v- l. am is still winning, if w>- reduce the errors' and keep whole. " be eon bmicd. “wp vv ill nol have ;<> worry about onr limited depth." The Aggies will have ■< shorl hol iday. They will return to action in | the Winston-Salem Hobday Festi _ . SUN AND SIGHT Failure lo protect the eyes in bright sunlight leads to a possible loss of night vision. You can ; see sufficiently to drive safely The bright sunlight uses up "visual purple," a chemical on the retina of the eye. When the retina is ex posed to excessive sunlight, nor mat seeing power is reduced. av researchers for the Murine Co. Farm tenancy jp North Carolina reached its peak m if>:tn when :17 per cent of all the stair's farmer, were tenants. Idaho was established as a pio neer state by Nathaniel ,T Wyeth, a. merchant of Massachusetts About 30 pel- rent of all OH!A records ir, the nation e r e being calculated on electronic computer? , Meat-1;- pe hogs are market'd ! between weights of 180 and 240 : pounds. It Pays To ' ADVERTISE Jim Crow Bldg. Trade Is Probzd | wv-.i;?,G<: roiv I.iuatiiti (-iiit m-I uffoi d the lux- | . ■ ' ' ut -h: ■ rinii; ,i inti jn hiring, de- | j ■ G.t.rl Da - i.l A dim tor i I ! i .1 let by i’tt f"i n>i i,ll l- ix to study | - l on p,,'!•!.• i. ■ii ,! i. -t iu it i.tl ii .li ut i ! Aft, i diM i-.sinii. . jfit leaders I !in fpf buildms tiwin irt and ,n I »: ■ 1 ! ' ; » Sa-,i . discover* | icd that con.-dnicMion employers I . lend to I’liH'M- fhf miii'ii'- and thr , • onions tend i<» blaii.t ij;, pmplov < ade Monday in an address before ! *i eInGG/i m-'t I i nu nf !’o- “Washiog- j Get Short ' ■ Are Happy \ai. ;:<•»t for Win-lon : a'< in i’i rich | . ; !-s Colli ge, January VI. vw t t fx Wfmtfcr £ Ms t U * I »~dK3i'»b*2‘ «n Jrv 4 jw Mm % |—— —.— ®. V $ ; jlfpl ’Jk w f I’ * * .... i IN THE SPOTLIGHT -— Wilt Chamberlain, seven-foot, one ] 1 inch r ookic of the Philadelphia Warriors (No. 13), continues in 1 the season's spotlight. The Stilt's 34 points gave him a season j ; total of in 't 2 4.-; pips. Jack Twyman has 81 1 for 26 games, to j ' ; tend, t 'lvinnu'rlam i - trut oi’f in front in rebounding. Here., against f j thu h nicks. Wilt chars the baekb'oard and bats the ball back to , ' teammate T un Go); 1. (UP! PHOTO)- l Over 5,000 Tern Out As Cagers Play j WASF-ffNGON. D C (ANP» - More than >OOO fans turned out to Uhne- Are n 3 .Saturday night to see the Globetrotters put on their usfia! high 4 ;in!-:s mixed with | 'trnight basket bail. When the show wa? over, the ! b ! ich c subsided and the final re j suits pop fed ft>G' Globetrotters had won o’ «r t h*-■ Baltimore Pockets i by 3 score of 81 to 74 And Althea Gibson defeated K»- ; rof Fageros in an exhibition tennis ( match. 8 to 7. In the feature attraction the j “Meadowfyrk" Lemon supplied | most of tbs- laughs and most of the | baskets, too He piled up 20 points ito his credit while ‘ Showboat Hal? scor’ d pighf points along 1 with his antics And dribb‘*e insJcr Murobv S'trnroony not onlv bounced all a round the arena but obunced round the arena hut bcajnced In points ton Ai ma Con.fcreTice on fnfGr group Relations In a -ommary of j his talk, made public after flip an * rjlial session of ihe conference, it j 'rris revealed that the commission j ers are ‘‘greatly disturbed” over i the holdouts among employers in I the building trades fn ,« conference held with labor leader* a week earlier, the commissfonerp were told that more than 2.0(W Negro boys in the district of Colon* bci between the age* of IS-M-5 are out of work arsd out of sdmnlb Heenise of tbri? diserinuna fort pnib v \ irliH ft pyh ♦ hargpd the Mtifnes with aiding Hu upsurge nf jtiYPiijlf dp fin »|iienr \ t»» ! fvr Oistflet f);ih mbvoi-ffi group COflSllltanf for the ? S I mployvnetlf ■servire in the Bistrirf of Col 11 inWa OM.V I NFGRO IN TRAININr; The USES consultant told corn i mi ‘.loners ffiaf there is onL on*’ ,\u-o m boy now in training in fl>' r-!pe»iters union, and none ip th r painters, in fitters nr clectrici ans nn ton Ney rocs cannof writer ifiprpnticeship training in l hp r -■ union- Or.e of t-t* unions with i dre n their apprenticeship pro j grams from the public schools of Washington several years ago ’ hot* the schools were- integrated. WHT NOT? i Industries which process, store, handle and merchandize the pro ducts of farmers employ about 10 million people. * Any livestock worm treatment 1 should be considered only as a 1 upplement to a strict sanitation urogram; »l is a treatment* not a i cure, 1 •’r dolovnitir limestone to sup ply hot hcalciurn and magnesium Fatfoniif Tour Advertisers All. AMERICAN FORM—Jot i.otton, f! ') <1 s I College Aggie forward, it imp-- high lot an >n Loop m tin- ~i SS win over Virginia Union Uni versify Inst week in. Cirtetwhnrn The Virginia Union players are Jot Brad lex ) standout performers for the loser-. Cotton. .1 prosper /, modi third team in the Small College Ail Ameiirar. -/>/(•• tion ■ of la \ \ ear. Rams Stil! Undefeated lln Pre-Holiday Games WINSTON SA?,FM TO Wr.'i ; fin ' j notice to her opponents Mini tbr i vear’s agi*- er'afton is an imprnvpri 1 Nrfi.iad by posting i 7-0 prr-holiday Thp Ram? have Hpfnjaf rrj f?\* ! league teams to rank a' t}.* (op nf I ikp heap The Rams vie! ’m\ ; Mot eat* S at* Vi rein? a - : .-r . p.P zabeth Saint Augustine ■- ami j Fayetteville Two non-lea go*-- • 1 I tones against Sooth Carolina Str-t* * • Holiday Festival Now Underway In Forsyth WINSTON-SA! FIJ The Wu i ton-Salem Fear her? > ollego w i I 1 <* > vt as hosts to the r-rronH annual “Holiday Festival ' to be h* ld in Whitaker Gymnasium, J.muary I i and 2. J9tfU * The Hams Hire HpfCnHinr.’ t ham ! Dions having defeated A&T Col | hgo m last year's finals This year's field is an outs* ; nd j in£ one with Johnson c Smith University spovfin-" a »n record with wins over Benedict. Saint Paul's Howard Delaware and Del a\\a * e and i\ Ta rv land S? a S Wlnsfett Salem has .1 1 ft trrorrf defeating South Cam lan;* State twice. Saint Angus fine's. Fa vcftevilir, Vlor^itn State. Virginia State and I lira both fity | A& T College the dr fend in c Cl j A.A Toumam ont and V >•ita ti on I ! Champions are undefeated m j league play and are -drone as ever j * Rounding out the four t» am tourney is North Carolina College, i I always strong in tournament play * Some of the stars to watch are . Cleo Hill, Charles Riley avid i Thomas Monteiro. Winston-Salem. | Al Allies Waif Halt/ Claw Jn, I Cotton. A ! Hi T- •IIP u ||| bf. m | ■ . I 1..! . I;, • f . 1 I I vnl at Winston-Salem Tmrher i College on .Jimim .i i " ifiiiii 1 Sidurdsn nights nimwi- i .. f ■ i winners for the eiinupioiiship anc Kiser meet losers sot (bird am fourth places. MOVh OVER — Mas rin Trot f man (11) star guard with Eliz abeth (i.• hr ~v T hers College, appear* to give room, be gruclging'v, ro Walter Holtzclaw (24) A&T College Aggie for ward, who dumps an easy fay up Coming in for rebound purpose* are Aggie play er* Henry "Honk" Marshall (32) and James Bai rn (II) The Agg ■>« won 106-83. “ " “'iSB iFOTC Cagers EstForCCC January 12 ! KAYI iTPVri.I.K Coach Paige s ;.onf|i i-- Broncos fit the Fayette ; , .||i. *tg<. Teachers Coikac- w!l [ iptiirn io tw .’airipo of. Monday. 1 .Mnnar.v I •• when .'-boo! opens' to cotvenfrate "non a win for {jv piihi.miir'p tortdrd N. ('. Coil.— , Eagles aggregation from Durham. •>. hen Ihr two foams meet at Fay ! cttrvtfle on January 1 7 Ihr Eagles are sore to ftrrss bard for a victory to even up a none too impresssive loop record to date aw! the Bronco* u ill tic looking for their first "in of the current rnmpslen. Coach Paigo and Assistant Coach Until' arc looking for away to stop '■orh rti llni performers as b’S John i'lp • t anrl James McMillan, "ft i* a matter of tightening our loose j ends . said Coach Paige "and I j think me can do that " Two Dead, One Hurt In Battle / ; VICKSBURG Miss.—(ANT*) ■ r ' " men lay dead and s third n | •vouldcd aflor a blazing 3ti mitnitr ■ f gun battle here Sunday, Dead re Will Davis. SP-yeai old Negro, \< iio shot it out with a a dozen peace officers who sur | rounded ins home after he shot curl killed Ulmer Griffith, 40 j .=. hite. CAUSE or DISPUTE A MVSTERT < aiivi of the dispute that lei D" if io kill Griffith was a my dery to police They said they hoped that Mrs Griffith who war ' itH tier husband when he met his -h nth oij Id be able to enlighten ; ri. ohm she recovered f row ■'n"‘k Police claim that Davis a'- •" 't’-ol at Ms. Griffith but miss > , rd Police Chief Murray Sills sa” Itu Pooling started when Grid >nd h' its ..vent to the Die Son,, in iti'iusi-r about some I" c I.CI that Davis liar! stacked ill hi j yard Win ~ Griffith knocked. S'" I aid t i.ii is opened the door as! . fiiod op Griffith killing him in ] stantlv Pot f< V USE TEAR GAS Police then surrounded ti ' house and called upon Davis to iisiToder He responded. Si!' 1 isi h,\ opening fu - on (hem wilt | a l?-gtiace shotgun. Police l!vu poured volley after volley into t!v •t , house and finally used fear gas. d When they entered Hie house d they found Davis dead of wounds uflitted by the officers.